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Line 19: l_out_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;

15: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'insert_material_line';
16: l_material_detail_rec gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;
17: l_batchstep_items gme_batch_step_items%ROWTYPE;
18: l_batch_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
19: l_out_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;
20: l_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;
21: l_recipe_id NUMBER;
22: l_message_count NUMBER;
23: l_message_list VARCHAR2 (2000);

Line 20: l_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;

16: l_material_detail_rec gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;
17: l_batchstep_items gme_batch_step_items%ROWTYPE;
18: l_batch_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
19: l_out_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;
20: l_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;
21: l_recipe_id NUMBER;
22: l_message_count NUMBER;
23: l_message_list VARCHAR2 (2000);
24: l_proc VARCHAR2 (100);

Line 60: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident

57: -- renumber subsequent lines
58: UPDATE gme_material_details
59: SET line_no = line_no + 1
60: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
61: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
62: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
63: WHERE batch_id = p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
64: AND line_type = p_material_detail_rec.line_type

Line 61: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp

57: -- renumber subsequent lines
58: UPDATE gme_material_details
59: SET line_no = line_no + 1
60: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
61: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
62: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
63: WHERE batch_id = p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
64: AND line_type = p_material_detail_rec.line_type
65: AND line_no >= p_material_detail_rec.line_no;

Line 62: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id

58: UPDATE gme_material_details
59: SET line_no = line_no + 1
60: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
61: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
62: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
63: WHERE batch_id = p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
64: AND line_type = p_material_detail_rec.line_type
65: AND line_no >= p_material_detail_rec.line_no;

Line 86: gme_common_pvt.get_supply_defaults

83: -- Bug 10046018 - set the defaults properly.
84: IF (x_material_detail_rec.subinventory IS NULL OR x_material_detail_rec.locator_id IS NULL) THEN
85: IF (x_material_detail_rec.line_type = -1) THEN
86: gme_common_pvt.get_supply_defaults
87: (p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id
88: ,p_inventory_item_id => x_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id
89: ,x_subinventory => l_subinventory
90: ,x_locator_id => l_locator_id

Line 93: gme_common_pvt.get_yield_defaults

89: ,x_subinventory => l_subinventory
90: ,x_locator_id => l_locator_id
91: ,x_return_status => l_return_status);
92: ELSE
93: gme_common_pvt.get_yield_defaults
94: (p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id
95: ,p_inventory_item_id => x_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id
96: ,p_line_type => x_material_detail_rec.line_type
97: ,x_subinventory => l_subinventory

Line 150: gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date

146: END IF;
148: l_material_detail_rec := x_material_detail_rec;
150: gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date
151: (p_batch_header_rec => p_batch_header_rec
152: ,p_batchstep_rec => p_batch_step_rec
153: ,p_mtl_dtl_rec => l_material_detail_rec
154: ,x_mtl_req_date => x_material_detail_rec.material_requirement_date

Line 158: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date';

154: ,x_mtl_req_date => x_material_detail_rec.material_requirement_date
155: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);
157: IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
158: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date';
159: RAISE error_processing;
160: END IF;
162: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN

Line 168: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing AND

164: || TO_CHAR(x_material_detail_rec.material_requirement_date,
165: gme_material_detail_pvt.g_date_fmt));
166: END IF;
167: /* Bug 4866700 added update inventory check */
168: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing AND
169: x_material_detail_rec.phantom_type = 0 AND
170: p_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind = 'Y' THEN
171: l_material_detail_tbl (1) := x_material_detail_rec;

Line 176: ,p_move_order_type => gme_common_pvt.g_invis_move_order_type

173: -- add material line into invisible move order
174: gme_move_orders_pvt.create_move_order_lines
175: (p_move_order_header_id => p_batch_header_rec.move_order_header_id
176: ,p_move_order_type => gme_common_pvt.g_invis_move_order_type
177: ,p_material_details_tbl => l_material_detail_tbl
178: ,x_material_details_tbl => l_out_material_detail_tbl
179: ,x_trolin_tbl => l_trolin_tbl
180: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 292: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR', SQLERRM);

288: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
289: gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name|| ': ' || l_proc|| ' error returned');
290: END IF;
291: WHEN error_dbl THEN
292: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR', SQLERRM);
293: x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
295: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
296: gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name|| ': '

Line 301: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_DISPENSE_NON_RESERVE');

297: || l_proc|| ' unexpected error: '|| SQLERRM);
298: END IF;
300: WHEN error_dispensing THEN
301: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_DISPENSE_NON_RESERVE');
302: x_return_status := l_return_status;
303: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
304: gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name|| ': '
305: || l_proc|| 'Dispensing error returned ');

Line 337: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_TYPE_OPER');

333: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
335: --Bug#5078853 added check for invalid batch type
336: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_type <> 0 THEN
337: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_TYPE_OPER');
338: RAISE validation_error;
339: END IF;
341: IF (p_batch_header_rec.batch_status NOT IN

Line 342: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending

338: RAISE validation_error;
339: END IF;
341: IF (p_batch_header_rec.batch_status NOT IN
342: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending
343: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
344: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed )) THEN
345: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');
346: RAISE validation_error;

Line 343: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip

339: END IF;
341: IF (p_batch_header_rec.batch_status NOT IN
342: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending
343: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
344: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed )) THEN
345: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');
346: RAISE validation_error;
347: END IF;

Line 344: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed )) THEN

341: IF (p_batch_header_rec.batch_status NOT IN
342: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending
343: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
344: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed )) THEN
345: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');
346: RAISE validation_error;
347: END IF;

Line 345: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');

341: IF (p_batch_header_rec.batch_status NOT IN
342: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending
343: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
344: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed )) THEN
345: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');
346: RAISE validation_error;
347: END IF;
349: IF p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN

Line 350: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending

346: RAISE validation_error;
347: END IF;
349: IF p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
350: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
351: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
352: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)) THEN
353: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');
354: RAISE validation_error;

Line 351: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip

347: END IF;
349: IF p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
350: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
351: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
352: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)) THEN
353: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');
354: RAISE validation_error;
355: END IF;

Line 352: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)) THEN

349: IF p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
350: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
351: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
352: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)) THEN
353: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');
354: RAISE validation_error;
355: END IF;
356: END IF;

Line 353: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');

349: IF p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
350: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
351: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
352: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)) THEN
353: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');
354: RAISE validation_error;
355: END IF;
356: END IF;

Line 449: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN

445: RAISE val_error;
446: END IF;
448: -- ByProduct_Type
449: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
450: validate_byproduct_type
451: (p_byproduct_type => p_material_detail_rec.by_product_type
452: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 490: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod AND

487: /* Bug#5078853 moved this code over here */
488: -- Release_Type
489: -- following should be validated in form
490: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod AND
491: p_material_detail_rec.by_product_type = 'S' THEN
492: x_material_detail_rec.release_type := 1;
493: ELSIF p_material_detail_rec.release_type IS NULL THEN
494: x_material_detail_rec.release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_release_type;

Line 494: x_material_detail_rec.release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_release_type;

490: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod AND
491: p_material_detail_rec.by_product_type = 'S' THEN
492: x_material_detail_rec.release_type := 1;
493: ELSIF p_material_detail_rec.release_type IS NULL THEN
494: x_material_detail_rec.release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_release_type;
495: ELSE
496: validate_release_type
497: (p_material_detail_rec => p_material_detail_rec
498: ,p_release_type => p_material_detail_rec.release_type

Line 509: IF p_material_detail_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

505: END IF;
507: -- Calculate status of material based on release type, association and batch/step status
508: l_status := p_batch_header_rec.batch_status;
509: IF p_material_detail_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
510: p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
511: l_status := p_batch_step_rec.step_status;
512: END IF;

Line 515: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN

511: l_status := p_batch_step_rec.step_status;
512: END IF;
514: -- Plan_Qty
515: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN
516: validate_plan_qty (p_plan_qty => p_material_detail_rec.plan_qty
517: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);
519: IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN

Line 528: IF l_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip THEN

524: x_material_detail_rec.plan_qty := 0;
525: END IF;
527: -- WIP_Plan_Qty
528: IF l_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip THEN
529: x_material_detail_rec.wip_plan_qty := NULL;
530: ELSE
531: validate_wip_plan_qty
532: (p_wip_plan_qty => p_material_detail_rec.wip_plan_qty

Line 550: IF l_status NOT IN ( gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip,

546: p_material_detail_rec.actual_qty = 0 THEN
548: x_material_detail_rec.actual_qty := 0;
549: ELSE
550: IF l_status NOT IN ( gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip,
551: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed ) THEN
552: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_ACT');
553: RAISE val_error;
554: END IF;

Line 551: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed ) THEN

548: x_material_detail_rec.actual_qty := 0;
549: ELSE
550: IF l_status NOT IN ( gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip,
551: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed ) THEN
552: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_ACT');
553: RAISE val_error;
554: END IF;
555: validate_actual_qty (p_actual_qty => x_material_detail_rec.actual_qty

Line 552: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_ACT');

