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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 61

    select substr(full_name,1,40)
    into   hold_employee_name
    from   per_people_f
    where  person_id = employee_id
    and   ((sysdate between effective_start_date
		      and nvl(effective_end_date,sysdate + 1))
          or (effective_start_date > sysdate))
    and   ((employee_number IS NOT NULL and
        or (npw_number IS NOT NULL and nvl(current_npw_flag,'N') ='Y'));
Line: 78

   select substr(name,1,30)
   into org_name from
   where organization_id = incurred_org;
Line: 88

  select substr(full_name,1,30)
  into person_name
  from per_people_f
  where person_id = supervisor
  and   ((sysdate between effective_start_date
		    and nvl(effective_end_date,sysdate + 1))
        or (effective_start_date > sysdate))
  and   ((employee_number IS NOT NULL and
        or (npw_number IS NOT NULL and nvl(current_npw_flag,'N') ='Y'));
Line: 104

 select '' into person_name from dual;
Line: 127

  SELECT  gl.name
  INTO    l_name
  FROM    gl_sets_of_books gl,pa_implementations pi
  WHERE   gl.set_of_books_id = pi.set_of_books_id;
Line: 169

    where_stmt := where_stmt||' union select to_date('||''''||l_dummy_date||''''|| ','||''''||l_dt_format||''''|| ') from dual';
Line: 172

	 where_stmt := where_stmt || ' minus select distinct to_date(expenditure_ending_date,'||''''||l_dt_format||''''||') from pa_expenditures where expenditure_ending_date between :date_lo and :date_hi  and expenditure_class_code in (' || ''''
                        || 'PT' || '''' || ',' || '''' || 'OT' || '''' || ') order by 1' ;