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1 PACKAGE BODY ben_determine_rates AS
2 /* $Header: benrates.pkb 120.6.12010000.4 2009/04/27 09:15:45 sallumwa ship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |			Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation                  |
7 |			   Redwood Shores, California, USA                     |
8 |			        All rights reserved.	                       |
9 +==============================================================================+
10 Name:
11     Determine Rates.
12 Purpose:
13     This process determines rates for either elctable choices or coverages, and
14     writes them to the ben_enrt_rt table.  This process can only run in benmngle.
15 History:
16         Date             Who        Version    What?
17         ----             ---        -------    -----
18         7 May 98        Ty Hayden  110.0      Created.
19        16 Jun 98        T Guy      110.1      Deleted others exception
20        18 Jun 98        Ty Hayden  110.2      Added p_rt_usg_cd
21                                               p_bnft_prvdr_pool_id
22                                               p_prtt_rt_val_id
23        08 jul 98        Pbodla     110.3      Added a local variable
24                                               l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id1 to
25                                               avoid making
26                                               l_epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id null
27        08 jul 98        jcarpent   110.4      Added PLANFC and PLANIMP
28        10 aug 98        tguy       110.5      Changed inner looping cursor into
29 	                                      seperate cursors for performance
30 					      reasons.  Put inner loop logic
31                                               into procedure ben_rates.This is
32                                               called by associated cursor
33 					      loop, (ie. plan, ptip, plip, pgm,
34                                               or oipl).
35        11 Aug 98        Ty Hayden  110.6      Added local variables l_pl_id etc.
36        11 Aug 98        Ty Hayden  110.7      Fix to local variable placement.
37        07 Oct 98        T Guy      115.2      Implemented schema changes for
38                                               ben_enrt_rt. Added location
39                                               debugging calls.Added message
40                                               numbers.
41        18 Oct 98        T Guy      115.3      Added annual values and cmcd
42                                               values
43        20 Oct 98        T Guy      115.4      p_actl_prem_id,
44                                               p_cvg_amt_cal_mthd_id
45                                               p_bnft_rt_typ_cd, p_rt_typ_cd
46                                               p_rt_mlt_cd, p_comp_lvl_fctr_id
47                                               p_entr_ann_val_flag
48                                               p_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id
49                                               p_ann_dflt_val
50                                               p_rt_start_dt, p_rt_start_dt_cd
51                                               p_rt_start_dt_rl
52        23 Oct 98        T Guy      115.5      added person_id to main
53        02 Nov 98        T Guy      115.6      fixed asn_on_enrt_flag
54                                               assignment for ben_enrt_rt
55        02 Dec 98        T Guy      115.7      fixed mx_ann_elcn_val variable
56                                               assignment error.
57        20 Dec 98        T Guy      115.8      Added in caching information
58                                               for the created enrollment rate.
59        11 Jan 99        T Guy      115.9      added elctbl_chc_id as passed in parm.
60                                               added edit to check if elctbl_chc_id
61                                               was passed if so use it, if not then
62                                               use the one from electbl_chc
63        18 Jan 99        G Perry    115.10     LED V ED
64        30 Jan 99        S Das      115.11     Added codes for comp objects.
65        04 Mar 99        T Guy      115.12     Fixed dflt_flag and ctfn_rqd_flag
66        09 Mar 99        G Perry    115.14     IS to AS.
67        05 Apr 99        mhoyes     115.15   - Un-datetrack of per_in_ler_f changes.
68                                             - Removed DT restriction from
69                                               - main/c_epe
70        30 Apr 99        lmcdonal   115.16     Add per_in_ler status restriction.
71        08 May 99        G Perry    115.17     Changed PLIP Cursor so it checks
72                                               for PLIP first and if there are
73                                               no PLIP's of type 'STD' then
74                                               it switches to PL or if there are
75                                               no PLIP rates. LM speced change.
76        18 Jun 99        maagrawa   115.18     Override Oipl level rates, when
77                                               oiplip rates are available.
78                                               Override Plan rates when plip
79                                               rates are present.
80        20-JUL-99        Gperry     115.19     genutils -> benutils package
81                                               rename.
82        22-JUL-99        mhoyes     115.20   - Added new trace messages
83        07-SEP-99        shdas      115.21     Added codes for cmbn ptip opt .
84        02-Oct-99        lmcdonal   115.22     was loading annual-min into annual-
85                                               max field.  fixed it.
86        15-Nov-99        mhoyes     115.23   - Added trace messages.
87        09-Mar-00        lmcdonal   115.24     Add handling of new comp-lvl-cds
88                                               for flex credit choices.  Restructured
89                                               main.
90        21-Mar-00        mhoyes     115.25   - Fixed batch rate info problem caused
91                                               by not setting g_rec.person_id before
92                                               calling ben_rates from the sub
93                                               electable choice loop.
94        30-Mar-00        mmogel     115.26   - Added tokens to messages to more
95                                               clearly identify the source of the
96                                               problem from the message text
97        03-May-00        mhoyes     115.27   - Tuned c_epe. Removed
98                                               nvl on p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id and
99                                               request_id restriction.
100        12-May-00        mhoyes     115.28   - Added profiling trace messages.
101        15-May-00        mhoyes     115.29   - Called performance API.
102        29-May-00        mhoyes     115.30   - Added EPE context record.
103                                             - Passed around record structures.
104        31-May-00        mhoyes     115.31   - Removed nvls from SQL.
105        28-Jun-00        mhoyes     115.32   - Moved eligibility cursor outside of
106                                               abr loop.
107                                             - Referenced elig per cache rather than
108                                               sql.
109        03-Aug-00        mhoyes     115.34   - Bulk bind of ben_enrt_rt.
110        08-Sep-00        kmahendr   115.35   - added more attributes to cursors-plan not in
111                                               programs - www#1186195- Variable rate profiles
112                                               overriden
113        22-Sep-00        mhoyes     115.36   - Added calls clear down ATP and PTA function
114                                               caches.
115        07-Nov-00        mhoyes     115.37   - Added electable choice context global.
116        05-Jan-01        kmahendr   115.38   - Added parameter per_in_ler_id for unrestricted
117        02-Aug-01        ikasire    115.39     Bug1895846 added exclusion condition for
118                                               suspended enrollment results
119        02-Aug-01        ikasre     115.40     added modification history for 115.39
120        28-Aug-01        kmahendr   115.41     bug#1936976-for coverage ranze code
121                                               prtt_rt_val_id is populated based on
122                                               benefit amount
123        19-dec-01        pbodla     115.42     CWB Changes - ben_old_retes only
124                                               looks at non comp per in ler's
125        20-dec-01        ikasire    115.43     added dbdrv lines
126        22-feb-02        pbodla     115.44     Bug 2234582 : Some times null
127                                               second parameter is giving error.
128                                               Explicit second parameter is passed
129                                               to hr_utility. set_location
130        15-may-02        ikasire    115.45     Bug 2200139 added a new parameter
131                                               p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id to the main
132                                               procedure to called from override
133                                               process.For other processes it is
134                                               always passed as null .
135        23-May-02        kmahendr   115.46     Added a parameter to ben_determine_acty_base_rt
136        10-jun-02        pabodla    115.47     LGE : Create rate certifications
137        28-Sep-02        ikasire    115.49     reverted the changes made in 115.48
138        11-Oct-02        vsethi     115.50     Rates Sequence no enhancements. Modified to cater
139        					      to new column ord_num on ben_acty_base_rt_f
140        28-Oct-02        kmahendr   115.51     Land O Lakes performance fix - cursor c_enrt_rt
141                                               split into two.
142        26-Dec-02        rpillay    115.52     NOCOPY changes
143        13-feb-02        vsethi     115.53     Enclosed all hr_utility debug calls inside if
144        13-feb-02        kmahendr   115.54     Added a parameter to call -acty_base_rt.main
145        15-Apr-02        tjesumic   115.55     # 2897152 When the  Std. Rate Calc Method code
146                                               is No Standard Values Used' NSVU and all vapro
147                                               attached to the rate are failed then  no rate
148                                               will be created for the std rate.
149                                               This is fixed by  deleting all the enrt_rt for
150                                               the above condition
151        08-May-03        ikasire    115.56     Option Level rates enhancements.
152        16-Sep-03        kmahendr   115.57     GSP changes
153        17-Dec-03        vvprabhu   115.58     Added the assignment for g_debug at the start of
154                                               each public procedure
155        14-Jan-03        bmanyam    115.59     Bug: 3234092: GSP Changes. Enabling
156                                               calculation of 'Salary Caclculation Rule'
157                                               instead of Activity Rates, in GSP mode.
158        14-Jan-03        pbodla     115.60,61  GLOBALCWB : Added code to  populate
159        06-Feb-04        pbodla     115.62     GLOBALCWB : Added code to  populate
160                                               WS_RT_START_DAT in ben_cwb_person_rates
161        25-Feb-04        pbodla     115.63     GLOBALCWB : Even if rates are not
162                                               defined still populate the cwb
163                                               tables - person_groups and
164                                               person_rates.
165        14-Apr-04        mmudigon   115.64     FONM changes
166        21-May-04        pbodla     115.65     FONM changes continued
167                         mmudigon
168        24-May-04        nhunur     115.66     3633345 - changed cursor c_enrt_ctfn_rt.
169        16-Jun-04        mmudigon   115.68     same as version 115.66. Incorrect
170                                               arcs in version 115.67
171        03-sep-04        nhunur     115.69     3274902 : Changed code to populate cmcd_dflt_val
172        03-sep-04        nhunur     115.70     3234092 : Added code to get rt_strt_dt for GSP
173        17-sep-04        nhunur     115.71     iRec : c_per_in_ler modified not to look
174                                               at gsp/irec/abs/comp type of events.
175        15-Nov-04        kmahendr   115.73     Unrest. enh changes
176        18-Jan-05        kmahendr   115.74     Bug#4126093 - added check before creating
177                                               enrollment rate certificate
178        10-Mar-05        abparekh   115.75     Bug 4230502 : Populate L_ENRT_RT_ID_TAB
179                                               with created / updated ECR PK Ids
180        30-mar-05        nhunur     115.76     GSP change to ensure ff contexts are correctly passed.
