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APPS.BIS_VG_LOG dependencies on BIS_VG_TYPES

Line 46: ( business_view_name bis_vg_types.view_name_type -- original view name

42: SUBTYPE generation_result IS g_dummy_result%TYPE;
44: TYPE View_Gen_Success_Type IS -- local type
46: ( business_view_name bis_vg_types.view_name_type -- original view name
47: , gen_view_name bis_vg_types.view_name_type -- generated view/message
48: );
49: --
50: -- ============================================================================

Line 47: , gen_view_name bis_vg_types.view_name_type -- generated view/message

44: TYPE View_Gen_Success_Type IS -- local type
46: ( business_view_name bis_vg_types.view_name_type -- original view name
47: , gen_view_name bis_vg_types.view_name_type -- generated view/message
48: );
49: --
50: -- ============================================================================
51: --TYPE : View_Generator_Success_Table_Type

Line 64: ( business_view_name bis_vg_types.view_name_type := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR

60: --
61: --
62: TYPE View_Gen_Failure_Type IS -- local type
64: ( business_view_name bis_vg_types.view_name_type := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
65: , Error_Msg_ID Number := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
66: , Error_Msg_Name VARCHAR2(30) := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
67: , Error_Description VARCHAR2(2000) := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
68: , Error_Proc_Name VARCHAR2(100) := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR

Line 136: ( p_origbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type

132: --RETURN : None
133: --EXCEPTION : None
134: -- ============================================================================
135: PROCEDURE update_success_log
136: ( p_origbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type
137: , p_genbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type
138: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
139: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
140: )

Line 137: , p_genbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type

133: --EXCEPTION : None
134: -- ============================================================================
135: PROCEDURE update_success_log
136: ( p_origbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type
137: , p_genbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type
138: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
139: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
140: )
141: IS

Line 186: ( p_origbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type

182: --RETURN : None
183: --EXCEPTION : None
184: -- ============================================================================
185: PROCEDURE update_failure_log
186: ( p_origbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type
187: , p_code IN NUMBER
188: , p_errm IN VARCHAR2
189: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
190: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type

Line 298: ( p_origbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type

294: --RETURN : None
295: --EXCEPTION : None
296: -- ============================================================================
297: PROCEDURE backpatch_failure_log
298: ( p_origbv IN bis_vg_types.view_name_type
299: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
300: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
301: )
302: IS

Line 355: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type

351: -- RETURN : None
352: -- EXCEPTION : None
353: -- ============================================================================
354: PROCEDURE write_string
355: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
356: , p_string IN VARCHAR2
357: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
358: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
359: )

Line 365: IF (p_mode = bis_vg_types.production_mode) THEN

361: BEGIN
363: bis_debug_pub.Add('> write_string');
364: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
365: IF (p_mode = bis_vg_types.production_mode) THEN
366: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.OUTPUT, p_string);
367: -- fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.OUTPUT);
368: ELSE
369: bis_debug_pub.debug_on;

Line 407: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type

403: -- RETURN : None
404: -- EXCEPTION : None
405: -- ============================================================================
406: PROCEDURE write_blank_line
407: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
408: , p_count IN NUMBER
409: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
410: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
411: )

Line 450: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

446: -- ============================================================================
447: --PROCEDURE : Write_inputs
448: --PARAMETERS 1. p_mode [production, test, ...]
449: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
450: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
451: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
452: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
453: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
454: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type

Line 451: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

447: --PROCEDURE : Write_inputs
448: --PARAMETERS 1. p_mode [production, test, ...]
449: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
450: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
451: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
452: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
453: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
454: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
455: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2

Line 452: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type

448: --PARAMETERS 1. p_mode [production, test, ...]
449: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
450: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
451: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
452: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
453: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
454: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
455: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
456: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type

Line 453: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

449: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
450: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
451: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
452: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
453: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
454: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
455: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
456: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
457: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type

Line 454: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type

450: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
451: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
452: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
453: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
454: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
455: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
456: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
457: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
458: -- 11. x_return_status error or normal

Line 456: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type

452: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
453: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
454: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
455: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
456: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
457: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
458: -- 11. x_return_status error or normal
459: -- 12. x_error_Tbl table of error messages
460: --COMMENT : Call this function to write inputs to the function

Line 457: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type

453: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
454: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
455: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
456: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
457: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
458: -- 11. x_return_status error or normal
459: -- 12. x_error_Tbl table of error messages
460: --COMMENT : Call this function to write inputs to the function
461: --RETURN : None

