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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

  /* instances .If an instance reference is found then it updates the  */
  /* instance with the new location and party attributes               */

  PROCEDURE process_transaction(
    p_api_version             IN     NUMBER,
    p_commit                  IN     VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
    p_init_msg_list           IN     VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
    p_validation_level        IN     NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
    p_validate_only_flag      IN     VARCHAR2,
    p_in_out_flag             IN     VARCHAR2, -- valid values are 'IN','OUT'
    p_dest_location_rec       IN OUT NOCOPY dest_location_rec,
    p_txn_rec                 IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.transaction_rec,
    p_instances_tbl           IN OUT NOCOPY txn_instances_tbl,
    p_i_parties_tbl           IN OUT NOCOPY txn_i_parties_tbl,
    p_ip_accounts_tbl         IN OUT NOCOPY txn_ip_accounts_tbl,
    p_org_units_tbl           IN OUT NOCOPY txn_org_units_tbl,
    p_ext_attrib_vlaues_tbl   IN OUT NOCOPY txn_ext_attrib_values_tbl,
    p_pricing_attribs_tbl     IN OUT NOCOPY txn_pricing_attribs_tbl,
    p_instance_asset_tbl      IN OUT NOCOPY txn_instance_asset_tbl,
    p_ii_relationships_tbl    IN OUT NOCOPY txn_ii_relationships_tbl,
    px_txn_error_rec          IN OUT NOCOPY csi_datastructures_pub.transaction_error_rec,
    x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_inv_txn_typeid_from_cs  IN     NUMBER DEFAULT -1) -- Bug 10415554

    g_user_id                      NUMBER        := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 333

            /* or updates the instances for the location and party attributes */
            /* based on the value in the instance_id/new_instance_id column   */
            /* if an inst ID is found at this level it is treated for update  */
            /* otherwise create an instance                                   */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

             /* Added the validation for considering the serialised at sales order
	        issue items with a not null serial number for deployment transactions
	        as serialised items  */

      IF  p_in_out_flag = 'INT' and l_instances_tbl(l_instance_index).serial_number IS NOT NULL  THEN

	IF l_transaction_rec.transaction_type_id IN (106,107,108,109,110,111)   THEN

	       debug('Processing of serial  items for deployment transaction');