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1 Package Body hr_fr_mmo as
2 /* $Header: hrfrmmo.pkb 120.0 2005/05/30 21:03:47 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Package Variables
5 --
6 g_package  varchar2(33) := '  hr_fr_mmo';
7 --
8 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- |---------------------< Get_formula >--------------------------------------|
10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 --
12 Function Get_formula (p_business_group_id IN Number,
13                       p_session_date      IN  date) Return Number IS
14 --
15 -- Define Local variable
16 ln_formula_id   ff_formulas.formula_id%TYPE;
17 --
18 -- local cursor
19 Cursor Get_user_formula_id (p_business_group_id ff_formulas_f.business_group_id%TYPE,
20                             p_formula_name      ff_formulas_f.formula_name%TYPE) IS
21 SELECT ff.formula_id
22 FROM   ff_formulas_f ff
23 WHERE  ff.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and
24        ff.formula_name = p_formula_name and
25        (p_session_date BETWEEN ff.effective_start_date and ff.effective_end_date);
26 --
28 Cursor Get_template_formula_id (p_legislation_code ff_formulas_f.legislation_code%TYPE,
29                                 p_formula_name     ff_formulas_f.formula_name%TYPE) IS
30 SELECT ff.formula_id
31 FROM   ff_formulas_f ff
32 WHERE  ff.legislation_code = p_legislation_code and
33        ff.formula_name = p_formula_name and
34        (p_session_date BETWEEN ff.effective_start_date and ff.effective_end_date);
36 Begin
37    -- First, check if there is a formula called USER_MMO_REASON for the user's Business_group
38    OPEN Get_user_formula_id (p_business_group_id,'USER_MMO_REASON');
39    FETCH Get_user_formula_id into ln_formula_id;
40    if (Get_user_formula_id%NOTFOUND) Then
41       -- The customized formula has not been found. Get the Template formula_id
42       CLOSE Get_user_formula_id;
43       OPEN Get_template_formula_id ('FR','TEMPLATE_MMO_REASON');
44       FETCH Get_template_formula_id into ln_formula_id;
45       if (Get_template_formula_id%NOTFOUND) Then
46       -- Error. None of the formula has been created
47          ln_formula_id := 0;
48       End if;
49       CLOSE Get_template_formula_id;
50    Else
51       CLOSE Get_user_formula_id;
52    End if;
55    Return ln_formula_id;
57 End Get_formula;
60 --
61 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 -- |---------------------< Get_start_date >-----------------------------------|
63 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 --
65 Function Get_start_date
66    (p_person_id 		IN number
67    ,p_establishment_id	        IN number
68    ,p_end_date		        IN date
69    ,p_include_suspended         IN varchar
70    ) RETURN date is
71 --
72 --  Define Local Variables
73 --
74 l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'Get_start_date';
75 l_date date;
76 --
77 Begin
79 /* Find the record which precedes the assignment data block and which does not meet the
80    Assignment Status Type and Establishment criteria
81 */
82    select max(a.effective_end_date) + 1
83    into l_date
84    from per_all_assignments_f       a,
85         per_assignment_status_types s
86    where a.person_id = p_person_id
87      AND a.primary_flag = 'Y'
88      AND a.effective_end_date < p_end_date
89      AND a.assignment_status_type_id = s.assignment_status_type_id
90      AND (s.per_system_status not in
91            ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN',decode(p_include_suspended,'Y','SUSP_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_ASSIGN'))
92          OR a.establishment_id  <> p_establishment_id);
94    if l_date is null then
96 /* If no record is found above then get the latest start date which does meet the criteria
97    for which there is no preceding record which meets the criteria
98 */
100    select max(a.effective_start_date)
101    into l_date
102    from per_all_assignments_f       a,
103         per_assignment_status_types s
104    where a.person_id = p_person_id
105      AND a.primary_flag = 'Y'
106      AND a.effective_start_date < p_end_date
107      AND a.assignment_status_type_id = s.assignment_status_type_id
108      AND (s.per_system_status in
109            ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN',decode(p_include_suspended,'Y','SUSP_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_ASSIGN'))
110      AND    a.establishment_id  = p_establishment_id)
111 and not exists
112    (select null
113    from per_all_assignments_f       a2,
114         per_assignment_status_types s2
115    where a2.person_id = p_person_id
116      AND a2.primary_flag = 'Y'
117      AND a2.effective_end_date = a.effective_start_date-1
118      AND a2.assignment_status_type_id = s2.assignment_status_type_id
119      AND (s2.per_system_status in
120            ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN',decode(p_include_suspended,'Y','SUSP_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_ASSIGN'))
121      AND    a2.establishment_id  = p_establishment_id));
123    end if;
126    Return l_date;
127 End Get_start_date;
128 --
129 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 -- |---------------------< Get_end_date >-------------------------------------|
131 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 --
133 Function Get_end_date
134    (p_person_id 		IN number
135    ,p_establishment_id          IN number
136    ,p_start_date                IN date
137    ,p_include_suspended         IN VARCHAR
138    ) RETURN date is
139 --
140 --  Define Local Variables
141 --
142 l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'Get_end_date';
143 l_date date;
144 --
145 Begin
147 /* Find the record which succeeds the assignment data block and which does not meet the
148    Assignment Status Type and Establishment criteria
149 */
150    select min(a.effective_start_date) - 1
151    into l_date
