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1 package body wms_parameter_ext as
2 /* $Header: WMSGPHLB.pls 120.0.12020000.2 2012/07/04 06:34:19 abasheer ship $ */
4 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |---------------------< trace >--------------------------------------------------------|
6 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- {Start Of Comments}
8 --
9 -- Description:
10 -- Wrapper around the tracing utility.
11 --
12 -- Prerequisites:
13 -- None
14 --
15 -- In Parameters:
16 --   Name        Reqd Type     Description
17 --   ---------   ---- -------- ---------------------------------------
18 --   p_message   Yes  varchar2 Message to be displayed in the log file.
19 --   p_prompt    Yes  varchar2 Prompt.
20 --   p_level     No   number   Level.
21 --
22 -- Post Success:
23 --   None.
24 --
25 -- Post Failure:
26 --   None
27 --
28 -- Access Status:
29 --   Internal Development Use Only.
30 --
31 -- {End Of Comments}
32 --
33 --
34 Procedure trace(
35    p_message  in varchar2
36 ,  p_level    in number
37    ) is
38 begin
39       INV_LOG_UTIL.trace(p_message, 'WMS_PARAMETER_EXT', p_level);
40 end trace;
41 --
42 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 -- |---------------------< GetPOHeaderLineIDWrap >----------------------------------------|
44 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 -- {Start Of Comments}
46 --
47 -- Description:
48 -- Wrapper around the wms_parameter_pvt.GetSOHeaderLineID(). This is a wrapper around the
49 -- wms_parameter_pvt.GetSOHeaderLineID().
50 --
51 -- Prerequisites:
52 -- None
53 --
54 -- In Parameters:
55 --   Name                  Reqd Type     Description
56 --   --------------------  ---- -------- ---------------------------------------
57 --   p_transaction_id      Yes  number   Task ID(MMTT.transaction_temp_id)
58 --   p_header_flag         No   varchar2 Flag to indicate that the call to this
59 --                                       function is to derive the SO Header ID
60 --   p_line_flag           No   varchar2 Flag to indicate that the call to this
61 --                                       function is to derive the SO Line ID
62 --                                       location ID.
63 -- Post Success:
64 --   None.
65 --
66 -- Post Failure:
67 --   None
68 --
69 -- Access Status:
70 --   Internal Development Use Only.
71 --
72 -- {End Of Comments}
73 --
74 Function GetSOHeaderLineIDWrap(
75   p_transaction_id      in number
76 , p_header_flag         in varchar2 default 'N'
77 , p_line_flag           in varchar2 default 'N'
78 ) return number
79 is
81    l_proc                  varchar2(72) := 'GetSOHeaderLineIDWrap :';
82    l_so_header_id          number := -1;
83    l_so_line_id            number := -1;
84    l_return_val_wrap       number := -1;
86    l_reference                   varchar2(50);
87    l_reference_id                number;
88    l_move_order_line_id          number;
89    l_transaction_source_type_id  number;
90    l_debug                       number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
92    cursor get_mo_line_info is
93    select mtrl.reference, mtrl.reference_id, mtrl.line_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id
94    from   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
95    where  mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
96    and    mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
98 begin
99    -- ### Initialize API return status to success
100    --x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
102    if (l_debug = 1) then
103       trace(' Entering procedure  '|| l_proc || ':'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
104       trace(l_proc || ' p_transaction_id   => ' || nvl(p_transaction_id, -99));
105       trace(l_proc || ' p_header_flag  => ' || p_header_flag);
106       trace(l_proc || ' p_line_flag  => ' || p_line_flag);
107    end if;
109     -- Validate input parameters
110     --if p_transaction_id is null then
111     --  if (l_debug = 1) then
112     --     trace(l_proc || ' Missing Required Input Parameter values, refer to trace messages above...');
113     --  end if;
114     --  return null;
115     --end if;
117    -- ### Derive Move Order Line and related task Information details to start with.
118    open  get_mo_line_info;
119    fetch get_mo_line_info
120    into  l_reference, l_reference_id, l_move_order_line_id, l_transaction_source_type_id;
122    if get_mo_line_info%NOTFOUND then
123       fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVALID_TASK_ID');
124       fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
125       raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
126    else
127       -- ### Print values derived from the cursor into the log file.
