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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 74

     select displayed_field
     from   po_lookup_codes
     where  lookup_type = p_lookup_type
     and    lookup_code = p_lookup_code
     AND    ROWNUM<=1;
Line: 81

     select uom_class
     from   mtl_units_of_measure
     where  unit_of_measure = p_uom
     AND    ROWNUM<=1;
Line: 87

     select unit_of_measure
     from   mtl_units_of_measure
     where  uom_code = p_uom_code
     AND    ROWNUM<=1;
Line: 97

     select SUBSTRB(HZP.PARTY_NAME,1,50)
            HZ_PARTIES HZP
     where  HZCA.CUST_ACCOUNT_ID = p_customer_id
     AND    ROWNUM<=1;
Line: 105

     where  LPN_ID = p_license_plate_id
     AND    ROWNUM<=1;
Line: 218

     SELECT nvl(sum(rt.primary_quantity), 0)
     INTO   x_primary_child_qty
     FROM   rcv_transactions rt
     WHERE  rt.parent_transaction_id = x_transaction_id
     AND    rt.transaction_type <> 'CORRECT';
Line: 228

     SELECT nvl(sum(rt.primary_quantity), 0)
     INTO   x_primary_child_qty_correct
     FROM   rcv_transactions rt
     WHERE  rt.parent_transaction_id = x_transaction_id
     AND    rt.transaction_type =  'CORRECT';
Line: 238

     SELECT nvl(sum(decode(rti.transaction_type,'CORRECT',
                                           rti.primary_quantity * -1,
                                           rti.primary_quantity )
     INTO   x_primary_interface_qty
     FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti
     WHERE  rti.parent_transaction_id   = x_transaction_id
     AND    rti.processing_status_code  in ('PENDING' , 'WSH_INTERFACED') -- rtv vidya
     AND    rti.transaction_status_code = 'PENDING'
     -- rtv project : start
     AND    NOT EXISTS (select 1 from wsh_delivery_details wdd
                        where  wdd.delivery_detail_id = rti.interface_source_line_id
                        and    wdd.source_code = 'RTV'
                        and    rti.transaction_type = 'RETURN TO VENDOR'
                        and    rti.processing_status_code = 'PENDING');
Line: 275

     SELECT nvl(rs.to_org_primary_quantity,0)
     INTO   x_primary_supply_qty
     FROM   rcv_supply rs
     WHERE  rs.rcv_transaction_id = x_transaction_id;
Line: 284

     SELECT nvl(sum(rti.primary_quantity),0)
     INTO   x_primary_interface_qty
     FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti
     WHERE  rti.parent_transaction_id   = x_transaction_id
     AND    rti.processing_status_code  = 'PENDING'
     AND    rti.transaction_status_code = 'PENDING';
Line: 337

     select we.wip_entity_name,
     into   x_wip_entity_name,
     from   wip_entities we,
            bom_departments bd,
            wip_operation_resources wr,
            wip_operations wn,
            wip_operations wo
     where  wo.wip_entity_id     = x_wip_entity_id
     and    wo.organization_id   = x_organization_id
     and    nvl(wo.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
     and    wo.operation_seq_num = x_wip_operation_seq_num
     and    wr.wip_entity_id     = x_wip_entity_id
     and    wr.organization_id   = x_organization_id
     and    nvl(wr.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
     and    wr.operation_seq_num = x_wip_operation_seq_num
     and    wr.resource_seq_num  = x_wip_resource_seq_num
     and    wn.wip_entity_id     = x_wip_entity_id
     and    wn.organization_id   = x_organization_id
     and    nvl(wn.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
     and    wn.operation_seq_num =
                     4, nvl(wo.next_operation_seq_num, wo.operation_seq_num),
     and    bd.department_id     = wn.department_id
     and    we.wip_entity_id     = x_wip_entity_id
     and    we.organization_id   = x_organization_id;
Line: 375

   SELECT we.wip_entity_name job
     INTO x_wip_entity_name
     FROM wip_entities we
    WHERE we.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
      AND we.organization_id = x_organization_id;
Line: 390

   SELECT  wn.operation_seq_num sequence,
           bd.department_code   department
     INTO  x_operation_seq_num, x_department_code
     FROM  bom_departments bd,
           wip_operation_resources wr,
           wip_operations wn,
           wip_operations wo
    WHERE  wo.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
      AND  wo.organization_id = x_organization_id
      AND  nvl(wo.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
           nvl(x_wip_repetitive_schd_id, -1)
      AND  wo.operation_seq_num = x_wip_operation_seq_num
      AND  wr.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
      AND  wr.organization_id = x_organization_id
      AND  nvl(wr.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
           nvl(x_wip_repetitive_schd_id, -1)
      AND  wr.operation_seq_num = x_wip_operation_seq_num
      AND  wr.resource_seq_num = x_wip_resource_seq_num
      AND  wn.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
      AND  wn.organization_id = x_organization_id
      AND  nvl(wn.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
           nvl(x_wip_repetitive_schd_id, -1)
      AND  wn.operation_seq_num =
           decode(wr.autocharge_type,  4,
               nvl(wo.next_operation_seq_num, wo.operation_seq_num),
      AND  bd.department_id = wn.department_id;
Line: 423

       select bd.department_code department
         into X_department_code
         from bom_departments bd,wip_operations wn
        where wn.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
          and wn.organization_id = x_organization_id
          and nvl(wn.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
    	  nvl(x_wip_repetitive_schd_id, -1)
          and bd.department_id = wn.department_id;
Line: 438

        SELECT  wo.operation_seq_num sequence
          INTO  x_operation_seq_num
          FROM  wip_operations wo
         WHERE  wo.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
           AND  wo.organization_id = x_organization_id
           AND  nvl(wo.repetitive_schedule_id, -1) =
               nvl(x_wip_repetitive_schd_id, -1)
           AND  wo.operation_seq_num = x_wip_operation_seq_num;
Line: 464

     SELECT line_code
     INTO   x_line_code
     FROM   wip_lines
     WHERE  line_id         = x_wip_line_id
     AND    organization_id = x_organization_id;
Line: 480

	SELECT 	hazard_class
    	INTO   	x_hazard_class
    	FROM   	po_hazard_classes
    	WHERE  	hazard_class_id = x_hazard_class_id;
Line: 495

	SELECT 	un_number
    	INTO   	x_un_number
    	FROM   	po_un_numbers
    	WHERE  	un_number_id = x_un_number_id;
Line: 508

     select location_code
     into   x_receiving_location
     from   hr_locations
     where  location_id = x_receiving_location_id;
Line: 526

     select location_code
     into   x_final_location
     from   hr_locations
     where  location_id = x_final_location_id;
Line: 549

       select full_name
       into   x_person
       from   hr_employees
       where  employee_id = x_deliver_to_person_id;
Line: 565

         select locator_type
         into   x_subinv_locator_type
         from   mtl_secondary_inventories
         where  organization_id          = x_organization_id
         and    secondary_inventory_name = x_subinventory;
Line: 575

    SELECT v.vendor_name
    INTO   x_vendor_name
    from   po_vendors v
    where  v.vendor_id = x_vendor_id;