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Line 430: ,auto_created_config_flag,nvl( (select 'Not Valid Record' from dual where replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'

426: cursor mi(j number) is
427: SELECT inventory_item_id ,organization_id ,segment1 ,internal_order_enabled_flag
428: ,purchasing_enabled_flag ,outside_operation_flag,list_price_per_unit
429: ,rfq_required_flag ,primary_uom_code ,replenish_to_order_flag ,base_item_id
430: ,auto_created_config_flag,nvl( (select 'Not Valid Record' from dual where replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
431: AND base_item_id IS NOT NULL
432: AND auto_created_config_flag = 'Y'), 'Valid Record') RULE_1_ISVALID ,
433: nvl( ( select 'Not Valid Record' from dual
434: where nvl(internal_order_enabled_flag,'N') ='N'

Line 433: nvl( ( select 'Not Valid Record' from dual

429: ,rfq_required_flag ,primary_uom_code ,replenish_to_order_flag ,base_item_id
430: ,auto_created_config_flag,nvl( (select 'Not Valid Record' from dual where replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
431: AND base_item_id IS NOT NULL
432: AND auto_created_config_flag = 'Y'), 'Valid Record') RULE_1_ISVALID ,
433: nvl( ( select 'Not Valid Record' from dual
434: where nvl(internal_order_enabled_flag,'N') ='N'
435: and ( list_price_per_unit is null or nvl(outside_operation_flag,'Y') ='Y' ) ),'Valid Record') RULE_2_ISVALID
436: FROM mtl_system_items_b
437: WHERE inventory_item_id = g_source_ids(j)

Line 443: ,nvl(( select 'Not Valid Record' from dual

440: cursor mtl(j number) is
441: SELECT inventory_item_id,organization_id,language
442: ,source_lang ,description ,long_description
443: ,nvl(( select 'Not Valid Record' from dual
444: where mtl.language <> mtl.source_lang), 'Valid Record') RULE_1_ISVALID
445: FROM mtl_system_items_tl mtl
446: WHERE mtl.inventory_item_id = g_source_ids(j)
447: AND mtl.organization_id = nvl(g_organization_id,organization_id) ;