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1 PACKAGE BODY BOM_Validate_Rtg_Revision AS
2 /* $Header: BOMLRRVB.pls 120.2 2011/05/17 23:54:38 umajumde ship $ */
3 /****************************************************************************
4 --
5 --  Copyright (c) 1996 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA
6 --  All rights reserved.
7 --
9 --
10 --      BOMLRRVB.pls
11 --
13 --
14 --      Body of package BOM_Validate_Rtg_Revision
15 --
16 --  NOTES
17 --
18 --  HISTORY
19 --
20 --  07-AUG-00 Biao Zhang Initial Creation
21 --  22-DEC-00 Lochan Narvekar Modification
22 --
23 ****************************************************************************/
24         G_Pkg_Name      VARCHAR2(30) := 'BOM_Validate_Rtg_Revision';
25         g_token_tbl     Error_Handler.Token_Tbl_Type;
28         /*******************************************************************
29         * Procedure     : Check_Existence
30         * Returns       : None
31         * Parameters IN : Rtg Revision Exposed Record
32         *                 Rtg Revision Unexposed Record
33         * Parameters out: Old Rtg Revision exposed Record
34         *                 Old Rtg Revision Unexposed Record
35         *                 Mesg Token Table
36         *                 Return Status
37         * Purpose       : Procedure will query the routing revision
38         *                 record and return it in old record variables. If the
39         *                 Transaction Type is Create and the record already
40         *                 exists the return status would be error or if the
41         *                 transaction type is Update or Delete and the record
42         *                 does not exist then the return status would be an
43         *                 error as well. Mesg_Token_Table will carry the
44         *                 error messsage and the tokens associated with the
45         *                 message.
46         *********************************************************************/
47       PROCEDURE Check_Existence
48       (  p_rtg_revision_rec      IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Revision_Rec_Type
49        , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec     IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
50        , x_old_rtg_revision_rec  IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Revision_Rec_Type
51        , x_old_rtg_rev_unexp_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
52        , x_Mesg_Token_Tbl        IN OUT NOCOPY Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
53        , x_return_status         IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
54       )
55       IS
56          l_token_tbl      Error_Handler.Token_Tbl_Type;
57          l_Mesg_Token_Tbl Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type;
58          l_return_status  VARCHAR2(1);
59       BEGIN
61         IF BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Debug = 'Y'
62          THEN Error_Handler.Write_Debug('Quering Assembly item '
63                  || to_char(p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.assembly_item_id));
64         END IF;
66         IF BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Debug = 'Y'
67         THEN Error_Handler.Write_Debug(' Org: '
68              || to_char(p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.organization_id)) ;
69         END IF;
71         IF BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Debug = 'Y'
72          THEN Error_Handler.Write_Debug('Revision'
73                  || p_rtg_revision_rec.revision );
74         END IF;
76         Bom_Rtg_Revision_Util.Query_Row
77                 (  p_assembly_item_id   =>
78                         p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.assembly_item_id
79                  , p_organization_id    =>
80                         p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.organization_id
81                  , p_revision           =>  p_rtg_revision_rec.revision
82                  , x_rtg_revision_rec   => x_old_rtg_revision_rec
83                  , x_rtg_rev_unexp_rec => x_old_rtg_rev_unexp_rec
84                  , x_return_status      => l_return_status
85                  );
86         IF BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Debug = 'Y'
87         THEN Error_Handler.Write_Debug('Query Row Returned with : '
88                                          || l_return_status); END IF;
90         IF l_return_status = BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_RECORD_FOUND AND
91         p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type = BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_CREATE
92         THEN
93           l_token_tbl(1).token_name  := 'ASSEMBLY_ITEM_NAME';
94           l_token_tbl(1).token_value :=
95           p_rtg_revision_rec.assembly_item_name;
96           l_token_tbl(2).token_name  := 'REVISION';
97           l_token_tbl(2).token_value :=
98           p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
99           Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
100           (  x_Mesg_token_tbl => l_Mesg_Token_Tbl
101              , p_Mesg_Token_Tbl => l_Mesg_Token_Tbl
102              , p_message_name  => 'BOM_RTG_REV_ALREADY_EXISTS'
103              , p_token_tbl     => l_token_tbl
104           );
105           l_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
106         ELSIF l_return_status = BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_RECORD_NOT_FOUND AND
107         p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type IN
108         (BOM_RTG_Globals.G_OPR_UPDATE, BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_DELETE)
109         THEN
110           l_token_tbl(1).token_name  := 'ASSEMBLY_ITEM_NAME';
111           l_token_tbl(1).token_value := p_rtg_revision_rec.assembly_item_name;
112           l_token_tbl(2).token_name  := 'REVISION';
113           l_token_tbl(2).token_value := p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
114           Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
115           (  x_Mesg_token_tbl => l_Mesg_Token_Tbl
116              , p_Mesg_Token_Tbl => l_Mesg_Token_Tbl
117              , p_message_name  => 'BOM_RTG_REV_DOESNOT_EXISTS'
118              , p_token_tbl     => l_token_tbl
119           );
120           l_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
121         ELSIF l_Return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR
122         THEN
123           l_token_tbl(1).token_name  := 'ASSEMBLY_ITEM_NAME';
124           l_token_tbl(1).token_value :=
125           p_rtg_revision_rec.assembly_item_name;
126           l_token_tbl(2).token_name  := 'REVISION';