181        26-Jul-05        nhunur     115.77     assign the FONM CVG date before calling rate calcaultion
182        08-Nov-05        pbodla     115.78     Bug 4693040 : When a rate is defined as nsvu
183                                               in cwb mode no need to delete the enrt_rt row
184                                               as it is not created at all, also rate
185                                               certifications not relevant for CWB rates.
186        25-Jan-05        swjain     115.79     Absences Enhancement: Added order by abr_seq_num
187                                               in all the abr cursors in procedure main
188        21-feb-06        pbodla     115.80     CWB : added multi currency support code.
189        24-feb-06        pbodla     115.81     CWB : fixed data type for
190                                               l_currency_cd
191        21-Apr-06        ikasired   115.82     CWB : 5148387 handling for benefit assignment
192        22-Feb-08	rtagarra   115.83     Bug 6840074
193        17-Jun-08        sagnanas   116.84     Bug 7154229
194        27-Apr-09        sallumwa   115.85     Bug 8394662 : Passed acty_base_rt_id while determining
195                                               the rate and coverage dates.
196 */
197 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
198   g_package VARCHAR2(80)              := 'ben_determine_rates';
199   g_rec     benutils.g_batch_rate_rec;
200   --
201   g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
202   --
203   TYPE g_acty_base_rt_id_table IS TABLE OF ben_acty_base_rt_f.acty_base_rt_id%TYPE
205   TYPE g_asn_on_enrt_flag_table IS TABLE OF ben_acty_base_rt_f.asn_on_enrt_flag%TYPE
207 --
208 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
209 -- |------< ben_rates_old >------|
210 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
211 --
212 -- Description
213 --   This procedure is used to get the old rate/coverage amount for batch information
214 --
215 -- Pre Conditions
216 --   None.
217 --
218 -- In Parameters
219 --   p_person_id  Person's primary key value
220 --   p_elig_per_elctble_chc_id
221 --   p_enrt_bnft_id
222 --   p_acty_base_rt_id
223 --
224 -- Out Parameters
225 -- p_old_val To assign old rate/coverage amount
226 --
227 -- Post Success
228 --   Processing continues
229 --
230 -- Post Failure
231 --   Error handled by procedure
232 --
233 -- Access Status
234 --   Internal use only.
235 --
236   PROCEDURE ben_rates_old(
237     p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id IN     NUMBER,
238     p_enrt_bnft_id           IN     NUMBER,
239     p_acty_base_rt_id        IN     NUMBER,
240     p_effective_date         IN     DATE,
241     p_person_id              IN     NUMBER,
242     p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         IN     DATE,
243     p_pgm_id                 IN     NUMBER,
244     p_pl_id                  IN     NUMBER,
245     p_oipl_id                IN     NUMBER,
246     p_old_val                OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER) IS
247     --
248     CURSOR c_rate(
249       l_elctbl_chc_id NUMBER) IS
250       SELECT   b.val
251       FROM     ben_enrt_rt b
252       WHERE    b.acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
253       AND      b.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = l_elctbl_chc_id;
254     CURSOR c_elig_per_elctbl_chc(
255       l_per_in_ler NUMBER) IS
256       SELECT   b.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
257       FROM     ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc b
258       WHERE    b.per_in_ler_id = l_per_in_ler
259       AND      (   b.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
260                 OR pgm_id IS NULL)
261       AND      (   b.pl_id = p_pl_id
262                 OR pl_id IS NULL)
263       AND      (   b.oipl_id = p_oipl_id
264                 OR p_oipl_id IS NULL);
265     l_val           ben_batch_rate_info.old_val%TYPE := 0;
266     --
267     -- CWB Chnages and GSP changes:
268     --
269     CURSOR c_per_in_ler IS
270       SELECT   pil.per_in_ler_id
271       FROM     ben_per_in_ler pil,
272                ben_ler_f      ler
273       WHERE    pil.person_id  = p_person_id
274       and      pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
275       and      ler.typ_cd not in ('COMP','GSP', 'IREC', 'ABS')
276       and      pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
277       AND      lf_evt_ocrd_dt =
278                (SELECT   MAX(b.lf_evt_ocrd_dt)
279                 FROM     ben_per_in_ler b,
280                          ben_ler_f      ler1
281                 WHERE    b.person_id = p_person_id
282                 and      b.ler_id    = ler1.ler_id
283                 and      b.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
284                 and      ler1.typ_cd not in ('COMP','GSP', 'IREC', 'ABS')
285                 AND      b.lf_evt_ocrd_dt < p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt);
286     --
287     l_per_in_ler    NUMBER;
288     l_elctbl_chc_id NUMBER;
289   BEGIN
290     --
291     if g_debug then
292       hr_utility.set_location('Inside procedure Old Rate  ', 0000);
293       hr_utility.set_location('elig per elctbl chc id  ' || p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,0000);
294       hr_utility.set_location('acty base rate id  ' || p_acty_base_rt_id, 0000);
295     end if;
296     OPEN c_per_in_ler;
297     FETCH c_per_in_ler INTO l_per_in_ler;
298     CLOSE c_per_in_ler;
299     IF l_per_in_ler IS NOT NULL THEN
300       OPEN c_elig_per_elctbl_chc(l_per_in_ler);
301       FETCH c_elig_per_elctbl_chc INTO l_elctbl_chc_id;
302       CLOSE c_elig_per_elctbl_chc;
303     END IF;
304     IF l_elctbl_chc_id IS NOT NULL THEN
305       OPEN c_rate(l_elctbl_chc_id);
306       FETCH c_rate INTO l_val;
307       CLOSE c_rate;
308     END IF;
309     IF l_val > 0 THEN
310       p_old_val  := l_val;
311     END IF;
312   END ben_rates_old;
313   --
314   PROCEDURE ben_rates(
315     p_currepe_row            IN ben_epe_cache.g_pilepe_inst_row,
316     p_per_row                IN per_all_people_f%ROWTYPE,
317     p_asg_row                IN per_all_assignments_f%ROWTYPE,
318     p_ast_row                IN per_assignment_status_types%ROWTYPE,
319     p_adr_row                IN per_addresses%ROWTYPE,
320     p_person_id              IN NUMBER,
321     p_pgm_id                 IN NUMBER,
322     p_pl_id                  IN NUMBER,
323     p_oipl_id                IN NUMBER,
324     p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id IN NUMBER,
325     p_enrt_bnft_id           IN NUMBER,
326     p_acty_base_rt_id_table  IN Out nocopy  ben_determine_rates.g_acty_base_rt_id_table,
327     p_asn_on_enrt_flag_table IN ben_determine_rates.g_asn_on_enrt_flag_table,
328     p_effective_date         IN DATE,
329     p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         IN DATE,
330     p_perform_rounding_flg   IN BOOLEAN,
331     p_business_group_id      IN NUMBER,
332     p_dflt_flag              IN VARCHAR2,
333     p_ctfn_rqd_flag          IN VARCHAR2,
334     p_mode                   in varchar2) IS
335     --
336     l_package                     VARCHAR2(80)      := g_package ||
337                                                          '.ben_rates';
338     --
339     l_currepe_row                 ben_determine_rates.g_curr_epe_rec;
340     --
341     l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id1     NUMBER;
342     --
343     l_created_by                  ben_enrt_rt.created_by%TYPE;
344     l_creation_date               ben_enrt_rt.creation_date%TYPE;
345     l_last_update_date            ben_enrt_rt.last_update_date%TYPE;
346     l_last_updated_by             ben_enrt_rt.last_updated_by%TYPE;
347     l_last_update_login           ben_enrt_rt.last_update_login%TYPE;
348     l_request_id                  ben_enrt_rt.request_id%TYPE
349                                                   := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
350     l_program_application_id      ben_enrt_rt.program_application_id%TYPE
351                                                      := fnd_global.prog_appl_id;
352     l_program_id                  ben_enrt_rt.program_id%TYPE
353                                                   := fnd_global.conc_program_id;
354     l_program_update_date         ben_enrt_rt.program_update_date%TYPE
355                                                                      := SYSDATE;
356     l_object_version_number       ben_enrt_rt.object_version_number%TYPE  := 1;
357     l_no                          VARCHAR2(1)                             := 'N';
358     -- the null variables are used to ensure the INSERT statement contains bind
359     -- parameters and increases shareability
360     l_varchar2_null               VARCHAR2(1);     -- automatically set to NULL
361     l_number_null                 NUMBER(1);       -- automatically set to NULL
362     --
363     TYPE l_number_15_table_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER(15)
365     TYPE l_number_15_2_table_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER(15, 2)
367     TYPE l_number_table_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER
369     TYPE l_varchar2_30_table_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30)
371     TYPE l_date_table_type IS TABLE OF DATE
373     --
374     cursor c_prtt_enrt_rslt (c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id number) is
375       select null
376       from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
377            ben_enrt_bnft enb
378       where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
379       and   pen.bnft_ordr_num  = enb.ordr_num
380       and   enb.enrt_bnft_id   = p_enrt_bnft_id
381       and   pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_stat_cd is null
382       and   p_effective_date between
383             pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date;
384     --
385     l_val                         l_number_table_type;
386     l_mn_elcn_val                 l_number_table_type;
387     l_mx_elcn_val                 l_number_table_type;
388     l_ann_val                     l_number_table_type;
389     l_ann_mn_elcn_val             l_number_table_type;
390     l_ann_mx_elcn_val             l_number_table_type;
391     l_cmcd_val                    l_number_table_type;
392     l_cmcd_mn_elcn_val            l_number_table_type;
393     l_cmcd_mx_elcn_val            l_number_table_type;
394     l_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd       l_varchar2_30_table_type;
395     l_incrmt_elcn_val             l_number_table_type;
396     l_dflt_val                    l_number_table_type;
397     l_tx_typ_cd                   l_varchar2_30_table_type;