128       if (l_debug = 1) then
129          trace(l_proc || ' Printing Move Order Line and related task Information details...');
130          trace(l_proc || ' l_reference : '|| nvl(l_reference, '@@@'));
131          trace(l_proc || ' l_reference_id : '|| nvl(l_reference_id, -99));
132          trace(l_proc || ' l_move_order_line_id : '|| nvl(l_move_order_line_id, -99));
133          trace(l_proc || ' l_transaction_source_type_id : '|| nvl(l_transaction_source_type_id, -99));
134       end if;
136       if (p_header_flag = 'Y' or p_line_flag = 'Y') then
137          if (l_debug = 1) then
138             trace(l_proc || ' Within if (p_header_flag = Y or p_line_flag = Y) condition');
139          end if;
141          l_return_val_wrap := wms_parameter_pvt.getsoheaderlineid(
142                                 p_line_id  => l_move_order_line_id
143                               , p_transaction_source_type_id => l_transaction_source_type_id
144                               , p_reference  => l_reference
145                               , p_reference_id  => l_reference_id
146                               , p_header_flag  => p_header_flag
147                               , p_line_flag  => p_line_flag
148                               );
149       end if;
151       if p_header_flag = 'Y' then
152          if (l_debug = 1) then
153             trace(l_proc || ' SO Header ID Derived  : '|| nvl(l_return_val_wrap, -99));
154          end if;
155       elsif p_line_flag = 'Y' then
156          if (l_debug = 1) then
157             trace(l_proc || ' SO Line ID Derived : '|| nvl(l_return_val_wrap, -99));
158          end if;
159       end if;
161    end if;
162    -- ### Close the cursor.
163    close get_mo_line_info;
165    return l_return_val_wrap;
167 exception
168    when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
169       --x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
170       null;
172    when others  then
173       --x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
174       if (l_debug = 1) then
175          trace(' Error Code, Error Message...' || sqlerrm(sqlcode), 1);
176       end if;
177       if get_mo_line_info%ISOPEN then
178          close get_mo_line_info;
179       end if;
181 end GetSOHeaderLineIDWrap;
183 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 -- |---------------------< GetPOHeaderLineIDWrap >----------------------------------------|
185 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 -- {Start Of Comments}
187 --
188 -- Description:
189 -- Wrapper around the wms_parameter_pvt.GetPOHeaderLineID(). If the p_line_location_flag is
190 -- 'Y', then the po_line_location_id is derved within this function. In all other casess
191 -- the wms_parameter_pvt.GetPOHeaderLineID() is called to derive th appropraite values.
192 --
193 -- Prerequisites:
194 -- None
195 --
196 -- In Parameters:
197 --   Name                  Reqd Type     Description
198 --   --------------------  ---- -------- ---------------------------------------
199 --   p_transaction_id      Yes  number   Task ID(MMTT.transaction_temp_id)
200 --   p_header_flag         No   varchar2 Flag to indicate that the call to this
201 --                                       function is to derive the PO Header ID
202 --   p_line_flag           No   varchar2 Flag to indicate that the call to this
203 --                                       function is to derive the PO Line ID
204 --   p_line_location_flag  No   varchar2 Flag to indicate that the call to this
205 --                                       function is to derive the PO Line
206 --                                       location ID.
207 -- Post Success:
208 --   None.
209 --
210 -- Post Failure:
211 --   None
212 --
213 -- Access Status:
214 --   Internal Development Use Only.
