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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

 J.N. Louw      17-Jun-2002   115.8  2420012 Id Flex select corrected
 Nirupa S       10-Dec-2002   115.10 2686708 Added NOCOPY
 Nageswara Rao  24-Jan-2003   115.11 2654703 Added new function
 Nageswara Rao  13-Feb-2003   115.12 2798916 Changed query in Action Creation
 Nageswara Rao  14-Feb-2003   115.13         Changes to query in Action Creation
                                             procedure to select all Employees
                                             in a payroll run
 Nageswara Rao  10-Apr-2003   115.15 2874102 changes to obsolete reason_non_contrib
                                             code '07'
                                     2863938 when first_name is null, archive 'XXX'
 Kaladhaur P    05-Oct-2004   115.16 3869426 Modified query in Action Creation to
                                             include future terminated employees
                                             to Electronic UIF File
 A. Mahanty     23-DEC-2004   115.18 4072410 An extra condition was added for an Employee
                                             having a non-contribution reason of 01 and with
                                             a value in the UIF Employee Contribution balance.
                                             No non-contribution reason must be written to the
                                             UIF File for such cases.
 A. Mahanty     14-FEB-2004   115.19 4134166 The Monthly UIFable Limit calculation was changed.
                                             Two cursors csr_pay_periods_per_year and
                                             csr_pay_periods_per_month were added.The cursor
                                             csr_uif_limit was modified.
                                     4140343 An additional condition was added to set to zero the
                                             balance values for an employee who has not been processed
                                             even once in a month.All eligible employees are included
                                             in the UIF File, even if they are not processed.
 Kaladhaur P    22-Apr-2005   115.20 4306265 Modified the cursor csr_employee_data in archive_data.
                                             Modified the parameter value passed to csr_employee_data
                                             inorder to fetch date effective data.
 Kaladhaur P    15-Sep-2005   115.20 4612798 R12 Performance Bug Fix. Tuned the query in the cursor
 A. Mahanty     19-Dec-2005   115.22 4768622 R12 Performance Bug Fix. Modified the query in the
                                             procedure archive_data.
 P.Arusia       16-Jul-2008   115.23 7255839 If reason for UIF non-contribution is 007, then report
                                             it as 07
 B Keshary      20-Aug-2010   115.24 9815318  UIF 8 digit number needed on the electrnic UIF file
sql_range          varchar2(4000);
Line: 110

select substr
          )  + (length(p_token) + 1),
             ' ',
             )  + length(p_token)
  from pay_payroll_actions
 where payroll_action_id = p_pact_id;
Line: 197

   select paa.assignment_action_id
     from pay_assignment_actions paa
    where paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and paa.rowid =
          select substr(
                         max(lpad(paa2.action_sequence, 15, 0) || paa2.rowid)
                         , -length(paa2.rowid)
            from pay_payroll_actions    ppa2
               , pay_assignment_actions paa2
           where paa2.assignment_id      = p_assignment_id
             and ppa2.payroll_action_id  = paa2.payroll_action_id
             and ppa2.action_type       in ('R', 'Q', 'I', 'B', 'V')
             and ppa2.effective_date    >= (add_months(p_effective_date, -1)+1) /*g_canonical_start_date*/
             and ppa2.effective_date    <= p_effective_date /*g_canonical_end_date*/
           group by length(paa2.rowid)
Line: 241

   select def.defined_balance_id
     into l_defined_bal_id
     from pay_defined_balances def,
          pay_balance_types pbt,
          pay_balance_dimensions dim,
          pay_balance_types_tl pbt_tl
    where pbt_tl.balance_name = p_balance_name
      and pbt_tl.language = 'US'
      and pbt_tl.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
      and pbt.legislation_code = 'ZA'
      and dim.dimension_name = p_dimension
      and dim.legislation_code = 'ZA'
      and pbt.balance_type_id = def.balance_type_id
      and dim.balance_dimension_id = def.balance_dimension_id
      and def.legislation_code = 'ZA';
Line: 296

  Purpose   : This returns the select statement that is used to created the
              range rows.
  Arguments :
  Notes     : The range cursor determines which people should be processed.
              The normal practice is to include everyone, and then limit
              the list during the assignment action creation.
procedure range_cursor
   pactid in  number,
   sqlstr out nocopy varchar2
)  is

