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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

    select count(distinct(r.login_id))
      into logins
      from fnd_login_responsibilities r, v$session s
     where r.audsid = s.audsid;
Line: 62

    select count(*)
      into forms
      from fnd_login_resp_forms f, v$session s
     where f.audsid = s.audsid;
Line: 88

    select count(*)
      into normal
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
     where status_code = 'C';
Line: 93

    select count(*)
      into warning
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
     where status_code = 'G';
Line: 98

    select count(*)
      into error
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
     where status_code = 'E';
Line: 103

    select count(*)
      into terminated
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
     where status_code = 'X';
Line: 126

    select count(*)
      into normal
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
     where status_code = 'I'
       and requested_start_date <= sysdate
       and hold_flag = 'N';
Line: 133

    select count(*)
      into standby
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
     where status_code = 'Q'
       and requested_start_date <= sysdate
       and hold_flag = 'N';
Line: 140

    select count(*)
      into scheduled
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
     where (status_code = 'P' or
             (status_code in ('I', 'Q') and requested_start_date > sysdate))
       and hold_flag = 'N';
Line: 163

    select count(*)
      into running_reqs
      from fnd_concurrent_requests
     where status_code = 'R'
        or status_code = 'T';
Line: 169

    select sum(running_processes)
      into mgr_procs
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
     where manager_type = '1';
Line: 198

	  select 1
	    into dummy
          from fnd_responsibility r,
               fnd_user_resp_groups u,
		   fnd_user fu
         where fu.user_name=upper(username)
	     and u.user_id = fu.user_id
	     and u.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id
           and u.responsibility_application_id = r.application_id
           and r.responsibility_key='SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR'
           and r.version = '4'
           and r.start_date <= sysdate
           and (r.end_date is null or r.end_date > sysdate);
Line: 256

            Update Fnd_Concurrent_Queues
               Set Diagnostic_Level = DiagLevel
             Where Manager_Type = ManagerType;
Line: 260

            Update Fnd_Concurrent_Queues
               Set Diagnostic_Level = DiagLevel
             Where Application_ID = Application
               and Concurrent_queue_ID = QueueID;
Line: 341

          select application_id, concurrent_queue_id
            from fnd_concurrent_queues
           where (max_processes > 0 or running_processes > 0)
             and manager_type = svc_id;
Line: 376

      select count(*) into n
        from fnd_concurrent_queues
       where running_processes = 0
         and max_processes > 0;
Line: 561

          select application_id, concurrent_queue_id,
                 manager_type, max_processes, running_processes
            from fnd_concurrent_queues
           where target_node = tnode
              or (target_node is null and tnode = inode);
Line: 569

    select target_node into icm_node
      from fnd_concurrent_queues
     where concurrent_queue_id = 1
       and application_id = 0;