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Line 34: cursor c_ap_invoice_lines_all

30: and distribution_line_number = p_distribution_line_number;*/
31: /*
32: || rchandan for bug#4454657 commented the above and added the following cursor
33: */
34: cursor c_ap_invoice_lines_all
35: (p_invoice_id number, p_line_number number) is
36: select line_type_lookup_code,
37: po_distribution_id,
38: rcv_transaction_id,

Line 40: from ap_invoice_lines_all /*rchandan for bug#4428980*/

36: select line_type_lookup_code,
37: po_distribution_id,
38: rcv_transaction_id,
39: set_of_books_id
40: from ap_invoice_lines_all /*rchandan for bug#4428980*/
41: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id
42: and line_number = p_line_number;
44: cursor c_gl_sets_of_books(p_set_of_books_id number) is

Line 89: r_ap_invoice_lines_all c_ap_invoice_lines_all%rowtype; /*rchandan for bug#4454657*/

85: where create_batch_id = p_parent_request_id
86: and process_flag <> 'Y';
89: r_ap_invoice_lines_all c_ap_invoice_lines_all%rowtype; /*rchandan for bug#4454657*/
90: r_rcv_transactions c_rcv_transactions%rowtype;
91: r_ja_in_receipt_tax_lines c_ja_in_receipt_tax_lines%rowtype;
92: r_gl_sets_of_books c_gl_sets_of_books%rowtype;
93: ln_boe_3p_count number:=0;

Line 146: The ap_invoice_lines_all is used instead of ap_invoice_distributions_all while querying wherever applicable.

143: 6. 24-Jun-2005 rchandan for bug#4454657,File Version: 116.3
144: Modified the object as a part of AP LINES Impact Uptake
145: A column invoice_line_number ie added to jai_fa_mass_additions.
146: The ap_invoice_lines_all is used instead of ap_invoice_distributions_all while querying wherever applicable.
148: Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
149: (Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency due to spec change/ A new call to a object/
150: A datamodel change )

Line 167: open c_ap_invoice_lines_all

163: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
166: /* check if invoice is against a receipt */
167: open c_ap_invoice_lines_all
168: (pr_new.invoice_id, pr_new.invoice_line_number);
169: fetch c_ap_invoice_lines_all into r_ap_invoice_lines_all;
170: close c_ap_invoice_lines_all;

Line 169: fetch c_ap_invoice_lines_all into r_ap_invoice_lines_all;

166: /* check if invoice is against a receipt */
167: open c_ap_invoice_lines_all
168: (pr_new.invoice_id, pr_new.invoice_line_number);
169: fetch c_ap_invoice_lines_all into r_ap_invoice_lines_all;
170: close c_ap_invoice_lines_all;
172: --If jai_cmn_utils_pkg.check_jai_exists(P_CALLING_OBJECT => 'JAI_FA_MA_ARI_T1', P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID => r_ap_invoice_lines_all.set_of_books_id) = false then
173: -- return;

Line 170: close c_ap_invoice_lines_all;

166: /* check if invoice is against a receipt */
167: open c_ap_invoice_lines_all
168: (pr_new.invoice_id, pr_new.invoice_line_number);
169: fetch c_ap_invoice_lines_all into r_ap_invoice_lines_all;
170: close c_ap_invoice_lines_all;
172: --If jai_cmn_utils_pkg.check_jai_exists(P_CALLING_OBJECT => 'JAI_FA_MA_ARI_T1', P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID => r_ap_invoice_lines_all.set_of_books_id) = false then
173: -- return;
174: --end if;

Line 172: --If jai_cmn_utils_pkg.check_jai_exists(P_CALLING_OBJECT => 'JAI_FA_MA_ARI_T1', P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID => r_ap_invoice_lines_all.set_of_books_id) = false then

168: (pr_new.invoice_id, pr_new.invoice_line_number);
169: fetch c_ap_invoice_lines_all into r_ap_invoice_lines_all;
170: close c_ap_invoice_lines_all;
172: --If jai_cmn_utils_pkg.check_jai_exists(P_CALLING_OBJECT => 'JAI_FA_MA_ARI_T1', P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID => r_ap_invoice_lines_all.set_of_books_id) = false then
173: -- return;
174: --end if;
176: /*The following code has been commented and added the above code instead - ssumaith - bug# 4037690*/

Line 190: if r_ap_invoice_lines_all.line_type_lookup_code not in ('ITEM', 'ACCRUAL') then

186: return;
187: end if;
188: */
190: if r_ap_invoice_lines_all.line_type_lookup_code not in ('ITEM', 'ACCRUAL') then
191: /* the invoice distribution line being processed is not an item line.*/
192: /* no need to check for existance of receipt taxes against it.*/
193: return;
194: end if;

Line 196: if r_ap_invoice_lines_all.po_distribution_id is null or

192: /* no need to check for existance of receipt taxes against it.*/
193: return;
194: end if;
196: if r_ap_invoice_lines_all.po_distribution_id is null or
197: r_ap_invoice_lines_all.rcv_transaction_id is null then
198: /* PO and/or Receipt references does not exist, no need to process */
199: return;
200: end if;

Line 197: r_ap_invoice_lines_all.rcv_transaction_id is null then

193: return;
194: end if;
196: if r_ap_invoice_lines_all.po_distribution_id is null or
197: r_ap_invoice_lines_all.rcv_transaction_id is null then
198: /* PO and/or Receipt references does not exist, no need to process */
199: return;
200: end if;

Line 202: open c_rcv_transactions(r_ap_invoice_lines_all.rcv_transaction_id);

198: /* PO and/or Receipt references does not exist, no need to process */
199: return;
200: end if;
202: open c_rcv_transactions(r_ap_invoice_lines_all.rcv_transaction_id);
203: fetch c_rcv_transactions into r_rcv_transactions;
204: close c_rcv_transactions;
206: /* All validations are over at this point, now check if BOE or third party tax exists */

Line 325: FROM jai_ap_match_inv_taxes A, ap_invoice_lines_all B /* rchandan for bug#4454657 JAI_CMN_FA_INV_DIST_ALL is obsolete and so replaced by JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES */

321: || rchandan for bug#4454657 commented the aboce cursor and following cursor has been added by rchandan for ap lines change
322: */
323: CURSOR c_get_line_info IS
324: SELECT A.rcv_transaction_id
325: FROM jai_ap_match_inv_taxes A, ap_invoice_lines_all B /* rchandan for bug#4454657 JAI_CMN_FA_INV_DIST_ALL is obsolete and so replaced by JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES */
326: WHERE A.line_type_lookup_code NOT like 'ITEM'
327: AND B.invoice_id = pr_new.invoice_id
329: AND A.invoice_line_number = B.line_number

Line 459: The ap_invoice_lines_all is used instead of ap_invoice_distributions_all while querying wherever applicable.

456: 6. 24-Jun-2005 rchandan for bug#4454657,File Version: 116.3
457: Modified the object as a part of AP LINES Impact Uptake
458: A column invoice_line_number ie added to jai_fa_mass_additions.
459: The ap_invoice_lines_all is used instead of ap_invoice_distributions_all while querying wherever applicable.
462: Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
463: (Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency due to spec change/ A new call to a object/