215 --
216 -- {End Of Comments}
217 --
218 Function GetPOHeaderLineIDWrap(
219   p_transaction_id      in number
220 , p_header_flag         in varchar2
221 , p_line_flag           in varchar2
222 , p_line_location_flag  in varchar2
223 )  return number
224 is
226    l_proc                  varchar2(72) := 'GetPOHeaderLineIDWrap :';
227    l_po_header_id          number := -1;
228    l_po_line_id            number := -1;
229    l_po_line_location_id   number := -1;
230    l_return_val_wrap       number := -1;
232    l_reference                   varchar2(50);
233    l_reference_id                number;
234    l_move_order_line_id          number;
235    l_transaction_source_type_id  number;
236    l_debug                       number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
238    cursor get_mo_line_info is
239    select mtrl.reference, mtrl.reference_id, mtrl.line_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id
240    from   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
241    where  mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
242    and    mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
244 begin
245    -- ### Initialize API return status to success
246    --x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
248    if (l_debug = 1) then
249       trace(' Entering procedure  '|| l_proc || ':'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
250       trace(l_proc || ' p_transaction_id   => ' || nvl(p_transaction_id, -99));
251       trace(l_proc || ' p_header_flag  => ' || p_header_flag);
252       trace(l_proc || ' p_line_flag  => ' || p_line_flag);
253       trace(l_proc || ' p_line_location_flag  => ' || p_line_location_flag);
254    end if;
256     -- Validate input parameters
257     --if p_transaction_id is null then
258     --  if (l_debug = 1) then
259     --     trace(l_proc || ' Missing Required Input Parameter values, refer to trace messages above...');
260     --  end if;
261     --  return null;
262     --end if;
264    -- ### Derive Move Order Line and related task Information details to start with.
265    open  get_mo_line_info;
266    fetch get_mo_line_info
267    into  l_reference, l_reference_id, l_move_order_line_id, l_transaction_source_type_id;
269    if get_mo_line_info%NOTFOUND then
270       fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVALID_TASK_ID');
271       fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
272       raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
273    else
274       -- ### Print values derived from the cursor into the log file.
275       if (l_debug = 1) then
276          trace(l_proc || ' Printing Move Order Line and related task Information details...');
277          trace(l_proc || ' l_reference : '|| nvl(l_reference, '@@@'));
278          trace(l_proc || ' l_reference_id : '|| nvl(l_reference_id, -99));
279          trace(l_proc || ' l_move_order_line_id : '|| nvl(l_move_order_line_id, -99));
280          trace(l_proc || ' l_transaction_source_type_id : '|| nvl(l_transaction_source_type_id, -99));
281       end if;
283       if (p_line_location_flag = 'Y') then
284          if (l_reference = 'PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID') then
285             if (l_debug = 1) then
286                trace(l_proc || ' Within if (p_line_location_flag = Y) condition');
287                trace(l_proc || ' po_line_location_id derived : '|| nvl(l_reference_id, -99));
288             end if;
289             l_return_val_wrap := l_reference_id;
290          end if;
291       elsif (p_header_flag = 'Y' or p_line_flag = 'Y') then
292          if (l_debug = 1) then
293             trace(l_proc || ' Within if (p_header_flag = Y or p_line_flag = Y) condition');
294          end if;
296          l_return_val_wrap := wms_parameter_pvt.getpoheaderlineid(
297                                 p_transaction_source_type_id => l_transaction_source_type_id
298                               , p_reference  => l_reference
299                               , p_reference_id  => l_reference_id
300                               , p_header_flag  => p_header_flag
301                               , p_line_flag  => p_line_flag
302                               );
303       end if;
305       if p_header_flag = 'Y' then
306          if (l_debug = 1) then
307             trace(l_proc || ' PO Header ID Derived  : '|| nvl(l_return_val_wrap, -99));
308          end if;
309       elsif p_line_flag = 'Y' then
310          if (l_debug = 1) then
311             trace(l_proc || ' PO Line ID Derived : '|| nvl(l_return_val_wrap, -99));
312          end if;
313       elsif p_line_location_flag = 'Y' then
314          if (l_debug = 1) then
315             trace(l_proc || ' PO Line Location ID Derived : '|| nvl(l_return_val_wrap, -99));
316          end if;
317       end if;
319    end if;
320    -- ### Close the cursor.
321    close get_mo_line_info;
323    return l_return_val_wrap;
325 exception
326    when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
327       --x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
328       null;
330    when others  then
331       --x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
332       if (l_debug = 1) then
333          trace(' Error Code, Error Message...' || sqlerrm(sqlcode), 1);
334       end if;
335       if get_mo_line_info%ISOPEN then
336          close get_mo_line_info;
337       end if;
339 end GetPOHeaderLineIDWrap;
341 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 -- |---------------------< GetItemOnhandWrap >----------------------------------------|
343 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 -- {Start Of Comments}
345 --
346 -- Description:
347 -- Wrapper around the wms_parameter_pvt.GetItemOnhand().