127           l_token_tbl(2).token_value :=
128           p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
129           Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
130           (  x_Mesg_token_tbl     => l_Mesg_Token_Tbl
131              , p_Mesg_Token_Tbl     => l_Mesg_Token_Tbl
132              , p_message_name       => NULL
133              , p_message_text       =>
134              'Unexpected error while existence verification of ' ||
135              'Assembly item revision'||
136              p_rtg_revision_rec.assembly_item_name
137              , p_token_tbl          => l_token_tbl
138           );
139           l_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
140         ELSIF l_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
141         THEN
142           l_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
143         END IF;
145         x_return_status := l_return_status;
146         x_mesg_token_tbl := l_mesg_token_tbl;
147       END Check_Existence;
150       /********************************************************************
151       * Procedure     : Check_Attributes
152       * Parameters IN : Revised Item Exposed Column record
153       *                 Revised Item Unexposed Column record
154       *                 Old Revised Item Exposed Column record
155       *                 Old Revised Item unexposed column record
156       * Parameters out: Return Status
157       *                 Mesg Token Table
158       * Purpose       : Check_Attrbibutes procedure will validate every
159       *                 revised item attrbiute in its entirety.
160       **********************************************************************/
161       PROCEDURE Check_Attributes
162       (  x_return_status           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
163        , x_Mesg_Token_Tbl          IN OUT NOCOPY Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
164        , p_rtg_revision_Rec        IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Revision_Rec_Type
165        , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec       IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
166        , p_old_rtg_revision_rec    IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Revision_Rec_Type
167        , p_old_rtg_rev_unexp_rec   IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
168       )
169       IS
170         l_err_text              VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
171         l_Mesg_Token_Tbl        Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type;
172         l_Token_Tbl             Error_Handler.Token_Tbl_Type;
173         l_eco VARCHAR2(10):= NULL;
174         CURSOR c_created_by_eco IS
175         SELECT change_notice
176         FROM  mtl_rtg_item_revisions
177         WHERE inventory_item_id = p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.assembly_item_id
178         AND organization_id = p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.organization_id
179         AND process_revision = p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
181       BEGIN
183         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
185         IF BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Debug = 'Y' THEN
186           Error_Handler.Write_Debug(
187           'Within Rtg Revision Check Attributes . . . ');
188           Error_Handler.Write_Debug(
189           'transaction_type:'||p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type);
190           Error_Handler.Write_Debug(
191           'change_notice:'||p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.change_notice);
192         END IF;
194         IF  p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type= BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_UPDATE
195         THEN
196           open c_created_by_eco;
197           fetch  c_created_by_eco into l_eco;
198           close c_created_by_eco;
199           IF l_eco IS NOT NULL AND l_eco <> FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
200             IF BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Debug = 'Y' THEN
201               Error_Handler.Write_Debug(
202               'Within Rtg Revision Check Attributes 1. . . ');
203             END IF;
205             IF p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date IS NOT NULL
206             AND p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date <>
207             FND_API.G_MISS_DATE THEN
208               IF BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Debug = 'Y' THEN
209                 Error_Handler.Write_Debug
210                    ('Within Rtg Revision Check Attributes 2. . . ');
211               END IF;
213               l_token_tbl(1).token_name  := 'ASSEMBLY_ITEM_NAME';
214               l_token_tbl(1).token_value :=
215               p_rtg_revision_rec.assembly_item_name;
216               l_token_tbl(2).token_name  := 'REVISION';
217               l_token_tbl(2).token_value :=
218               p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
219               l_token_tbl(2).token_name  := 'START_EFFECITVE_DATE';
220               l_token_tbl(2).token_value :=
221               p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date;
222               Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
223               (  p_message_name  =>
224                  'BOM_RTG_REV_EFFDT_NT_UPDATABLE'
225                  , p_token_tbl     => l_token_tbl
226                  , p_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
227                  , x_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
228                );
229                x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
230              END IF;
231            END IF;-- if eco is NOT NULL
232          END IF;
233          x_Mesg_Token_Tbl := l_Mesg_Token_Tbl;
235        END Check_Attributes;
238        /********************************************************************
239        * Procedure     : Check_Entity
240        * Parameters IN : Rtg Revision Exposed column record
241        *                 Rtg Revision Unexposed column record
242        *                 Old Rtg Revision exposed column record
243        *                 Old Rtg Revision unexposed column record
244        * Parameters out: Message Token Table
245        *                 Return Status
246        * Purpose       : This procedure will perform the business logic
247        *                 validation for the RTG Revision Entity.It will perform
248        *                 any cross entity validations and make sure that the
249        *                 user is not entering values which may disturb the
250        *                 integrity of the data.
