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Line 81: PROCEDURE print_mgrs(p_req_id IN NUMBER, inner_section IN OUT nocopy jtf_diag_section, reportcontext IN jtf_diag_report_context) AS

77: END IF;
79: END manager_check;
81: PROCEDURE print_mgrs(p_req_id IN NUMBER, inner_section IN OUT nocopy jtf_diag_section, reportcontext IN jtf_diag_report_context) AS
82: note jtf_diag_note;
83: CURSOR c_mgrs(rid NUMBER) IS
84: SELECT user_concurrent_queue_name name,
85: fcwr.running_processes active,

Line 113: reportcontext jtf_diag_report_context;

109: -- a report object provided by the framework to produce a well managed report
110: -- of the test execution
111: report jtf_diag_report_obj;
112: -- this context is needed for creation of different component in the report
113: reportcontext jtf_diag_report_context;
114: -- section component which will be a container of other component in the report
115: SECTION jtf_diag_section;
116: inner_section jtf_diag_section;
117: -- message of type info, warning, error can be put inside a report