348 --
349 -- Prerequisites:
350 -- None
351 --
352 -- In Parameters:
353 --   Name                  Reqd Type      Description
354 --   --------------------  ---- --------  ---------------------------------------
355 --   p_organization_id      Yes  number   Organization ID(MMTT.organization_id)
356 --   p_inventory_item_id    Yes  number   Item ID(MMTT.inventory_item_id)
357 --   p_subinventory_code    No   varchar2 Subcode(nvl(MMTT.transfer_subinventory, MMTT.subinventory_code))
358 --   p_locator_id           No   number   Location ID(MMTT.location_id)
359 --   p_transaction_uom      No   varchar2 Transaction UOM (MMTT.transaction_uom)
360 -- Post Success:
361 --   None.
362 --
363 -- Post Failure:
364 --   None
365 --
366 -- Access Status:
367 --   Internal Development Use Only.
368 --
369 -- {End Of Comments}
370 --
371 Function GetItemOnhandWrap(
372   p_organization_id           in number default g_miss_num
373 , p_inventory_item_id         in number default g_miss_num
374 , p_subinventory_code         in varchar2 default g_miss_char
375 , p_locator_id                in number default g_miss_num
376 , p_transaction_uom           in varchar2 default g_miss_char
377 )return number
378 is
379    l_primary_uom_code     varchar2(10);
380    l_proc                 varchar2(72) := 'GetItemOnhandWrap :';
381    l_debug                number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
382    l_return_val_wrap       number := -1;
384    cursor get_item_primary_uom is
385    select primary_uom_code
386    from   mtl_system_items msi
387    where  msi.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
388    and    msi.organization_id = p_organization_id;
390 begin
391    if (l_debug = 1) then
392       trace(' Entering procedure  '|| l_proc || ':'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
393       trace(l_proc || ' p_organization_id   => ' || nvl(p_organization_id, -99));
394       trace(l_proc || ' p_inventory_item_id  => ' || nvl(p_inventory_item_id, -99));
395       trace(l_proc || ' p_subinventory_code  => ' || nvl(p_subinventory_code, '@@@'));
396       trace(l_proc || ' p_locator_id  => ' || nvl(p_locator_id, -99));
397       trace(l_proc || ' p_transaction_uom  => ' || nvl(p_transaction_uom, '@@@'));
398    end if;
400    --check for missing org, item.
401    if p_organization_id = g_miss_num or p_inventory_item_id = g_miss_num then
402      return null;
403    elsif p_organization_id is null or p_inventory_item_id is null then
404      return null;
405    end if;
407    -- ### Derive Move Order Line and related task Information details to start with.
408    open  get_item_primary_uom;
409    fetch get_item_primary_uom
410    into  l_primary_uom_code;
412    if get_item_primary_uom%NOTFOUND then
413       close get_item_primary_uom;
414       return null;
415    else
416       l_return_val_wrap := wms_parameter_pvt.getitemonhand(
417                              p_organization_id           => p_organization_id
418                            , p_inventory_item_id         => p_inventory_item_id
419                            , p_subinventory_code         => p_subinventory_code
420                            , p_locator_id                => p_locator_id
421                            , p_primary_uom               => l_primary_uom_code
422                            , p_transaction_uom           => p_transaction_uom
423                            );
424    end if;
425       -- ### Close the cursor.
426    close get_item_primary_uom;
428    return l_return_val_wrap;
429 exception
430    when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
431       --x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
432       null;
434    when others  then
435       --x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
436       if (l_debug = 1) then
437          trace(' Error Code, Error Message...' || sqlerrm(sqlcode), 1);
438       end if;
439       if get_item_primary_uom%ISOPEN then
440          close get_item_primary_uom;
441       end if;
443 end GetItemOnhandWrap;
444 --
445 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
446 -- |---------------------< GetNumOtherLotsWrap >----------------------------------------|
447 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
448 -- {Start Of Comments}
449 --
450 -- Description:
451 -- Wrapper around the wms_parameter_pvt.GetNumOtherLots().