-- Returns Creator Information for the specified UIF Month that has not been archived yet
cursor csr_creator_info is
   select hoi.org_information1,
     from hr_organization_information   hoi
        , hr_all_organization_units     org
    where hoi.org_information_context = 'ZA_UIF_CREATOR_INFO'
      and hoi.organization_id = org.organization_id
      and org.organization_id = g_business_group_id;
Line: 324

           select null
             from pay_action_information pai
             , pay_payroll_actions ppa
            where pai.action_context_type = 'PA'
              and pai.action_information_category = 'ZA UIF CREATOR DETAILS'
              and pai.action_information1 = g_business_group_id
              and pai.action_information2 = to_char(g_canonical_end_date, 'YYYYMM')
           and ppa.payroll_action_id = pai.action_context_id

cursor csr_archive_effective_date(pactid number) is
   select effective_date
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 384

   update pay_payroll_actions
      set payroll_id = l_payroll_id
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 389

   select get_parameter('START_DATE', legislative_parameters)
     into l_start_date
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 394

   select get_parameter('END_DATE', legislative_parameters)
     into l_end_date
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 399

   select get_parameter('BG_ID', legislative_parameters)
     into l_bg_id
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 404

   select get_parameter('ASG_SET_ID', legislative_parameters)
     into g_asg_set_id
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 409

   select get_parameter('PERSON_ID', legislative_parameters)
     into g_person_id
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 484

      'select distinct asg.person_id
         from per_assignments_f   asg,
              pay_payrolls_f      ppf,
              pay_payroll_actions ppa
        where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
          and asg.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
          and asg.assignment_type   = ''E''
          and ppf.payroll_id        = asg.payroll_id
          and ppf.payroll_id        = ppa.payroll_id
        order by asg.person_id';
Line: 510

  Purpose   : This returns the select statement that is used to created the
              range rows for the UIF File.
  Arguments :
  Notes     : The range cursor determines which people should be processed.
              The normal practice is to include everyone, and then limit
              the list during the assignment action creation.
procedure range_cursor_mag
   pactid in  number,
   sqlstr out nocopy varchar2
)  is

sql_range    varchar2(4000);
Line: 534

      'select distinct asg.person_id
         from per_assignments_f   asg,
              pay_payrolls_f      ppf,
              pay_payroll_actions ppa
        where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
          and asg.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
          and asg.assignment_type   = ''E''
          and ppf.payroll_id        = asg.payroll_id
          and ppf.payroll_id        = ppa.payroll_id
        order by asg.person_id';
Line: 586

     select asg.person_id                person_id,
            asg.assignment_id            assignment_id
       from per_assignments_f            asg,
            per_assignments_f            asg3,
            --pay_payrolls_f               ppf, -- Bug 2608190
            pay_payroll_actions          ppa_arch,
            per_assignment_extra_info    paei,
            per_periods_of_service       pds -- Bug 2654703
      where asg.business_group_id = ppa_arch.business_group_id
        and asg.period_of_service_id = pds.period_of_service_id  -- Bug 2608190
        and asg3.period_of_service_id = pds.period_of_service_id -- Bug 2608190
        and asg.person_id between p_stperson and p_endperson
        and paei.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
        and paei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO'
        -- Not an Independent Contractor
        and nvl(paei.aei_information6, 'N') = 'N'
        -- Nature of Person not in the following ZA_PER_NATURES Lookup Values
        and paei.aei_information4 not in ('04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09')
        and ppa_arch.payroll_action_id = p_pactid
        --and ppf.payroll_id = ppa_arch.payroll_id -- Bug 2608190
        --and asg.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id      -- Bug 2608190
        and ppa_arch.payroll_id = asg.payroll_id   -- Bug 2608190
        --and ppa_arch.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date -- Bug 2608190
        --                                and ppf.effective_end_date   -- Bug 2608190
        -- Get the Assignment End Date
        and asg.effective_end_date =
                 select max(asg2.effective_end_date)
                   from per_assignments_f asg2
                      , per_assignment_status_types sta
                  where asg2.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
                    and asg2.assignment_status_type_id = sta.assignment_status_type_id
                    and sta.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN')
         -- Check that Assignment ends after UIF Month Start Date
        and ( asg.effective_end_date >= p_canonical_start_date
              or pds.final_process_date >= p_canonical_start_date ) -- Bug 2608190
         -- Get the Assignment Start Date
        and asg3.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
        and asg3.effective_start_date =
                 select min(asg4.effective_start_date)
                   from per_assignments_f asg4
                      , per_assignment_status_types sta
                  where asg4.assignment_id = asg3.assignment_id
                    and asg4.assignment_status_type_id = sta.assignment_status_type_id
                    and sta.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN')
         -- Check that Assignment starts before UIF Month End Date
        and asg3.effective_start_date <= p_canonical_end_date
      order by 2
        for update of asg.assignment_id;
Line: 650