251        *********************************************************************/
252        PROCEDURE Check_Entity
253        ( p_rtg_revision_rec      IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Revision_Rec_Type
254        , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec     IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
255        , p_old_rtg_revision_rec  IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Revision_Rec_Type
256        , p_old_rtg_rev_unexp_rec IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rtg_Rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
257        , x_mesg_token_tbl        IN OUT NOCOPY Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
258        , x_return_status         IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
259        )
260        IS
261          CURSOR c_Get_Revision IS
262          SELECT process_revision
263          FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions
264          WHERE inventory_item_id = p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.assembly_item_id
265          AND organization_id = p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.organization_id
266          AND effectivity_date <= sysdate  --added by arudresh, bug: 3756380
268          ORDER BY effectivity_date desc, process_revision desc;
270          l_current_rev      VARCHAR2(3);
271          l_effectivity_date DATE;
272          l_token_tbl        Error_Handler.Token_Tbl_Type;
273          l_Mesg_Token_Tbl   Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type;
274          l_dummy            NUMBER;
275        BEGIN
277         --
278         -- For CREATE type, do the following check.
279         --
281         l_token_tbl(1).token_name  := 'ASSEMBLY_ITEM_NAME';
282         l_token_tbl(1).token_value := p_rtg_revision_rec.assembly_item_name;
283         l_token_tbl(2).token_name  := 'REVISION';
284         l_token_tbl(2).token_value := p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
287         IF p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type = BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_CREATE
288         THEN
290         --
291         -- Revision name is not allowed to use 'Quote'.
292         --
294           IF INSTR(p_rtg_revision_Rec.revision, '''') <> 0 THEN
295             x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
297             Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
298             (  p_mesg_token_tbl => l_mesg_token_tbl
299               ,x_mesg_token_tbl => l_mesg_token_tbl
300               ,p_message_name   => 'BOM_RTG_REV_QUOTE_NOT_ALLOWED'
301               ,p_token_tbl      => l_token_tbl
302             );
304           END IF;
307         --  Check if the user has entered a revision that
308         --  is greater tha the most current revision. If not then it is an error        --
309 	 IF (nvl(Bom_Globals.get_caller_type(),'') <> 'MIGRATION')
310 	--skip this check for migration bug: 3756380
311 	 THEN
312           OPEN c_Get_Revision;
313           FETCH  c_Get_Revision INTO l_current_rev;
314           IF (l_current_rev is not null and
315               p_rtg_revision_rec.revision <= l_current_rev)
316           THEN
317             l_token_tbl(3).token_name := 'CURRENT_REVISION';
318             l_token_tbl(3).token_value := l_current_rev;
319             Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
320             (  p_message_name       => 'BOM_NEXT_REVISION'
321              , p_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
322              , x_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
323              , p_token_tbl          => l_token_tbl
324             );
325             x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
326             l_token_tbl.delete(3);
327           END IF;
328 	 END IF;
330         --
331         -- If the user is attempting to create a new revision, then the
332         -- routing for the item must exist for the user to be able to
333         -- create a revision through BOM
334         --
335           BEGIN
336             SELECT routing_sequence_id
337             INTO l_dummy
338             FROM bom_operational_routings
339             WHERE assembly_item_id = p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.assembly_item_id
340             AND organization_id  =  p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.organization_id
341             AND ((alternate_routing_designator is null and p_rtg_revision_rec.alternate_routing_code is null) --modified for 12558505
342             or (alternate_routing_designator = p_rtg_revision_rec.alternate_routing_code));
343             --AND nvl(alternate_routing_designator,'A') =
344             --nvl(p_rtg_revision_rec.alternate_routing_code,'A');
345           EXCEPTION
346             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
347             x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
348             l_token_tbl.delete(2) ;
350             Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
351             ( p_mesg_token_tbl       => l_mesg_token_tbl
352               ,x_mesg_token_tbl       => l_mesg_token_tbl
353               ,p_message_name         => 'BOM_RTG_REV_RTG_MISS'
354               ,p_token_tbl            => l_token_tbl
355             );
357             l_token_tbl(2).token_name  := 'REVISION';
358             l_token_tbl(2).token_value := p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
360           END;
362          --
363          -- For CREATE, revision must be unique.