452 --
453 -- Prerequisites:
454 -- None
455 --
456 -- In Parameters:
457 --   Name                  Reqd Type      Description
458 --   --------------------  ---- --------  ---------------------------------------
459 --   p_tranmsaction_id      Yes  number   Task ID(MMTT.transaction_temp_id)
460 -- Post Success:
461 --   None.
462 --
463 -- Post Failure:
464 --   None
465 --
466 -- Access Status:
467 --   Internal Development Use Only.
468 --
469 -- {End Of Comments}
470 --
471 Function GetNumOtherLotsWrap(
472   p_transaction_id       in number
473 ) return number
474 is
475    l_proc                 varchar2(72) := 'GetNumOtherLotsWrap :';
476    l_debug                number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
477    l_return_val_wrap       number := -1;
479    l_organization_id     number := -1;
480    l_inventory_item_id   number := -1;
481    l_subinventory_code   varchar2(100) := null;
482    l_locator_id          number := -1;
483    l_lot_number          varchar2(100) := null;
485    cursor get_lot_other_info is
486    select mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.inventory_item_id,
487           nvl(mmtt.transfer_subinventory, mmtt.subinventory_code),
488           nvl(mmtt.transfer_to_location, mmtt.locator_id),
489           mtlt.lot_number
490    from   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
491    where  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id
492    and    mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_id;
494 begin
495    if (l_debug = 1) then
496       trace(' Entering procedure  '|| l_proc || ':'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
497       trace(l_proc || ' p_transaction_id   => ' || nvl(p_transaction_id, -99));
498    end if;
500    -- ### Derive Move Order Line and related task Information details to start with.
501    open  get_lot_other_info;
502    fetch get_lot_other_info
503    into  l_organization_id,l_inventory_item_id,l_subinventory_code,l_locator_id,l_lot_number ;
505    if get_lot_other_info%NOTFOUND then
506       close get_lot_other_info;
507       return null;
508    else
509       l_return_val_wrap := wms_parameter_pvt.GetNumOtherLots(
510                              p_organization_id           => l_organization_id
511                            , p_inventory_item_id         => l_inventory_item_id
512                            , p_subinventory_code         => l_subinventory_code
513                            , p_locator_id                => l_locator_id
514                            , p_lot_number                => l_lot_number
515                            );
516    end if;
517    -- ### Close the cursor.
518    close get_lot_other_info;
520    return l_return_val_wrap;
521 exception
522    when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
523       --x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
524       null;
526    when others  then
527       --x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
528       if (l_debug = 1) then
529          trace(' Error Code, Error Message...' || sqlerrm(sqlcode), 1);
530       end if;
531       if get_lot_other_info%ISOPEN then
532          close get_lot_other_info;
533       end if;
535 end GetNumOtherLotsWrap;
537 -- API name    : GetLpnQuantityRevLot
538 -- Type        : Private
539 -- Function    : Returns quantity of the given item, revision, and lot in the given LPN
540 --
541 --               Data in WLC is generally in primary UOM. However this is because INV-TM
542 --               always converts to primary UOM before calling pack/unpack API. packUnpack
543 --               by itself does not make any assumption that material will always be in pri-uom.
544 --               packunpack API could be called directly (as is done in ASN import, due to which
545 --               we have this bug) by an API and a different UOM can be specified. So
546 --               you cannot  make the assumption that WLC will always be in pri-uom.
547 --               Hence not in all cases, can we safely assume that the UOM CODE on the WLC record
548 --               is in the primary UOM of the item. So it is always best to convert if the
549 --               MMTT.TRANSACTION_UOM and the WLC.UOM_CODE doesn't match. .
550 function getlpnquantityrevlot(
551            p_lpn_id            in number
552          , p_inventory_item_id in number
553          , p_revision          in varchar2 default null
554          , p_lot_number        in varchar2 default null
555          , p_organization_id   in number)
556 return number
557 is
558      l_proc         varchar2(72) := 'GetLpnQuantityRevLot :';
559      l_return_value number:= 0;
560      l_primary_uom  varchar2(3);
561      l_total_quantity number:= 0;
562      l_loop_counter number:=0;
563      l_debug  number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
566      -- @@@ Get the primary uom for the Item in question.