	select ppf.person_id
	  from per_all_people_f             ppf
	      ,per_all_assignments_f        paa
	      ,per_assignment_extra_info    paei
	      ,pay_payroll_actions          ppa_arch
	      ,per_periods_of_service       pps
	 where paa.business_group_id = ppa_arch.business_group_id
	   and paa.person_id = ppf.person_id
	   and ppf.person_id between p_stperson and p_endperson /* to select all Employees in a payroll run */
	   and paa.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
	   and paei.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
	   and ppa_arch.payroll_id = paa.payroll_id
	   and ppa_arch.payroll_action_id = p_pactid
	   and paei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO'
	   /* Not an Independent Contractor */
	    and nvl(paei.aei_information6, 'N') = 'N'
	   /* Nature of Person not in the following ZA_PER_NATURES Lookup Values */
	   and paei.aei_information4 not in ('04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09')
	   and ppf.effective_start_date = (	select max(effective_start_date)
						from   per_all_people_f ppf1
						where  ppf1.person_id = ppf.person_id
						and    ppf1.effective_start_date <= p_canonical_end_date
						and    ppf1.effective_end_date >= '01-MAR-' || to_number(to_char(p_canonical_end_date ,'YYYY') - 1))
	   and paa.effective_start_date = (	select max(paa1.effective_start_date)
						from   per_all_assignments_f paa1 where paa1.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
						and    paa1.effective_start_date <= p_canonical_end_date
						and    paa1.effective_end_date >= '01-MAR-' || to_number(to_char(p_canonical_end_date ,'YYYY') - 1))
		   pps.actual_termination_date is not null
			    pps.actual_termination_date between '01-MAR-' || to_number(to_char(p_canonical_end_date ,'YYYY') - 1) and p_canonical_end_date
				pps.actual_termination_date between p_canonical_start_date and p_canonical_end_date
					pps.actual_termination_date < p_canonical_start_date
			     		and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')) >= p_canonical_start_date
					and pay_za_uif_archive_pkg.get_balance_value(paa.assignment_id,'Total UIFable Income','_ASG_TAX_MTD',p_canonical_end_date) <> 0
			or pps.actual_termination_date > p_canonical_end_date  /* New Condition for Bug 3869426 */
		or pps.actual_termination_date is null
	order by 2
 for update of paa.assignment_id;
Line: 734

   select get_parameter('START_DATE', legislative_parameters)
     into l_start_date
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 739

   select get_parameter('END_DATE', legislative_parameters)
     into l_end_date
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 744

   select get_parameter('BG_ID', legislative_parameters)
     into l_bg_id
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 749

   select get_parameter('ASG_SET_ID', legislative_parameters)
     into l_asg_set_id
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 754

   select get_parameter('PERSON_ID', legislative_parameters)
     into l_person_id
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 773

         select distinct include_or_exclude
           into v_incl_sw
           from hr_assignment_set_amendments
          where assignment_set_id = l_asg_set_id;
Line: 802

               select include_or_exclude
                 into inc_flag
                 from hr_assignment_set_amendments
                where assignment_set_id = l_asg_set_id
                  and assignment_id = asgrec.assignment_id;
Line: 834

            select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
              into lockingactid
              from dual;
Line: 909

   select per.national_identifier ID_Number,
          nvl(per.per_information2, per.per_information3) Other_Number,
          names(per.first_name||', '||per.middle_names) First_Names,
          pos.date_start Date_Employed_From,
          pos.actual_termination_date Date_Employed_To,
     from per_people_f per,
          per_periods_of_service pos
    where per.person_id = p_person_id
        -- Bug 4306265: and per.effective_end_date between per.effective_start_date and p_eff_date  -- Modified the condition for Bug : 3869426
      and p_eff_date between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date -- Bug 4306265: re-enabled /* Old Condition Before Bug : 3869426 */
      and per.per_information_category = 'ZA'
      and pos.person_id(+) = per.person_id
      and nvl(pos.actual_termination_date(+), per.effective_end_date) = per.effective_end_date;
Line: 930

         select flv.meaning
           from fnd_lookup_types flt,
                fnd_lookup_values flv
          where flt.lookup_type = 'LEAV_REAS'
            and flt.lookup_type = flv.lookup_type
            and flv.language = 'US'
            and flv.lookup_code = p_leaving_reason
         and flv.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 944

  select min(asg2.effective_start_date)
    from per_assignments_f asg2
       , per_assignment_status_types sta
   where asg2.assignment_id = p_asg_id
     and asg2.assignment_status_type_id = sta.assignment_status_type_id
     and sta.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN', 'TERM_ASSIGN'); -- Added 'TERM_ASSIGN' for bug 3869426
Line: 956

   select paei.aei_information2 Empl_Status,
          paei.aei_information1 Reason_Non_Contrib
     from per_assignment_extra_info paei
    where paei.assignment_id = p_asg_id
      and paei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_UIF_INFO';
Line: 965

