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Line 127: l_vendor_site_code PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL.vendor_site_code%TYPE; --

123: x_item_buyer_id NUMBER;
124: x_ga_flag VARCHAR2(1) := '';
125: x_owning_org_id NUMBER;
126: x_fsp_org_id NUMBER;
127: l_vendor_site_code PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL.vendor_site_code%TYPE; --
128: l_return_code BOOLEAN; --
129: l_buyer_ok VARCHAR2(1); --
130: l_progress VARCHAR2(3) := '000'; -- Bug 2836530
131: l_log_head CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_log_head||'autosource';

Line 355: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs,

352: BEGIN
353: SELECT vendor_site_id
354: INTO x_vendor_site_id
355: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
356: org_organization_definitions oog
357: WHERE pvs.vendor_site_code = l_vendor_site_code
358: AND nvl(pvs.org_id,nvl(oog.operating_unit,-1)) =
359: nvl(oog.operating_unit,-1)

Line 1198: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs,

1195: BEGIN
1196: SELECT vendor_site_id
1197: INTO x_vendor_site_id
1198: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
1199: org_organization_definitions oog
1200: WHERE pvs.vendor_site_code = p_vendor_site_code
1201: AND pvs.vendor_id = x_vendor_id --
1202: AND nvl(pvs.org_id,nvl(oog.operating_unit,-1)) =

Line 1671: po_vendor_sites_all pvsa

1667: AND (p_vendor_site_code IS NULL OR
1668: EXISTS (
1669: SELECT 'vendor site code matches'
1670: FROM po_ga_org_assignments poga,
1671: po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
1672: WHERE poh.po_header_id = poga.po_header_id
1673: AND poga.organization_id = p_org_id
1674: AND poga.vendor_site_id = decode( Nvl (poh.Enable_All_Sites,'N'),'N', pvsa.vendor_site_id ,poga.Vendor_Site_Id) -- pvsa.vendor_site_id
1675: AND pvsa.vendor_site_code = p_vendor_site_code

Line 2651: po_vendor_sites_all pvsa

2647: AND ( ( p_vendor_site_sourcing_flag = 'Y'
2648: AND EXISTS (
2649: SELECT 'vendor site code matches'
2650: FROM po_ga_org_assignments poga,
2651: po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
2652: WHERE poh.po_header_id = poga.po_header_id
2653: AND poga.organization_id = p_org_id
2654: AND poga.vendor_site_id = pvsa.vendor_site_id
2655: AND pvsa.vendor_site_code =

Line 2763: po_vendor_sites_all pvsa

2759: AND (p_vendor_site_code IS NULL OR
2760: EXISTS (
2761: SELECT 'vendor site code matches'
2762: FROM po_ga_org_assignments poga,
2763: po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
2764: WHERE poh.po_header_id = poga.po_header_id
2765: AND poga.organization_id = p_org_id
2766: AND poga.vendor_site_id = Decode( Nvl (poh.Enable_All_Sites,'N'),'N',pvsa.vendor_site_id,poga.Vendor_Site_Id) -- pvsa.vendor_site_id
2767: AND pvsa.vendor_site_code =

Line 3823: -- po_vendor_sites_all using vendor_site_id

3819: IS
3820: --SQL WHAT: Get the matching asl_id if one exists in current OU
3821: --SQL WHY: This information will be used to identify the document in ASL.
3822: --SQL JOIN: po_asl_attributes using asl_id, po_asl_status_rules_v using status_id
3823: -- po_vendor_sites_all using vendor_site_id
3824: SELECT pasl.asl_id, paa.using_organization_id,
3825: pasl.primary_vendor_item, paa.purchasing_unit_of_measure,
3826: paa.consigned_from_supplier_flag, paa.enable_vmi_flag
3827: FROM po_approved_supplier_lis_val_v pasl,

Line 3830: po_vendor_sites_all pvs

3826: paa.consigned_from_supplier_flag, paa.enable_vmi_flag
3827: FROM po_approved_supplier_lis_val_v pasl,
3828: po_asl_attributes paa,
3829: po_asl_status_rules_v pasr,
3830: po_vendor_sites_all pvs
3831: WHERE pasl.item_id = p_item_id --
3832: AND pasl.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
3833: AND pasl.using_organization_id in (-1, p_using_organization_id) --
3834: AND pasl.asl_id = paa.asl_id

Line 3922: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs

3918: --
3919: AND ((pasl.vendor_site_id IS NULL AND p_vendor_site_code IS NULL)
3920: OR EXISTS (
3921: SELECT 'vendor site code matches ASL'
3922: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs
3923: WHERE pasl.vendor_site_id = decode(nvl(poh.Enable_all_sites,'N'),'N',pvs.vendor_site_id,pasl.vendor_site_id) --
3924: AND pvs.vendor_site_code = p_vendor_site_code
3925: AND pvs.vendor_id = p_vendor_id)
3926: )

Line 3931: po_vendor_sites_all pvs

3927: AND ( NVL (poh.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
3928: AND EXISTS (
3929: SELECT 'vendor site code matches GA'
3930: FROM po_ga_org_assignments poga,
3931: po_vendor_sites_all pvs
3932: WHERE poh.po_header_id = poga.po_header_id
3933: AND poga.organization_id = p_org_id
3934: AND poga.enabled_flag = 'Y'
3935: AND pvs.vendor_site_id = decode( Nvl (poh.Enable_All_Sites,'N'),'N',poga.Vendor_Site_Id,pvs.vendor_site_id) --< R12 GCPA ER>

