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Line 829: hz_cust_accounts a

826: CURSOR c_get_account_details (cp_customer_address_id NUMBER)IS
827: select a.cust_account_id, a.party_id
828: from hz_cust_acct_sites_all s,
829: hz_cust_accounts a
830: where s.cust_acct_site_id = cp_customer_address_id
831: AND s.cust_account_id = a.cust_account_id;
833: -- Bug# 11669781: changed the cursor for adding iby_fndcpt_pmt_chnnls_vl

Line 1040: l_cust_acct_id hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE;

1036: l_trxn_attribs IBY_FNDCPT_TRXN_PUB.trxnextension_rec_type;
1037: l_entity_id NUMBER;
1038: l_response IBY_FNDCPT_COMMON_PUB.result_rec_type;
1039: l_true VARCHAR2(1) := 'T';
1040: l_cust_acct_id hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE;
1041: l_party_id hz_parties.party_id%type;
1043: BEGIN
1044: x_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;

Line 1529: l_cust_acct_id hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE;

1525: l_entity_id NUMBER;
1526: l_response IBY_FNDCPT_COMMON_PUB.result_rec_type;
1527: -- This values based on global variables from FND_API G_TRUE and G_FALSE;
1528: l_true VARCHAR2(1) := 'T';
1529: l_cust_acct_id hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id%TYPE;
1530: l_party_id hz_parties.party_id%type;
1532: CURSOR instr_type_csr(p_instr_use_id NUMBER)
1533: IS

Line 1587: hz_cust_accounts a

1584: CURSOR c_get_account_details (cp_customer_address_id NUMBER)IS
1585: select a.cust_account_id, a.party_id
1586: from hz_cust_acct_sites_all s,
1587: hz_cust_accounts a
1588: where s.cust_acct_site_id = cp_customer_address_id
1589: AND s.cust_account_id = a.cust_account_id;

Line 2041: hz_cust_accounts hca

2037: ,tai.ixx_id customer_id
2038: ,iex_wf_ban_status_pub.get_turninvoff(hca.party_id,hca.cust_account_id,SYSDATE) bankruptcy_sts
2039: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b tai,
2040: okc_k_headers_b khr,
2041: hz_cust_accounts hca
2042: WHERE tai.khr_id = khr.id
2043: AND tai.ixx_id = khr.cust_acct_id
2044: AND khr.cust_acct_id = hca.cust_account_id
2045: AND hca.status = 'A'

Line 2055: hz_cust_accounts hca,

2051: SELECT khr.contract_number khr_number
2052: ,nvl(hca.account_name,hp.party_name) name
2053: ,COUNT(tai.id) cust_rec_cnt
2054: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b tai,
2055: hz_cust_accounts hca,
2056: okc_k_headers_b khr,
2057: hz_parties hp
2058: WHERE tai.ixx_id = khr.cust_acct_id
2059: AND khr.cust_acct_id = hca.cust_account_id

Line 2087: hz_cust_accounts hca,

2083: ,tai.ixx_id vendor_customer_id
2084: ,iex_wf_ban_status_pub.get_turninvoff(hca.party_id,hca.cust_account_id,SYSDATE) bankruptcy_sts
2085: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b tai,
2086: okc_k_headers_b khr,
2087: hz_cust_accounts hca,
2088: okc_k_party_roles_b opr
2089: WHERE tai.khr_id = khr.id
2090: AND khr.cust_acct_id <> tai.ixx_id
2091: AND tai.ixx_id = hca.cust_account_id

Line 2104: hz_cust_accounts hca,

2100: SELECT khr.contract_number khr_number
2101: ,ap.vendor_name name
2102: ,COUNT(tai.id) vndr_rec_cnt
2103: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b tai,
2104: hz_cust_accounts hca,
2105: okc_k_headers_b khr,
2106: ap_suppliers ap,
2107: hz_parties hp
2108: WHERE tai.ixx_id = hca.cust_account_id