398     l_acty_typ_cd                 l_varchar2_30_table_type;
399     l_nnmntry_uom                 l_varchar2_30_table_type;
400     l_entr_val_at_enrt_flag       l_varchar2_30_table_type;
401     l_dsply_on_enrt_flag          l_varchar2_30_table_type;
402     l_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag l_varchar2_30_table_type;
403     l_rt_usg_cd                   l_varchar2_30_table_type;
404     l_decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id     l_number_15_table_type;
405     l_actl_prem_id                l_number_15_table_type;
406     l_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id        l_number_15_table_type;
407     l_bnft_rt_typ_cd              l_varchar2_30_table_type;
408     l_rt_typ_cd                   l_varchar2_30_table_type;
409     l_rt_mlt_cd                   l_varchar2_30_table_type;
410     l_comp_lvl_fctr_id            l_number_15_table_type;
411     l_entr_ann_val_flag           l_varchar2_30_table_type;
412     l_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id        l_number_15_table_type;
413     l_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id        l_number_15_table_type;
414     l_ann_dflt_val                l_number_15_2_table_type;
415     l_rt_strt_dt                  l_date_table_type;
416     l_rt_strt_dt_cd               l_varchar2_30_table_type;
417     l_rt_strt_dt_rl               l_number_15_table_type;
418     l_prtt_rt_val_id              l_number_15_table_type;
419     l_dsply_mn_elcn_val           l_number_15_2_table_type;
420     l_dsply_mx_elcn_val           l_number_15_2_table_type;
421     l_pp_in_yr_used_num           l_number_15_table_type;
422     l_ordr_num			  l_number_15_table_type;
423     l_iss_val                     l_number_table_type;
424     l_enrt_rt_id_tab              l_number_15_table_type;    -- 2897152
426     --
427     l_enrt_rt_id                  ben_enrt_rt.enrt_rt_id%type;
428     l_enrt_rt_ctfn_id             ben_enrt_rt_ctfn.enrt_rt_ctfn_id%type;
429     l_old_val                     NUMBER;
430     l_dummy                       varchar2(1);
431     --
432     cursor c_enrt_rt_id is
433     select ben_enrt_rt_s.nextval
434     from sys.dual;
435     --
436   /*  cursor c_enrt_ctfn(p_acty_base_rt_id number,
437                        p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id number) is
438       select ecr.enrt_rt_id,
439              abc.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd,
440              abc.rqd_flag
441       from   ben_enrt_rt          ecr,
442              ben_enrt_bnft        enb,
443              BEN_ACTY_BASE_RT_CTFN_F abc
444       where  ecr.acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
445       and    ecr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
446       and    decode(ecr.enrt_bnft_id, null, ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
447                     enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id) =
448              p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
449       and    enb.enrt_bnft_id (+) = ecr.enrt_bnft_id
450       and    abc.acty_base_rt_id  = ecr.acty_base_rt_id;
451   */
452    cursor c_enrt_ctfn_rt(p_acty_base_rt_id number,
453                          p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id number) is
454       select ecr.enrt_rt_id,
455              abc.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd,
456              abc.rqd_flag
457       from   ben_enrt_rt          ecr,
458              BEN_ACTY_BASE_RT_CTFN_F abc
459       where  ecr.acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
460       and    ecr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
461       and    ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
462       and    abc.acty_base_rt_id  = ecr.acty_base_rt_id+0;
463   --
464    --
465    cursor c_enrt_ctfn_bnft(p_acty_base_rt_id number,
466                        p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id number) is
467       select ecr.enrt_rt_id,
468              abc.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd,
469              abc.rqd_flag
470       from   ben_enrt_rt          ecr,
471              ben_enrt_bnft        enb,
472              BEN_ACTY_BASE_RT_CTFN_F abc
473       where  ecr.acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
474       and    ecr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
475       and    enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
476       and    enb.enrt_bnft_id  = ecr.enrt_bnft_id
477       and    abc.acty_base_rt_id  = ecr.acty_base_rt_id;
479   --
480   cursor c_enrt_ctfn_exists (p_enrt_rt_id number,
481                              p_enrt_ctfn_typ_cd varchar2) is
482     select null
483     from ben_enrt_rt_ctfn erc
484     where erc.enrt_rt_id = p_enrt_rt_id
485     and   erc.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd = p_enrt_ctfn_typ_cd;
486  --
487   -- 2897152
488     TYPE l_numlist is table of number(2) index by BINARY_INTEGER ;
489     l_nsuv_lst  l_numlist ;
490     l_nsuv_num  integer ;
491     -- Bug: 3234092 Changes begin **********************************************
492     cursor c_pgm is
493         SELECT pgm.pgm_typ_cd, pgm.salary_calc_mthd_cd, pgm.salary_calc_mthd_rl
494         FROM ben_pgm_f pgm
495         where pgm.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
496         and p_effective_date between pgm.effective_start_date and pgm.effective_end_date;
499         cursor c_abr(p_acty_base_rt_id NUMBER) is
500         select abr.acty_typ_cd,
501                         abr.tx_typ_cd,
502                         abr.dsply_on_enrt_flag,
503                         abr.use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag,
504                         abr.entr_val_at_enrt_flag,
505                         abr.entr_ann_val_flag,
506                         abr.currency_det_cd,
507                         abr.element_det_rl,
508                         abr.element_type_id
509         from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
510         where abr.acty_base_rt_id = p_acty_base_rt_id
511         and p_effective_date between abr.effective_start_date and abr.effective_end_date;
513     l_env               ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
514     l_mode                              l_env.mode_cd%TYPE;
515     l_pgm_rec                   c_pgm%ROWTYPE;
516     l_abr                               c_abr%ROWTYPE;
517     l_eval_sal_rule     boolean := FALSE;
518     l_rate_outputs      ff_exec.outputs_t;
519     l_jurisdiction              VARCHAR2(30);
520     -- l_assignment_id     NUMBER;
521     -- l_organization_id   NUMBER;
522     -- Bug: 3234092 Changes end  **********************************************
523     l_cmcd_dflt_val number ;
524     l_currency_det_cd      varchar2(30);
525     l_element_det_rl       number;
526     l_base_element_type_id number;
527     l_cwb_acty_base_rt_id  number;
528     --
529     l_asg_benass_row       per_all_assignments_f%ROWTYPE;
530     --
531   BEGIN
532     --
533     l_currepe_row.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id := p_currepe_row.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
534     l_currepe_row.business_group_id      := p_currepe_row.business_group_id;
535     l_currepe_row.person_id              := p_currepe_row.person_id;
536     l_currepe_row.ler_id                 := p_currepe_row.ler_id;
537     l_currepe_row.per_in_ler_id          := p_currepe_row.per_in_ler_id;
538     l_currepe_row.pgm_id                 := p_currepe_row.pgm_id;
539     l_currepe_row.pl_typ_id              := p_currepe_row.pl_typ_id;
540     l_currepe_row.ptip_id                := p_currepe_row.ptip_id;
541     l_currepe_row.plip_id                := p_currepe_row.plip_id;
542     l_currepe_row.pl_id                  := p_currepe_row.pl_id;
543     l_currepe_row.oipl_id                := p_currepe_row.oipl_id;
544     l_currepe_row.oiplip_id              := p_currepe_row.oiplip_id;
545     l_currepe_row.opt_id                 := p_currepe_row.opt_id;
546     l_currepe_row.enrt_perd_id           := p_currepe_row.enrt_perd_id;
547     l_currepe_row.lee_rsn_id             := p_currepe_row.lee_rsn_id;
548     l_currepe_row.enrt_perd_strt_dt      := p_currepe_row.enrt_perd_strt_dt;
549     l_currepe_row.prtt_enrt_rslt_id      := p_currepe_row.prtt_enrt_rslt_id;
550     l_currepe_row.prtn_strt_dt           := p_currepe_row.prtn_strt_dt;
551     l_currepe_row.enrt_cvg_strt_dt       := p_currepe_row.enrt_cvg_strt_dt;
552     l_currepe_row.enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    := p_currepe_row.enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd;
553     l_currepe_row.enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    := p_currepe_row.enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl;
554     l_currepe_row.yr_perd_id             := p_currepe_row.yr_perd_id;
555     l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_flag       := p_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_flag;
556     l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt    := p_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt;
557     l_currepe_row.rt_age_val             := p_currepe_row.rt_age_val;
558     l_currepe_row.rt_los_val             := p_currepe_row.rt_los_val;
559     l_currepe_row.rt_hrs_wkd_val         := p_currepe_row.rt_hrs_wkd_val;
560     l_currepe_row.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val  := p_currepe_row.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val;
561     --
562     l_nsuv_num := 1 ;
563     --
564     if nvl(p_mode, 'X') = 'W' then
565        --
566        ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec    := ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec_temp;
567        ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec     := ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec_temp;
568        --
569     end if;
570     --
571     FOR i IN p_acty_base_rt_id_table.FIRST .. p_acty_base_rt_id_table.LAST LOOP
572       if g_debug then
573         hr_utility.set_location('Entering ' || l_package, 10);
574       end if;
575       --
577     -- Bug: 3234092 Changes begin  **********************************************
578       l_eval_sal_rule := false;
579       ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env);
580       --
581 	  if g_debug then
582         hr_utility.set_location(' ben_env_object: Mode ' || l_env.mode_cd, 10);
583       end if;
584       --
585       -- If mode='G' (gsp) and pgm_typ_cd for the pgm-record is 'GSP'
586       -- and formula is defined at pgm-level
587       -- then evaluate the formula instead of rates
588       -- variable l_eval_sal_rule tells whether to evaluate rule (or the rates).