567      cursor c_get_prim_uom_code is
568      select primary_uom_code
569      from mtl_system_items mtl
570      where mtl.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
571      and mtl.organization_id = p_organization_id;
573      -- @@@ Get the records in WLC in the prim uom of the item.
574      cursor c_get_wlc_quantity is
575      select sum(wlc.quantity) summed_quantity, uom_code
576      from wms_lpn_contents wlc
577      where wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
578      and wlc.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
579      and wlc.organization_id = p_organization_id
580      and nvl(wlc.revision, '@@@') = nvl(p_revision, nvl(wlc.revision, '@@@'))
581      and nvl(wlc.lot_number, '@@@@') = nvl(p_lot_number, nvl(wlc.lot_number, '@@@@'))
582      group by uom_code;
584 begin
585    if (l_debug = 1) then
586      trace(' Entering procedure  '|| l_proc || ':'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
587      trace(l_proc || ' p_lpn_id   => ' || p_lpn_id);
588      trace(l_proc || ' p_inventory_item_id  => ' || p_inventory_item_id);
589      trace(l_proc || ' p_organization_id  => ' || p_organization_id);
590      trace(l_proc || ' p_revision  => ' || p_revision);
591      trace(l_proc || ' p_lot_number  => ' || p_lot_number);
592   end if;
594   if p_lpn_id is null or p_inventory_item_id is null then
595     return -1;
596   end if;
598   -- @@@ Open cursor to fetch primary UOM code for the item in question.
599   open  c_get_prim_uom_code;
600   fetch c_get_prim_uom_code
601   into  l_primary_uom;
604   if c_get_prim_uom_code%NOTFOUND then
605      close c_get_prim_uom_code;
606      return null;
607   else
608      trace(l_proc || 'l_primary_uom : ' || nvl(l_primary_uom, '@@@'));
609      for v_get_wlc_quantity in c_get_wlc_quantity
610      loop
611         l_loop_counter := l_loop_counter + 1;
612         trace(l_proc || 'l_loop_counter : ' || nvl(l_loop_counter, -99));
613         if v_get_wlc_quantity.uom_code <> l_primary_uom then
614            trace(l_proc || 'summed_quantity : ' || nvl(v_get_wlc_quantity.summed_quantity, -99));
615            trace(l_proc || 'uom_code : ' || nvl(v_get_wlc_quantity.uom_code, '@@@'));
616            l_return_value := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
617                                 item_id       => p_inventory_item_id
618                              ,  lot_number      => p_lot_number        --BUG#8542061
619                              ,  organization_id => p_organization_id   --BUG#8542061
620                              ,  precision       => null
621                              ,  from_quantity   => v_get_wlc_quantity.summed_quantity
622                              ,  from_unit       => v_get_wlc_quantity.uom_code
623                              ,  to_unit         => l_primary_uom
624                              ,  from_name       => null
625                              ,  to_name	      => null
626                              );
627            -- @@@ The above call(INVUNCMB,pls) is code such that when the "When Others" exception occurs,
628            -- @@@ it sets the value of l_return_value to -9999. When this happens inside the loop,
629            -- @@@ we have to make sure that the value of l_total_quantity is unchanged. Hence the check around this.
630            trace(l_proc || 'l_return_value : ' || nvl(l_return_value, -99));
631            if (l_return_value = -99999) then
632               l_total_quantity := 0;
633               trace(l_proc || 'l_total_quantity just before exit : ' || nvl(l_total_quantity, -99));
634               exit;
635            else
636               l_total_quantity := l_total_quantity + l_return_value;
637               trace(l_proc || 'l_total_quantity in the else of the l_return_value check : ' || nvl(l_total_quantity, -99));
638            end if;
639         else
640            l_total_quantity := l_total_quantity + v_get_wlc_quantity.summed_quantity;
641            trace(l_proc || 'l_total_quantity in the else : ' || nvl(l_return_value, -99));
642         end if;-- Marker for Check  v_get_wlc_quantity.uom_code <> l_primary_uom
643      end loop;
644      -- @@@ Close the cursor since the loop has been exited prematurely.