548: x_material_detail_rec.actual_qty := 0;
549: ELSE
550: IF l_status NOT IN ( gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip,
551: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed ) THEN
552: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_ACT');
553: RAISE val_error;
554: END IF;
555: validate_actual_qty (p_actual_qty => x_material_detail_rec.actual_qty
556: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 567: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending OR

565: /* Bug#5078853 modified validation for scrap factor */
566: -- Scrap_Factor
567: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending OR
568: p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor IS NULL OR
569: p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor = 0 OR
570: p_material_detail_rec.line_type <> gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
571: x_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor := 0;

Line 570: p_material_detail_rec.line_type <> gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

566: -- Scrap_Factor
567: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending OR
568: p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor IS NULL OR
569: p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor = 0 OR
570: p_material_detail_rec.line_type <> gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
571: x_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor := 0;
572: ELSE
573: validate_scrap_factor(p_scrap => p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor
574: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 638: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN

634: x_material_detail_rec.rounding_direction := NULL;
635: END IF;
637: -- Cost_Alloc
638: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
639: -- validate 0 <= cost_alloc <= 1
640: -- at save_batch, check that sum(cost_alloc for all products) <= 1
641: validate_cost_alloc
642: (p_material_detail_rec => p_material_detail_rec

Line 654: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending AND

650: x_material_detail_rec.cost_alloc := NULL;
651: END IF;
653: -- Phantom_Type
654: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending AND
655: x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
656: validate_phantom_type
657: (p_phantom_type => p_material_detail_rec.phantom_type
658: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 655: x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

651: END IF;
653: -- Phantom_Type
654: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending AND
655: x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
656: validate_phantom_type
657: (p_phantom_type => p_material_detail_rec.phantom_type
658: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 669: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

665: x_material_detail_rec.phantom_type := 0;
666: END IF;
668: -- Contribute_Yield_Ind
669: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
670: validate_contr_yield_ind
671: (p_contr_yield_ind => p_material_detail_rec.contribute_yield_ind
672: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 702: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

698: x_material_detail_rec.subinventory := NULL;
699: x_material_detail_rec.locator_id := NULL;
700: ELSIF p_material_detail_rec.subinventory IS NULL THEN
701: --Bug#5078853 Begin get the default sub inv and locator either from gme_parameters or from Item Master
702: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
703: gme_common_pvt.get_supply_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id
704: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id
705: ,x_subinventory => x_material_detail_rec.subinventory
706: ,x_locator_id => x_material_detail_rec.locator_id

Line 703: gme_common_pvt.get_supply_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id

699: x_material_detail_rec.locator_id := NULL;
700: ELSIF p_material_detail_rec.subinventory IS NULL THEN
701: --Bug#5078853 Begin get the default sub inv and locator either from gme_parameters or from Item Master
702: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
703: gme_common_pvt.get_supply_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id
704: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id
705: ,x_subinventory => x_material_detail_rec.subinventory
706: ,x_locator_id => x_material_detail_rec.locator_id
707: ,x_return_status => x_return_status );

Line 713: gme_common_pvt.get_yield_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id

709: l_val_proc := 'get_supply_defaults';
710: RAISE val_error;
711: END IF;
712: ELSE
713: gme_common_pvt.get_yield_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id
714: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id
715: ,p_line_type => p_material_detail_rec.line_type
716: ,x_subinventory => x_material_detail_rec.subinventory
717: ,x_locator_id => x_material_detail_rec.locator_id

Line 741: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

737: x_material_detail_rec.locator_id := NULL;
738: ELSIF p_material_detail_rec.locator_id IS NULL THEN
739: /* Bug#5078853 Begin if we come here then locator id is not being passed from public api
740: so get the default locator id to validate with passed sub inv */
741: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
742: gme_common_pvt.get_supply_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id
743: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id
744: ,x_subinventory => l_subinventory
745: ,x_locator_id => x_material_detail_rec.locator_id

Line 742: gme_common_pvt.get_supply_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id

738: ELSIF p_material_detail_rec.locator_id IS NULL THEN
739: /* Bug#5078853 Begin if we come here then locator id is not being passed from public api
740: so get the default locator id to validate with passed sub inv */
741: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
742: gme_common_pvt.get_supply_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id
743: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id
744: ,x_subinventory => l_subinventory
745: ,x_locator_id => x_material_detail_rec.locator_id
746: ,x_return_status => x_return_status );

Line 752: gme_common_pvt.get_yield_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id

748: l_val_proc := 'get_supply_defaults';
749: RAISE val_error;
750: END IF;
751: ELSE
752: gme_common_pvt.get_yield_defaults ( p_organization_id => x_material_detail_rec.organization_id
753: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id
754: ,p_line_type => p_material_detail_rec.line_type
755: ,x_subinventory => l_subinventory
756: ,x_locator_id => x_material_detail_rec.locator_id

Line 783: gme_common_pvt.g_flex_validate_prof has to be set in public API to enforce flex field validation */

779: END IF; -- IF x_material_detail_rec.locator_id IS NOT NULL ...
780: END IF; -- IF x_material_detail_rec.subinventory = ...
782: /* Bug#5078853 added the following call for flex field validation
783: gme_common_pvt.g_flex_validate_prof has to be set in public API to enforce flex field validation */
784: gme_validate_flex_fld_pvt.validate_flex_material_details
785: ( p_material_detail_rec => p_material_detail_rec
786: ,x_material_detail_rec => x_material_detail_rec
787: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 951: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UPD_ACTUAL_QTY_ERR'

947: OPEN item_no_cursor (p_batch_header_rec.organization_id, l_item_rec.inventory_item_id);
948: FETCH item_no_cursor INTO l_item_no;
949: CLOSE item_no_cursor;
951: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UPD_ACTUAL_QTY_ERR'
952: ,'ITEM_NO'
953: ,l_item_no);
954: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
955: WHEN open_actual_qty_unexp_error THEN

Line 1005: AND pair_type = gme_common_pvt.g_pairs_reversal_type);

1001: SELECT transaction_id1
1002: FROM gme_transaction_pairs
1003: WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
1004: AND material_detail_id = v_material_detail_id
1005: AND pair_type = gme_common_pvt.g_pairs_reversal_type);
1007: CURSOR cur_get_mtl_trxn_lot (v_trans_id NUMBER)
1008: IS
1009: SELECT COUNT (1)

Line 1089: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

1085: * lot - 1 transaction
1086: */
1088: l_release_type := l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type;
1089: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
1090: p_batchstep_id IS NULL THEN
1091: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;
1092: END IF;

Line 1091: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;

1088: l_release_type := l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type;
1089: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
1090: p_batchstep_id IS NULL THEN
1091: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;
1092: END IF;
1094: -- if it's auto by step, ensure we have the step status...
1095: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release THEN

Line 1095: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release THEN

1091: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;
1092: END IF;
1094: -- if it's auto by step, ensure we have the step status...
1095: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release THEN
1096: IF p_step_status IS NULL THEN
1097: OPEN cur_get_step_status(p_batchstep_id);
1098: FETCH cur_get_step_status INTO l_step_status;
1099: CLOSE cur_get_step_status;

Line 1109: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod

1105: -- Not open for products/byproducts that are not in completed state (auto) or
1106: -- wip/completed (manual/incremental)
1108: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type IN
1109: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
1110: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod)
1111: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)
1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release

Line 1110: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod)

1106: -- wip/completed (manual/incremental)
1108: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type IN
1109: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
1110: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod)
1111: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)
1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release
1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)

Line 1111: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release

1108: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type IN
1109: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
1110: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod)
1111: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)
1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release
1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)
1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,

Line 1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)

1108: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type IN
1109: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
1110: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod)
1111: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)
1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release
1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)
1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,
1116: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_incremental_release)

Line 1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release

1109: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
1110: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod)
1111: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)
1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release
1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)
1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,
1116: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_incremental_release)
1117: AND p_batch_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip

Line 1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)

1110: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod)
1111: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)
1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release
1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)
1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,
1116: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_incremental_release)
1117: AND p_batch_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1118: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed))

Line 1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,

1111: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)
1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release
1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)
1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,
1116: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_incremental_release)
1117: AND p_batch_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1118: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed))
1119: ) THEN

Line 1116: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_incremental_release)

1112: AND l_step_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed)
1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release
1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)
1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,
1116: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_incremental_release)
1117: AND p_batch_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1118: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed))
1119: ) THEN
1120: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN

Line 1117: AND p_batch_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip

1113: OR (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release
1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)
1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,
1116: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_incremental_release)
1117: AND p_batch_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1118: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed))
1119: ) THEN
1120: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
1121: gme_debug.put_line

Line 1118: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed))

1114: AND p_batch_status <> gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed)
1115: OR (l_release_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_manual_release,
1116: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_incremental_release)
1117: AND p_batch_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1118: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed))
1119: ) THEN
1120: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
1121: gme_debug.put_line
1122: ( g_pkg_name

Line 1134: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing

1130: RETURN -1;
1131: END IF;
1133: -- Not open for ingredients that are not in WIP or completed state
1134: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
1135: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1136: AND l_step_status NOT IN
1137: (gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
1138: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) )

Line 1135: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release

1131: END IF;
1133: -- Not open for ingredients that are not in WIP or completed state
1134: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
1135: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1136: AND l_step_status NOT IN
1137: (gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
1138: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) )
1139: -- following for manual, incremental and auto

Line 1137: (gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip

1133: -- Not open for ingredients that are not in WIP or completed state
1134: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
1135: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1136: AND l_step_status NOT IN
1137: (gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
1138: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) )
1139: -- following for manual, incremental and auto
1140: OR (p_batch_status NOT IN
1141: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip

Line 1138: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) )

1134: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
1135: AND ( (l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
1136: AND l_step_status NOT IN
1137: (gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
1138: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) )
1139: -- following for manual, incremental and auto
1140: OR (p_batch_status NOT IN
1141: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1142: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed) ) ) THEN

Line 1141: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip

1137: (gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip
1138: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) )
1139: -- following for manual, incremental and auto
1140: OR (p_batch_status NOT IN
1141: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1142: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed) ) ) THEN
1143: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
1144: gme_debug.put_line
1145: ( g_pkg_name

Line 1142: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed) ) ) THEN

1138: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) )
1139: -- following for manual, incremental and auto
1140: OR (p_batch_status NOT IN
1141: (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
1142: ,gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed) ) ) THEN
1143: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
1144: gme_debug.put_line
1145: ( g_pkg_name
1146: || '.'