152    from per_all_assignments_f          a,
153         per_assignment_status_types    s
154    where  a.person_id = p_person_id
155      AND a.primary_flag = 'Y'
156      AND a.effective_start_date > p_start_date
157      AND a.assignment_status_type_id = s.assignment_status_type_id
158      AND a.assignment_status_type_id = s.assignment_status_type_id
159      AND (s.per_system_status not in
160            ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN',decode(p_include_suspended,'Y','SUSP_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_ASSIGN'))
161          OR a.establishment_id  <> p_establishment_id);
163    if l_date is null then
165 /* If no record is found above then get the earliest end date which does meet the criteria
166    for which there is no succeeding record which meets the criteria
167 */
168    select min(a.effective_end_date)
169    into l_date
170    from per_all_assignments_f          a,
171         per_assignment_status_types    s
172    where  a.person_id = p_person_id
173      AND a.primary_flag = 'Y'
174      AND a.effective_end_date > p_start_date
175      AND a.assignment_status_type_id = s.assignment_status_type_id
176      AND a.assignment_status_type_id = s.assignment_status_type_id
177      AND (s.per_system_status in
178            ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN',decode(p_include_suspended,'Y','SUSP_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_ASSIGN'))
179      AND a.establishment_id  = p_establishment_id)
180 and not exists
181    (select null
182    from per_all_assignments_f       a2,
183         per_assignment_status_types s2
184    where a2.person_id = p_person_id
185      AND a2.primary_flag = 'Y'
186      AND a2.effective_start_date = a.effective_end_date+1
187      AND a2.assignment_status_type_id = s2.assignment_status_type_id
188      AND (s2.per_system_status in
189            ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN',decode(p_include_suspended,'Y','SUSP_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_ASSIGN'))
190      AND    a2.establishment_id  = p_establishment_id));
192    end if;
194    Return l_date;
196 End get_end_date;
197 --
198 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 -- |--------------------------< Get_reason >----------------------------------|
200 -- comment : the switch_starting_leaving_reason variable can ONLY be set
201 --           with 2 values, "S" to get the Starting reason, and "L" to get
202 --           the leaving reason.
203 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 --
205 Function Get_reason
206    (p_assignment_id 		IN number
207    ,p_starting_date	        IN varchar2
208    ,p_formula_id	        IN NUMBER
209    ,p_switch_starting_leaving   IN varchar2
210    ) RETURN varchar2 is
211 --
212 --  Define Local Variables
213 --
214 l_proc                  varchar2(72) := g_package||' Get_reason';
215 l_formula_id            ff_formulas_f.formula_id%TYPE;
216 l_effective_start_date  ff_formulas_f.effective_start_date%TYPE;
217 l_return_value          varchar2(240);
218 l_inputs                ff_exec.inputs_t;
219 l_outputs               ff_exec.outputs_t;
220 --
221 Begin
222    hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
223    --
224    -- Initialize the formula
225    --
226    hr_utility.set_location(' Initialize formula '||l_proc, 5);
227    select formula_id,effective_start_date
228    into l_formula_id,l_effective_start_date
229    from ff_formulas_f
230    where formula_id = p_formula_id;
232    hr_utility.set_location('formula id found : ' || to_char(l_formula_id),500);
234    ff_exec.init_formula (l_formula_id,
235                          l_effective_start_date,
236                          l_inputs,
237                          l_outputs
238                         );
240    hr_utility.set_location(' set context variables '||l_proc, 6);
242    if (l_inputs.first is not null) and (l_inputs.last is not null)
243    then
244       -- Set up context values for the formula
245       for l_in_cnt in
246       l_inputs.first..l_inputs.last
247       loop
248          hr_utility.set_location(' in the loop ... ' || to_char(l_in_cnt),7);
249          if l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='ASSIGNMENT_ID' then
250             l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := p_assignment_id;
251             hr_utility.set_location(' ASSIGNMENT_ID .. done' ,7);
252          end if;
253          if l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='DATE_EARNED' then
254             l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := p_starting_date;
255             hr_utility.set_location(' DATE_EARNED .. done' ,7);
256          end if;
257          if l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='TRANSFER_DATE' then
258             l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := p_starting_date;
259             hr_utility.set_location(' TRANSFER_DATE .. done' ,7);
260          end if;
261          if l_inputs(l_in_cnt).name='SWITCH_STARTING_LEAVING' then
262             l_inputs(l_in_cnt).value := p_switch_starting_leaving;
263             hr_utility.set_location('SWITCH_STARTING_LEAVING .. done' ,7);
264          end if;
265       end loop;
266    end if;
268    --
269    -- Run the formula
270    --
272    hr_utility.set_location(' Prior to execute the formula',8);
273    ff_exec.run_formula (l_inputs ,
274                         l_outputs
275                        );
277    hr_utility.set_location(' End run formula',9);
279    for l_out_cnt in
280    l_outputs.first..l_outputs.last
281    loop
282       if l_outputs(l_out_cnt).name = 'RETURN_REASON' then
283          l_return_value := l_outputs(l_out_cnt).value;
284       end if;
285    end loop;
287    hr_utility.set_location(' After run ..return value = ' || l_return_value,9);
289    Return l_return_value;
290 End Get_reason;
291 --
293 End hr_fr_mmo;