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APPS.FFFUNC dependencies on FND_DATE

Line 18: Call fnd_number and fnd_date canonical

14: -----------
15: P Gowers 21-JAN-1993 Creation
16: A Roussel 27-OCT-1994 Moved header to after create/replace
17: A Rashid 30-MAR-1999 Added nc, tn, td, and dc functions.
18: Call fnd_number and fnd_date canonical
19: functions where appropriate.
20: A Rashid 27-APR-1999 Replace fnd_number and fnd_date canonical
21: calls by standard to_date, to_number,
22: and to_char calls. Added cn/cd functions

Line 20: A Rashid 27-APR-1999 Replace fnd_number and fnd_date canonical

16: A Roussel 27-OCT-1994 Moved header to after create/replace
17: A Rashid 30-MAR-1999 Added nc, tn, td, and dc functions.
18: Call fnd_number and fnd_date canonical
19: functions where appropriate.
20: A Rashid 27-APR-1999 Replace fnd_number and fnd_date canonical
21: calls by standard to_date, to_number,
22: and to_char calls. Added cn/cd functions
23: for converting canonical strings to
24: number/date.

Line 86: return fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_date);

82: Shortened name to keep formula text short.
83: */
84: function dc (p_date in date) return varchar2 is
85: begin
86: return fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_date);
87: end dc;
88: ------------------------------ round_up ------------------------------
89: /*
90: NAME

Line 208: return fnd_date.canonical_to_date(canonical => p_datestr);

204: Converts a string, in the canonical date format, to a date.
205: */
206: function cd (p_datestr in varchar2) return date is
207: begin
208: return fnd_date.canonical_to_date(canonical => p_datestr);
209: end cd;
210: ---------------------------------- cn -----------------------------------
211: /*
212: NAME