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Line 3419: from HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTES ta, HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_USAGES tau, hxc_latest_details ld, hxc_timecard_summary tbd

3416: IS
3417: cursor get_resp_id(p_resource_id IN NUMBER, p_evaluation_date IN DATE) is
3418: SELECT ta.attribute4 , ta.attribute3
3419: from HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTES ta, HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_USAGES tau, hxc_latest_details ld, hxc_timecard_summary tbd
3420: where ta.time_attribute_id = tau.time_attribute_id
3421: and tau.time_building_block_id = ld.time_building_block_id
3422: and tau.time_building_block_ovn = ld.object_version_number
3423: and ld.resource_id = p_resource_id

Line 3486: from hxc_latest_details ld

3484: cursor get_latest_detail_bbid (p_resource_id IN NUMBER, p_start_evaluation_date IN DATE, p_end_evaluation_date DATE) is
3485: SELECT ld.time_building_block_id, ld.object_version_number
3486: from hxc_latest_details ld
3487: WHERE ld.resource_id = p_resource_id
3488: and trunc(ld.start_time) <= trunc(p_end_evaluation_date)
3489: and trunc(ld.stop_time) >= trunc(p_start_evaluation_date)
3490: order by ld.last_update_date DESC;

Line 3702: -- the latest updated detail from hxc_latest_details.

3698: AND attribute_category = 'SECURITY' ;
3701: -- This cursor would pull out SECURITY attributes for
3702: -- the latest updated detail from hxc_latest_details.
3703: -- We pick only one record from the below cursor, the first
3704: -- one when its ordered Descending based on last_update_date.
3706: -- Bug 12700547

Line 3719: hxc_latest_details hld

3715: ha.attribute5,
3716: ha.attribute3
3717: FROM hxc_time_attribute_usages hau,
3718: hxc_time_attributes ha,
3719: hxc_latest_details hld
3720: WHERE hld.resource_id = p_resource_id
3721: AND TRUNC(hld.start_time) >= p_start_date
3722: AND TRUNC(hld.stop_time) <= TRUNC(p_stop_date)
3723: AND hau.time_building_block_id = hld.time_building_block_id

Line 3775: -- HXC_LATEST_DETAILS table to find out who touched the

3771: -- If the last touched upon timecard record is deleted, there
3772: -- is no point in looking at latest details, rather look
3773: -- into the timecard record's SECURITY attributes.
3774: -- If the last touched upon timecard is still live look at
3775: -- HXC_LATEST_DETAILS table to find out who touched the
3776: -- timecard last and get the SECURITY attribute.
3777: -- Get the resource_id attached to the user.
3778: -- If its the same resource_id as the parameter of this procedure
3779: -- it means its the employee himself, and we need his