Line 1314: IF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing) THEN

1310: OPEN cur_sub_control (l_mtl_dtl_rec.organization_id, l_mtl_dtl_rec.subinventory);
1311: FETCH cur_sub_control INTO l_sub_locator_type;
1312: CLOSE cur_sub_control;
1314: IF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing) THEN
1315: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
1316: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
1317: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
1318: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN

Line 1315: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;

1311: FETCH cur_sub_control INTO l_sub_locator_type;
1312: CLOSE cur_sub_control;
1314: IF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing) THEN
1315: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
1316: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
1317: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
1318: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
1319: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;

Line 1316: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN

1312: CLOSE cur_sub_control;
1314: IF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing) THEN
1315: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
1316: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
1317: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
1318: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
1319: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;
1320: END IF;

Line 1317: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;

1314: IF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing) THEN
1315: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
1316: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
1317: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
1318: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
1319: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;
1320: END IF;
1321: --Bug#5129153 If item is revision controlled and revision field is NULL then return -1. Start.

Line 1318: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN

1314: IF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing) THEN
1315: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
1316: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
1317: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
1318: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
1319: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;
1320: END IF;
1321: --Bug#5129153 If item is revision controlled and revision field is NULL then return -1. Start.
1322: IF l_rev_code = 2 AND l_mtl_dtl_rec.revision IS NULL THEN

Line 1319: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;

1315: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
1316: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
1317: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
1318: ELSIF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
1319: l_txn_action := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;
1320: END IF;
1321: --Bug#5129153 If item is revision controlled and revision field is NULL then return -1. Start.
1322: IF l_rev_code = 2 AND l_mtl_dtl_rec.revision IS NULL THEN
1323: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN

Line 1337: gme_common_pvt.eff_locator_control

1333: END IF;
1334: --Bug#5129153 End.
1335: /* Bug 5441643 Added NVL condition for location control code*/
1336: l_eff_locator_control :=
1337: gme_common_pvt.eff_locator_control
1338: (p_organization_id => l_mtl_dtl_rec.organization_id
1339: ,p_org_control => gme_common_pvt.g_org_locator_control
1340: ,p_subinventory => l_mtl_dtl_rec.subinventory
1341: ,p_sub_control => l_sub_locator_type

Line 1339: ,p_org_control => gme_common_pvt.g_org_locator_control

1335: /* Bug 5441643 Added NVL condition for location control code*/
1336: l_eff_locator_control :=
1337: gme_common_pvt.eff_locator_control
1338: (p_organization_id => l_mtl_dtl_rec.organization_id
1339: ,p_org_control => gme_common_pvt.g_org_locator_control
1340: ,p_subinventory => l_mtl_dtl_rec.subinventory
1341: ,p_sub_control => l_sub_locator_type
1342: ,p_item_control => NVL(l_location_control_code,1)
1343: ,p_item_loc_restrict => l_restrict_locators_code

Line 1433: l_mmln_tbl gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_num_tbl;

1430: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'PROCESS_ACTUAL_QTY';
1432: l_mmt_rec mtl_material_transactions%ROWTYPE;
1433: l_mmln_tbl gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_num_tbl;
1435: l_mmti_rec mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE;
1436: l_mmli_tbl gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_inter_tbl;

Line 1436: l_mmli_tbl gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_inter_tbl;

1432: l_mmt_rec mtl_material_transactions%ROWTYPE;
1433: l_mmln_tbl gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_num_tbl;
1435: l_mmti_rec mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE;
1436: l_mmli_tbl gme_common_pvt.mtl_trans_lots_inter_tbl;
1438: l_cnt NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
1439: l_secondary_qty NUMBER;
1440: l_primary_qty NUMBER;

Line 1614: || gme_common_pvt.g_transaction_header_id);

1610: ( g_pkg_name
1611: || '.'
1612: || l_api_name
1613: ||' transaction header id after create mtl txn'
1614: || gme_common_pvt.g_transaction_header_id);
1615: END IF;
1616: END IF;
1617: ELSE
1618: /* Bug 5681997 added condition to touch txns only if enabled */

Line 1729: IF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

1725: x_mmti_rec.transaction_source_id := p_matl_dtl_rec.batch_id;
1726: x_mmti_rec.organization_id := p_matl_dtl_rec.organization_id;
1728: --getting transaction_type_id depends on the line type
1729: IF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
1730: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue;
1731: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
1732: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_completion;
1733: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN

Line 1730: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue;

1726: x_mmti_rec.organization_id := p_matl_dtl_rec.organization_id;
1728: --getting transaction_type_id depends on the line type
1729: IF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
1730: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue;
1731: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
1732: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_completion;
1733: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
1734: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_completion;

Line 1731: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN

1728: --getting transaction_type_id depends on the line type
1729: IF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
1730: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue;
1731: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
1732: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_completion;
1733: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
1734: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_completion;
1735: END IF;

Line 1732: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_completion;

1728: --getting transaction_type_id depends on the line type
1729: IF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
1730: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue;
1731: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
1732: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_completion;
1733: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
1734: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_completion;
1735: END IF;
1736: --x_mmti_rec.TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID := 44;

Line 1733: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN

1729: IF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
1730: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue;
1731: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
1732: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_completion;
1733: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
1734: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_completion;
1735: END IF;
1736: --x_mmti_rec.TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID := 44;
1737: x_mmti_rec.subinventory_code := p_matl_dtl_rec.subinventory;

Line 1734: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_completion;

1730: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue;
1731: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
1732: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_completion;
1733: ELSIF l_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
1734: x_mmti_rec.transaction_type_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_completion;
1735: END IF;
1736: --x_mmti_rec.TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID := 44;
1737: x_mmti_rec.subinventory_code := p_matl_dtl_rec.subinventory;
1738: x_mmti_rec.locator_id := p_matl_dtl_rec.locator_id;

Line 1746: gme_common_pvt.fetch_trans_date(

1743: /*Bug#5394232 Begin
1744: if we don't pass any date to this procedure then we have to default the trans date*/
1745: IF x_mmti_rec.transaction_date IS NULL THEN
1746: gme_common_pvt.fetch_trans_date(
1747: p_material_detail_id => p_matl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id
1748: ,p_invoke_mode => 'T'
1749: ,x_trans_date => l_trans_date
1750: ,x_return_status => x_return_status );

Line 1791: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

1787: END IF;
1789: -- Calculate Transaction Date
1790: l_release_type := p_matl_dtl_rec.release_type;
1791: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
1792: p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NULL THEN
1793: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;
1794: END IF;

Line 1793: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;

1789: -- Calculate Transaction Date
1790: l_release_type := p_matl_dtl_rec.release_type;
1791: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
1792: p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NULL THEN
1793: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;
1794: END IF;
1796: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release THEN -- abs... dates come from step
1797: IF p_batch_step_rec.step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed THEN

Line 1796: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release THEN -- abs... dates come from step

1792: p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NULL THEN
1793: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;
1794: END IF;
1796: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release THEN -- abs... dates come from step
1797: IF p_batch_step_rec.step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed THEN
1798: x_mmti_rec.transaction_date := p_batch_step_rec.actual_cmplt_date;
1799: ELSE -- must be WIP
1800: x_mmti_rec.transaction_date := p_batch_step_rec.actual_start_date;

Line 1797: IF p_batch_step_rec.step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed THEN

1793: l_release_type := gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_auto_release;
1794: END IF;
1796: IF l_release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release THEN -- abs... dates come from step
1797: IF p_batch_step_rec.step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed THEN
1798: x_mmti_rec.transaction_date := p_batch_step_rec.actual_cmplt_date;
1799: ELSE -- must be WIP
1800: x_mmti_rec.transaction_date := p_batch_step_rec.actual_start_date;
1801: END IF;