   select flv.lookup_code
     from fnd_lookup_types flt,
          fnd_lookup_values flv
    where flt.lookup_type = 'ZA_UIF_TERMINATION_CATEGORIES'
      and flt.lookup_type = flv.lookup_type
      and flv.language = 'US'
      and flv.meaning = p_empl_stat_value
      and flv.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 979

   select paei.aei_information7 Legal_Entity
     from per_assignment_extra_info paei
    where paei.assignment_id = p_asg_id
      and paei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO';
Line: 995

   select hoi.org_information17 Employer_UIF_Ref_No,  /* changes as per bug 9815318 */
         -- hoi.org_information6 Employer_UIF_Ref_No,
          /* Changes as per Bug2654703 */
          hoi.org_information10 Employer_email_Address,

          hoi.org_information3 Employer_PAYE_Number
     from hr_organization_information hoi,
          hr_all_organization_units org
    where org.organization_id = p_org_id
      and org.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
      and hoi.org_information_context = 'ZA_LEGAL_ENTITY';
Line: 1014

   select pea.segment1  seg1,
          pea.segment3  seg3,
          pea.segment2  seg2
     from pay_personal_payment_methods_f pppm,
          pay_external_accounts          pea,
          pay_org_payment_methods_f      porg,
          pay_legislation_rules          plr
    where pppm.assignment_id      = p_asg_id
      and pea.external_account_id = pppm.external_account_id
      and pea.id_flex_num         = plr.rule_mode
      and plr.LEGISLATION_CODE    = 'ZA'
      and plr.rule_type           = 'E'
      and pea.territory_code      = 'ZA'
      and pppm.priority =
                  ( select min(pppm2.priority)
                      from pay_personal_payment_methods_f pppm2,
                           pay_external_accounts          pea2,
                           pay_org_payment_methods_f      porg2,
                           pay_legislation_rules          plr2
                     where pppm2.assignment_id      = pppm.assignment_id
                       and pea2.external_account_id = pppm2.external_account_id
                       and pea2.id_flex_num         = plr2.rule_mode
                       and plr2.LEGISLATION_CODE    = 'ZA'
                       and plr2.rule_type           = 'E'
                       and pea2.territory_code      = 'ZA'
                       and p_eff_date between pppm2.effective_start_date
                                          and pppm2.effective_end_date
                       and pppm2.org_payment_method_id = porg2.org_payment_method_id
                        /* Exclude 3rd Party Payment Methods*/
                       and porg2.defined_balance_id is not null
                       and p_eff_date between porg2.effective_start_date
                                          and porg2.effective_end_date
      and p_eff_date between pppm.effective_start_date
                         and pppm.effective_end_date
      and pppm.org_payment_method_id = porg.org_payment_method_id
       /* Exclude 3rd Party Payment Methods*/
      and porg.defined_balance_id is not null
      and p_eff_date between porg.effective_start_date
                         and porg.effective_end_date;
Line: 1059

   select count(ptp.end_date)
    from per_time_periods ptp
    where ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
      and ptp.end_date >= '01-MAR-'||to_char(p_eff_date,'YYYY')
      and ptp.end_date  < '01-MAR-'||to_number(to_char(p_eff_date,'YYYY')+1);
Line: 1068

   select count(ptp.end_date)
     from per_time_periods ptp
     where ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
       and to_char(ptp.end_date,'MMYYYY')= to_char(p_eff_date, 'MMYYYY');
Line: 1076

   select round((to_number(ffg.global_value)*l_pay_periods_per_month/l_pay_periods_per_year),2) --Bug 4134166
   --select (to_number(ffg.global_value)/12)
    from ff_globals_f ffg
    where ffg.global_name = 'ZA_UIF_ANN_LIM'
      and ffg.legislation_code = 'ZA'
      and p_eff_date between ffg.effective_start_date and ffg.effective_end_date;
Line: 1120

   select ppa.effective_date,
     into l_archive_effective_date,
          l_pactid                   --Bug 4134166
     from pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
          pay_assignment_actions paa
     where paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
       and paa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid;
Line: 1131

   select paa.assignment_id
     into l_asgid
     from pay_assignment_actions paa
    where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid;
Line: 1138

   select asg.person_id
        , business_group_id
        , asg.effective_end_date
     into l_person_id
        , l_business_group_id
        , l_asg_eff_end_date
     from per_assignments_f asg
    where asg.assignment_id = l_asgid
      and asg.effective_end_date =
                 select max(asg2.effective_end_date)
                   from per_assignments_f asg2
                      , per_assignment_status_types sta
                  where asg2.assignment_id = l_asgid   --Bug 4768622
                    and asg2.assignment_status_type_id = sta.assignment_status_type_id
                    and sta.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'SUSP_ASSIGN') -- Bug 4306265: Removed 'TERM_ASSIGN') -- Added 'TERM_ASSIGN' for bug 3869426