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Line 5741: hrassact.inassact procedure to insert the corresponding assignment action

5737: The balance routes are all driven off assignment action id. So, when a
5738: balance is required for a particular date, a payroll action and assignment
5739: action are temporarily created. This is done by setting a savepoint,
5740: inserting a dummy payroll action for the required date, and calling the
5741: hrassact.inassact procedure to insert the corresponding assignment action
5742: and shuffle any later assignment actions along. The get_value
5743: function is then called with the dummy assignment action, which returns the
5744: balance value for the required date. A rollback then removes the temporary
5745: payroll action and assignment action.

Line 5927: hrassact.inassact (pactid => l_pay_action_id,

5923: --
5924: if g_debug then
5925: hr_utility.set_location ('pay_balance_pkg.get_value', 25);
5926: end if;
5927: hrassact.inassact (pactid => l_pay_action_id,
5928: asgid => p_assignment_id,
5929: p_asg_lock => l_asg_lock);
5930: --
5931: -- retrieve the assignment action id:

Line 6376: if HRASSACT.CHECK_LATEST_BALANCES = TRUE then --{ check balance true

6372: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: pay_balance_pkg.invalidate_run_balances',5);
6373: end if;
6374: --
6375: l_ora_db_vers := get_oracle_db_version;
6376: if HRASSACT.CHECK_LATEST_BALANCES = TRUE then --{ check balance true
6377: --
6378: -- bug 13455833 1st check if the input has any results
6379: open ivchk;
6380: fetch ivchk into l_ivchk;

Line 10904: -- This procedure sets the HRASSACT CHECK_LATEST_BALANCES global

10900: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: pay_balance_pkg.initialise_run_balance', 120);
10901: end initialise_run_balance;
10902: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10903: -- procedure set_check_latest_balances
10904: -- This procedure sets the HRASSACT CHECK_LATEST_BALANCES global
10905: -- so that latest and run level balances ARE looked for
10906: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10907: procedure set_check_latest_balances
10908: is


10912: if g_debug then
10913: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: pay_balance_pkg.set_check_latest_balances',5);
10914: end if;
10915: --
10917: --
10918: if g_debug then
10919: hr_utility.set_location('Exiting: pay_balance_pkg.set_check_latest_balances',5);
10920: end if;

Line 10925: -- This procedure sets the HRASSACT CHECK_LATEST_BALANCES global

10921: --
10922: end set_check_latest_balances;
10923: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10924: -- procedure unset_check_latest_balances
10925: -- This procedure sets the HRASSACT CHECK_LATEST_BALANCES global
10926: -- so that latest and run level balances ARE NOT looked for
10927: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
10928: procedure unset_check_latest_balances
10929: is


10933: if g_debug then
10934: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: pay_balance_pkg.unset_check_latest_balances',5);
10935: end if;
10936: --
10938: --
10939: if g_debug then
10940: hr_utility.set_location('Exiting: pay_balance_pkg.unset_check_latest_balances',5);
10941: end if;

Line 11070: udca hrassact.context_details;

11066: leg_code per_business_groups_perf.legislation_code%type;
11067: l_found boolean;
11068: cxt_id number;
11070: udca hrassact.context_details;
11073: begin
11074: if g_debug then

Line 11075: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal',50);

11073: begin
11074: if g_debug then
11075: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal',50);
11076: end if;
11077: --
11078: select paa.assignment_id,
11079: ppa.effective_date,

Line 11101: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal',55);

11097: p_delta => null);
11098: --
11099: --
11100: if g_debug then
11101: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal',55);
11102: end if;
11103: --
11104: -- 2nd the group level run balances
11105: --

Line 11107: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal',60);

11103: --
11104: -- 2nd the group level run balances
11105: --
11106: if g_debug then
11107: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal',60);
11108: end if;
11109: --
11110: If not hrassact.gv_multi_reversal then /*Bug 7652030 Not calling create_all_group_balances for Batch reversal*/
11111: pay_balance_pkg.create_all_group_balances(l_pactid,

Line 11110: If not hrassact.gv_multi_reversal then /*Bug 7652030 Not calling create_all_group_balances for Batch reversal*/

11106: if g_debug then
11107: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal',60);
11108: end if;
11109: --
11110: If not hrassact.gv_multi_reversal then /*Bug 7652030 Not calling create_all_group_balances for Batch reversal*/
11111: pay_balance_pkg.create_all_group_balances(l_pactid,
11112: 'ALL',
11113: 'NORMAL',
11114: NULL,

Line 11171: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal', 70);

11167: --
11168: -- delete latest balances
11169: --
11170: if g_debug then
11171: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal', 70);
11172: end if;
11174: --
11175: -- NB could enhance to

Line 11180: hrassact.del_latest_balances(l_asg_id, l_eff_date, null);

11176: -- loop for each reversal run result and run
11177: -- del_latest_balances(l_asg_id, l_eff_date, null, l_element_type_id);
11178: -- to minimise loss of latest balances
11179: --
11180: hrassact.del_latest_balances(l_asg_id, l_eff_date, null);
11181: else
11182: --
11183: -- Support maintenance of latest balances
11184: --

Line 11186: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal', 80);