364          --
365           BEGIN
366             SELECT 1
367             INTO l_dummy
368             FROM dual
369             WHERE not exists
370             (SELECT 1
371             FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions
372             WHERE organization_id = p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.Organization_Id
373             AND inventory_item_id = p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.assembly_Item_Id
374             AND process_revision  = p_rtg_revision_Rec.revision
375             );
377           EXCEPTION
378             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND then
379             x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
381             Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
382             (  p_mesg_token_tbl       => l_mesg_token_tbl
383               ,x_mesg_token_tbl       => l_mesg_token_tbl
384               ,p_message_name         => 'BOM_RTG_REV_NOT_UNIQUE'
385               ,p_token_tbl            => l_token_tbl
386             );
387           END;
388         END IF;
390         -- If the user is attempting to create or update effective date of the
391         -- revision and the date is less than the current date then it should
392         -- get an error.
393         IF ( p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type =
394              BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_CREATE AND
395 	     nvl(Bom_Globals.get_caller_type(),'') <> 'MIGRATION' AND     -- bug 2871039
396              TRUNC(NVL(p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date, SYSDATE))
397              < TRUNC(SYSDATE)
398            ) OR
399            (  p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type =
400               BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_UPDATE AND
401               p_old_rtg_revision_Rec.start_effective_date <>
402               p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date AND
403               TRUNC(NVL(p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date,SYSDATE))
404               < TRUNC(SYSDATE)
405            )
406         THEN
407           x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
408           l_token_tbl(3).token_name := 'START_EFFECTIVE_DATE';
409           l_token_tbl(3).token_value :=
410           to_char(p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date);
411           Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
412           (  p_message_name       => 'BOM_RTG_REV_START_DT_LESS_CURR'
413            , p_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
414            , x_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
415            , p_token_tbl          => l_token_tbl
416           );
417            l_token_tbl.delete(3) ;
418         END IF;
420         --
421         -- Start effective date can not lie between the effective date of an
422         -- existing revision.
423         --
424         IF p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type <> BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_DELETE
425         THEN
426         BEGIN
427           SELECT 1
428           INTO l_dummy
429           FROM dual
430           WHERE p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date >
431           (SELECT nvl(max(effectivity_date),
432           p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_Date-1)
433           FROM  mtl_rtg_item_revisions
434           WHERE inventory_item_id  = p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.assembly_Item_Id
435           AND   organization_id    = p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.Organization_Id
436           AND   process_revision  < p_rtg_revision_rec.Revision
437           )
438           AND p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date <
439           (SELECT nvl(min(effectivity_date),
440           p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_Date+1)
441           FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions
442           WHERE inventory_item_id =p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.assembly_Item_Id
443           AND organization_id   = p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.Organization_Id
444           AND process_revision  > p_rtg_revision_rec.Revision
445           );
446         EXCEPTION
448           x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
449           l_token_tbl(3).token_name := 'START_EFFECTIVE_DATE';
450           l_token_tbl(3).token_value :=
451           to_char(p_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date);
453           Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
454           (  p_message_name       => 'BOM_RTG_REV_START_DATE_INVALID'
455              , p_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
456              , x_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
457              , p_token_tbl          => l_token_tbl
458           );
459           l_token_tbl.delete(3) ;
460         END;
461         END IF;
463         IF p_rtg_revision_rec.transaction_type = BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_DELETE
464         THEN
465           SELECT effectivity_date into l_effectivity_date
466           FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions
467           WHERE inventory_item_id =p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.assembly_Item_Id
468           AND organization_id   = p_rtg_rev_Unexp_Rec.Organization_Id
469           AND process_revision  = p_rtg_revision_rec.Revision;
470           IF trunc( l_effectivity_date) <= trunc(SYSDATE)
471           THEN
472             x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
473             Error_Handler.Add_Error_Token
474             (  p_message_name       => 'BOM_RTG_REV_CANNOT_DELETE'
475              , p_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
476              , x_mesg_token_tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
477              , p_token_tbl          => l_token_tbl
478             );
479           END IF;
481         END IF;
483       x_mesg_token_tbl := l_mesg_token_tbl;
485     END Check_Entity;
488 END BOM_Validate_Rtg_Revision;