589        if ((l_env.mode_cd IS NOT NULL) AND (l_env.mode_cd = 'G')) then
590        	open c_pgm;
591        	  fetch c_pgm INTO l_pgm_rec;
592        	  --
593 		  if g_debug then
594                      hr_utility.set_location('l_pgm_rec.pgm_typ_cd ' || l_pgm_rec.pgm_typ_cd, 20);
595                      hr_utility.set_location('l_pgm_rec.salary_calc_mthd_cd ' || l_pgm_rec.salary_calc_mthd_cd, 20);
596                      hr_utility.set_location('l_pgm_rec.salary_calc_mthd_rl ' || l_pgm_rec.salary_calc_mthd_rl, 20);
597 		  end if;
598 		  --
599 		  if (c_pgm%FOUND) THEN
600 			if (l_pgm_rec.pgm_typ_cd = 'GSP' and l_pgm_rec.salary_calc_mthd_cd = 'RULE'
601 				and l_pgm_rec.salary_calc_mthd_rl IS NOT NULL) then
602 				l_eval_sal_rule := true;
603 			end if;
604 		  end if;
605        	close c_pgm;
606       end if;
607       --
608       if (l_eval_sal_rule) THEN
610       ben_determine_activity_base_rt.main(
611         p_currepe_row                 => l_currepe_row,
612         p_per_row                     => p_per_row,
613         p_asg_row                     => p_asg_row,
614         p_ast_row                     => p_ast_row,
615         p_adr_row                     => p_adr_row,
616         p_person_id                   => p_person_id,
617         p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id      => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
618         p_enrt_bnft_id                => p_enrt_bnft_id,
619         p_acty_base_rt_id             => p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
620         p_effective_date              => p_effective_date,
621         p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt              => p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
622         p_perform_rounding_flg        => TRUE,
623         p_val                         => l_val(i),
624         p_mn_elcn_val                 => l_mn_elcn_val(i),
625         p_mx_elcn_val                 => l_mx_elcn_val(i),
626         p_ann_val                     => l_ann_val(i),
627         p_ann_mn_elcn_val             => l_ann_mn_elcn_val(i),
628         p_ann_mx_elcn_val             => l_ann_mx_elcn_val(i),
629         p_cmcd_val                    => l_cmcd_val(i),
630         p_cmcd_mn_elcn_val            => l_cmcd_mn_elcn_val(i),
631         p_cmcd_mx_elcn_val            => l_cmcd_mx_elcn_val(i),
632         p_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd       => l_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd(i),
633         p_incrmt_elcn_val             => l_incrmt_elcn_val(i),
634         p_dflt_val                    => l_dflt_val(i),
635         p_tx_typ_cd                   => l_tx_typ_cd(i),
636         p_acty_typ_cd                 => l_acty_typ_cd(i),
637         p_nnmntry_uom                 => l_nnmntry_uom(i),
638         p_entr_val_at_enrt_flag       => l_entr_val_at_enrt_flag(i),
639         p_dsply_on_enrt_flag          => l_dsply_on_enrt_flag(i),
640         p_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag => l_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag(i),
641         p_rt_usg_cd                   => l_rt_usg_cd(i),
642         p_bnft_prvdr_pool_id          => l_decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id(i),
643         p_actl_prem_id                => l_actl_prem_id(i),
644         p_cvg_calc_amt_mthd_id        => l_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id(i),
645         p_bnft_rt_typ_cd              => l_bnft_rt_typ_cd(i),
646         p_rt_typ_cd                   => l_rt_typ_cd(i),
647         p_rt_mlt_cd                   => l_rt_mlt_cd(i),
648         p_comp_lvl_fctr_id            => l_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
649         p_entr_ann_val_flag           => l_entr_ann_val_flag(i),
650         p_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id        => l_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
651         p_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id        => l_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
652         p_ann_dflt_val                => l_ann_dflt_val(i),
653         p_rt_strt_dt                  => l_rt_strt_dt(i),
654         p_rt_strt_dt_cd               => l_rt_strt_dt_cd(i),
655         p_rt_strt_dt_rl               => l_rt_strt_dt_rl(i),
656         p_prtt_rt_val_id              => l_prtt_rt_val_id(i),
657         p_dsply_mn_elcn_val           => l_dsply_mn_elcn_val(i),
658         p_dsply_mx_elcn_val           => l_dsply_mx_elcn_val(i),
659         p_pp_in_yr_used_num           => l_pp_in_yr_used_num(i),
660         p_ordr_num           	      => l_ordr_num(i),
661         p_iss_val                     => l_iss_val(i));
663         -- GSP issue raised by hallmark cards 30/3/05
664         -- contexts are passed using in parameters now instead of local variable
665         --
666         hr_utility.set_location(' p_asg_row.assignment_id ' || p_asg_row.assignment_id, 20);
667         hr_utility.set_location(' p_asg_row.organization_id ' || p_asg_row.organization_id, 20);
668         --
669 	l_rate_outputs := benutils.formula
670 			 (p_formula_id        => l_pgm_rec.salary_calc_mthd_rl,
671 			  p_effective_date    => p_effective_date,
672 			  p_assignment_id     => p_asg_row.assignment_id, -- l_assignment_id,
673 			  p_organization_id   => p_asg_row.organization_id, -- l_organization_id,
674 			  p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
675 			  p_pgm_id            => p_pgm_id,
676 			  p_pl_id             => p_pl_id,
677 			  p_pl_typ_id         => l_currepe_row.pl_typ_id,
678 			  p_opt_id            => l_currepe_row.opt_id,
679 			  p_ler_id            => l_currepe_row.ler_id,
680 			  p_acty_base_rt_id   => p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
681 			  p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id   => l_currepe_row.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
682 			  p_jurisdiction_code => l_jurisdiction);
683 		--
684 		l_val(i) := l_rate_outputs(l_rate_outputs.first).value;
685 		--
686 		if g_debug then
687 			hr_utility.set_location(' val(i) from Formula ' || l_val(i), 20);
688 		end if;
689 		--
690 		-- set all other values to NULL
691 		l_mn_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
692 		l_mx_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
693 		l_ann_val(i) := NULL;
694 		l_ann_mn_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
695 		l_ann_mx_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
696 		l_cmcd_val(i) := NULL;
697 		l_cmcd_mn_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
698 		l_cmcd_mx_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
699 		l_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd(i) := NULL;
700 		l_incrmt_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
701 		l_dflt_val(i) := NULL;
702 		l_tx_typ_cd(i) := NULL;
703 		l_acty_typ_cd(i) := NULL;
704 		l_nnmntry_uom(i) := NULL;
705 		l_entr_val_at_enrt_flag(i) := NULL;
706 		l_dsply_on_enrt_flag(i) := NULL;
707 		l_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag(i) := NULL;
708 		l_rt_usg_cd(i) := NULL;
709 		l_decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id(i) := NULL;
710 		l_actl_prem_id(i) := NULL;
711 		l_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id(i) := NULL;
712 		l_bnft_rt_typ_cd(i) := NULL;
713 		l_rt_typ_cd(i) := NULL;
714 		l_rt_mlt_cd(i) := NULL;
715 		l_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i) := NULL;
716 		l_entr_ann_val_flag(i) := NULL;
717 		l_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i) := NULL;
718 		l_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i) := NULL;
719 		l_ann_dflt_val(i) := NULL;
720                 -- GSP needs this date
721 		-- l_rt_strt_dt(i) := NULL;
722 		-- l_rt_strt_dt_cd(i) := NULL;
723 		-- l_rt_strt_dt_rl(i) := NULL;
724 		l_prtt_rt_val_id(i) := NULL;
725 		l_dsply_mn_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
726 		l_dsply_mx_elcn_val(i) := NULL;
727 		l_pp_in_yr_used_num(i) := NULL;
728 		l_ordr_num(i) := NULL;
729 		l_iss_val(i) := NULL;
730 		--
731 		-- Fetch acty_typ_cd and other not-null values
732 		-- from ben_acty_base_rt_f table.
733 	   open c_abr(p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i));
734 	   fetch c_abr into l_abr;
735 		   if c_abr%FOUND then
736 				l_acty_typ_cd(i)					:= l_abr.acty_typ_cd;
737 				l_tx_typ_cd(i)						:= l_abr.tx_typ_cd;
738 				l_dsply_on_enrt_flag(i)				:= l_abr.dsply_on_enrt_flag;
739 				l_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag(i)	:= l_abr.use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag;
740 				l_entr_val_at_enrt_flag(i)			:= l_abr.entr_val_at_enrt_flag;
741 				l_entr_ann_val_flag(i)				:= l_abr.entr_ann_val_flag;
742 		   end if;
743 	   close c_abr;
744 	   --
745 		if g_debug then
746 			hr_utility.set_location(' l_acty_typ_cd ' || l_acty_typ_cd(i), 20);
747 		end if;
748 	ELSE
749 		  -- In all other cases evaluate rates, the usual way
750 		if g_debug then
751 			hr_utility.set_location(' calculate rate the usual way ' , 20);
752 		end if;
753 		--
754 		-- Bug: 3234092 Changes end **********************************************
755       ben_determine_activity_base_rt.main(
756         p_currepe_row                 => l_currepe_row,
757         p_per_row                     => p_per_row,
758         p_asg_row                     => p_asg_row,
759         p_ast_row                     => p_ast_row,
760         p_adr_row                     => p_adr_row,
761         p_person_id                   => p_person_id,
762         p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id      => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
763         p_enrt_bnft_id                => p_enrt_bnft_id,
764         p_acty_base_rt_id             => p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
765         p_effective_date              => p_effective_date,
766         p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt              => p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
767         p_perform_rounding_flg        => TRUE,
768         p_val                         => l_val(i),
769         p_mn_elcn_val                 => l_mn_elcn_val(i),
770         p_mx_elcn_val                 => l_mx_elcn_val(i),
771         p_ann_val                     => l_ann_val(i),
772         p_ann_mn_elcn_val             => l_ann_mn_elcn_val(i),
773         p_ann_mx_elcn_val             => l_ann_mx_elcn_val(i),
774         p_cmcd_val                    => l_cmcd_val(i),
775         p_cmcd_mn_elcn_val            => l_cmcd_mn_elcn_val(i),
776         p_cmcd_mx_elcn_val            => l_cmcd_mx_elcn_val(i),
777         p_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd       => l_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd(i),
778         p_incrmt_elcn_val             => l_incrmt_elcn_val(i),
779         p_dflt_val                    => l_dflt_val(i),
780         p_tx_typ_cd                   => l_tx_typ_cd(i),
781         p_acty_typ_cd                 => l_acty_typ_cd(i),
782         p_nnmntry_uom                 => l_nnmntry_uom(i),
783         p_entr_val_at_enrt_flag       => l_entr_val_at_enrt_flag(i),
784         p_dsply_on_enrt_flag          => l_dsply_on_enrt_flag(i),
785         p_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag => l_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag(i),
786         p_rt_usg_cd                   => l_rt_usg_cd(i),
787         p_bnft_prvdr_pool_id          => l_decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id(i),
788         p_actl_prem_id                => l_actl_prem_id(i),
789         p_cvg_calc_amt_mthd_id        => l_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id(i),
790         p_bnft_rt_typ_cd              => l_bnft_rt_typ_cd(i),
791         p_rt_typ_cd                   => l_rt_typ_cd(i),
792         p_rt_mlt_cd                   => l_rt_mlt_cd(i),
793         p_comp_lvl_fctr_id            => l_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
794         p_entr_ann_val_flag           => l_entr_ann_val_flag(i),
795         p_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id        => l_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
796         p_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id        => l_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
797         p_ann_dflt_val                => l_ann_dflt_val(i),
798         p_rt_strt_dt                  => l_rt_strt_dt(i),
799         p_rt_strt_dt_cd               => l_rt_strt_dt_cd(i),
800         p_rt_strt_dt_rl               => l_rt_strt_dt_rl(i),
801         p_prtt_rt_val_id              => l_prtt_rt_val_id(i),
802         p_dsply_mn_elcn_val           => l_dsply_mn_elcn_val(i),
803         p_dsply_mx_elcn_val           => l_dsply_mx_elcn_val(i),
804         p_pp_in_yr_used_num           => l_pp_in_yr_used_num(i),
805         p_ordr_num           	      => l_ordr_num(i),
806         p_iss_val                     => l_iss_val(i));
807          END IF;
808       --
809       -- As p_iss_val is only used by CWB and no other mode, we have overloaded it to return
810       -- cmcd_dflt_val for which we need not add a new out param in actbr and change all dependencies.
