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1 package ben_fyi_ntfn_ss AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: befyintf.pkh 115.2 2002/12/04 21:59:45 shdas noship $*/
3 --
4 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 -- Purpose: This function will set the value of the workflow attribute
6 --          receiver name to the seeded workflow role.
7 --          Workflow engine will send notification to this role.
8 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
9 procedure set_role_to_send_ntfn
10   (itemtype in     varchar2
11   ,itemkey  in     varchar2
12   ,actid    in     number
13   ,funcmode in     varchar2
14   ,result   out nocopy varchar2
15   );
16 --
17 procedure build_url(
18            p_item_type                 in varchar2
19           ,p_item_key                  in varchar2
20           ,p_from_ntfn                 in varchar2 default 'Y'
21           );
22 end ben_fyi_ntfn_ss;