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2 /* $Header: OZFPQUOS.pls 120.5 2006/05/24 09:51:16 asylvia noship $ */
3 /*#
4 * Use this API to create, update and delete quota and
5 * to create and update Product and Account Spreads.
6 * @rep:scope public
7 * @rep:product OZF
8 * @rep:lifecycle active
9 * @rep:displayname Quota Public API
10 * @rep:compatibility S
11 * @rep:businessevent None
12 * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY OZF_QUOTA
13 */
15 TYPE quota_rec_type IS RECORD
16 (quota_id               	NUMBER
17 ,quota_number               	VARCHAR2(30)
18 ,parent_quota_id                NUMBER
19 ,short_name                	VARCHAR2(80)
20 ,custom_setup_id           	NUMBER
21 ,description               	VARCHAR2(4000)
22 ,status_code			VARCHAR2(20) -- derived
23 ,user_status_id            	NUMBER
24 ,start_period_name         	VARCHAR2(15)
25 ,end_period_name           	VARCHAR2(15)
26 ,start_date_active		DATE -- derived
27 ,end_date_active		DATE -- derived
28 ,quota_amount           	NUMBER
29 ,currency_code_tc          	VARCHAR2(15) -- derived
30 ,owner                     	NUMBER
31 ,threshold_id              	NUMBER
32 ,product_spread_time_id		NUMBER
33 ,created_from	                VARCHAR2(30) -- derived
34 ,attribute_category		VARCHAR2(30)
35 ,attribute1			VARCHAR2(150)
36 ,attribute2			VARCHAR2(150)
37 ,attribute3			VARCHAR2(150)
38 ,attribute4			VARCHAR2(150)
39 ,attribute5			VARCHAR2(150)
40 ,attribute6			VARCHAR2(150)
41 ,attribute7			VARCHAR2(150)
42 ,attribute8			VARCHAR2(150)
43 ,attribute9			VARCHAR2(150)
44 ,attribute10			VARCHAR2(150)
45 ,attribute11			VARCHAR2(150)
46 ,attribute12			VARCHAR2(150)
47 ,attribute13			VARCHAR2(150)
48 ,attribute14			VARCHAR2(150)
49 ,attribute15			VARCHAR2(150)
50 ,org_id				NUMBER(32)
51 );
53 TYPE alloc_rec_type IS RECORD
54 (quota_id			VARCHAR2(30)
55 ,quota_number			VARCHAR2(30)
56 ,hierarchy_id           	NUMBER
57 ,from_level               	NUMBER
58 ,to_level	           	NUMBER
59 ,start_node	         	NUMBER
60 ,start_period_name           	VARCHAR2(15)
61 ,end_period_name 		VARCHAR2(15)
62 ,from_date			DATE
63 ,to_date			DATE
64 ,alloc_amount			NUMBER
65 ,method_code			VARCHAR2(10)
66 ,basis_year			NUMBER
67 ,product_spread_time_id		NUMBER
68 );
70 TYPE quota_products_rec_type IS RECORD
71 (product_allocation_id		NUMBER
72 ,allocation_for			VARCHAR2(30)
73 ,allocation_for_id		NUMBER
74 ,allocation_for_tbl_index	NUMBER
75 ,quota_id			NUMBER
76 ,item_type			VARCHAR2(30)
77 ,item_id			NUMBER
78 ,organization_id		NUMBER -- can be defaulted
79 ,category_set_id		NUMBER
80 ,selected_flag			VARCHAR2(1)
81 ,target				NUMBER
82 ,lysp_sales			NUMBER );
84 TYPE quota_products_tbl_type IS TABLE OF quota_products_rec_type
85                                 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
87 TYPE quota_accounts_rec_type IS RECORD
88 (account_allocation_id 		NUMBER
89 ,allocation_for			VARCHAR2(30)
90 ,allocation_for_id		NUMBER
91 --,cust_account_id		NUMBER
92 ,ship_to_site_use_id			NUMBER
93 --,site_use_code			VARCHAR2(30)
94 -- ,location_id			NUMBER  -- must be derived
95 -- ,bill_to_site_use_id		NUMBER
96 -- ,bill_to_location_id		NUMBER
97 -- ,parent_party_id		NUMBER
98 -- ,rollup_party_id		NUMBER
99 ,selected_flag			VARCHAR2(1)
100 ,target				NUMBER
101 ,lysp_sales			NUMBER
102 ,parent_account_allocation_id 	NUMBER
103 );
105 TYPE quota_accounts_tbl_type IS TABLE OF quota_accounts_rec_type
106                                 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
108 TYPE target_spread_rec_type IS RECORD
109 (time_allocation_id		NUMBER
110 ,allocation_for			VARCHAR2(30)
111 ,allocation_for_id		NUMBER
112 ,allocation_for_tbl_index	NUMBER
113 ,time_id			NUMBER
114 ,period_type_id			NUMBER
115 ,target				NUMBER
116 ,lysp_sales			NUMBER);
118 TYPE quota_prod_spread_tbl_type IS TABLE OF target_spread_rec_type
119                                       INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
121 TYPE account_spread_tbl_type IS TABLE OF target_spread_rec_type
122                                 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
124 TYPE account_products_tbl_type IS TABLE OF quota_products_rec_type
125                                   INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
127 TYPE acct_prod_spread_tbl_type IS TABLE OF target_spread_rec_type
128                                   INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
130 TYPE quota_markets_tbl_type IS TABLE OF OZF_FUNDS_PUB.mks_rec_type
131                                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
132 -----------------------------
133 -- Create APIs
134 -----------------------------
135 /*#
136 * This procedure creates a new quota.