Line 1804: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed THEN

1800: x_mmti_rec.transaction_date := p_batch_step_rec.actual_start_date;
1801: END IF;
1802: ELSE -- auto release... dates come from batch
1803: IF p_batch_hdr_rec.batch_status =
1804: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed THEN
1805: x_mmti_rec.transaction_date :=
1806: p_batch_hdr_rec.actual_cmplt_date;
1807: ELSE -- must be WIP
1808: x_mmti_rec.transaction_date :=

Line 1929: ,precision => gme_common_pvt.g_precision

1925: x_conv_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
1926: (item_id => p_item_id
1927: ,lot_number => p_lot_number
1928: ,organization_id => p_org_id
1929: ,precision => gme_common_pvt.g_precision
1930: ,from_quantity => p_qty
1931: ,from_unit => p_from_um
1932: ,to_unit => p_to_um
1933: ,from_name => NULL

Line 1936: -- Note: -99999 should be in gme_common_pvt

1932: ,to_unit => p_to_um
1933: ,from_name => NULL
1934: ,to_name => NULL);
1936: -- Note: -99999 should be in gme_common_pvt
1937: IF x_conv_qty = -99999 THEN
1938: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
1939: gme_debug.put_line
1940: ( g_pkg_name

Line 2006: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_NO_KEYS', 'TABLE_NAME', 'mtl_system_items_b');

2003: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2005: IF p_item_id IS NULL THEN
2006: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_NO_KEYS', 'TABLE_NAME', 'mtl_system_items_b');
2007: RAISE error_get_item;
2008: END IF;
2010: OPEN cur_get_item_rec (p_org_id, p_item_id);

Line 2015: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('PM_INVALID_ITEM');

2011: FETCH cur_get_item_rec INTO x_item_rec;
2012: CLOSE cur_get_item_rec;
2014: IF x_item_rec.inventory_item_id IS NULL THEN -- not found
2015: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('PM_INVALID_ITEM');
2017: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
2018: gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' no record in mtl_system_items_b: ');
2019: gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||'inventory_item_id = ' ||p_item_id );

Line 2089: IF gme_common_pvt.g_lab_ind = 0 AND x_item_rec.eng_item_flag = 'Y' THEN

2085: -- lab_batch 1 eng item Y OK
2086: -- lab_batch 0 eng item Y N
2087: -- lab_batch 1 eng item N OK
2088: -- lab_batch 0 eng item N OK
2089: IF gme_common_pvt.g_lab_ind = 0 AND x_item_rec.eng_item_flag = 'Y' THEN
2090: l_field := 'eng_item_flag';
2091: RAISE error_validate;
2092: END IF;

Line 2129: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_ITEM_INSERT', 'ITEM_NO', l_field);

2125: FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
2126: WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
2127: AND organization_id = p_org_id;
2128: --Bug#5078853
2129: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_ITEM_INSERT', 'ITEM_NO', l_field);
2130: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
2133: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);

Line 2185: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_NOT_REV_CTRL');

2182: -- revision_qty_control_code
2183: -- 1=No revision qty control; 2=Under revision qty control
2184: IF p_item_rec.revision_qty_control_code = 1 THEN
2185: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_NOT_REV_CTRL');
2186: RAISE error_not_revision_control;
2187: END IF;
2189: OPEN cur_get_revision (p_item_rec.organization_id

Line 2196: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_REV_NOT_DEFD');

2192: FETCH cur_get_revision INTO l_is_revision_found;
2193: CLOSE cur_get_revision;
2195: IF l_is_revision_found IS NULL OR l_is_revision_found <> 1 THEN
2196: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_REV_NOT_DEFD');
2197: RAISE error_revision_not_found;
2198: END IF;
2200: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2242: IF gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_active = 2 AND

2238: -- value of 1 means Yes; byproducts are available for insert, update and delete
2239: -- value of 2 means No; byproducts are not available
2240: -- if this parameter is set to 2 and the material being inserted is a byproduct, then
2241: -- raise an error
2242: IF gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_active = 2 AND
2243: p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
2244: fnd_message.set_name ('GMD', 'FM_BYPROD_INACTIVE');
2245: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2246: RAISE validation_error;

Line 2243: p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN

2239: -- value of 2 means No; byproducts are not available
2240: -- if this parameter is set to 2 and the material being inserted is a byproduct, then
2241: -- raise an error
2242: IF gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_active = 2 AND
2243: p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
2244: fnd_message.set_name ('GMD', 'FM_BYPROD_INACTIVE');
2245: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2246: RAISE validation_error;
2247: END IF;

Line 2250: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing

2246: RAISE validation_error;
2247: END IF;
2249: IF p_line_type NOT IN
2250: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
2251: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
2252: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
2253: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_LINE_TYPE');
2254: RAISE validation_error;

Line 2251: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod

2247: END IF;
2249: IF p_line_type NOT IN
2250: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
2251: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
2252: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
2253: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_LINE_TYPE');
2254: RAISE validation_error;
2255: END IF;

Line 2252: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN

2249: IF p_line_type NOT IN
2250: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
2251: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
2252: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
2253: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_LINE_TYPE');
2254: RAISE validation_error;
2255: END IF;

Line 2253: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_LINE_TYPE');

2249: IF p_line_type NOT IN
2250: (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
2251: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
2252: ,gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod) THEN
2253: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_LINE_TYPE');
2254: RAISE validation_error;
2255: END IF;
2257: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2309: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_BYPROD_TYPE');

2305: FETCH cur_byprod_type INTO l_exists;
2306: CLOSE cur_byprod_type;
2308: IF l_exists IS NULL OR l_exists <> 1 THEN
2309: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_BYPROD_TYPE');
2310: RAISE invalid_byproduct_type;
2311: END IF;
2312: END IF;

Line 2364: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER');

2361: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2363: IF p_line_no <= 0 THEN
2364: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER');
2365: RAISE invalid_line_no;
2366: END IF;
2368: OPEN cur_last_line_no(p_batch_id, p_line_type);

Line 2444: IF l_disable_date <= gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp THEN

2440: RAISE invalid_dtl_um;
2441: END IF;
2442: */
2444: IF l_disable_date <= gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp THEN
2445: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UM_DISABLED');
2446: RAISE disabled_dtl_um;
2447: END IF;

Line 2445: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UM_DISABLED');

2441: END IF;
2442: */
2444: IF l_disable_date <= gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp THEN
2445: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UM_DISABLED');
2446: RAISE disabled_dtl_um;
2447: END IF;
2449: get_converted_qty (

Line 2503: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_PLAN_QTY');

2500: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2502: IF p_plan_qty < 0 THEN
2503: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_PLAN_QTY');
2504: RAISE val_error;
2505: END IF;
2507: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2544: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_WIP_PLAN_QTY');

2541: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2543: IF p_wip_plan_qty < 0 THEN
2544: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_WIP_PLAN_QTY');
2545: RAISE val_error;
2546: END IF;
2548: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2585: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_ACTUAL_QTY');

2582: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2584: IF p_actual_qty < 0 THEN
2585: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_ACTUAL_QTY');
2586: RAISE val_error;
2587: END IF;
2589: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2639: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_RELEASE_TYPE');

2635: FETCH cur_rel_type INTO l_exists;
2636: CLOSE cur_rel_type;
2638: IF l_exists IS NULL OR l_exists <> 1 THEN
2639: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_RELEASE_TYPE');
2640: RAISE val_error;
2641: END IF;
2643: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2681: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_SCRAP_FACTOR');

2678: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2680: IF (p_scrap < 0 OR p_scrap > 1000000) THEN
2681: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_SCRAP_FACTOR');
2682: RAISE val_error;
2683: END IF;
2685: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2722: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_SCALE_MULT');

2719: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2721: IF p_scale_mult <= 0 THEN
2722: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_SCALE_MULT');
2723: RAISE val_error;
2724: END IF;
2726: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2763: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_SCALE_ROUND_VAR');

2760: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2762: IF (p_scale_var < 0 OR p_scale_var > 100) THEN
2763: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_SCALE_ROUND_VAR');
2764: RAISE val_error;
2765: END IF;
2767: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2817: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_ROUND_DIR');

2813: FETCH cur_round_dir INTO l_exists;
2814: CLOSE cur_round_dir;
2816: IF l_exists IS NULL OR l_exists <> 1 THEN
2817: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_ROUND_DIR');
2818: RAISE val_error;
2819: END IF;
2821: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2871: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_SCALE_TYPE');

2867: FETCH cur_scale_type INTO l_exists;
2868: CLOSE cur_scale_type;
2870: IF l_exists IS NULL OR l_exists <> 1 THEN
2871: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_SCALE_TYPE');
2872: RAISE val_error;
2873: END IF;
2875: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 2940: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip THEN

2936: OPEN Cur_get_batch_status(l_batch_id);
2937: FETCH Cur_get_batch_status INTO l_status;
2938: CLOSE Cur_get_batch_status;
2940: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip THEN
2941: OPEN Cur_get_step_status(l_material_detail_id);
2942: FETCH Cur_get_step_status INTO l_rel_type,l_step_status;
2943: CLOSE Cur_get_step_status;
2944: END IF;

Line 2948: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed OR

2944: END IF;
2946: /* For the completed batches and the wip batches where the associated step is
2947: completed, the cost allocation is not updatable */
2948: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed OR
2949: ( l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND l_rel_type=gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
2950: l_step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) THEN
2951: IF l_material_detail_id is NULL THEN
2952: /* in insert */

