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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

   SELECT count(*)
     INTO x_temp
     FROM po_line_locations
    WHERE shipment_num = x_shipment_num
      AND shipment_type = x_shipment_type
      AND po_header_id = x_po_header_id
      AND po_line_id = x_po_line_id
      AND (rowid <> x_rowid OR x_rowid is null);
Line: 111

   SELECT line_location_id
     INTO X_line_location_id_v
     FROM po_line_locations
    WHERE po_header_id = X_po_header_id
      AND po_line_id = X_po_line_id
      AND shipment_num = X_shipment_num
      AND shipment_type in ('PRICE BREAK','QUOTATION', 'STANDARD');
Line: 151

    SELECT location_id
    INTO   X_location_id_v
    FROM   po_locations_val_v
    WHERE  location_code =  X_location_code
    AND    DECODE(X_location_usage,
                  'SHIP_TO', NVL(ship_to_site_flag,'N'),
                  'BILL_TO', NVL(bill_to_site_flag,'N'),
                  'OFFICE',NVL(OFFICE_SITE_FLAG,'N')) = 'Y';
Line: 190

   SELECT count(*)
     INTO x_temp
     FROM po_locations_val_v
    WHERE location_id = X_location_id
    AND   DECODE(X_location_type,
                 'SHIP_TO', NVL(ship_to_site_flag, 'N'),
                 'BILL_TO', NVL(bill_to_site_flag, 'N'),
                 'RECEIVING', NVL(receiving_site_flag, 'N'),
                 'OFFICE',  NVL(office_site_flag, 'N') )
          = 'Y';