137 * @param p_api_version      Indicates the version of the API.
138 * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
139 * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
140 * @param p_validation_level Indicates the level of the validation.
141 * @param x_return_status    Indicates the program status.
142 * @param x_msg_data         Returns messages by the program.
143 * @param x_msg_count        This is the number of messages the program returns.
144 * @param x_quota_id         This is the new quota ID.
145 * @param p_quota_rec              Quota Header information.
146 * @param p_quota_markets_tbl      Populate markets eligible for a quota .
147 * @param p_quota_products_tbl     Populate Products eligible for a quota .
148 * @param p_quota_prod_spread_tbl  Populate Time Spread for Quota Products.
149 * @param p_quota_accounts_tbl     Populate Accounts eligible for a Quota.
150 * @param p_account_spread_tbl	  Populate Time Spread for Quota Accounts.
151 * @param p_account_products_tbl   Populate Products eligible for each account in quota.
152 * @param p_acct_prod_spread_tbl   Populate Time Spread for each product associated to an account.
153 * @rep:scope public
154 * @rep:lifecycle active
155 * @rep:displayname Create Quota
156 * @rep:compatibility S
157 * @rep:businessevent None
158 */
160 PROCEDURE Create_Quota(
161    p_api_version		IN       	NUMBER
162   ,p_init_msg_list     		IN       	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
163   ,p_commit            		IN       	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
164   ,p_validation_level  		IN       	NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
165   ,x_return_status     		OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
166   ,x_msg_count         		OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
167   ,x_msg_data          		OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
168   ,p_method            		IN             VARCHAR2 := 'MANUAL'
169   ,p_quota_rec         		IN   		quota_rec_type
170   ,p_quota_markets_tbl          IN              quota_markets_tbl_type
171   ,p_quota_products_tbl		IN              quota_products_tbl_type
172   ,p_quota_prod_spread_tbl	IN		quota_prod_spread_tbl_type
173   ,p_quota_accounts_tbl		IN		quota_accounts_tbl_type
174   ,p_account_spread_tbl		IN		account_spread_tbl_type
175   ,p_account_products_tbl       IN              account_products_tbl_type
176   ,p_acct_prod_spread_tbl	IN		acct_prod_spread_tbl_type
177   ,p_alloc_rec			IN		alloc_rec_type
178   ,x_quota_id          		OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
179   );
181 /*#
182 * This procedure adds a product to a quota or an account
183 * @param p_api_version      Indicates the API version.
184 * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
185 * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
186 * @param p_validation_level Indicates the level of the validation.
187 * @param x_return_status    Indicates the program status.
188 * @param x_msg_data         Returns messages by the program.
189 * @param x_msg_count        Indicates the number of messages the program returned.
190 * @param p_allocation_for         Indicated whether the product is for a Quota or an Account.
191 * @param p_allocation_for_id      Quota or Account identifier .
192 * @param p_quota_products_tbl     Populate Products eligible for a quota or account .
193 * @param p_quota_prod_spread_tbl  Populate Time Spread for the Products.
194 * @rep:scope public
195 * @rep:lifecycle active
196 * @rep:displayname Create Product Spread
197 * @rep:compatibility S
198 * @rep:businessevent None
199 */
201 PROCEDURE Create_Quota_Product_Spread(
202               p_api_version         IN   NUMBER
203              ,p_init_msg_list       IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
204              ,p_commit              IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
205              ,p_validation_level    IN   NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
206              ,x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
207              ,x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
208              ,x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
209              ,p_allocation_for        IN VARCHAR2
210              ,p_allocation_for_id     IN NUMBER
211              ,p_quota_products_tbl    IN quota_products_tbl_type
212              ,p_quota_prod_spread_tbl IN quota_prod_spread_tbl_type ) ;
214 /*#
215 * This procedure adds a product to a quota or an account
216 * @param p_api_version      Indicates the API version.
217 * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
218 * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
219 * @param p_validation_level Indicates the validation level.
220 * @param x_return_status    Indicates the program status.
221 * @param x_msg_data         Returns messages by the program.
222 * @param x_msg_count        Indicates the number of messages the program returned.
223 * @param p_quota_accounts_tbl     Populate Accounts eligible for a Quota.
224 * @param p_account_spread_tbl	  Populate Time Spread for Quota Accounts.
225 * @param p_account_products_tbl   Populate Products eligible for each account in quota.
226 * @param p_acct_prod_spread_tbl   Populate Time Spread for each product associated to an account.