Line 2949: ( l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND l_rel_type=gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

2946: /* For the completed batches and the wip batches where the associated step is
2947: completed, the cost allocation is not updatable */
2948: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed OR
2949: ( l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND l_rel_type=gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
2950: l_step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) THEN
2951: IF l_material_detail_id is NULL THEN
2952: /* in insert */
2953: IF p_material_detail_rec.cost_alloc <> 0 THEN

Line 2950: l_step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) THEN

2946: /* For the completed batches and the wip batches where the associated step is
2947: completed, the cost allocation is not updatable */
2948: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed OR
2949: ( l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND l_rel_type=gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
2950: l_step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) THEN
2951: IF l_material_detail_id is NULL THEN
2952: /* in insert */
2953: IF p_material_detail_rec.cost_alloc <> 0 THEN
2954: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_COST_ALLOC');

Line 2954: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_COST_ALLOC');

2950: l_step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed) THEN
2951: IF l_material_detail_id is NULL THEN
2952: /* in insert */
2953: IF p_material_detail_rec.cost_alloc <> 0 THEN
2954: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_COST_ALLOC');
2955: RAISE val_error;
2956: END IF;
2957: ELSE
2958: /* in update */

Line 2964: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_COST_ALLOC_CANNOT_UPD');

2960: FETCH Cur_get_cost_alloc INTO l_cost_alloc;
2961: CLOSE Cur_get_cost_alloc;
2962: /*if the passed cost allocation is diff from stored cost alloc raise error */
2963: IF l_cost_alloc <> p_material_detail_rec.cost_alloc THEN
2964: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_COST_ALLOC_CANNOT_UPD');
2965: RAISE val_error;
2966: END IF;
2967: END IF;
2968: END IF;

Line 2971: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_COST_ALLOC');

2967: END IF;
2968: END IF;
2969: --commented out the following lines
2970: /*IF p_cost_alloc < 0 OR p_cost_alloc > 1 THEN
2971: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_COST_ALLOC');
2972: RAISE val_error;
2973: END IF; */
2974: --FPBug#4524232 End
2975: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 3022: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_PHANTOM_TYPE');

3018: FETCH cur_phantom_type INTO l_exists;
3019: CLOSE cur_phantom_type;
3021: IF l_exists IS NULL OR l_exists <> 1 THEN
3022: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_PHANTOM_TYPE');
3023: RAISE val_error;
3024: END IF;
3026: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 3063: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_CONTR_YIELD');

3060: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3062: IF p_contr_yield_ind NOT IN ('Y', 'N') THEN
3063: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_CONTR_YIELD');
3064: RAISE val_error;
3065: END IF;
3067: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 3105: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_CONTR_STEP');

3102: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3104: IF p_contr_step_qty_ind NOT IN ('Y', 'N') THEN
3105: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_CONTR_STEP');
3106: RAISE val_error;
3107: END IF;
3109: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 3148: ELSIF gme_common_pvt.check_subinventory

3144: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3146: IF p_subinv IS NULL THEN
3147: NULL; -- not required
3148: ELSIF gme_common_pvt.check_subinventory
3149: (p_organization_id => p_item_rec.organization_id
3150: ,p_subinventory => p_subinv
3151: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_item_rec.inventory_item_id
3152: ,p_restrict_subinv => p_item_rec.restrict_subinventories_code) THEN

Line 3208: IF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

3204: END IF;
3206: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3208: IF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
3209: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
3210: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
3211: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
3212: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN

Line 3209: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;

3206: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3208: IF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
3209: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
3210: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
3211: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
3212: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
3213: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;

Line 3210: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN

3206: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3208: IF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
3209: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
3210: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
3211: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
3212: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
3213: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;
3214: END IF;

Line 3211: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;

3208: IF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
3209: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
3210: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
3211: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
3212: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
3213: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;
3214: END IF;

Line 3212: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN

3208: IF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
3209: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
3210: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
3211: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
3212: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
3213: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;
3214: END IF;
3216: IF p_locator_id IS NULL THEN

Line 3213: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;

3209: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_ing_issue_txn_action;
3210: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
3211: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_prod_comp_txn_action;
3212: ELSIF p_line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
3213: l_txn_action_id := gme_common_pvt.g_byprod_comp_txn_action;
3214: END IF;
3216: IF p_locator_id IS NULL THEN
3217: NULL; -- not required

Line 3223: IF gme_common_pvt.check_locator

3219: OPEN cur_sub_control (p_item_rec.organization_id, p_subinv);
3220: FETCH cur_sub_control INTO l_sub_locator_type;
3221: CLOSE cur_sub_control;
3222: /* Bug 5441643 Added NVL condition for location control code*/
3223: IF gme_common_pvt.check_locator
3224: (p_organization_id => p_item_rec.organization_id
3225: ,p_locator_id => p_locator_id
3226: ,p_subinventory => p_subinv
3227: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_item_rec.inventory_item_id

Line 3228: ,p_org_control => gme_common_pvt.g_org_locator_control

3224: (p_organization_id => p_item_rec.organization_id
3225: ,p_locator_id => p_locator_id
3226: ,p_subinventory => p_subinv
3227: ,p_inventory_item_id => p_item_rec.inventory_item_id
3228: ,p_org_control => gme_common_pvt.g_org_locator_control
3229: ,p_sub_control => l_sub_locator_type
3230: ,p_item_control => NVL(p_item_rec.location_control_code,1)
3231: ,p_item_loc_restrict => p_item_rec.restrict_locators_code
3232: ,p_org_neg_allowed => gme_common_pvt.g_allow_neg_inv

Line 3232: ,p_org_neg_allowed => gme_common_pvt.g_allow_neg_inv

3228: ,p_org_control => gme_common_pvt.g_org_locator_control
3229: ,p_sub_control => l_sub_locator_type
3230: ,p_item_control => NVL(p_item_rec.location_control_code,1)
3231: ,p_item_loc_restrict => p_item_rec.restrict_locators_code
3232: ,p_org_neg_allowed => gme_common_pvt.g_allow_neg_inv
3233: ,p_txn_action_id => l_txn_action_id) THEN
3234: NULL;
3235: ELSE
3236: RAISE loc_not_valid;

Line 3294: l_out_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;

3290: l_compare_qty NUMBER; -- 13076579
3292: l_ph_batch_header_rec gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
3293: l_batch_header_rec gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
3294: l_out_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;
3295: l_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;
3296: l_trolin_tbl inv_move_order_pub.trolin_tbl_type;
3298: l_mtl_dtl_rec gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;

Line 3295: l_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;

3292: l_ph_batch_header_rec gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
3293: l_batch_header_rec gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
3294: l_out_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;
3295: l_material_detail_tbl gme_common_pvt.material_details_tab;
3296: l_trolin_tbl inv_move_order_pub.trolin_tbl_type;
3298: l_mtl_dtl_rec gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;
3299: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;

Line 3302: l_exception_material_tbl gme_common_pvt.exceptions_tab;

3298: l_mtl_dtl_rec gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;
3299: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;
3300: l_db_mtl_dtl_rec gme_material_details%ROWTYPE;
3301: l_batch_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
3302: l_exception_material_tbl gme_common_pvt.exceptions_tab;
3303: l_ph_batch_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
3304: l_phantom_batch_header_rec_out gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
3305: l_step_tbl gme_reschedule_step_pvt.step_tab;
3306: x_batch_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;

Line 3355: IF l_batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN

3351: -- batch_status is used to decide whether to use plan or wip_plan
3352: l_factor := 1;
3353: l_batch_status := p_batch_header_rec.batch_status;
3355: IF l_batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN
3356: l_qty := l_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty;
3357: --Bug#4965141 check for zero plan qty
3358: IF l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty = 0 THEN
3359: l_eff_qty := 1;

Line 3364: ELSIF l_batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip THEN

3360: ELSE
3361: l_eff_qty := l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty;
3362: END IF;
3363: l_factor := l_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty / l_eff_qty;
3364: ELSIF l_batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip THEN
3365: l_qty := l_mtl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty;
3366: --Bug#4965141 check for zero wip plan qty
3367: IF NVL(l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty,0) = 0 THEN
3368: l_eff_qty := 1;

Line 3381: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

3377: gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name||' l_factor='||l_factor);
3378: END IF;
3380: l_status := p_batch_header_rec.batch_status;
3381: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
3382: p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3383: l_status := p_batch_step_rec.step_status;
3384: END IF;

Line 3398: AND l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending

3394: l_old_wip_plan := l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty;
3395: l_new_wip_plan := l_mtl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty;
3397: IF l_old_scrap <> l_new_scrap
3398: AND l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending
3399: AND l_old_plan_qty = l_new_plan_qty THEN
3400: l_old_plan_qty := x_material_detail_rec.plan_qty
3401: / (1 + l_old_scrap);
3402: x_material_detail_rec.plan_qty :=

Line 3406: AND l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip

3402: x_material_detail_rec.plan_qty :=
3403: l_old_plan_qty
3404: * (1 + x_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor);
3405: ELSIF l_old_scrap <> l_new_scrap
3406: AND l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
3407: AND l_old_wip_plan = l_new_wip_plan THEN
3408: l_old_plan_qty :=
3409: x_material_detail_rec.wip_plan_qty
3410: / (1 + l_old_scrap);

