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Line 169: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

165: /*
166: || Coding the ln_current > nvl(ln_end, ln_current+1) to make this check explicitly false in case the ln_end is NULL
167: || so it becomes infinitely applicable
168: */
169: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
170: p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
171: p_invoice_number := 0;
172: ELSIF ((ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1) )
173: THEN

Line 186: p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;

182: UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
183: SET current_number = ln_current
184: WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
186: p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
187: p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated';
189: END IF;
190: ELSE /*

Line 205: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

201: CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
203: IF ( (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
204: THEN
205: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
206: p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
207: p_invoice_number := 0;
208: ELSIF ( (ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
209: THEN

Line 222: p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;

218: UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
219: SET current_number = ln_current
220: WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
222: p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
223: p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated - default 1';
225: END IF;
226: ELSE

Line 229: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

225: END IF;
226: ELSE
227: close c_default ; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
229: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
230: p_process_msg := 'No Default document sequence setup exists for the regime / organization / location';
231: p_invoice_number := 0;
232: END IF;
233: END IF; /* END IF for detail found */

Line 244: IF UPPER(NVL(lv_regime_code,'####')) = jai_constants.service_regime THEN

240: CLOSE c_rgm_hdr ;
241: OPEN c_get_regime_code(p_regime_id);
242: FETCH c_get_regime_code INTO lv_regime_code;
244: IF UPPER(NVL(lv_regime_code,'####')) = jai_constants.service_regime THEN
245: OPEN c_rgm_regnum(p_regime_id, p_organization_id, p_location_id,'PRIMARY','SERVICE_TAX_REGISTRATION_NO' ) ;--rchandan for bug#4428980
246: FETCH c_rgm_regnum into ln_regnum ;
247: --Added by Qinglei for the Advanced Receipt for Service Tax enhancement Bug 13361952

Line 249: ELSIF UPPER(NVL(lv_regime_code,'####')) = jai_constants.vat_regime THEN

245: OPEN c_rgm_regnum(p_regime_id, p_organization_id, p_location_id,'PRIMARY','SERVICE_TAX_REGISTRATION_NO' ) ;--rchandan for bug#4428980
246: FETCH c_rgm_regnum into ln_regnum ;
247: --Added by Qinglei for the Advanced Receipt for Service Tax enhancement Bug 13361952
249: ELSIF UPPER(NVL(lv_regime_code,'####')) = jai_constants.vat_regime THEN
250: OPEN c_rgm_regnum(p_regime_id, p_organization_id, p_location_id,'PRIMARY','REGISTRATION_NO' ) ;--rchandan for bug#4428980
251: FETCH c_rgm_regnum into ln_regnum ;
252: END IF;
253: CLOSE c_get_regime_code;

Line 273: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

269: CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
271: IF (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1)
272: THEN
273: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
274: p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
275: p_invoice_number := 0;
276: ELSIF ((ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current+1) )
277: THEN

Line 290: p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;

286: UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
287: SET current_number = ln_current
288: WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
290: p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
291: p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated';
293: END IF;
294: ELSE -- if given doc class doesnt exist for the registration number

Line 307: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

303: CLOSE c_get_prefix_current ;
305: IF ( (ln_current +1 ) > NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
306: THEN
307: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
308: p_process_msg := 'Document Numbers are exhausted. Please set the End number to a larger value';
309: p_invoice_number := 0;
310: ELSIF ( (ln_current +1 ) <= NVL(ln_end,ln_current + 1) )
311: THEN

Line 324: p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;

320: UPDATE jai_rgm_doc_seq_dtls
321: SET current_number = ln_current
322: WHERE rgm_document_seq_dtl_id = ln_seq_dtl_id ;
324: p_process_flag := jai_constants.successful ;
325: p_process_msg := 'VAT Invoice Number generated - default 2';
327: END IF;
328: ELSE /* No Default exists for the registration number level also */

Line 330: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

327: END IF;
328: ELSE /* No Default exists for the registration number level also */
329: close c_default; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
330: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
331: p_process_msg := 'No Default document sequence setup exists for the regime / registration number level';
332: p_invoice_number := 0;
333: END IF;
334: END IF; /* END IF for No detail exists for the registration number */

Line 341: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

337: /*
338: || No Setup found for the registration number , hence need to signal an error
339: */
340: close c_rgm_hdr_regnum ; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
341: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
342: p_process_msg:= 'Document sequencing setup not done at Registration number level ' ;
343: --registration_num exist for such regime,organization, location combination
344: --Document sequencing not done though setup form
345: END IF;

Line 348: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

344: --Document sequencing not done though setup form
345: END IF;
346: ELSE
347: close c_rgm_regnum ; -- added by ssawant for bug#5603661
348: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
349: p_process_msg:= 'Unable to get the registration number for regime + organization + location ' ;
350: --registration_num doesnt exist for such regime,organization, location combination
351: END IF ;
352: /*

Line 356: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

352: /*
353: Commented this code for testing purposes.
354: ELSE --header doesnt exists for such regime,location,organization combination (or) such registration_num
356: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
357: p_process_msg := 'Document Sequencing Setup not done for this Regime, Location and Organization';
358: p_invoice_number := 0;
359: */
360: END IF;

Line 363: p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error ;

359: */
360: END IF;
363: p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error ;
364: p_process_msg := 'Exception occurred: ' || SQLCODE || 'Exception Message: ' || substr(SQLERRM,1,1000) ;
366: END Gen_Invoice_Number;