227 * @rep:scope public
228 * @rep:lifecycle active
229 * @rep:displayname Create Quota Account Spread
230 * @rep:compatibility S
231 * @rep:businessevent None
232 */
234 PROCEDURE Create_Quota_Account_Spread(
235               p_api_version         IN   NUMBER
236              ,p_init_msg_list       IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
237              ,p_commit              IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
238              ,p_validation_level    IN   NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
239              ,x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
240              ,x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
241              ,x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
242              ,p_fund_id             IN  NUMBER
243              ,p_quota_accounts_tbl  IN quota_accounts_tbl_type
244              ,p_account_spread_tbl  IN account_spread_tbl_type
245              ,p_account_products_tbl IN account_products_tbl_type
246              ,p_acct_prod_spread_tbl IN acct_prod_spread_tbl_type ) ;
248 ---------------------------
249 -- Update APIs
250 ---------------------------
251 /*#
252 * This procedure updates an existing quota.
253 * @param p_api_version      Indicates the API version.
254 * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
255 * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
256 * @param p_validation_level Indicates the validation level.
257 * @param p_quota_rec        Identifies the record to be updated.
258 * @param x_return_status    Indicates the program status.
259 * @param x_msg_data         Returns messages by the program
260 * @param x_msg_count        Indicates the number of messages the program returned.
261 * @rep:scope public
262 * @rep:lifecycle active
263 * @rep:displayname Update Quota
264 * @rep:compatibility S
265 * @rep:businessevent None
266 */
268 PROCEDURE Update_Quota(
269    p_api_version 		IN       	NUMBER
270   ,p_init_msg_list      	IN       	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
271   ,p_commit             	IN       	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
272   ,p_validation_level   	IN       	NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
273   ,x_return_status      	OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
274   ,x_msg_count          	OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
275   ,x_msg_data           	OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
276   ,p_quota_rec          	IN   		quota_rec_type );
278 /*#
279 * This procedure updates an existing products and product spread
280 * @param p_api_version      Indicates the version of the API.
281 * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
282 * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
283 * @param p_validation_level Indicates the validation level.
284 * @param x_return_status    Indicates the program status.
285 * @param x_msg_data         Indicates the number of messages the program returned.
286 * @param x_msg_count        Change Update to Updates and add a period.
287 * @param p_quota_products_tbl     Change Update to Updates and add a period.
288 * @param p_quota_prod_spread_tbl  Update Time Spread for the Products.
289 * @rep:scope public
290 * @rep:lifecycle active
291 * @rep:displayname Update Product Spread
292 * @rep:compatibility S
293 * @rep:businessevent None
294 */
296 PROCEDURE Update_Quota_Product_Spread(
297               p_api_version         IN   NUMBER
298              ,p_init_msg_list       IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
299              ,p_commit              IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
300              ,p_validation_level    IN   NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
301              ,x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
302              ,x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
303              ,x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
304              ,p_quota_products_tbl    IN quota_products_tbl_type
305              ,p_quota_prod_spread_tbl IN quota_prod_spread_tbl_type ) ;
307 /*#
308 * This procedure updates an existing account and account spread
309 * @param p_api_version      Indicates the version of the API.
310 * @param p_init_msg_list    Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
311 * @param p_commit           Indicates whether to commit within the program.
312 * @param p_validation_level Indicates the validation level.
313 * @param x_return_status    Indicates the program status.
314 * @param x_msg_data         Returns messages by the program.
315 * @param x_msg_count        Indicates the number of messages the program returned.
316 * @param p_quota_accounts_tbl     Update accounts for a quota .
317 * @param p_account_spread_tbl     Updates Time Spreads for the Accounts.
318 * @rep:scope public
319 * @rep:lifecycle active
320 * @rep:displayname Updates Account Spread
321 * @rep:compatibility S
322 * @rep:businessevent None
323 */
325 PROCEDURE Update_Quota_Account_Spread(
326               p_api_version         IN   NUMBER
327              ,p_init_msg_list       IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
328              ,p_commit              IN   VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
329              ,p_validation_level    IN   NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
330              ,x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
331              ,x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
332              ,x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
333              ,p_quota_accounts_tbl  IN quota_accounts_tbl_type
334              ,p_account_spread_tbl  IN account_spread_tbl_type  );
336 -------------------------------
337 -- Delete APIs
338 -------------------------------
339 /*#
340 * This procedure deletes an exist quota.
341 * @param p_api_version   Indicates the version of the API.
342 * @param p_init_msg_list Indicates whether to initialize the message stack.
343 * @param p_commit        Indicates whether to commit within the program.
344 * @param p_quota_id      Indicates Quota identifier of the quota to be deleted.
345 * @param x_return_status Indicates the program status.
346 * @param x_msg_count     Indicates the number of messages the program returned.
347 * @param x_msg_data      Return message by the program.
348 * @rep:scope public
349 * @rep:lifecycle active
350 * @rep:displayname Delete Quota
351 * @rep:compatibility S
352 * @rep:businessevent None
353 */
355 PROCEDURE delete_quota(
356    p_api_version 	IN       	NUMBER
357   ,p_init_msg_list      IN       	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
358   ,p_commit             IN       	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
359   ,p_quota_id           IN   		NUMBER
360   ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
361   ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
362   ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
363   );