645      if (l_return_value = -99999) then
646         if c_get_wlc_quantity%ISOPEN then
647            trace(l_proc || 'c_get_wlc_quantity is open and hence being closed ');
648            close c_get_wlc_quantity;
649         end if;
650      end if;
651      close c_get_prim_uom_code;
652   end if;-- Marker for c_get_prim_uom_code FOUND/NOTFOUND
653   return l_total_quantity;
654 exception
655   when others then
656     if c_get_prim_uom_code%ISOPEN then
657        close c_get_prim_uom_code;
658     end if;
660     if c_get_wlc_quantity%ISOPEN then
661        close c_get_wlc_quantity;
662     end if;
663     return 0;
664 end getlpnquantityrevlot;
665 --
666 --
667 -- API name    : GetLpnTotalQuantity
668 -- Type        : Private
669 -- Function    : Returns quantity of the given item in the given LPN for the given item.
670 --
671 --               Data in WLC is generally in primary UOM. However this is because INV-TM
672 --               always converts to primary UOM before calling pack/unpack API. packUnpack
673 --               by itself does not make any assumption that material will always be in pri-uom.
674 --               packunpack API could be called directly (as is done in ASN import, due to which
675 --               we have this bug) by an API and a different UOM can be specified. So
676 --               you cannot  make the assumption that WLC will always be in pri-uom.
677 --               Hence not in all cases, can we safely assume that the UOM CODE on the WLC record
678 --               is in the primary UOM of the item. So it is always best to convert if the
679 --               primary uom for the item and the WLC.UOM_CODE doesn't match. .
680 function getlpntotalquantity(
681            p_lpn_id            in number
682          , p_inventory_item_id in number
683          , p_organization_id   in number)
684 return number
685 is
686      l_proc         varchar2(72) := 'GetLpnTotalQuantity :';
687      l_return_value number:= 0;
688      l_primary_uom  varchar2(3);
689      l_total_quantity number:= 0;
690      l_loop_counter number := 0;
691      l_debug  number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
693      -- @@@ Get the primary uom for the Item in question.
694      cursor c_get_prim_uom_code is
695      select primary_uom_code
696      from mtl_system_items mtl
697      where mtl.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
698      and mtl.organization_id = p_organization_id;
700      -- @@@ Check to see if the record in WLC is in the prim uom of the item.
701      cursor c_get_wlc_quantity is
702      select sum(wlc.quantity) summed_quantity, uom_code
703      from wms_lpn_contents wlc
704      where wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
705      and wlc.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
706      and wlc.organization_id = p_organization_id
707      group by uom_code;
709 begin
711    if (l_debug = 1) then
712      trace(' Entering procedure  '|| l_proc || ':'|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
713      trace(l_proc || ' p_lpn_id   => ' || p_lpn_id);
714      trace(l_proc || ' p_inventory_item_id  => ' || p_inventory_item_id);
715      trace(l_proc || ' p_organization_id  => ' || p_organization_id);
716   end if;
718   -- @@@ Open cursor to fetch primary UOM code for the item in question.
719   open  c_get_prim_uom_code;
720   fetch c_get_prim_uom_code
721   into  l_primary_uom;
724   if c_get_prim_uom_code%NOTFOUND then
725      close c_get_prim_uom_code;
726      return null;
727   else
728      trace(l_proc || 'l_primary_uom : ' || nvl(l_primary_uom, '@@@'));
729      for v_get_wlc_quantity in c_get_wlc_quantity
730      loop
731         l_loop_counter := l_loop_counter + 1;
732         trace(l_proc || 'l_loop_counter : ' || nvl(l_loop_counter, -99));
733         if v_get_wlc_quantity.uom_code <> l_primary_uom then
734            trace(l_proc || 'summed_quantity : ' || nvl(v_get_wlc_quantity.summed_quantity, -99));
735            trace(l_proc || 'uom_code : ' || nvl(v_get_wlc_quantity.uom_code, '@@@'));
736            l_return_value := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
737                                 item_id       => p_inventory_item_id
738                              ,  precision     => null
739                              ,  from_quantity => v_get_wlc_quantity.summed_quantity
740                              ,  from_unit     => v_get_wlc_quantity.uom_code
741                              ,  to_unit       => l_primary_uom
742                              ,  from_name     => null
743                              ,  to_name	      => null
744                              );
745            -- @@@ The above call(INVUNCMB,pls) is code such that when the "When Others" exception occurs,
746            -- @@@ it sets the value of l_return_value to -9999. When this happens inside the loop,
747            -- @@@ we have to make sure that the loop is exited and the l_total_quantity is 0.
