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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 49

Procedure can_delete_template
        (p_template_id in         hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%type
        ,p_messages    in out nocopy hxc_message_table_type) is

cursor c_template_details
     (p_id in hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%type) is
select TEMPLATE_TYPE from hxc_template_summary
where template_id = p_id;
Line: 72

  	--Check whether the public template can be deleted.
	l_attached_public_temp_grps := hxc_public_temp_group_comp_api.can_delete_public_template(p_template_id=>p_template_id);
Line: 137

End can_delete_template;
Line: 374

FUNCTION timecard_deleted
        (p_blocks in HXC_BLOCK_TABLE_TYPE
        ) return BOOLEAN is

l_deleted_tc BOOLEAN := false;
Line: 387

  EXIT WHEN l_deleted_tc;
Line: 392

     l_deleted_tc := true;
Line: 400

RETURN l_deleted_tc;
Line: 402

END timecard_deleted;
Line: 406

FUNCTION timecard_deleted
        (p_blocks in hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info
        ) return BOOLEAN is

l_deleted_tc BOOLEAN := false;
Line: 419

  EXIT WHEN l_deleted_tc;
Line: 424

     l_deleted_tc := true;
Line: 432

RETURN l_deleted_tc;
Line: 434

END timecard_deleted;
Line: 478

 select tbb.time_building_block_id into l_existing_timecard_id
   from hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
  where tbb.resource_id = p_resource_id
    and tbb.scope = 'TIMECARD'
    and tbb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
    and tbb.start_time <= p_stop_time
    and tbb.stop_time >= p_start_time
    and tbb.time_building_block_id <> p_time_building_block_id;
Line: 572

        )) then
       -- We are deleting the existing timecard as part of this
       -- submission.  This is ok, and submission can continue.
Line: 649

        )) then
       -- We are deleting the existing timecard as part of this
       -- submission.  This is ok, and submission can continue.
Line: 1040

     select *
       from hxc_time_attributes
      where time_attribute_id = p_id;
Line: 1153

     select *
       from hxc_time_building_blocks
      where time_building_block_id = p_id
        and object_version_number = p_ovn;
Line: 1342

  select ap.approval_status
    from hxc_time_building_blocks ap, hxc_time_building_blocks tc
   where ap.resource_id = p_resource_id
     and ap.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD'
     and ap.approval_status = 'APPROVED'
     and p_date between ap.start_time and ap.stop_time
     and ap.resource_id = tc.resource_id
     and ap.creation_date >= tc.creation_date
     and tc.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
     and tc.scope = 'TIMECARD'
     and tc.start_time <= ap.stop_time
     and tc.stop_time >= ap.start_time
     and NOT exists
     (select 'Y'
       from hxc_time_building_blocks
   where resource_id = p_resource_id
     and scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD'
     and date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
     and approval_status = 'REJECTED'
     and p_date between start_time and stop_time
Line: 1392

       SELECT 'Y'
	FROM hxc_time_building_blocks detail,
	     hxc_time_building_blocks day,
	     hxc_time_building_blocks parent
	WHERE detail.parent_building_block_id = day.time_building_block_id
	AND detail.parent_building_block_ovn = day.object_version_number
	AND detail.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
	AND detail.resource_id = p_resource_id
	AND detail.scope = 'DETAIL'
	AND detail.creation_date <=(select max(ap.creation_date)
	    from hxc_time_building_blocks ap
	    where ap.resource_id = p_resource_id
	     and ap.scope = 'APPLICATION_PERIOD'
	     and ap.approval_status = 'APPROVED'
	     and p_date between ap.start_time and ap.stop_time
	     and ap.resource_id = parent.resource_id
	     and ap.creation_date >= parent.creation_date
	     and parent.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
	     and parent.start_time <= ap.stop_time
	     and parent.stop_time >= ap.start_time)
	AND day.scope = 'DAY'
	AND Trunc(day.start_time) = Trunc(p_date)
	AND day.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
	AND day.resource_id = p_resource_id
     and parent.time_building_block_id=day.parent_building_block_id
	and parent.object_version_number=day.parent_building_block_ovn
	and parent.scope='TIMECARD'
	AND parent.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
	AND parent.resource_id = p_resource_id;
Line: 1481

        select 'Y'
          from hxc_ap_detail_links adl,
               hxc_app_period_summary aps
         where adl.time_building_block_id = p_detail_id
           and adl.time_building_block_ovn = p_detail_ovn
           and adl.application_period_id = aps.application_period_id
       and aps.approval_status = hxc_timecard.c_approved_status
           and not exists(select 1
                            from hxc_ap_detail_links adl2,
                                 hxc_app_period_summary aps2
                           where adl2.time_building_block_id = adl.time_building_block_id
                             and adl2.time_building_block_ovn = adl.time_building_block_ovn
                             and adl2.application_period_id <> adl.application_period_id
                             and adl2.application_period_id = aps2.application_period_id
                             and aps2.approval_status <> hxc_timecard.c_approved_status);
Line: 1726

    hr_utility.trace(' g_tc_api_flag ::'||hxc_block_attribute_update.g_tc_api_flag);
Line: 1729

    hr_utility.trace(' g_tc_api_flag ::'||hxc_block_attribute_update.g_tc_api_flag);
Line: 1750

if hxc_block_attribute_update.g_tc_api_flag = 'Y' then