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1 package body WFA_HTML_UTIL as
2 /* $Header: wfhtmb.pls 120.5.12010000.7 2009/12/09 18:47:45 vshanmug ship $ */
5 --
6 -- Package Globals
7 --
8 result_button_threshold pls_integer := 3;  -- Max number of submit buttons
10 --
11 -- GetUrl (PRIVATE)
12 --   Produce URL link in response portion
13 -- IN
14 --   nid -
15 --   description - instructions
16 --   value - url string not token substituted
17 procedure GetUrl(
18     nid          in number,
19     description  in varchar2,
20     value        in varchar2)
21 as
22 urlstring varchar2(1950);
23 begin
24   -- Ignore if no URL provided
25   if (value is null) then
26     return;
27   end if;
29  htp.tableRowOpen;
31   -- Include description if needed.
32   -- NOTE: Description are printed here instead of in the prompt link
33   -- as for other fields, because the prompt is already used for the
34   -- URL itself.
35   if (description is not null) then
36     htp.tableData(description, 'right', cattributes=>'id=""');
37   else
38     htp.tableData(htf.br, cattributes=>'id=""');
39   end if;
41   -- Print URL
42   urlstring:=wf_notification.GetURLText(value, nid);
44   -- Bug 4634849
45   urlstring := wfa_html.encode_url(urlstring);
46   htp.p('<td id=""> <a href="'||urlstring||'">'||urlstring||'</a></td>');
48   htp.tableRowClose;
50 exception
51   when others then
52     wf_core.context('Wfa_Html_Util', 'GetUrl', value, description, to_char(nid));
53     raise;
54 end GetUrl;
56 --
57 -- GetField (PRIVATE)
58 --   Produce a varchar2/number/date response field
59 -- IN
60 --   name - field name
61 --   type - field type (VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE)
62 --   format - format mask
63 --   dvalue - default value
64 --   index - the attribute element number in the attribute list
65 --
66 procedure GetField(
67   name         in varchar2,
68   type        in varchar2,
69   format       in varchar2,
70   dvalue       in varchar2,
71   index_num    in number,
72   nid          in number,
73   nkey         in varchar2)
74 is
75 begin
76    -- bug 7314545
77    null;
78 end GetField;
80 --
81 -- GetLookup (PRIVATE)
82 --   Produce a lookup response field
83 -- IN
84 --   name - field name
85 --   value - default value (lookup code)
86 --   format - lookup type
87 --   submit - flag include a submit button for result field
88 --
89 procedure GetLookup(
90   name in varchar2,
91   value in varchar2,
92   format in varchar2,
93   submit in boolean)
94 as
95 begin
96    -- bug 7314545
97    null;
98 end GetLookup;
100 --
101 -- GetButtons (PRIVATE)
102 --   Produce a response field as submit buttons
103 -- IN
104 --   value - default value
105 --   format - lookup type
106 --
107 procedure GetButtons(
108   value   in varchar2,
109   format  in varchar2,
110   otherattr in number)
111 as
112 begin
113    -- bug 7314545
114    null;
115 end GetButtons;
117 --
118 -- SetAttribute (PRIVATE)
119 --   Set response attributes when processing a response.
120 -- IN
121 --   nid - notification id
122 --   attr_name_type - attribute name#type#format
123 --   attr_value - attribute value
124 --
125 procedure SetAttribute(
126   nid            in number,
127   attr_name_type in varchar2,
128   attr_value     in varchar2,
129   doc_name       in varchar2)
130 as
131 begin
132    -- bug 7314545
133    null;
134 end SetAttribute;
136 --
137 -- GetLookupMeaning (PRIVATE)
138 --   Retrieve displayed value of lookup
139 -- IN
140 --   ltype - lookup type
141 --   lcode - lookup code
142 -- RETURNS
143 --   Displayed meaning of lookup code
144 --
145 function GetLookupMeaning(
146   ltype in varchar2,
147   lcode in varchar2)
148 return varchar2
149 is
150   meaning varchar2(80);
151 begin
152   select WL.MEANING
153   into meaning
154   from WF_LOOKUPS WL
155   where WL.LOOKUP_TYPE = GetLookupMeaning.ltype
156   and WL.LOOKUP_CODE = GetLookupMeaning.lcode;
158   return(meaning);
159 exception
160   when no_data_found then
161     return(lcode);
162   when others then
163     wf_core.context('Wfa_Html_Util', 'GetLookupMeaning', ltype, lcode);
164     raise;
165 end GetLookupMeaning;
167 --
168 -- GetUrlCount (PRIVATE)
169 -- IN
170 --   nid - notification id
171 -- OUT
172 --   urlcnt  - number of urls as reponse attributes
173 --   urlstrg - one of the urls if it exist
174 --             this is generally discarded unless there is only one
175 procedure GetUrlCount(
176   nid in number,
177   urlcnt out nocopy number,
178   urlstrg out nocopy varchar2)
179 is
180   buf pls_integer;
181 begin
182    -- bug 7314545
183    null;
184 end GetUrlCount;
186 --
187 -- GetResponseUrl (PRIVATE)
188 --   Return single response url.