Line 3418: gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date

3414: END IF;
3415: /* 5391396 moved the code up*/
3416: IF l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type <> l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type THEN
3418: gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date
3419: (p_batch_header_rec => p_batch_header_rec
3420: ,p_batchstep_rec => p_batch_step_rec
3421: ,p_mtl_dtl_rec => l_mtl_dtl_rec
3422: ,x_mtl_req_date => l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date

Line 3426: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date';

3422: ,x_mtl_req_date => l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date
3423: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);
3425: IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
3426: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date';
3427: RAISE error_processing;
3428: END IF;
3430: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN

Line 3434: || ' after gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date');

3430: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
3431: gme_debug.put_line ( g_pkg_name
3432: || '.'
3433: || l_api_name
3434: || ' after gme_common_pvt.calc_mtl_req_date');
3435: gme_debug.put_line
3436: ( g_pkg_name
3437: || '.'
3438: || l_api_name

Line 3446: gme_common_pvt.material_date_change (

3442: ,'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS') );
3443: END IF;
3444: /* Pawan Kumar bug 5127489 Changed so as to change the move order
3445: and reservation dates */
3446: gme_common_pvt.material_date_change (
3447: p_material_detail_id => l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id
3448: ,p_material_date => l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date
3449: ,x_return_status => x_return_status );

Line 3452: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.material_date_change';

3448: ,p_material_date => l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date
3449: ,x_return_status => x_return_status );
3451: IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
3452: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.material_date_change';
3453: RAISE error_processing;
3454: END IF;
3455: --Bug#5159393 Susruth D.
3456: l_mtl_dtl_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;

Line 3456: l_mtl_dtl_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;

3452: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.material_date_change';
3453: RAISE error_processing;
3454: END IF;
3455: --Bug#5159393 Susruth D.
3456: l_mtl_dtl_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
3457: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
3458: gme_debug.put_line ( g_pkg_name
3459: || '.'
3460: || l_api_name

Line 3461: || ' after gme_common_pvt.material_date_change');

3457: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
3458: gme_debug.put_line ( g_pkg_name
3459: || '.'
3460: || l_api_name
3461: || ' after gme_common_pvt.material_date_change');
3462: gme_debug.put_line
3463: ( g_pkg_name
3464: || '.'
3465: || l_api_name

Line 3491: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending AND (l_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty <> l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty) THEN

3487: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.subinventory := l_mtl_dtl_rec.subinventory;
3488: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.locator_id := l_mtl_dtl_rec.locator_id;
3489: --sunitha ch. bug 5566769 update the revision field of the phantom batch
3490: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.revision := l_mtl_dtl_rec.revision;
3491: IF l_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending AND (l_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty <> l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty) THEN
3492: IF (l_mtl_dtl_rec.dtl_um = l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.dtl_um) THEN
3493: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty := l_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty;
3494: ELSE
3495: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(item_id => l_mtl_dtl_rec.inventory_item_id

Line 3497: ,precision => gme_common_pvt.g_precision

3493: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty := l_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty;
3494: ELSE
3495: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(item_id => l_mtl_dtl_rec.inventory_item_id
3496: ,organization_id => l_mtl_dtl_rec.organization_id
3497: ,precision => gme_common_pvt.g_precision
3498: ,from_quantity => l_mtl_dtl_rec.plan_qty
3499: ,from_unit => l_mtl_dtl_rec.dtl_um
3500: ,to_unit => l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.dtl_um
3501: ,from_name => NULL

Line 3510: ,precision => gme_common_pvt.g_precision

3506: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty := l_mtl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty;
3507: ELSE
3508: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(item_id => l_mtl_dtl_rec.inventory_item_id
3509: ,organization_id => l_mtl_dtl_rec.organization_id
3510: ,precision => gme_common_pvt.g_precision
3511: ,from_quantity => l_mtl_dtl_rec.wip_plan_qty
3512: ,from_unit => l_mtl_dtl_rec.dtl_um
3513: ,to_unit => l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.dtl_um
3514: ,from_name => NULL

Line 3521: IF (l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing ) THEN

3517: END IF;
3518: /* End Bug 4867497 */
3520: IF l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.phantom_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3521: IF (l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing ) THEN
3522: /*REWORK Sunitha ch. Bug 5353941 Check whether phantom material is associated to
3523: step and call reschedule batch if it is not associated to step or call
3524: rescedule step for that batch if it is associated to step*/
3525: l_ph_batch_header_rec.batch_id := l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.phantom_id;

Line 3554: IF(l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

3550: END IF;
3551: END IF; --IF l_factor <> 1
3553: IF(l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date <> l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date ) THEN
3554: IF(l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
3555: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step
3556: (l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id )) THEN
3558: /* REWORK Sunitha Bug 5353941. Following select statement will only execute for ingredient of parent batch and never for product of phantom batch as we have the check of line type to be ingredient. */

Line 3555: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step

3551: END IF; --IF l_factor <> 1
3553: IF(l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date <> l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date ) THEN
3554: IF(l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
3555: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step
3556: (l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id )) THEN
3558: /* REWORK Sunitha Bug 5353941. Following select statement will only execute for ingredient of parent batch and never for product of phantom batch as we have the check of line type to be ingredient. */

Line 3593: END IF;--IF l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing

3589: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);
3590: END IF;
3591: END IF; --l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date <> l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date
3592: /* End Bug 5353941 REWORK*/
3593: END IF;--IF l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
3594: ELSE -- if it is phantom Product
3595: /*Sunitha Ch. Bug#5391396 rescheduling batch/step when update yield Type
3596: of the Child batch is done */
3597: IF ( l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

Line 3597: IF ( l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

3593: END IF;--IF l_db_mtl_dtl_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
3594: ELSE -- if it is phantom Product
3595: /*Sunitha Ch. Bug#5391396 rescheduling batch/step when update yield Type
3596: of the Child batch is done */
3597: IF ( l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
3598: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step
3599: (l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id )) THEN
3600: SELECT plan_start_date
3601: INTO l_plan_cmplt_date

Line 3598: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step

3594: ELSE -- if it is phantom Product
3595: /*Sunitha Ch. Bug#5391396 rescheduling batch/step when update yield Type
3596: of the Child batch is done */
3597: IF ( l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
3598: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step
3599: (l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id )) THEN
3600: SELECT plan_start_date
3601: INTO l_plan_cmplt_date
3602: FROM gme_batch_steps

Line 3618: IF(l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND

3614: WHERE batch_id = l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.batch_id;
3615: END IF;
3616: l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date:=l_plan_cmplt_date;
3617: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date := l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date;
3618: IF(l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
3619: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step
3620: (l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id )) THEN
3622: /* Sunitha Bug 5391396 . Following select statement will only execute for ingredient of parent batch and never for product of phantom batch as we have the check of line type to be ingredient. */

Line 3619: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step

3615: END IF;
3616: l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date:=l_plan_cmplt_date;
3617: l_ph_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date := l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_requirement_date;
3618: IF(l_mtl_dtl_rec.release_type = gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release AND
3619: gme_common_pvt.is_material_assoc_to_step
3620: (l_mtl_dtl_rec.material_detail_id )) THEN
3622: /* Sunitha Bug 5391396 . Following select statement will only execute for ingredient of parent batch and never for product of phantom batch as we have the check of line type to be ingredient. */
3623: l_batch_step_rec:=p_batch_step_rec;

Line 3744: ,p_move_order_type => gme_common_pvt.g_invis_move_order_type

3741: -- add material line into invisible move order
3742: gme_move_orders_pvt.create_move_order_lines
3743: (p_move_order_header_id => p_batch_header_rec.move_order_header_id
3744: ,p_move_order_type => gme_common_pvt.g_invis_move_order_type
3745: ,p_material_details_tbl => l_material_detail_tbl
3746: ,x_material_details_tbl => l_out_material_detail_tbl
3747: ,x_trolin_tbl => l_trolin_tbl
3748: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 3791: gme_common_pvt.get_who(x_user_ident => x_material_detail_rec.last_updated_by,

3787: l_proc := 'gme_material_details_dbl.update_row';
3788: RAISE error_dbl;
3789: -- nsinghi bug#5208923. added the else part.
3790: ELSE
3791: gme_common_pvt.get_who(x_user_ident => x_material_detail_rec.last_updated_by,
3792: x_login_id => x_material_detail_rec.last_update_login,
3793: x_timestamp => x_material_detail_rec.last_update_date,
3794: x_return_status => x_return_status);
3795: IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN

Line 3796: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.get_who ';

3792: x_login_id => x_material_detail_rec.last_update_login,
3793: x_timestamp => x_material_detail_rec.last_update_date,
3794: x_return_status => x_return_status);
3795: IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
3796: l_proc := 'gme_common_pvt.get_who ';
3797: RAISE error_processing;
3798: END IF;
3800: END IF;

Line 3856: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR', SQLERRM);

3852: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
3853: gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name|| ': ' || l_proc|| ' error returned');
3854: END IF;
3855: WHEN error_dbl THEN
3856: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR', SQLERRM);
3857: x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
3859: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
3860: gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name|| ': '