811       --
812       if nvl(p_mode, 'X') =  'W' then
813          l_cmcd_dflt_val := null ;
814       else
815          l_cmcd_dflt_val := l_iss_val(i) ;
816          l_iss_val(i) := null ;
817       end if;
818       --
819       -- GLOBALCWB : If plan is group plan and mode is CWB then populate
820       -- CWB rate structures.
821       --
822       if nvl(p_mode, 'X') =  'W' then
823          --
824          if l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBDB' then -- Distribution Budget values.
825           --
826           if l_currepe_row.pl_id = ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id then
827             --
828             -- Populate dist_bdgt_val, dist_bdgt_mn_val, dist_bdgt_mx_val,
829             -- dist_bdgt_incr_val, dist_bdgt_iss_val, dist_bdgt_iss_date,
830             --
831             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.dist_bdgt_val :=
832                                                      nvl(l_val(i), l_dflt_val(i));
833             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.dist_bdgt_mn_val := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
834             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.dist_bdgt_mx_val := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
835             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.dist_bdgt_incr_val := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
836             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.dist_bdgt_iss_val := l_iss_val(i);
837             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.dist_bdgt_iss_date := null; -- 9999 What is this val
838           else
839             --
840             -- Populate dist_bdgt_val, dist_bdgt_mn_val, dist_bdgt_mx_val,
841             -- dist_bdgt_incr_val, dist_bdgt_iss_val, dist_bdgt_iss_date,
842             --
843             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_dist_bdgt_val :=                                                     nvl(l_val(i), l_dflt_val(i));
844             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_dist_bdgt_mn_val := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
845             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_dist_bdgt_mx_val := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
846             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_dist_bdgt_incr_val := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
847             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_dist_bdgt_iss_val := l_iss_val(i);
848             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_dist_bdgt_iss_date := null; -- 9999 What is this val
849           end if;
850           --
851          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBWB' then -- Worksheet Budget values.
852           --
853           if l_currepe_row.pl_id = ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id then
854             --
855             -- Populate ws_bdgt_val, ws_bdgt_mn_val, ws_bdgt_mx_val,
856             -- ws_bdgt_incr_val, ws_bdgt_iss_val, ws_bdgt_iss_date,
857             --
858             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.ws_bdgt_val :=
859                                                     nvl(l_val(i), l_dflt_val(i));
860             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.ws_bdgt_mn_val := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
861             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.ws_bdgt_mx_val := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
862             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.ws_bdgt_incr_val := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
863             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.ws_bdgt_iss_val := l_iss_val(i);
864             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.ws_bdgt_iss_date := null; -- 9999 What is this val
865             --
866           else
867             --
868             -- Populate ws_bdgt_val, ws_bdgt_mn_val, ws_bdgt_mx_val,
869             -- ws_bdgt_incr_val, ws_bdgt_iss_val, ws_bdgt_iss_date,
870             --
871             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_ws_bdgt_val :=
872                                                     nvl(l_val(i), l_dflt_val(i));
873             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_ws_bdgt_mn_val := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
874             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_ws_bdgt_mx_val := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
875             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_ws_bdgt_incr_val := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
876             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_ws_bdgt_iss_val := l_iss_val(i);
877             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_ws_bdgt_iss_date := null; -- 9999 What is this val
878             --
879           end if;
880           --
881          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBR' then -- Reserve Budget values.
882           --
883           if l_currepe_row.pl_id = ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id then
884             --
885             -- Populate rsrv_val, rsrv_mn_val, rsrv_mx_val, rsrv_incr_val
886             --
887             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.rsrv_val :=
888                                                     nvl(l_val(i), l_dflt_val(i));
889             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.rsrv_mn_val := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
890             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.rsrv_mx_val := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
891             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec.rsrv_incr_val := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
892             --
893           else
894             --
895             -- Populate rsrv_val, rsrv_mn_val, rsrv_mx_val, rsrv_incr_val
896             --
897             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_rsrv_val :=
898                                                     nvl(l_val(i), l_dflt_val(i));
899             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_rsrv_mn_val := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
900             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_rsrv_mx_val := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
901             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.copy_rsrv_incr_val := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
902             --
903           end if;
904           --
905          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBWS' then -- Worksheet values.
906             --
907             -- Populate
908             -- ws_val
909             --  ws_mn_val
910             --  ws_mx_val
911             --  ws_incr_val
912             --
913             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.WS_RT_START_DATE := l_rt_strt_dt(i);
914             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.ws_val :=
915                                                     nvl(l_val(i), l_dflt_val(i));
916             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.ws_mn_val := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
917             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.ws_mx_val := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
918             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.ws_incr_val := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
919             --
920             -- Multi currency support. Add caching mechanism
921             --
922             open c_abr(p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i));
923             fetch c_abr into l_abr;
924             close c_abr;
925             l_currency_det_cd    := l_abr.currency_det_cd;
926             l_element_det_rl     := l_abr.element_det_rl;
927             l_base_element_type_id := l_abr.element_type_id;
928             l_cwb_acty_base_rt_id := p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i);
929             --
930          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBES' then -- Worksheet values.
931             --
932             -- elig_sal_val
933             --
934             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.elig_sal_val := l_val(i);
935             --
936          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBSS' then -- Worksheet values.
937             -- stat_sal_val
938             --
939             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.stat_sal_val := l_val(i);
940             --
941          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBOS' then -- Worksheet values.
942             --
943             -- oth_comp_val
944             --
945             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.oth_comp_val := l_val(i);
946             --
947          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBTC' then -- Worksheet values.
948             --
949             -- tot_comp_val
950             --
951             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.tot_comp_val := l_val(i);
952             --
953          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBMR1' then -- Worksheet values.
954             --
955             -- misc1_val
956             --
957             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.misc1_val := l_val(i);
958             --
959          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBMR2' then -- Worksheet values.
960             --
961             -- misc2_val
962             --
963             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.misc2_val := l_val(i);
964             --
965          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBMR3' then -- Worksheet values.
966             --
967             -- misc3_val
968             --
969             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.misc3_val := l_val(i);
970             --
971          elsif l_acty_typ_cd(i) = 'CWBRA' then -- Worksheet values.
972             --
973             -- rec_val                          number,
974             -- rec_mn_val                       number,
975             -- rec_mx_val                       number,
976             -- rec_incr_val
977             --
978             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.rec_val :=
979                                                     nvl(l_val(i), l_dflt_val(i)) ;
980             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.rec_mn_val := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
981             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.rec_mx_val := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
982             ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec.rec_incr_val := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
983             --
984          end if;
985          --
986       end if;
987       if nvl(p_mode, 'X') not in ('I', 'W', 'G') then -- No need call for CWB
988          --
989          -- call procedure ben_rates_old to get old value
990          --
991          if g_debug then
992            hr_utility.set_location('ben_rates_old ' || l_package, 10);
993          end if;
994          ben_rates_old(
995            p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
996            p_enrt_bnft_id           => p_enrt_bnft_id,
997            p_acty_base_rt_id        => p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
998            p_effective_date         => p_effective_date,
999            p_person_id              => p_person_id,
1000            p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         => p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
1001            p_pgm_id                 => p_pgm_id,
1002            p_pl_id                  => p_pl_id,
1003            p_oipl_id                => p_oipl_id,
1004            p_old_val                => l_old_val);
1005          if g_debug then
1006            hr_utility.set_location('Dn ben_rates_old ' || l_package, 10);
1007          end if;
1008          --
1009          -- Bug 2234582 : Some times null second parameter is giving error.
