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1 package body msc_hp_util as
2 /* $Header: MSCPCUTB.pls 120.0.12020000.3 2012/11/02 17:38:37 wexia noship $ */
3     g_page_size number := 10;
4     g_max_fetch_size number := 100;
5     g_fetch_size number := g_max_fetch_size;
7     function get_calendar_code(p_plan_id number) return varchar2
8     is
9         l_calendar_code varchar2(20);
10     begin
11         l_calendar_code := fnd_profile.value('MSC_BKT_REFERENCE_CALENDAR'); -- l_calendar_code
12         if (l_calendar_code is null) then
13             select mtp.calendar_code
14             into l_calendar_code
15             from msc_trading_partners mtp, msc_plans mp
16             where mtp.sr_tp_id=mp.organization_id
17             and mtp.sr_instance_id=mp.sr_instance_id
18             and mp.plan_id=p_plan_id
19             and mtp.partner_type=3;
20         end if;
21         return l_calendar_code;
22     end get_calendar_code;
24     procedure prepare_col_dtls(p_plan_id number, p_refresh number)
25     is
26         l_calendar_code varchar2(20);
27         l_n number;
28     begin
29         msc_phub_util.log('msc_hp_util.prepare_col_dtls('||p_plan_id||')');
30         l_calendar_code := get_calendar_code(p_plan_id);
31         if (l_calendar_code is null) then
32             return;
33         end if;
35         if (p_refresh = 1) then
36             delete from msc_hp_col_dtls where plan_id=p_plan_id;
37             msc_phub_util.log('delete from msc_hp_col_dtls: '||sql%rowcount);
38             commit;
39         else
40             select count(*) into l_n
41             from msc_hp_col_dtls
42             where plan_id=p_plan_id;
44             if (l_n > 0) then
45                 return;
46             end if;
47         end if;
49         insert into msc_hp_col_dtls(
50             plan_id,
51             bkt_start_date,
52             bkt_end_date,
53             seq_num,
54             bucket_type,
55             bucket_index,
56             week_start_date,
57             week_end_date,
58             week_last_work_date,
59             period_start_date,
60             period_end_date,
61             period_last_work_date,
62             created_by, creation_date,
63             last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
64         with t as (
65             select
66                 b.bkt_start_date,
67                 b.bkt_end_date,
68                 b.seq_num,
69                 b.bucket_type,
70                 b.bucket_index,
71                 w.week_start_date week_start_date,
72                 w.week_end_date,
73                 w.week_last_work_date,
74                 p.period_start_date period_start_date,
75                 p.period_end_date,
76                 p.period_last_work_date
77             from
78                 (select
79                     b.bkt_start_date,
80                     b.bkt_end_date,
81                     md.seq_num,
82                     b.bucket_type,
83                     b.bucket_index
84                 from
85                     msc_plan_buckets b,
86                     msc_calendar_dates md
87                 where b.plan_id=p_plan_id
88                     and b.curr_flag=1
89                     and md.calendar_code=l_calendar_code
90                     and md.exception_set_id=-1
91                     and b.bkt_start_date=md.calendar_date
92                 ) b,
93                 (select
94                     mw.week_start_date,
95                     mw.next_date-1 week_end_date,
96                     max(decode(md.seq_num, null, null, md.calendar_date)) week_last_work_date
97                 from
98                     msc_plan_buckets b,
99                     msc_calendar_dates md,
100                     msc_cal_week_start_dates mw
101                 where b.plan_id=p_plan_id
102                     and b.curr_flag=1
103                     and md.calendar_date between b.bkt_start_date and b.bkt_end_date
104                     and md.calendar_code=l_calendar_code
105                     and md.exception_set_id=-1
106                     and md.calendar_code=mw.calendar_code
107                     and md.sr_instance_id=mw.sr_instance_id
108                     and md.exception_set_id=mw.exception_set_id
109                     and md.calendar_date between mw.week_start_date and mw.next_date-1
110                     --and md.seq_num is not null
111                 group by
112                     mw.week_start_date,
113                     mw.next_date
114                 ) w,
115                 (select
116                     mp.period_start_date,
117                     mp.next_date-1 period_end_date,
118                     max(decode(md.seq_num, null, null, md.calendar_date)) period_last_work_date
119                 from
120                     msc_plan_buckets b,
121                     msc_calendar_dates md,
122                     msc_period_start_dates mp
123                 where b.plan_id=p_plan_id
124                     and b.curr_flag=1
125                     and md.calendar_date between b.bkt_start_date and b.bkt_end_date
126                     and md.calendar_code=l_calendar_code
127                     and md.exception_set_id=-1
128                     and md.calendar_code=mp.calendar_code
129                     and md.sr_instance_id=mp.sr_instance_id
130                     and md.exception_set_id=mp.exception_set_id
131                     and md.calendar_date between mp.period_start_date and mp.next_date-1
132                     --and md.seq_num is not null
133                 group by
134                     mp.period_start_date,
135                     mp.next_date
136                 ) p
137             where b.bkt_start_date between w.week_start_date and w.week_end_date
138                 and w.week_start_date between p.period_start_date and p.period_end_date
139             ),
140             m as (
141             select bkt_start_date plan_start_date
142             from msc_plan_buckets
143             where plan_id=p_plan_id
