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Line 1530: -- Bug 4165704: mtl_lot_numbers replaced ic_lots_mst and lot_id no longer used

1526: -- WHERE item_id = p_sample_rec.item_id
1527: -- AND inactive_ind = 0
1528: -- AND delete_mark = 0;
1530: -- Bug 4165704: mtl_lot_numbers replaced ic_lots_mst and lot_id no longer used
1531: --CURSOR c_item_lot IS
1532: --SELECT lot_no, sublot_no
1533: --FROM ic_lots_mst
1534: --WHERE item_id = p_sample_rec.item_id

Line 1539: FROM mtl_lot_numbers

1535: --AND lot_id = p_sample_rec.lot_id
1536: --AND delete_mark = 0;
1537: /*CURSOR c_item_lot IS
1538: SELECT 1
1539: FROM mtl_lot_numbers
1540: WHERE inventory_item_id = p_sample_rec.inventory_item_id
1541: --AND lot_number = p_sample_rec.lot_number
1542: AND organization_id = p_sample_rec.organization_id
1543: AND ((p_sample_rec.parent_lot_number IS NULL )

Line 1549: FROM mtl_lot_numbers

1546: -- srakrish bug 5687499: Implementing Child lot controlled onstraints. Replaced the above cursor with the one below.
1547: CURSOR c_item_lot(p_child_lot_flag varchar2) IS
1548: SELECT 1
1549: FROM mtl_lot_numbers
1550: WHERE inventory_item_id = p_sample_rec.inventory_item_id
1551: --AND lot_number = p_sample_rec.lot_number
1552: AND((p_child_lot_flag = 'Y' and p_sample_rec.lot_number IS NOT NULL and lot_number = p_sample_rec.lot_number)
1553: OR (p_child_lot_flag = 'Y' and p_sample_rec.lot_number IS NULL)

Line 1576: l_lot_number MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.lot_number%TYPE;

1573: l_dummy NUMBER;
1574: l_lot_ctl NUMBER;
1575: l_child_lot_flag VARCHAR2(2);
1576: l_lot_number MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.lot_number%TYPE;
1577: l_parent_lot_number MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.parent_lot_number%TYPE;
1578: l_sample_rec GMD_SAMPLES%ROWTYPE;
1579: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);

Line 1577: l_parent_lot_number MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.parent_lot_number%TYPE;

1573: l_dummy NUMBER;
1574: l_lot_ctl NUMBER;
1575: l_child_lot_flag VARCHAR2(2);
1576: l_lot_number MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.lot_number%TYPE;
1577: l_parent_lot_number MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.parent_lot_number%TYPE;
1578: l_sample_rec GMD_SAMPLES%ROWTYPE;
1579: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
1581: l_sample_display GMD_SAMPLES_GRP.sample_display_rec;