1010          -- explicit second parameter is passed to hr_utility. set_location
1011          --
1012          if g_debug then
1013            hr_utility.set_location('Old Rate ' || l_old_val, 11);
1014          end if;
1015          --
1016          g_rec.person_id          := p_person_id;
1017          g_rec.pgm_id             := p_pgm_id;
1018          g_rec.pl_id              := p_pl_id;
1019          g_rec.oipl_id            := p_oipl_id;
1020          g_rec.dflt_flag          := l_no;
1021          g_rec.business_group_id  := p_business_group_id;
1022          g_rec.effective_date     := p_effective_date;
1023          --
1024          g_rec.bnft_rt_typ_cd     := l_bnft_rt_typ_cd(i);
1025          g_rec.val                := l_val(i);
1026          g_rec.old_val            := l_old_val;
1027          g_rec.tx_typ_cd          := l_tx_typ_cd(i);
1028          g_rec.acty_typ_cd        := l_acty_typ_cd(i);
1029          g_rec.mn_elcn_val        := l_mn_elcn_val(i);
1030          g_rec.mx_elcn_val        := l_mx_elcn_val(i);
1031          g_rec.incrmt_elcn_val    := l_incrmt_elcn_val(i);
1032          g_rec.dflt_val           := l_dflt_val(i);
1033          g_rec.rt_strt_dt         := l_rt_strt_dt(i);
1035          benutils.write(p_rec => g_rec);
1037       end if;
1038       --  2897152 if the dt mlt cd is NSVU and vapro fail
1039       --- null value add to a pl/sql table so this can be
1040       --- delted in latter
1041       if g_debug then
1042           hr_utility.set_location('mlt_cd ' || l_rt_mlt_cd(i), 10);
1043           hr_utility.set_location('value ' || l_val(i), 10);
1044       end if ;
1046       if l_rt_mlt_cd(i)= 'NSVU' and l_val(i) is null  then
1047          l_nsuv_lst(l_nsuv_num)  := i ;
1048          l_nsuv_num := l_nsuv_num + 1 ;
1049       end if ;
1051       --
1052       if g_debug then
1053          hr_utility.set_location('After write', 000);
1054       end if;
1056     END LOOP;
1058     --
1059     -- GLOBALCWB : Populate the CWB tables.
1060     --
1061     if nvl(p_mode, 'X') = 'W' then
1062        --
1063        If p_asg_row.assignment_id IS NULL THEN
1064          --BUG 5148387 Need to get Benefit Assignment
1065           ben_person_object.get_benass_object(
1066             p_person_id        => p_person_id,
1067             p_rec              => l_asg_benass_row
1068           );
1069          --
1070        END IF;
1071        -- Handle auto issue of budgets.
1072        -- For multi currency support added new paramaters.
1073        --
1074        ben_manage_cwb_life_events.populate_cwb_rates(
1075            --
1076            -- Columns needed for ben_cwb_person_rates
1077            --
1078            p_person_id        => p_person_id
1079           ,p_assignment_id    => NVL(p_asg_row.assignment_id,l_asg_benass_row.assignment_id)
1080           ,p_organization_id  => NVL(p_asg_row.organization_id,l_asg_benass_row.organization_id)
1081           ,p_pl_id            => l_currepe_row.pl_id
1082           ,p_oipl_id          => l_currepe_row.oipl_id
1083           ,p_opt_id           => l_currepe_row.opt_id
1084           ,p_ler_id           => l_currepe_row.ler_id
1085           ,p_business_group_id=> p_business_group_id
1086           ,p_acty_base_rt_id  => l_cwb_acty_base_rt_id
1087           ,p_elig_flag        => null -- 9999 it should come from g_curr_epe_rec
1088           ,p_inelig_rsn_cd    => null -- 9999 it should come from g_curr_epe_rec
1089           --
1090           -- Columns needed by BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS
1091           --
1092           ,p_due_dt           => null
1093           ,p_access_cd        => null -- passed inside the poppulate_cwb_rates
1094           ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1095           -- Multi currency support
1096           ,p_currency_det_cd  => l_currency_det_cd
1097           ,p_element_det_rl   => l_element_det_rl
1098           ,p_base_element_type_id   => l_base_element_type_id
1099        );
1100        --
1101     end if;
1102     --
1103     if g_debug then
1104        hr_utility.set_location('l_nsuv_num ' || l_nsuv_num, 10);
1105        hr_utility.set_location('Done BDABRT_MN ' || l_package, 10);
1106     end if;
1108     --
1109     -- Since enrt_bnft_id and elig_per_elctbl_chc_id are
1110     -- mutually exclusive
1111     -- in ben_enrt_rt then nullify chc_id when bnft_id is not null;
1112     --
1114     IF p_enrt_bnft_id IS NOT NULL THEN
1115       l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id1  := NULL;
1116       open c_prtt_enrt_rslt(l_currepe_row.prtt_enrt_rslt_id);
1117       fetch c_prtt_enrt_rslt into l_dummy;
1118       if c_prtt_enrt_rslt%notfound then
1119         FOR i IN l_prtt_rt_val_id.FIRST .. l_prtt_rt_val_id.LAST
1120           loop
1121             l_prtt_rt_val_id(i) := null;
1122           end loop;
1123       end if;
1124       close c_prtt_enrt_rslt;
1125     ELSE
1126       l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id1  := p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
1127     END IF;
1129     --
1130     if g_debug then
1131       hr_utility.set_location('Insert ECR: ' || l_package, 5);
1132     end if;
1134     --
1135     -- GLOBALCWB : No need to populate the ben_enrt_rt table.
1136     --
1138     if nvl(p_mode, 'X') <> 'W'  then
1139      --
1140       if p_mode in ('U','R') then
1141         --
1142         FOR i IN p_acty_base_rt_id_table.FIRST .. p_acty_base_rt_id_table.LAST loop
1143          l_enrt_rt_id := null;
1144          l_enrt_rt_id := ben_manage_unres_life_events.ecr_exists
1145                         (l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id1,
1146                          p_enrt_bnft_id,
1147                          p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i));
1148          if l_enrt_rt_id is not null then
1149            --
1150            l_enrt_rt_id_tab(i) := l_enrt_rt_id;         /* Bug 4230502 */
1151            --
1152            ben_manage_unres_life_events.update_enrt_rt
1153              ( p_enrt_rt_id  => l_enrt_rt_id,
1154                p_acty_typ_cd => l_acty_typ_cd(i),
1155                p_tx_typ_cd => l_tx_typ_cd(i),
1156                p_ctfn_rqd_flag => p_ctfn_rqd_flag,
1157                p_dflt_flag => p_dflt_flag,
1158                p_dflt_pndg_ctfn_flag => l_no,
1159                p_dsply_on_enrt_flag => l_dsply_on_enrt_flag(i),
1160                p_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag => l_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag(i),
1161                p_entr_val_at_enrt_flag => l_entr_val_at_enrt_flag(i),
1162                p_asn_on_enrt_flag => p_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(i),
1163                p_rl_crs_only_flag => l_no,
1164                p_dflt_val => l_dflt_val(i),
1165                p_ann_val => l_ann_val(i),
1166                p_ann_mn_elcn_val => l_ann_mn_elcn_val(i),
1167                p_ann_mx_elcn_val => l_ann_mx_elcn_val(i),
1168                p_val => l_val(i),
1169                p_nnmntry_uom => l_nnmntry_uom(i),
1170                p_mx_elcn_val => l_mx_elcn_val(i),
1171                p_mn_elcn_val => l_mn_elcn_val(i),
1172                p_incrmt_elcn_val => l_incrmt_elcn_val(i),
1173                p_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd => l_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd(i),
1174                p_cmcd_mn_elcn_val => l_cmcd_mn_elcn_val(i),
1175                p_cmcd_mx_elcn_val => l_cmcd_mx_elcn_val(i),
1176                p_cmcd_val => l_cmcd_val(i),
1177                p_cmcd_dflt_val => l_cmcd_val(i), --7154229
1178                p_rt_usg_cd => l_rt_usg_cd(i),
1179                p_ann_dflt_val => l_ann_dflt_val(i),
1180                p_bnft_rt_typ_cd => l_bnft_rt_typ_cd(i),
1181                p_rt_mlt_cd => l_rt_mlt_cd(i),
1182                p_dsply_mn_elcn_val => l_dsply_mn_elcn_val(i),
1183                p_dsply_mx_elcn_val => l_dsply_mx_elcn_val(i),
1184                p_entr_ann_val_flag => l_entr_ann_val_flag(i),
1185                p_rt_strt_dt => l_rt_strt_dt(i),
1186                p_rt_strt_dt_cd => l_rt_strt_dt_cd(i),
1187                p_rt_strt_dt_rl => l_rt_strt_dt_rl(i),
1188                p_rt_typ_cd => l_rt_typ_cd(i),
1189                p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id1,
1190                p_acty_base_rt_id => p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
1191                p_spcl_rt_enrt_rt_id => l_number_null,
1192                p_enrt_bnft_id => p_enrt_bnft_id,
1193                p_prtt_rt_val_id => l_prtt_rt_val_id(i),
1194                p_decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id => l_decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id(i),
1195                p_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id => l_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id(i),
1196                p_actl_prem_id => l_actl_prem_id(i),
1197                p_comp_lvl_fctr_id => l_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1198                p_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id => l_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1199                p_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id => l_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1200                p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
1201                p_request_id   => l_request_id,
1202                p_program_application_id => l_program_application_id,
1203                p_program_id            =>l_program_id,
1204                p_program_update_date  => l_program_update_date ,
1205                p_effective_date      => p_effective_date,
1206                p_pp_in_yr_used_num   => l_pp_in_yr_used_num(i),
1207                p_ordr_num            => l_ordr_num(i),
1208                p_iss_val             => l_iss_val(i))
1209               ;
1210            --
1211          else
1212            --
1213            INSERT INTO ben_enrt_rt
1214                   (
1215                     enrt_rt_id,
1216                     acty_typ_cd,
1217                     tx_typ_cd,
1218                     ctfn_rqd_flag,
1219                     dflt_flag,
1220                     dflt_pndg_ctfn_flag,
1221                     dsply_on_enrt_flag,
1222                     use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag,
1223                     entr_val_at_enrt_flag,
1224                     asn_on_enrt_flag,
1225                     rl_crs_only_flag,
1226                     dflt_val,
1227                     ann_val,
1228                     ann_mn_elcn_val,
1229                     ann_mx_elcn_val,
1230                     val,
1231                     nnmntry_uom,
1232                     mx_elcn_val,
1233                     mn_elcn_val,
1234                     incrmt_elcn_val,
1235                     cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd,
1236                     cmcd_mn_elcn_val,
1237                     cmcd_mx_elcn_val,
1238                     cmcd_val,
1239                     cmcd_dflt_val,
1240                     rt_usg_cd,
1241                     ann_dflt_val,
1242                     bnft_rt_typ_cd,
1243                     rt_mlt_cd,
1244                     dsply_mn_elcn_val,
1245                     dsply_mx_elcn_val,
1246                     entr_ann_val_flag,
1247                     rt_strt_dt,
1248                     rt_strt_dt_cd,
1249                     rt_strt_dt_rl,
1250                     rt_typ_cd,
1251                     elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
1252                     acty_base_rt_id,
1253                     spcl_rt_enrt_rt_id,
1254                     enrt_bnft_id,
1255                     prtt_rt_val_id,
1256                     decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id,
1257                     cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id,
1258                     actl_prem_id,
1259                     comp_lvl_fctr_id,
1260                     ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id,
1261                     clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id,
1262                     business_group_id,
1263                     ecr_attribute_category,
1264                     ecr_attribute1,
1265                     ecr_attribute2,
1266                     ecr_attribute3,
1267                     ecr_attribute4,
1268                     ecr_attribute5,
1269                     ecr_attribute6,
1270                     ecr_attribute7,
1271                     ecr_attribute8,
1272                     ecr_attribute9,
1273                     ecr_attribute10,
1274                     ecr_attribute11,
1275                     ecr_attribute12,
1276                     ecr_attribute13,
1277                     ecr_attribute14,
1278                     ecr_attribute15,
1279                     ecr_attribute16,
1280                     ecr_attribute17,
1281                     ecr_attribute18,
1282                     ecr_attribute19,
1283                     ecr_attribute20,
1284                     ecr_attribute21,
1285                     ecr_attribute22,
