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Line 157: | Call jtf_task_security_pvt.get_category_id()|

153: | If it is TASK for creation, pass show_on_calendar and date_selected as NULL
154: | if it is TASK for update, pass show_on_calendar and date_selected as g_miss_char
155: | 22-Oct-2002 cjang Fixed bug 2635512, Removed debug_pkg.add |
156: | 01-Nov-2002 cjang Fixed bug 2540722 |
157: | Call jtf_task_security_pvt.get_category_id()|
158: | and jtf_task_utl.get_category_name() |
159: | instead of calling jtf_task_utl.get_category_name_for_task()
160: | 07-Nov-2002 cjang Removed the code fix for the bug 2469488, |
161: | 2469487, 2469479 |

Line 1345: l_category_id := jtf_task_security_pvt.get_category_id(

1341: x_task_rec.resultsystemmessage := NULL;
1342: x_task_rec.resultusermessage := NULL;
1344: -- For fix bug 2540722
1345: l_category_id := jtf_task_security_pvt.get_category_id(
1346: p_task_id => p_task_id,
1347: p_resource_id => p_resource_id,
1348: p_resource_type_code => p_resource_type
1349: );