748            -- @@@ Hence a check around this.
749            trace(l_proc || 'l_return_value : ' || nvl(l_return_value, -99));
750            trace(l_proc || 'l_return_value : ' || nvl(l_return_value, -99));
751            if (l_return_value = -99999) then
752               l_total_quantity := 0;
753               trace(l_proc || 'l_total_quantity just before exit : ' || nvl(l_total_quantity, -99));
754               exit;
755            else
756               l_total_quantity := l_total_quantity + l_return_value;
757               trace(l_proc || 'l_total_quantity in the else of the l_return_value check : ' || nvl(l_total_quantity, -99));
758            end if;
759         else
760            l_total_quantity := l_total_quantity + v_get_wlc_quantity.summed_quantity;
761            trace(l_proc || 'l_total_quantity in the else : ' || nvl(l_return_value, -99));
762         end if;
763      end loop;
764      -- @@@ Close the cursor since the loop has been exited prematurely.
765      if (l_return_value = -99999) then
766         if c_get_wlc_quantity%ISOPEN then
767            trace(l_proc || 'c_get_wlc_quantity is open and hence being closed ');
768            close c_get_wlc_quantity;
769         end if;
770      end if;
771      close c_get_prim_uom_code;
772   end if;
773   return l_total_quantity;
774 exception
775   when others then
776     if c_get_prim_uom_code%ISOPEN then
777        close c_get_prim_uom_code;
778     end if;
780     if c_get_wlc_quantity%ISOPEN then
781        close c_get_wlc_quantity;
782     end if;
783     return 0;
784 end getlpntotalquantity;
785 --
786 --
787 -- API name    : GetLpnNumOfItems
788 -- Type        : Private
789 -- Function    : Returns number of items - 1 in the the given LPN.
790 --               This function considers the current item as well as all the other items.
791 function getlpnnumofitems(
792            p_lpn_id          in number
793          , p_organization_id in number)
794 return number
795 is
796     l_return_value number;
798 begin
799   if p_lpn_id is null then
800     return -1;
801   end if;
803   select count(distinct(wlc.inventory_item_id))
804   into  l_return_value
805   from  wms_lpn_contents wlc
806   where wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
807   and   wlc.organization_id = p_organization_id;
809   return l_return_value;
810 exception
811   when others then
812     return -1;
813 end getlpnnumofitems;
815 -- API name    : GetLpnNumOtherRevs
816 -- Type        : Private
817 -- Function    : Returns number of revisions of this item in the given LPN
818 function getlpnnumofrevs(
819            p_lpn_id            in number
820          , p_inventory_item_id in number
821          , p_organization_id   in number)
822 return number
823 is
824     l_return_value NUMBER;
826 begin
827   if p_lpn_id is null or p_inventory_item_id is null then
828     return -1;
829   end if;
831   select count(distinct(wlc.revision))
832   into  l_return_value
833   from  wms_lpn_contents wlc
834   where wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
835   and   wlc.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
836   and   wlc.organization_id = p_organization_id;
838   return l_return_value;
839 exception
840   when others then
841     return -1;
842 end getlpnnumofrevs;
844 -- API name    : GetLpnNumOtherLots
845 -- Type        : Private
846 -- Function    : Returns number of lots of this item - 1
847 --               in the the given LPN
848 function getlpnnumoflots(
849            p_lpn_id            in number
850          , p_inventory_item_id in number
851          , p_organization_id   in number)
852 return number
853 is
854      l_return_value number;
856 begin
857   if p_lpn_id is null or p_inventory_item_id is null then
858     return -1;
859   end if;
861   select count(distinct(wlc.lot_number))
862   into  l_return_value
863   from  wms_lpn_contents wlc
864   where wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
865   and   wlc.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
866   and   wlc.organization_id = p_organization_id;
869   return l_return_value;
870 exception
871   when others then
872     return -1;
873 end getlpnnumoflots;
875 end wms_parameter_ext;