1286                     ecr_attribute23,
1287                     ecr_attribute24,
1288                     ecr_attribute25,
1289                     ecr_attribute26,
1290                     ecr_attribute27,
1291                     ecr_attribute28,
1292                     ecr_attribute29,
1293                     ecr_attribute30,
1294                     last_update_login,
1295                     created_by,
1296                     creation_date,
1297                     last_updated_by,
1298                     last_update_date,
1299                     request_id,
1300                     program_application_id,
1301                     program_id,
1302                     program_update_date,
1303                     object_version_number,
1304                     pp_in_yr_used_num,
1305                     ordr_num,
1306                     iss_val)
1307            VALUES(
1308              ben_enrt_rt_s.nextval,
1309              l_acty_typ_cd(i),
1310              l_tx_typ_cd(i),
1311              p_ctfn_rqd_flag,
1312              p_dflt_flag,
1313              l_no,
1314              l_dsply_on_enrt_flag(i),
1315              l_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag(i),
1316              l_entr_val_at_enrt_flag(i),
1317              p_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(i),
1318              l_no,
1319              l_dflt_val(i),
1320              l_ann_val(i),
1321              l_ann_mn_elcn_val(i),
1322              l_ann_mx_elcn_val(i),
1323              l_val(i),
1324              l_nnmntry_uom(i),
1325              l_mx_elcn_val(i),
1326              l_mn_elcn_val(i),
1327              l_incrmt_elcn_val(i),
1328              l_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd(i),
1329              l_cmcd_mn_elcn_val(i),
1330              l_cmcd_mx_elcn_val(i),
1331              l_cmcd_val(i),
1332              l_cmcd_val(i) , --7154229
1333              l_rt_usg_cd(i),
1334              l_ann_dflt_val(i),
1335              l_bnft_rt_typ_cd(i),
1336              l_rt_mlt_cd(i),
1337              l_dsply_mn_elcn_val(i),
1338              l_dsply_mx_elcn_val(i),
1339              l_entr_ann_val_flag(i),
1340              l_rt_strt_dt(i),
1341              l_rt_strt_dt_cd(i),
1342              l_rt_strt_dt_rl(i),
1343              l_rt_typ_cd(i),
1344              l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id1,
1345              p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
1346              l_number_null,
1347              p_enrt_bnft_id,
1348              l_prtt_rt_val_id(i),
1349              l_decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id(i),
1350              l_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id(i),
1351              l_actl_prem_id(i),
1352              l_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1353              l_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1354              l_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1355              p_business_group_id,
1356              l_varchar2_null,
1357              l_varchar2_null,
1358              l_varchar2_null,
1359              l_varchar2_null,
1360              l_varchar2_null,
1361              l_varchar2_null,
1362              l_varchar2_null,
1363              l_varchar2_null,
1364              l_varchar2_null,
1365              l_varchar2_null,
1366              l_varchar2_null,
1367              l_varchar2_null,
1368              l_varchar2_null,
1369              l_varchar2_null,
1370              l_varchar2_null,
1371              l_varchar2_null,
1372              l_varchar2_null,
1373              l_varchar2_null,
1374              l_varchar2_null,
1375              l_varchar2_null,
1376              l_varchar2_null,
1377              l_varchar2_null,
1378              l_varchar2_null,
1379              l_varchar2_null,
1380              l_varchar2_null,
1381              l_varchar2_null,
1382              l_varchar2_null,
1383              l_varchar2_null,
1384              l_varchar2_null,
1385              l_varchar2_null,
1386              l_varchar2_null,
1387              l_last_update_login,
1388              l_created_by,
1389              l_creation_date,
1390              l_last_updated_by,
1391              l_last_update_date,
1392              l_request_id,
1393              l_program_application_id,
1394              l_program_id,
1395              l_program_update_date,
1396              l_object_version_number,
1397              l_pp_in_yr_used_num(i),
1398              l_ordr_num(i),
1399              l_iss_val(i))
1400              returning enrt_rt_id into l_enrt_rt_id_tab(i) ;        /* Bug 4230502 */
1401              --
1402           end if;
1403           --
1404         end loop;
1405         --
1406       else
1407        --
1408        FORALL i IN p_acty_base_rt_id_table.FIRST .. p_acty_base_rt_id_table.LAST
1409         INSERT INTO ben_enrt_rt
1410                   (
1411                     enrt_rt_id,
1412                     acty_typ_cd,
1413                     tx_typ_cd,
1414                     ctfn_rqd_flag,
1415                     dflt_flag,
1416                     dflt_pndg_ctfn_flag,
1417                     dsply_on_enrt_flag,
1418                     use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag,
1419                     entr_val_at_enrt_flag,
1420                     asn_on_enrt_flag,
1421                     rl_crs_only_flag,
1422                     dflt_val,
1423                     ann_val,
1424                     ann_mn_elcn_val,
1425                     ann_mx_elcn_val,
1426                     val,
1427                     nnmntry_uom,
1428                     mx_elcn_val,
1429                     mn_elcn_val,
1430                     incrmt_elcn_val,
1431                     cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd,
1432                     cmcd_mn_elcn_val,
1433                     cmcd_mx_elcn_val,
1434                     cmcd_val,
1435                     cmcd_dflt_val,
1436                     rt_usg_cd,
1437                     ann_dflt_val,
1438                     bnft_rt_typ_cd,
1439                     rt_mlt_cd,
1440                     dsply_mn_elcn_val,
1441                     dsply_mx_elcn_val,
1442                     entr_ann_val_flag,
1443                     rt_strt_dt,
1444                     rt_strt_dt_cd,
1445                     rt_strt_dt_rl,
1446                     rt_typ_cd,
1447                     elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
1448                     acty_base_rt_id,
1449                     spcl_rt_enrt_rt_id,
1450                     enrt_bnft_id,
1451                     prtt_rt_val_id,
1452                     decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id,
1453                     cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id,
1454                     actl_prem_id,
1455                     comp_lvl_fctr_id,
1456                     ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id,
1457                     clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id,
1458                     business_group_id,
1459                     ecr_attribute_category,
1460                     ecr_attribute1,
1461                     ecr_attribute2,
1462                     ecr_attribute3,
1463                     ecr_attribute4,
1464                     ecr_attribute5,
1465                     ecr_attribute6,
1466                     ecr_attribute7,
1467                     ecr_attribute8,
1468                     ecr_attribute9,
1469                     ecr_attribute10,
1470                     ecr_attribute11,
1471                     ecr_attribute12,
1472                     ecr_attribute13,
1473                     ecr_attribute14,
1474                     ecr_attribute15,
1475                     ecr_attribute16,
1476                     ecr_attribute17,
1477                     ecr_attribute18,
1478                     ecr_attribute19,
1479                     ecr_attribute20,
1480                     ecr_attribute21,
1481                     ecr_attribute22,
1482                     ecr_attribute23,
1483                     ecr_attribute24,
1484                     ecr_attribute25,
1485                     ecr_attribute26,
1486                     ecr_attribute27,
1487                     ecr_attribute28,
1488                     ecr_attribute29,
1489                     ecr_attribute30,
1490                     last_update_login,
1491                     created_by,
1492                     creation_date,
1493                     last_updated_by,
1494                     last_update_date,
1495                     request_id,
1496                     program_application_id,
1497                     program_id,
1498                     program_update_date,
1499                     object_version_number,
1500                     pp_in_yr_used_num,
1501                     ordr_num,
1502                     iss_val)
1503            VALUES(
1504              ben_enrt_rt_s.nextval,
1505              l_acty_typ_cd(i),
1506              l_tx_typ_cd(i),
1507              p_ctfn_rqd_flag,
1508              p_dflt_flag,
1509              l_no,
1510              l_dsply_on_enrt_flag(i),
1511              l_use_to_calc_net_flx_cr_flag(i),
1512              l_entr_val_at_enrt_flag(i),
1513              p_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(i),
1514              l_no,
1515              l_dflt_val(i),
1516              l_ann_val(i),
1517              l_ann_mn_elcn_val(i),
1518              l_ann_mx_elcn_val(i),
1519              l_val(i),
1520              l_nnmntry_uom(i),
1521              l_mx_elcn_val(i),
1522              l_mn_elcn_val(i),
1523              l_incrmt_elcn_val(i),
1524              l_cmcd_acty_ref_perd_cd(i),
1525              l_cmcd_mn_elcn_val(i),
1526              l_cmcd_mx_elcn_val(i),
1527              l_cmcd_val(i),
1528              l_cmcd_val(i) , --7154229
1529              l_rt_usg_cd(i),
1530              l_ann_dflt_val(i),
1531              l_bnft_rt_typ_cd(i),
1532              l_rt_mlt_cd(i),
1533              l_dsply_mn_elcn_val(i),
1534              l_dsply_mx_elcn_val(i),
1535              l_entr_ann_val_flag(i),
1536              l_rt_strt_dt(i),
1537              l_rt_strt_dt_cd(i),
1538              l_rt_strt_dt_rl(i),
1539              l_rt_typ_cd(i),
1540              l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id1,
1541              p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
1542              l_number_null,
1543              p_enrt_bnft_id,
1544              l_prtt_rt_val_id(i),
1545              l_decr_bnft_prvdr_pool_id(i),
1546              l_cvg_amt_calc_mthd_id(i),
1547              l_actl_prem_id(i),
1548              l_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1549              l_ptd_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1550              l_clm_comp_lvl_fctr_id(i),
1551              p_business_group_id,
1552              l_varchar2_null,
1553              l_varchar2_null,
1554              l_varchar2_null,
1555              l_varchar2_null,
1556              l_varchar2_null,
1557              l_varchar2_null,
1558              l_varchar2_null,
1559              l_varchar2_null,
1560              l_varchar2_null,
1561              l_varchar2_null,
1562              l_varchar2_null,
1563              l_varchar2_null,
1564              l_varchar2_null,
1565              l_varchar2_null,
1566              l_varchar2_null,
1567              l_varchar2_null,
1568              l_varchar2_null,
1569              l_varchar2_null,
1570              l_varchar2_null,
1571              l_varchar2_null,
1572              l_varchar2_null,
1573              l_varchar2_null,
1574              l_varchar2_null,
1575              l_varchar2_null,
1576              l_varchar2_null,
1577              l_varchar2_null,
1578              l_varchar2_null,
1579              l_varchar2_null,
1580              l_varchar2_null,
1581              l_varchar2_null,
1582              l_varchar2_null,
1583              l_last_update_login,
1584              l_created_by,
1585              l_creation_date,
1586              l_last_updated_by,
1587              l_last_update_date,
1588              l_request_id,
1589              l_program_application_id,
1590              l_program_id,
1591              l_program_update_date,
1592              l_object_version_number,
1593              l_pp_in_yr_used_num(i),
1594              l_ordr_num(i),
1595              l_iss_val(i))
1596              returning enrt_rt_id BULK COLLECT into l_enrt_rt_id_tab ;
1597          end if;
1598          --
1599     end if;
1601     --
1602     if g_debug then
1603       hr_utility.set_location('after Insert  ' , 5);
1604     end if;
1606     -- 2897152  when the date mult code is NSVU and rate does not have any
1607     -- values then no rate will be created . so the
1608     -- rows are deleted here
1609     -- we could not find way to stop the insert without changing bulk insert
1610     -- for the above condition
1611     -- so the row are deleted after insert
1613     -- Bug 4693040 : In CWB mode as no rates are written no need to delete data.