144                 and curr_flag=1
145                 and bucket_index=1
146             )
147         select
148             p_plan_id,
149             t.bkt_start_date,
150             t.bkt_end_date,
151             t.seq_num,
152             t.bucket_type,
153             t.bucket_index,
154             decode(tw.week_index, 1, m.plan_start_date, t.week_start_date) week_start_date,
155             t.week_end_date,
156             greatest(decode(tw.week_index, 1, m.plan_start_date, t.week_start_date), t.week_last_work_date) week_last_work_date,
157             decode(tp.period_index, 1, m.plan_start_date, t.period_start_date) period_start_date,
158             t.period_end_date,
159             greatest(decode(tp.period_index, 1, m.plan_start_date, t.period_start_date), t.period_last_work_date) period_last_work_date,
160             fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
161             sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id
162         from t, m,
163             (select rownum week_index, week_start_date from (select distinct week_start_date from t order by 1)) tw,
164             (select rownum period_index, period_start_date from (select distinct period_start_date from t order by 1)) tp
165         where t.week_start_date=tw.week_start_date
166             and t.period_start_date=tp.period_start_date
167         union all
168         select
169             p_plan_id,
170             m.plan_start_date - 1 bkt_start_date,
171             m.plan_start_date - 1 bkt_end_date,
172             0 seq_num,
173             0 bucket_type,
174             0 bucket_index,
175             m.plan_start_date - 1 week_start_date,
176             m.plan_start_date - 1 week_end_date,
177             m.plan_start_date - 1 week_last_work_date,
178             m.plan_start_date - 1 period_start_date,
179             m.plan_start_date - 1 period_end_date,
180             m.plan_start_date - 1 period_last_work_date,
181             fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
182             sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id
183         from m
184         order by bucket_index;
185         msc_phub_util.log('insert into msc_hp_col_dtls: '||sql%rowcount);
186         commit;
188     end prepare_col_dtls;
190     procedure prepare_filters(p_query_id number, p_filter_type number, p_filters varchar2)
191     is
192         i number;
193         s varchar2(5000) := p_filters||',';
194         t varchar2(5000);
195     begin
196         msc_phub_util.log('msc_hp_util.prepare_filters('||p_query_id||', '||p_filter_type||')');
197         i := instr(s, ',');
198         while nvl(i, 0) > 0 loop
199             t := trim(substr(s, 1, i - 1));
200             if (length(t) > 0) then
201                 if (p_filter_type in (ft_organization, ft_category, ft_department, ft_resource)) then
202                     insert into msc_form_query(query_id, number1, char1,
203                         created_by, creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
204                     values (p_query_id, p_filter_type, trim(substr(s, 1, i - 1)),
205                         fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id);
206                 end if;
208                 if (p_filter_type in (ft_exception, ft_item)) then
209                     insert into msc_form_query(query_id, number1, number2,
210                         created_by, creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
211                     values (p_query_id, p_filter_type, trim(substr(s, 1, i - 1)),
212                         fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id);
213                 end if;
214             end if;
215             s := substr(s, i + 1);
216             i := instr(s, ',');
217         end loop;
218         commit;
219     end prepare_filters;
221     function create_query_id return number
222     is
223         l_query_id number;
224     begin
225         select msc_hp_query_s.nextval into l_query_id from dual;
226         return l_query_id;
227     end create_query_id;
229     function get_plan_id(p_query_id number) return number
230     is
231         l_plan_id number;
232     begin
233         select plan_id into l_plan_id
234         from msc_hp_row_dtls
235         where query_id=p_query_id and rownum=1;
237         return l_plan_id;
238     exception
239         when no_data_found then
240             return null;
241     end get_plan_id;
243     procedure sync_ui_data(p_plan_id number, p_mode number)
244     is
245     begin
246         msc_phub_util.log('msc_hp_util.sync_ui_data('||p_plan_id||','||p_mode||')');
248         delete from msc_matl_plan_data where query_id in (select query_id from msc_hp_row_dtls where plan_id=p_plan_id);
249         msc_phub_util.log('delete from msc_matl_plan_data: '||sql%rowcount);
250         commit;
252         delete from msc_res_plan_data where query_id in (select query_id from msc_hp_row_dtls where plan_id=p_plan_id);
253         msc_phub_util.log('delete from msc_res_plan_data: '||sql%rowcount);
254         commit;
256         delete from msc_hp_updates where query_id in (select query_id from msc_hp_row_dtls where plan_id=p_plan_id);
257         msc_phub_util.log('delete from msc_hp_updates: '||sql%rowcount);
258         commit;
260         delete from msc_res_plan_updates where query_id in (select query_id from msc_hp_row_dtls where plan_id=p_plan_id);
261         msc_phub_util.log('delete from msc_res_plan_updates: '||sql%rowcount);
262         commit;
264         delete from msc_hp_row_dtls where plan_id=p_plan_id;
265         msc_phub_util.log('delete from msc_hp_row_dtls: '||sql%rowcount);
266         commit;
268         delete from msc_hp_col_dtls where plan_id=p_plan_id;
269         msc_phub_util.log('delete from msc_hp_col_dtls: '||sql%rowcount);
270         commit;
272         if (p_mode = sync_launch) then
273             prepare_col_dtls(p_plan_id, 1);
274         end if;
276     end sync_ui_data;
277 end msc_hp_util;