189 --   NOTE: this assumes there is exactly one response url attribute.
190 -- IN
191 --   nid - notification id
192 -- RETURNS
193 --   Response url
194 --
195 function GetResponseUrl(
196   nid in number)
197 return varchar2
198 is
199   buf varchar2(4000);
200 begin
201   select text_value
202   into buf
206   where N.NOTIFICATION_ID = nid
210   and MA.NAME = NA.NAME
211   and MA.SUBTYPE = 'RESPOND'
212   and MA.TYPE = 'URL'
213   and ROWNUM = 1;
215   return(buf);
217 exception
218   when others then
219     wf_core.context('Wfa_Html_Util', 'GetResponseUrl', to_char(nid));
220     raise;
221 end GetResponseUrl;
223 --
224 -- GetDisplayValue (PRIVATE)
225 --   Get displayed value of a response field
226 -- IN
227 --   type - field type (VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE, LOOKUP, URL)
228 --   format - field format (depends on type)
229 --   tvalue - text value
230 --   nvalue - number value
231 --   dvalue - date value
232 -- RETURNS
233 --   Displayed value
234 --
235 function GetDisplayValue(
236   type in varchar2,
237   format in varchar2,
238   tvalue in varchar2,
239   nvalue in number,
240   dvalue in date)
241 return varchar2
242 is
243   s0 varchar2(2000);
244   value varchar2(4000);
245 begin
246   if (type = 'VARCHAR2') then
247     value := tvalue;
248   elsif (type = 'NUMBER') then
249     if (format is null) then
250       value := to_char(nvalue);
251     else
252       value := to_char(nvalue, format);
253     end if;
254   elsif (type = 'DATE') then
255     -- <bug 7514495>
256     value := wf_notification_util.GetCalendarDate( wf_notification_util.getCurrentNID() , dvalue, format);
257   elsif (type = 'LOOKUP') then
258     value := wfa_html_util.GetLookupMeaning(format, tvalue);
259   elsif (type = 'URL') then
260     value := tvalue;
261   elsif (type = 'ROLE') then
262     wf_directory.GetRoleInfo(tvalue, value, s0, s0, s0, s0);
263   else
264     -- Default to return text value unchanged
265     value := tvalue;
266   end if;
268   return(value);
270 exception
271   when others then
272     wf_core.context('Wfa_Html_Util', 'GetDisplayWindow', type, format,
273                     tvalue, to_char(nvalue), to_char(dvalue));
274     raise;
275 end GetDisplayValue;
277 --
278 -- GetDenormalizedValues
279 --   Populate WF_NOTIFICATIONS with the needed values with supplied langcode.
280 --   Then returns those values via the out variables.
281 -- IN:
282 --   nid - notification id
283 --   langcode - language code
284 -- OUT:
285 --   from_user - display name of from role
286 --   to_user - display name of recipient_role
287 --   subject - subject of the notification
288 --
289 procedure GetDenormalizedValues(nid       in  number,
290                                 langcode  in  varchar2,
291                                 from_user out nocopy varchar2,
292                                 to_user   out nocopy varchar2,
293                                 subject   out nocopy varchar2)
294 is
295 begin
296   Wf_Notification.Denormalize_Notification(nid=>nid,langcode=>langcode);
298   begin
299     select FROM_USER, TO_USER, SUBJECT
300       into from_user, to_user, subject
301       from WF_NOTIFICATIONS
302      where NOTIFICATION_ID = nid;
303   exception
304     when OTHERS then
305       from_user := null;
306       to_user   := null;
307       subject   := null;
308   end;
310 exception
311   when OTHERS then
312     wf_core.context('Wfa_Html_Util', 'GetDenormalizedValues',
313                     to_char(nid), langcode);
314     raise;
315 end GetDenormalizedValues;
317 end WFA_HTML_UTIL;