Line 465: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type

461: --RETURN : None
462: --EXCEPTION : None
463: -- ============================================================================
464: PROCEDURE write_inputs
465: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
466: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
467: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
468: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
469: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type

Line 467: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

463: -- ============================================================================
464: PROCEDURE write_inputs
465: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
466: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
467: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
468: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
469: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
470: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
471: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type

Line 468: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

464: PROCEDURE write_inputs
465: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
466: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
467: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
468: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
469: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
470: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
471: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
472: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2

Line 469: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type

465: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
466: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
467: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
468: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
469: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
470: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
471: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
472: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
473: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type

Line 470: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

466: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
467: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
468: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
469: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
470: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
471: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
472: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
473: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
474: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type

Line 471: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type

467: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
468: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
469: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
470: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
471: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
472: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
473: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
474: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
475: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2

Line 473: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type

469: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
470: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
471: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
472: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
473: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
474: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
475: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
476: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
477: )

Line 474: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type

470: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
471: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
472: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
473: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
474: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
475: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
476: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
477: )
478: IS

Line 486: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

483: bis_debug_pub.Add('> write_inputs');
484: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
486: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
488: );
490: write_string ( p_mode

Line 511: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

507: , x_error_Tbl
508: );
510: IF (p_all_flag = fnd_api.g_true) THEN
511: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
513: );
515: write_string ( p_mode

Line 522: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

518: , x_error_Tbl
519: );
521: ELSIF (p_view_name IS NOT NULL) THEN
522: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
524: );
526: write_string ( p_mode

Line 534: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

530: );
533: ELSIF (p_app_short_name IS NOT NULL) THEN
534: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
536: );
538: write_string ( p_mode

Line 544: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

540: , x_return_status
541: , x_error_Tbl
542: );
543: ELSIF (p_kf_appl_short_name IS NOT NULL) THEN
544: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
546: );
548: write_string ( p_mode

Line 553: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

549: , l_str || ' ' || p_kf_appl_short_name
550: , x_return_status
551: , x_error_Tbl
552: );
553: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
555: );

Line 565: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

561: , x_error_Tbl
562: );
564: ELSIF (p_df_appl_short_name IS NOT NULL) then
565: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
567: );
569: write_string ( p_mode

Line 575: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

571: , x_return_status
572: , x_error_Tbl
573: );
575: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
577: );
579: write_string ( p_mode

Line 586: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

582: , x_error_Tbl
583: );
585: ELSE
586: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
588: );
590: write_string ( p_mode

Line 596: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

592: , x_return_status
593: , x_error_Tbl
594: );
596: l_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
598: );
599: write_string ( p_mode
600: , l_str || ' ' || p_Lookup_Type

Line 639: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type

635: -- RETURN : None
636: -- EXCEPTION : None
637: -- ============================================================================
638: PROCEDURE write_header
639: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
640: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
641: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type )
642: IS
643: l_date VARCHAR2(80);

Line 650: l_head := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

646: BEGIN
647: bis_debug_pub.Add('> write_header');
648: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
650: l_head := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
652: );
654: l_date := To_char(Sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI');

Line 697: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type

693: -- RETURN : None
694: -- EXCEPTION : None
695: -- ============================================================================
696: PROCEDURE write_success_views
697: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
698: , p_gen_success_table IN view_gen_success_table_type
699: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
700: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
701: )

Line 712: l_src := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

709: bis_debug_pub.Add('> write_success_views');
710: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
712: l_src := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
714: );
716: l_des := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

Line 716: l_des := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

712: l_src := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
714: );
716: l_des := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
718: );
720: l_src := Rpad(l_src, 30);

Line 783: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type

779: -- RETURN : None
780: -- EXCEPTION : None
781: -- ============================================================================
782: PROCEDURE write_failure_views
783: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
784: , p_gen_failure_table IN view_gen_failure_table_type
785: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
786: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
787: )

Line 848: --PARAMETERS 1. p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type

844: END write_failure_views;
846: -- ============================================================================
847: --PROCEDURE : Write_Log
848: --PARAMETERS 1. p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
849: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
850: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
851: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
852: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type

Line 850: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

846: -- ============================================================================
847: --PROCEDURE : Write_Log
848: --PARAMETERS 1. p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
849: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
850: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
851: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
852: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
853: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
854: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type