Line 3926: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_FORMID_CHG_NOT_ALLOWED');

3922: l_batch_status := p_batch_header_rec.batch_status;
3923: l_step_status := p_batch_step_rec.step_status;
3925: IF p_material_detail_rec.formulaline_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3926: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_FORMID_CHG_NOT_ALLOWED');
3927: RAISE error_no_upd;
3928: END IF;
3930: IF p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN

Line 3931: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_ITEMID_CHG_NOT_ALLOWED');

3927: RAISE error_no_upd;
3928: END IF;
3930: IF p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3931: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_ITEMID_CHG_NOT_ALLOWED');
3932: RAISE error_no_upd;
3933: END IF;
3935: --Bug#5078853

Line 3940: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_FIELD_CHG_NOT_ALLOWED');

3936: IF p_material_detail_rec.phantom_line_id IS NOT NULL OR
3937: p_material_detail_rec.backordered_qty IS NOT NULL OR
3938: p_material_detail_rec.original_primary_qty IS NOT NULL OR
3939: p_material_detail_rec.move_order_line_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3940: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_FIELD_CHG_NOT_ALLOWED');
3941: RAISE error_no_upd;
3942: END IF;
3944: get_item_rec

Line 3971: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN

3967: END IF;
3968: END IF;
3969: END IF;
3971: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_byprod THEN
3972: IF p_material_detail_rec.by_product_type IS NOT NULL THEN
3973: IF p_material_detail_rec.by_product_type = fnd_api.g_miss_char THEN
3974: x_material_detail_rec.by_product_type := NULL;
3975: ELSE

Line 3995: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN

3991: x_material_detail_rec.by_product_type := NULL;
3992: END IF;
3994: IF p_material_detail_rec.release_type IS NOT NULL THEN
3995: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN
3996: IF p_material_detail_rec.release_type = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
3997: l_field := 'release_type';
3998: RAISE error_no_null;
3999: ELSE

Line 4013: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_REL');

4009: RAISE val_error;
4010: END IF;
4011: END IF;
4012: ELSE
4013: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_REL');
4014: RAISE expected_error;
4015: END IF;
4016: END IF;

Line 4020: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release

4016: END IF;
4018: -- Set status of material based on release type, assocation and step status
4019: IF x_material_detail_rec.release_type =
4020: gme_common_pvt.g_mtl_autobystep_release
4021: AND p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
4022: l_status := p_batch_step_rec.step_status;
4023: ELSE
4024: l_status := p_batch_header_rec.batch_status;

Line 4028: IF l_batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN

4024: l_status := p_batch_header_rec.batch_status;
4025: END IF;
4027: IF p_material_detail_rec.plan_qty IS NOT NULL THEN
4028: IF l_batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN
4029: IF p_material_detail_rec.plan_qty = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
4030: l_field := 'plan_qty';
4031: RAISE error_no_null;
4032: ELSE

Line 4045: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_PLAN_QTY');

4041: RAISE val_error;
4042: END IF;
4043: END IF;
4044: ELSE
4045: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_PLAN_QTY');
4046: RAISE expected_error;
4047: END IF;
4048: END IF;

Line 4051: IF l_batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN

4047: END IF;
4048: END IF;
4050: IF p_material_detail_rec.dtl_um IS NOT NULL THEN
4051: IF l_batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN
4052: IF p_material_detail_rec.dtl_um = fnd_api.g_miss_char THEN
4053: l_field := 'dtl_um';
4054: RAISE error_no_null;
4055: ELSE

Line 4072: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_DTL_UM');

4068: RAISE val_error;
4069: END IF;
4070: END IF;
4071: ELSE
4072: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_DTL_UM');
4073: RAISE expected_error;
4074: END IF;
4075: END IF;

Line 4078: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip THEN

4074: END IF;
4075: END IF;
4077: IF p_material_detail_rec.wip_plan_qty IS NOT NULL THEN
4078: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip THEN
4079: IF p_material_detail_rec.wip_plan_qty = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
4080: l_field := 'wip_plan_qty';
4081: RAISE error_no_null;
4082: ELSE

Line 4095: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_WIP_PLAN');

4091: RAISE val_error;
4092: END IF;
4093: END IF;
4094: ELSE
4095: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_WIP_PLAN');
4096: RAISE expected_error;
4097: END IF;
4098: END IF;

Line 4102: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip,

4098: END IF;
4100: --Bug#5078853 modified validation for actual qty
4101: IF p_material_detail_rec.actual_qty IS NOT NULL THEN
4102: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip,
4103: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed )THEN
4104: IF p_material_detail_rec.actual_qty = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
4105: l_field := 'actual_qty';
4106: RAISE error_no_null;

Line 4103: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed )THEN

4100: --Bug#5078853 modified validation for actual qty
4101: IF p_material_detail_rec.actual_qty IS NOT NULL THEN
4102: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status IN (gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip,
4103: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_completed )THEN
4104: IF p_material_detail_rec.actual_qty = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
4105: l_field := 'actual_qty';
4106: RAISE error_no_null;
4107: ELSE

Line 4119: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_ACT');

4115: RAISE val_error;
4116: END IF;
4117: END IF;
4118: ELSE
4119: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_ACT');
4120: RAISE expected_error;
4121: END IF; /*status check */
4122: END IF;

Line 4126: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending AND

4122: END IF;
4124: --Bug#5078853 allow scrap factor to be changed in pending
4125: -- don't allow NULL
4126: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending AND
4127: p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
4129: IF p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor IS NOT NULL THEN
4130: IF p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN

Line 4127: p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

4124: --Bug#5078853 allow scrap factor to be changed in pending
4125: -- don't allow NULL
4126: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending AND
4127: p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
4129: IF p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor IS NOT NULL THEN
4130: IF p_material_detail_rec.scrap_factor = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
4131: l_field := 'scrap_factor';

Line 4159: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status IN ( gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending,

4155: END IF;
4157: --Bug#5078853 scale type can be changed in both pending and WIP
4158: IF p_material_detail_rec.scale_type IS NOT NULL THEN
4159: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status IN ( gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending,
4160: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip ) THEN
4161: -- scale_type can be changed, but not to NULL
4162: IF p_material_detail_rec.scale_type = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
4163: l_field := 'scale_type';

Line 4160: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip ) THEN

4157: --Bug#5078853 scale type can be changed in both pending and WIP
4158: IF p_material_detail_rec.scale_type IS NOT NULL THEN
4159: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status IN ( gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending,
4160: gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip ) THEN
4161: -- scale_type can be changed, but not to NULL
4162: IF p_material_detail_rec.scale_type = fnd_api.g_miss_num THEN
4163: l_field := 'scale_type';
4164: RAISE error_no_null;

Line 4219: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_SCALE_TYPE');

4215: x_material_detail_rec.scale_rounding_variance := NULL;
4216: x_material_detail_rec.rounding_direction := NULL;
4217: END IF; /* x_material_detail_rec.scale_type = 2 */
4218: ELSE
4219: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_SCALE_TYPE');
4220: RAISE expected_error;
4221: END IF; /* status check */
4222: END IF; /* p_material_detail_rec.scale_type IS NOT NULL */

Line 4225: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN

4221: END IF; /* status check */
4222: END IF; /* p_material_detail_rec.scale_type IS NOT NULL */
4224: -- can change cost alloc for product; ignore other line types
4225: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod THEN
4226: -- validate 0 <= cost_alloc <= 1
4227: -- at save_batch, check that sum(cost_alloc for all products) <= 1
4228: validate_cost_alloc
4229: (p_material_detail_rec => p_material_detail_rec

Line 4243: AND x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing

4239: --Bug#5078853 modified
4240: -- can change phantom type for ingredient only if not exploded;
4241: -- error otherwise
4242: IF p_material_detail_rec.phantom_type IS NOT NULL
4243: AND x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
4244: AND x_material_detail_rec.phantom_id IS NULL
4245: AND p_material_detail_rec.phantom_type <> x_material_detail_rec.phantom_type THEN
4247: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN

Line 4247: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN

4243: AND x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing
4244: AND x_material_detail_rec.phantom_id IS NULL
4245: AND p_material_detail_rec.phantom_type <> x_material_detail_rec.phantom_type THEN
4247: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending THEN
4248: x_material_detail_rec.phantom_type := p_material_detail_rec.phantom_type;
4250: validate_phantom_type
4251: (p_phantom_type => x_material_detail_rec.phantom_type

Line 4267: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_PHAN_TYPE');

4263: l_val_proc := 'validate_phantom_type_change';
4264: RAISE val_error;
4265: END IF;
4266: ELSE
4267: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_STAT_UPD_PHAN_TYPE');
4268: RAISE expected_error;
4269: END IF; /* batch status check */
4270: END IF;

Line 4273: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN

4269: END IF; /* batch status check */
4270: END IF;
4272: -- can't update to NULL; only update for ingred, ignore other line type
4273: IF x_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing THEN
4274: validate_contr_yield_ind
4275: (p_contr_yield_ind => x_material_detail_rec.contribute_yield_ind
4276: ,x_return_status => x_return_status);

