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Line 4285: FROM hz_party_sites ps, hz_locations loc, iby_payments_all pmt

4281: --Adding fnd_languages table to fetch language country in
4282: --ISO standard.
4283: CURSOR l_lang_territory_csr (p_payment_id IN NUMBER) IS
4284: SELECT fl.language_code , loc.country
4285: FROM hz_party_sites ps, hz_locations loc, iby_payments_all pmt
4286: , fnd_languages fl
4287: WHERE payment_id = p_payment_id
4288: AND fl.language_code = loc.language
4289: AND pmt.party_site_id = ps.party_site_id(+)

Line 4966: FROM hz_locations hz_loc,

4962: hz_loc.address3 , hz_loc.address4 , hz_loc.city, hz_loc.county, hz_loc.state,
4963: hz_loc.province, hz_loc.country, te.iso_territory_code, te.territory_short_name, hz_loc.postal_code,
4964: IBY_FD_EXTRACT_GEN_PVT.format_hz_address(hz_loc.location_id),
4965: IBY_FD_EXTRACT_GEN_PVT.format_hz_address(hz_loc.location_id, 'POSTAL_ADDR')
4966: FROM hz_locations hz_loc,
4967: fnd_territories_vl te
4968: WHERE hz_loc.country = te.territory_code
4969: AND location_id = p_location_id;
4970: /*

Line 5104: FROM hz_locations hz_loc,

5100: hz_loc.address3 , hz_loc.address4 , hz_loc.city, hz_loc.county, hz_loc.state,
5101: hz_loc.province, hz_loc.country, te.iso_territory_code, te.territory_short_name, hz_loc.postal_code,
5102: IBY_FD_EXTRACT_GEN_PVT.format_hz_address(hz_loc.location_id),
5103: IBY_FD_EXTRACT_GEN_PVT.format_hz_address(hz_loc.location_id, 'POSTAL_ADDR')
5104: FROM hz_locations hz_loc,
5105: fnd_territories_vl te
5106: WHERE hz_loc.country = te.territory_code
5107: AND location_id = p_location_id;