Line 851: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

847: --PROCEDURE : Write_Log
848: --PARAMETERS 1. p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
849: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
850: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
851: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
852: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
853: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
854: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
855: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2

Line 852: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type

848: --PARAMETERS 1. p_mode IN bis_vg_Types.view_generator_mode_type
849: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
850: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
851: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
852: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
853: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
854: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
855: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
856: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type

Line 853: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

849: -- 2. p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
850: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
851: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
852: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
853: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
854: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
855: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
856: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
857: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type

Line 854: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type

850: -- 3. p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
851: -- 4. p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
852: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
853: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
854: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
855: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
856: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
857: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
858: -- 11. x_return_status error or normal

Line 856: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type

852: -- 5. p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
853: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
854: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
855: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
856: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
857: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
858: -- 11. x_return_status error or normal
859: -- 12. x_error_Tbl table of error messages
860: --COMMENT : Call this function to write the log to the out file in production

Line 857: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type

853: -- 6. p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
854: -- 7. p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
855: -- 8. p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
856: -- 9. p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
857: -- 10. p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
858: -- 11. x_return_status error or normal
859: -- 12. x_error_Tbl table of error messages
860: --COMMENT : Call this function to write the log to the out file in production
861: --RETURN : None

Line 865: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_types.View_Generator_Mode_Type

861: --RETURN : None
862: --EXCEPTION : None
863: -- ============================================================================
864: PROCEDURE write_log
865: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_types.View_Generator_Mode_Type
866: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
867: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
868: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
869: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type

Line 867: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

863: -- ============================================================================
864: PROCEDURE write_log
865: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_types.View_Generator_Mode_Type
866: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
867: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
868: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
869: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
870: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
871: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type

Line 868: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

864: PROCEDURE write_log
865: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_types.View_Generator_Mode_Type
866: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
867: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
868: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
869: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
870: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
871: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
872: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2

Line 869: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type

865: ( p_mode IN bis_vg_types.View_Generator_Mode_Type
866: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
867: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
868: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
869: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
870: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
871: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
872: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
873: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type

Line 870: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type

866: , p_all_flag IN VARCHAR2
867: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
868: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
869: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
870: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
871: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
872: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
873: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
874: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type

Line 871: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type

867: , p_App_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
868: , p_KF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
869: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
870: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
871: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
872: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
873: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
874: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
875: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2

Line 873: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type

869: , p_Key_Flex_Code IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Key_Flex_Code_Type
870: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
871: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
872: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
873: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
874: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
875: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
876: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
877: )

Line 874: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type

870: , p_DF_Appl_Short_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.App_Short_Name_Type
871: , p_Desc_Flex_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Desc_Flex_Name_Type
872: , p_Lookup_Table_Name IN VARCHAR2
873: , p_Lookup_Type IN BIS_VG_TYPES.Lookup_Code_Type
874: , p_View_Name IN BIS_VG_TYPES.View_Name_Type
875: , x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2
876: , x_error_Tbl OUT BIS_VG_UTIL.Error_Tbl_Type
877: )
878: IS

Line 902: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

898: write_blank_line(p_mode, 1, x_return_status, x_error_Tbl);
900: IF (g_gen_success_table.COUNT > 0) THEN
901: IF (g_gen_failure_table.COUNT <> 0) THEN
902: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
904: );
905: ELSE
906: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

Line 906: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

902: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
904: );
905: ELSE
906: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
908: );
909: END IF;
910: write_string(p_mode, l_msg_str, x_return_status, x_error_Tbl);

Line 924: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

921: bis_debug_pub.add('g_gen_failure_table.count = '||g_gen_failure_table.count);
922: IF (g_gen_failure_table.COUNT > 0) THEN
923: IF (g_gen_success_table.COUNT = 0) THEN
924: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
926: );
927: ELSE
928: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

Line 928: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application

924: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
926: );
927: ELSE
928: l_msg_str := fnd_message.get_string( BIS_VG_TYPES.message_application
930: );
931: END IF;
932: write_string(p_mode, l_msg_str, x_return_status, x_error_Tbl);

Line 942: IF (p_mode = bis_vg_types.production_mode) THEN

938: );
939: write_blank_line(p_mode, 1, x_return_status, x_error_Tbl);
940: END IF;
942: IF (p_mode = bis_vg_types.production_mode) THEN
943: fnd_file.CLOSE;
944: END IF;
945: bis_debug_pub.Add('< write_log');