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Line 336: select to_char(start_date,fnd_profile.VALUE('ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK')) ||' ' ||vTo||' '||

332: select year, qtr,month,display_type into xYear, xQtr, xMonth, xDisplayType
333: from bim_r_lead_qu_bin_mv where year||'-'||qtr||'-'||month||'-'||display_type = vContext
334: and rownum < 2;
335: if (xDisplayType <> 'Z') then
336: select to_char(start_date,fnd_profile.VALUE('ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK')) ||' ' ||vTo||' '||
337: to_char(end_date,fnd_profile.VALUE('ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK')) into xPeriod
338: from bim_r_periods where calc_type = 'ROLLING' and period_type = xDisplayType;
339: xRetString := ' ' || xDisplayType || ' ('||xPeriod ||')';
340: else

Line 337: to_char(end_date,fnd_profile.VALUE('ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK')) into xPeriod

333: from bim_r_lead_qu_bin_mv where year||'-'||qtr||'-'||month||'-'||display_type = vContext
334: and rownum < 2;
335: if (xDisplayType <> 'Z') then
336: select to_char(start_date,fnd_profile.VALUE('ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK')) ||' ' ||vTo||' '||
337: to_char(end_date,fnd_profile.VALUE('ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK')) into xPeriod
338: from bim_r_periods where calc_type = 'ROLLING' and period_type = xDisplayType;
339: xRetString := ' ' || xDisplayType || ' ('||xPeriod ||')';
340: else
341: xRetString := xYear;