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Line 844: hxt_earning_policies erp

840: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw, --C421
841: hxt_timecards tim,
842: hxt_earn_groups erg,
843: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
844: hxt_earning_policies erp
845: -- WHERE tim.id = a_tim_id
846: -- AND hrw.tim_id = a_tim_id
848: -- Changed the above where clause as follows for supporting the

Line 883: hxt_earning_policies erp

879: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hrw,
880: hxt_timecards_f tim,
881: hxt_earn_groups erg,
882: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
883: hxt_earning_policies erp
884: WHERE tim.for_person_id = a_for_person_id
885: AND session_date between hrw.effective_start_date
886: and hrw.effective_end_Date

Line 919: hxt_earning_policies erp

915: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hrw,
916: hxt_timecards_f tim,
917: hxt_earn_groups erg,
918: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
919: hxt_earning_policies erp
920: WHERE tim.id IN (p_tim_id, p_prev_id)
921: AND session_date between hrw.effective_start_date
922: and hrw.effective_end_Date
923: AND session_date between tim.effective_start_date

Line 1054: hxt_earning_policies erp

1050: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw, --C421
1051: hxt_timecards tim,
1052: hxt_earn_groups erg,
1053: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
1054: hxt_earning_policies erp
1055: -- WHERE tim.id = a_tim_id
1056: -- AND hrw.tim_id = a_tim_id
1058: -- Changed the above where clause as follows for supporting the

Line 1095: hxt_earning_policies erp

1091: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hrw, --C421
1092: hxt_timecards_f tim,
1093: hxt_earn_groups erg,
1094: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
1095: hxt_earning_policies erp
1096: WHERE tim.for_person_id = a_for_person_id
1097: AND hrw.tim_id = tim.id
1098: AND session_date BETWEEN hrw.effective_start_date
1099: AND hrw.effective_end_date

Line 1130: hxt_earning_policies erp

1126: FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hrw,
1127: hxt_timecards_f tim,
1128: hxt_earn_groups erg,
1129: hxt_earn_group_types egt,
1130: hxt_earning_policies erp
1131: WHERE tim.id IN (p_tim_id, p_prev_id)
1132: AND session_date between hrw.effective_start_date
1133: and hrw.effective_end_Date
1134: AND session_date between tim.effective_start_date