Line 4357: gme_common_pvt.g_flex_validate_prof has to be set in public API to enforce flex field validation

4353: END IF;
4354: END IF;
4356: /* Bug#5078853 added the following call for flex field validation
4357: gme_common_pvt.g_flex_validate_prof has to be set in public API to enforce flex field validation
4358: l_material_detail_rec will have flex field values passed from public API , if any*/
4360: l_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id := x_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id;
4361: gme_validate_flex_fld_pvt.validate_flex_material_details

Line 4377: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_VALUE_SPECIFIED'

4373: END IF;
4376: WHEN error_no_null THEN
4377: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_VALUE_SPECIFIED'
4378: ,'FIELD_NAME'
4379: ,l_field);
4380: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
4381: WHEN error_no_upd OR expected_error THEN

Line 4458: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_INV_BATCH_TYPE_OPER');

4454: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
4456: /* validate batch for material deletion */
4457: IF p_batch_header_rec.batch_type <> 0 THEN
4458: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_INV_BATCH_TYPE_OPER');
4459: RAISE val_error;
4460: END IF;
4462: --Fetch allow material deletion profile

Line 4469: IF NOT( p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending OR

4465: CLOSE c_get_delete;
4467: l_delete_ind := NVL(l_delete_ind, 1);
4469: IF NOT( p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending OR
4470: (l_delete_ind = 2 AND
4471: p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND
4472: p_batch_header_rec. automatic_step_calculation = 0)
4473: ) THEN

Line 4471: p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND

4467: l_delete_ind := NVL(l_delete_ind, 1);
4469: IF NOT( p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_pending OR
4470: (l_delete_ind = 2 AND
4471: p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND
4472: p_batch_header_rec. automatic_step_calculation = 0)
4473: ) THEN
4474: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');
4475: RAISE val_error;

Line 4474: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');

4470: (l_delete_ind = 2 AND
4471: p_batch_header_rec.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip AND
4472: p_batch_header_rec. automatic_step_calculation = 0)
4473: ) THEN
4474: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INV_BATCH_STATUS_OPER');
4475: RAISE val_error;
4476: END IF;
4478: /* check step status if material is assocaited to step */

Line 4480: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending

4476: END IF;
4478: /* check step status if material is assocaited to step */
4479: IF p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
4480: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
4481: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip)) THEN
4482: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');
4483: RAISE val_error;
4484: END IF;

Line 4481: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip)) THEN

4478: /* check step status if material is assocaited to step */
4479: IF p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
4480: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
4481: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip)) THEN
4482: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');
4483: RAISE val_error;
4484: END IF;
4485: END IF; /* p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL */

Line 4482: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');

4478: /* check step status if material is assocaited to step */
4479: IF p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL THEN
4480: IF (p_batch_step_rec.step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
4481: ,gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip)) THEN
4482: gme_common_pvt.log_message('PC_STEP_STATUS_ERR');
4483: RAISE val_error;
4484: END IF;
4485: END IF; /* p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL */

Line 4488: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing AND

4484: END IF;
4485: END IF; /* p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id IS NOT NULL */
4487: --line can't be deleted if line is ing and has an exploded phantom
4488: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing AND
4489: p_material_detail_rec.phantom_id IS NOT NULL THEN
4490: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_NO_DEL_PHANT_ING');
4491: RAISE val_error;
4492: END IF; /* exploded phantom check */

Line 4490: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_NO_DEL_PHANT_ING');

4487: --line can't be deleted if line is ing and has an exploded phantom
4488: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing AND
4489: p_material_detail_rec.phantom_id IS NOT NULL THEN
4490: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_NO_DEL_PHANT_ING');
4491: RAISE val_error;
4492: END IF; /* exploded phantom check */
4494: /* if there is only one ingredient or product we should not the delete */

Line 4495: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing,

4491: RAISE val_error;
4492: END IF; /* exploded phantom check */
4494: /* if there is only one ingredient or product we should not the delete */
4495: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing,
4496: gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
4497: OPEN num_detail_lines(p_batch_header_rec.batch_id,p_material_detail_rec.line_type);
4498: FETCH num_detail_lines INTO l_material_count;
4499: CLOSE num_detail_lines;

Line 4496: gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN

4492: END IF; /* exploded phantom check */
4494: /* if there is only one ingredient or product we should not the delete */
4495: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type IN (gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing,
4496: gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod) THEN
4497: OPEN num_detail_lines(p_batch_header_rec.batch_id,p_material_detail_rec.line_type);
4498: FETCH num_detail_lines INTO l_material_count;
4499: CLOSE num_detail_lines;
4500: IF l_material_count = 1 THEN

Line 4501: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_ONE_ING_PROD_REQD');

4497: OPEN num_detail_lines(p_batch_header_rec.batch_id,p_material_detail_rec.line_type);
4498: FETCH num_detail_lines INTO l_material_count;
4499: CLOSE num_detail_lines;
4500: IF l_material_count = 1 THEN
4501: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_ONE_ING_PROD_REQD');
4502: RAISE val_error;
4503: END IF;
4504: END IF; /* number of lines check */

Line 4507: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod AND

4503: END IF;
4504: END IF; /* number of lines check */
4506: -- Bug 10062802 - Add formulaline_id condition to validation.
4507: IF p_material_detail_rec.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod AND
4508: p_material_detail_rec.formulaline_id IS NOT NULL THEN
4509: --if product is primary product then do not allow deletion
4510: OPEN c_prim_prod(p_batch_header_rec.recipe_validity_rule_id, p_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id);
4511: FETCH c_prim_prod INTO l_dummy;

Line 4514: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_PRIM_PROD_NO_DEL');

4510: OPEN c_prim_prod(p_batch_header_rec.recipe_validity_rule_id, p_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id);
4511: FETCH c_prim_prod INTO l_dummy;
4512: IF c_prim_prod%FOUND THEN
4513: CLOSE c_prim_prod;
4514: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_PRIM_PROD_NO_DEL');
4515: RAISE val_error;
4516: END IF;
4517: CLOSE c_prim_prod;

Line 4523: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_NO_DEL_PHANT_PROD');

4519: /*OPEN cur_parent_phant(p_batch_header_rec.batch_id, p_material_detail_rec.inventory_item_id);
4520: FETCH cur_parent_phant INTO l_dummy;
4521: IF cur_parent_phant%FOUND THEN
4522: CLOSE cur_parent_phant;
4523: gme_common_pvt.log_message('GME_NO_DEL_PHANT_PROD');
4524: RAISE val_error;
4525: END IF;
4526: CLOSE cur_parent_phant; */
4527: END IF; /* line type check */

Line 4569: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_PENDING_RSRV_EXIST');

4565: IF gme_reservations_pvt.pending_reservations_exist
4566: (p_organization_id => p_material_detail_rec.organization_id
4567: ,p_batch_id => p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
4568: ,p_material_detail_id => p_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id) THEN
4569: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_PENDING_RSRV_EXIST');
4570: RAISE val_error;
4571: END IF;
4573: IF gme_move_orders_pvt.pending_move_orders_exist

Line 4577: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_PENDING_MO_EXIST');

4573: IF gme_move_orders_pvt.pending_move_orders_exist
4574: (p_organization_id => p_material_detail_rec.organization_id
4575: ,p_batch_id => p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
4576: ,p_material_detail_id => p_material_detail_rec.material_detail_id) THEN
4577: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_PENDING_MO_EXIST');
4578: RAISE val_error;
4579: END IF;
4581: IF nvl(g_debug, gme_debug.g_log_procedure + 1) <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN

Line 4616: l_mmt_tbl gme_common_pvt.mtl_mat_tran_tbl;

4612: l_batch_step_rec gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
4613: l_rsc_count NUMBER;
4614: l_proc VARCHAR2(100);
4616: l_mmt_tbl gme_common_pvt.mtl_mat_tran_tbl;
4618: error_processing EXCEPTION;
4619: error_dbl EXCEPTION;

Line 4721: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident

4718: -- renumber subsequent lines
4719: UPDATE gme_material_details
4720: SET line_no = line_no - 1
4721: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
4722: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
4723: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
4724: WHERE batch_id = p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
4725: AND line_type = p_material_detail_rec.line_type

Line 4722: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp

4718: -- renumber subsequent lines
4719: UPDATE gme_material_details
4720: SET line_no = line_no - 1
4721: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
4722: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
4723: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
4724: WHERE batch_id = p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
4725: AND line_type = p_material_detail_rec.line_type
4726: AND line_no >= p_material_detail_rec.line_no;

Line 4723: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id

4719: UPDATE gme_material_details
4720: SET line_no = line_no - 1
4721: ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
4722: ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
4723: ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
4724: WHERE batch_id = p_material_detail_rec.batch_id
4725: AND line_type = p_material_detail_rec.line_type
4726: AND line_no >= p_material_detail_rec.line_no;

Line 4776: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR', SQLERRM);

4772: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
4773: gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name|| ': ' || l_proc|| ' error returned');
4774: END IF;
4775: WHEN error_dbl THEN
4776: gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR', SQLERRM);
4777: x_return_status := FND_API.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
4779: IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
4780: gme_debug.put_line (g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name|| ': '