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Line 421: ,xla_ledger_options xlo

417: SELECT xlr.ledger_id ledger_id
418: ,xlr.primary_ledger_id primary_ledger_id
419: ,DECODE(xlo.ledger_id,NULL,'N','Y') ledger_setup_flag
420: FROM xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr
421: ,xla_ledger_options xlo
422: WHERE xlr.ledger_category_code IN ('PRIMARY','SECONDARY')
423: AND xlr.sla_accounting_method_code IS NOT NULL
424: AND xlo.application_id(+) = p_application_id
425: AND xlo.ledger_id (+) = xlr.ledger_id

Line 524: -- 3. Inserts into xla_ledger_options for ledgers that do not exist there.

520: -- It performs following tasks for the application(s):
521: -- 1. Deletes from xla_je_categories the event classes that do not
522: -- exist in xla_event_classes.
523: -- 2. Inserts into xla_launch_options for ledgers that do not exist there.
524: -- 3. Inserts into xla_ledger_options for ledgers that do not exist there.
525: -- 4. Inserts into xla_je_categories the event classes that were not setup
526: -- earlier.
527: --
528: --=============================================================================

Line 651: -- Inserting into xla_ledger_options table rows for the application and

650: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
651: -- Inserting into xla_ledger_options table rows for the application and
652: -- all the eligible ledgers.
653: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
654: trace('Inserting rows in xla_ledger_options for the ledgers '||
655: 'that are not already setup',20);

Line 654: trace('Inserting rows in xla_ledger_options for the ledgers '||

650: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
651: -- Inserting into xla_ledger_options table rows for the application and
652: -- all the eligible ledgers.
653: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
654: trace('Inserting rows in xla_ledger_options for the ledgers '||
655: 'that are not already setup',20);
657: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
658: -- The value of 'transfer_to_gl_mode_code' is decided based on the value

Line 662: INSERT INTO xla_ledger_options

658: -- The value of 'transfer_to_gl_mode_code' is decided based on the value
659: -- of column gl_ledgers.net_income_code_combination_id, which decides if
660: -- 'Daily Balances' are enabled for the ledger or not. (Bug 3128896).
661: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
662: INSERT INTO xla_ledger_options
663: (application_id
664: ,ledger_id
665: ,transfer_to_gl_mode_code
666: ,acct_reversal_option_code

Line 713: FROM xla_ledger_options

709: AND gl2.ledger_id = xlr.ledger_id
710: AND NVL(xam.transaction_coa_id
711: ,gll.chart_of_accounts_id) = gll.chart_of_accounts_id
713: FROM xla_ledger_options
714: WHERE ledger_id = xlr.ledger_id
715: AND application_id = xsl.application_id));
717: trace('Number of rows inserted = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,30);

Line 943: FROM xla_ledger_options

939: l_exist VARCHAR2(1);
941: CURSOR c_ledger_options IS
942: SELECT 'x'
943: FROM xla_ledger_options
944: WHERE application_id = p_application_id
945: AND ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
947: BEGIN

Line 968: INSERT INTO xla_ledger_options

964: FROM gl_ledgers
965: WHERE ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
966: END IF;
968: INSERT INTO xla_ledger_options
969: (application_id
970: ,ledger_id
971: ,transfer_to_gl_mode_code
972: ,acct_reversal_option_code

Line 1252: -- Insert into xla_ledger_options

1248: (p_ledger_id => p_ledger_id
1249: ,p_application_id => p_application_id);
1251: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1252: -- Insert into xla_ledger_options
1253: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1254: insert_ledger_options
1255: (p_ledger_id => p_ledger_id
1256: ,p_application_id => p_application_id);

Line 1284: -- Insert into xla_ledger_options

1280: ,p_application_id => p_application_id);
1281: END IF;
1283: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1284: -- Insert into xla_ledger_options
1285: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1286: insert_ledger_options
1287: (p_ledger_id => p_ledger_id
1288: ,p_application_id => p_application_id);

Line 1586: UPDATE xla_ledger_options SET

1582: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1583: -- Update ledger options, if there is already ledger options for the
1584: -- ledger and the application
1585: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1586: UPDATE xla_ledger_options SET
1587: transfer_to_gl_mode_code = NVL(p_transfer_to_gl_mode_code, transfer_to_gl_mode_code)
1588: ,acct_reversal_option_code = NVL(p_acct_reversal_option_code, acct_reversal_option_code)
1589: ,last_update_date = sysdate
1590: ,last_updated_by = xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id