11182: --
11183: -- Support maintenance of latest balances
11184: --
11185: if g_debug then
11186: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.reversal', 80);
11187: end if;
11188: --
11189: hr_utility.trace('leg_code: '||leg_code);
11190: pay_core_utils.get_leg_context_iv_name('SOURCE_ID'

Line 11289: hrassact.get_cache_context('PAYROLL_ID', cxt_id);

11285: l_org_needed) loop
11287: -- Load the udca with the context values
11288: udca.sz := 1;
11289: hrassact.get_cache_context('PAYROLL_ID', cxt_id);
11290: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11291: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'PAYROLL_ID';
11292: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.payroll_id;
11293: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;

Line 11294: hrassact.get_cache_context('ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID', cxt_id);

11290: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11291: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'PAYROLL_ID';
11292: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.payroll_id;
11293: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11294: hrassact.get_cache_context('ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID', cxt_id);
11295: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11296: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID';
11297: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.original_entry_id;
11298: if rr.tax_unit_id is not null then

Line 11300: hrassact.get_cache_context('TAX_UNIT_ID', cxt_id);

11296: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID';
11297: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.original_entry_id;
11298: if rr.tax_unit_id is not null then
11299: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11300: hrassact.get_cache_context('TAX_UNIT_ID', cxt_id);
11301: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11302: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'TAX_UNIT_ID';
11303: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.tax_unit_id;
11304: end if;

Line 11307: hrassact.get_cache_context('JURISDICTION_CODE', cxt_id);

11303: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.tax_unit_id;
11304: end if;
11305: if rr.jurisdiction_code is not null then
11306: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11307: hrassact.get_cache_context('JURISDICTION_CODE', cxt_id);
11308: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11309: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'JURISDICTION_CODE';
11310: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.jurisdiction_code;
11311: end if;

Line 11314: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_ID', cxt_id);

11310: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.jurisdiction_code;
11311: end if;
11312: if rr.source_id is not null then
11313: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11314: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_ID', cxt_id);
11315: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11316: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'SOURCE_ID';
11317: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_id;
11318: end if;

Line 11321: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_TEXT', cxt_id);

11317: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_id;
11318: end if;
11319: if rr.source_text is not null then
11320: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11321: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_TEXT', cxt_id);
11322: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11323: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'SOURCE_TEXT';
11324: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_text;
11325: end if;

Line 11328: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_TEXT2', cxt_id);

11324: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_text;
11325: end if;
11326: if rr.source_text2 is not null then
11327: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11328: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_TEXT2', cxt_id);
11329: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11330: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'SOURCE_TEXT2';
11331: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_text2;
11332: end if;

Line 11335: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_NUMBER', cxt_id);

11331: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_text2;
11332: end if;
11333: if rr.source_number is not null then
11334: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11335: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_NUMBER', cxt_id);
11336: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11337: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'SOURCE_NUMBER';
11338: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_number;
11339: end if;

Line 11342: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_NUMBER2', cxt_id);

11338: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_number;
11339: end if;
11340: if rr.source_number2 is not null then
11341: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11342: hrassact.get_cache_context('SOURCE_NUMBER2', cxt_id);
11343: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11344: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'SOURCE_NUMBER2';
11345: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_number2;
11346: end if;

Line 11349: hrassact.get_cache_context('ORGANIZATION_ID', cxt_id);

11345: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.source_number2;
11346: end if;
11347: if rr.organization_id is not null then
11348: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11349: hrassact.get_cache_context('ORGANIZATION_ID', cxt_id);
11350: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11351: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'ORGANIZATION_ID';
11352: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.organization_id;
11353: end if;

Line 11356: hrassact.get_cache_context('LOCAL_UNIT_ID', cxt_id);

11352: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.organization_id;
11353: end if;
11354: if rr.local_unit_id is not null then
11355: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11356: hrassact.get_cache_context('LOCAL_UNIT_ID', cxt_id);
11357: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11358: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'LOCAL_UNIT_ID';
11359: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.local_unit_id;
11360: end if;

Line 11363: hrassact.get_cache_context('TAX_GROUP', cxt_id);

11359: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := rr.local_unit_id;
11360: end if;
11361: if l_tax_group is not null then
11362: udca.sz := udca.sz + 1;
11363: hrassact.get_cache_context('TAX_GROUP', cxt_id);
11364: udca.cxt_id(udca.sz) := cxt_id;
11365: udca.cxt_name(udca.sz) := 'TAX_GROUP';
11366: udca.cxt_value(udca.sz) := l_tax_group;
11367: end if;

Line 11371: hrassact.maintain_lat_bal(assactid => p_asg_action,

11367: end if;
11369: -- call balance maintenance code
11371: hrassact.maintain_lat_bal(assactid => p_asg_action,
11372: rrid => rr.run_result_id,
11373: eentryid => null,
11374: effdate => l_eff_date,
11375: udca => udca,

Line 11383: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: hrassact.reversal', 100);

11380: end if;
11381: --
11382: if g_debug then
11383: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: hrassact.reversal', 100);
11384: end if;
11386: end maintain_balances_for_action;
11387: --------------------------------------------------------------------------