Line 4198: -- po_vendor_sites_all using vendor_site_id

4194: IS
4195: --SQL WHAT: Get the matching asl_id if one exists in current OU
4196: --SQL WHY: This information will be used to identify the document in ASL.
4197: --SQL JOIN: po_asl_attributes using asl_id, po_asl_status_rules_v using status_id
4198: -- po_vendor_sites_all using vendor_site_id
4199: SELECT pasl.asl_id, paa.using_organization_id,
4200: pasl.primary_vendor_item, paa.purchasing_unit_of_measure,
4201: paa.consigned_from_supplier_flag, paa.enable_vmi_flag
4202: FROM po_approved_supplier_lis_val_v pasl,

Line 4205: po_vendor_sites_all pvs

4201: paa.consigned_from_supplier_flag, paa.enable_vmi_flag
4202: FROM po_approved_supplier_lis_val_v pasl,
4203: po_asl_attributes paa,
4204: po_asl_status_rules_v pasr,
4205: po_vendor_sites_all pvs
4206: WHERE pasl.category_id = p_category_id --
4207: AND pasl.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
4208: AND pasl.using_organization_id in (-1, p_using_organization_id) --
4209: AND pasl.asl_id = paa.asl_id

Line 4295: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs

4291: --
4292: AND ((pasl.vendor_site_id IS NULL AND p_vendor_site_code IS NULL)
4293: OR EXISTS (
4294: SELECT 'vendor site code matches ASL'
4295: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvs
4296: WHERE pasl.vendor_site_id = decode(nvl(poh.Enable_All_Sites,'N'),'N',pvs.vendor_site_id,pasl.vendor_site_id) --
4297: AND pvs.vendor_site_code = p_vendor_site_code
4298: AND pvs.vendor_id = p_vendor_id)
4299: )

Line 4304: po_vendor_sites_all pvs

4300: AND ( NVL (poh.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
4301: AND EXISTS (
4302: SELECT 'vendor site code matches GA'
4303: FROM po_ga_org_assignments poga,
4304: po_vendor_sites_all pvs
4305: WHERE poh.po_header_id = poga.po_header_id
4306: AND poga.organization_id = p_org_id
4307: AND poga.enabled_flag = 'Y'
4308: AND pvs.vendor_site_id = decode( Nvl (poh.Enable_All_Sites,'N'),'Y',pvs.vendor_site_id, poga.Vendor_Site_Id) --< R12 GCPA ER>

Line 4798: x_suggested_vendor_site_code PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL.vendor_site_code%TYPE;

4794: x_ga_flag VARCHAR2(1) := '';
4795: x_owning_org_id NUMBER;
4796: x_fsp_org_id NUMBER;
4797: --
4798: x_suggested_vendor_site_code PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL.vendor_site_code%TYPE;
4799: l_buyer_ok VARCHAR2(1);
4800: --
4802: l_negotiated_by_preparer_flag PO_LINES_ALL.NEGOTIATED_BY_PREPARER_FLAG%TYPE; -- PO DBI FPJ

Line 5765: FROM po_vendor_sites_all

5761: l_vendor_site_status VARCHAR2(20);
5762: BEGIN
5763: SELECT 'Site is within OU'
5764: INTO l_vendor_site_status
5765: FROM po_vendor_sites_all
5766: WHERE vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id
5767: AND org_id = p_ou_id;

Line 5810: FROM po_vendor_sites_all

5806: IF (px_vendor_site_id_list(i) IS NOT NULL) THEN
5807: BEGIN
5808: SELECT 'Valid supplier site'
5809: INTO l_vendor_site_status
5810: FROM po_vendor_sites_all
5811: WHERE vendor_site_id = px_vendor_site_id_list(i)
5812: AND (purchasing_site_flag = 'Y' OR rfq_only_site_flag = 'Y')
5813: AND sysdate <= nvl(inactive_date, sysdate);

Line 5988: po_vendor_sites_all povs

5984: AND ( (poh.type_lookup_code = 'CONTRACT'
5985: AND nvl(poh.global_agreement_flag,'N') = 'N') -- Bug 3262136
5986: OR exists (select 'site in POU'
5987: from po_ga_org_assignments poga,
5988: po_vendor_sites_all povs
5989: where poh.po_header_id = poga.po_header_id
5990: and povs.vendor_site_id = l_vendor_site_id
5991: and povs.org_id = poga.purchasing_org_id
5992: and poga.vendor_site_id = l_vendor_site_id

Line 6061: FROM po_vendor_sites_all povs

6057: -- As part of Bug# 3379053: Vendor Site on Local Contract must belong to ROU
6058: AND poh.vendor_site_id = l_vendor_site_id
6059: AND EXISTS -- Bug# 3379053
6060: (SELECT 'Site must be in ROU for local contracts'
6061: FROM po_vendor_sites_all povs
6062: WHERE povs.vendor_site_id = l_vendor_site_id
6063: AND povs.org_id = l_org_id)
6064: )
6065: OR

Line 6068: po_vendor_sites_all povs

6064: )
6065: OR
6066: EXISTS (SELECT 'site in POU'
6067: FROM po_ga_org_assignments poga,
6068: po_vendor_sites_all povs
6069: WHERE poh.po_header_id = poga.po_header_id
6070: AND povs.vendor_site_id = l_vendor_site_id
6071: AND povs.org_id = poga.purchasing_org_id
6072: AND poga.vendor_site_id = l_vendor_site_id

Line 7052: po_vendor_sites_all pvsl,

7048: x_VmiEnabled_flag
7049: FROM po_approved_supplier_list pasl,
7050: po_asl_attributes paa,
7051: po_asl_status_rules pasr,
7052: po_vendor_sites_all pvsl,
7053: org_organization_definitions currentorg_ou
7054: WHERE pasl.item_id = p_item_id
7055: AND pasl.using_organization_id IN ( -1, p_organization_id )
7056: AND pasl.asl_id = paa.asl_id