1614     -- Also rate certifications are not relevant for cwb mode.
1615     --
1616     if nvl(p_mode, 'X') <> 'W'  then
1617       --
1618       if l_nsuv_lst.COUNT > 0 then
1620        if g_debug then
1621           hr_utility.set_location(' COUNT ' || l_nsuv_lst.COUNT , 99 );
1622           hr_utility.set_location(' Deleting '  , 99 );
1623        end if;
1624        for i in l_nsuv_lst.FIRST  .. l_nsuv_lst.LAST  Loop
1625           l_nsuv_num := l_nsuv_lst(i) ;
1626           if   p_acty_base_rt_id_table.EXISTS(l_nsuv_num)
1627              and l_rt_mlt_cd(l_nsuv_num) = 'NSVU'
1628              and l_val(l_nsuv_num)  is null then
1629                if g_debug then
1630                  hr_utility.set_location(' enrt rt_id  '||l_enrt_rt_id_tab(l_nsuv_num)  , 99 );
1631                end if ;
1633                Delete from Ben_enrt_rt
1634                where val is null
1635                  and rt_mlt_cd          = l_rt_mlt_cd(l_nsuv_num)
1636                  and acty_base_rt_id    = p_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_nsuv_num)
1637                  and business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
1638                  and enrt_rt_id         = l_enrt_rt_id_tab(l_nsuv_num)  ;
1639           end if ;
1640        End Loop ;
1642       end if ;
1643       --
1645       -- LGE : Now create the rate certifications.
1646       --
1647       FOR i IN p_acty_base_rt_id_table.FIRST .. p_acty_base_rt_id_table.LAST loop
1648        --
1649        if l_rt_mlt_cd(i)= 'NSVU' and l_val(i) is null then
1650           --- Do nothing
1651           null ;
1652        else
1654           if p_enrt_bnft_id is not null then
1655             --
1656               for l_enrt_ctfn in c_enrt_ctfn_bnft(p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
1657                                              p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id)
1658               loop
1659                   -- bug#4126093
1660                   open c_enrt_ctfn_exists (l_enrt_ctfn.enrt_rt_id,l_enrt_ctfn.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd);
1661                   fetch c_enrt_ctfn_exists into l_dummy;
1662                   if c_enrt_ctfn_exists%notfound then
1663                     ben_enrt_rt_ctfn_api.create_enrt_rt_ctfn
1664                        (p_validate                  => false
1665                        ,p_enrt_rt_ctfn_id           => l_enrt_rt_ctfn_id
1666                        ,p_enrt_ctfn_typ_cd          => l_enrt_ctfn.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd
1667                        ,p_rqd_flag                  => l_enrt_ctfn.rqd_flag
1668                        ,p_enrt_rt_id                => l_enrt_ctfn.enrt_rt_id
1669                        ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
1670                        ,p_request_id                => l_request_id
1671                        ,p_program_application_id    => l_program_application_id
1672                        ,p_program_id                => l_program_id
1673                        ,p_program_update_date       => l_program_update_date
1674                        ,p_object_version_number     => l_object_version_number
1675                        ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
1676                        ) ;
1677                   end if;
1678                   close c_enrt_ctfn_exists;
1679                   --
1680                end loop;
1681           else
1682              --
1683               for l_enrt_ctfn in c_enrt_ctfn_rt(p_acty_base_rt_id_table(i),
1684                                              p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id)
1685               loop
1686                   --
1687                   open c_enrt_ctfn_exists (l_enrt_ctfn.enrt_rt_id,l_enrt_ctfn.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd);
1688                   fetch c_enrt_ctfn_exists into l_dummy;
1689                   if c_enrt_ctfn_exists%notfound then
1690                     ben_enrt_rt_ctfn_api.create_enrt_rt_ctfn
1691                        (p_validate                  => false
1692                        ,p_enrt_rt_ctfn_id           => l_enrt_rt_ctfn_id
1693                        ,p_enrt_ctfn_typ_cd          => l_enrt_ctfn.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd
1694                        ,p_rqd_flag                  => l_enrt_ctfn.rqd_flag
1695                        ,p_enrt_rt_id                => l_enrt_ctfn.enrt_rt_id
1696                        ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
1697                        ,p_request_id                => l_request_id
1698                        ,p_program_application_id    => l_program_application_id
1699                        ,p_program_id                => l_program_id
1700                        ,p_program_update_date       => l_program_update_date
1701                        ,p_object_version_number     => l_object_version_number
1702                        ,p_effective_date            => p_effective_date
1703                        ) ;
1704                   end if;
1705                   close c_enrt_ctfn_exists;
1706                  --
1707                end loop;
1708                --
1709           end if;
1710        end if ;
1711       End loop ;
1712     end if;
1713     --
1714     if g_debug then
1715       hr_utility.set_location('Leaving ' || l_package, 10);
1716     end if;
1717     --
1718   END ben_rates;
1719   --
1720   PROCEDURE main(
1721     p_effective_date IN DATE,
1722     p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt IN DATE,
1723     p_person_id      IN NUMBER,
1724 --  added per_in_ler_id parameter for unrestricted enhancement
1725     p_per_in_ler_id  in number,
1726     p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id IN number default null ,
1727     p_mode                   in varchar2 default null) IS
1728     --
1729     l_package                VARCHAR2(80)                := g_package ||
1730                                                               '.main';
1731     --
1732     l_pep_row                ben_derive_part_and_rate_facts.g_cache_structure;
1733     l_epo_row                ben_derive_part_and_rate_facts.g_cache_structure;
1734     --
1735     l_currepe_set            ben_epe_cache.g_pilepe_inst_tbl;
1736     --
1737     l_currepe_row            ben_epe_cache.g_pilepe_inst_row;
1738     --
1739 /*
1740     l_currepe_row            ben_determine_rates.g_curr_epe_rec;
1741 */
1742     l_per_row                per_all_people_f%ROWTYPE;
1743     l_asg_row                per_all_assignments_f%ROWTYPE;
1744     l_ast_row                per_assignment_status_types%ROWTYPE;
1745     l_adr_row                per_addresses%ROWTYPE;
1746     --
1747     l_pl_id                  NUMBER;
1748     l_pgm_id                 NUMBER;
1749     l_oipl_id                NUMBER;
1750     l_oiplip_id              NUMBER;
1751     l_plip_id                NUMBER;
1752     l_ptip_id                NUMBER;
1753     l_cmbn_plip_id           NUMBER;
1754     l_cmbn_ptip_id           NUMBER;
1755     l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id       NUMBER;
1756     l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id NUMBER;
1757     l_lwr_lvl_rt_exist       BOOLEAN                                   := FALSE;
1758     --START ENH
1759     l_opt_id                 NUMBER;
1760     --END ENH
1761     --
1762     l_dummy_num             number;
1763     l_dummy_char            varchar2(30);
1764     l_dummy_date            date;
1765     l_rt_strt_dt            date;
1766     l_rt_strt_dt_cd         varchar2(30);
1767     l_rt_strt_dt_rl         number;
1769     CURSOR c_epe IS
1770       SELECT   epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
1771                epe.comp_lvl_cd,
1772                epe.oipl_id,
1773                epe.pl_id,
1774                epe.pgm_id,
1775                epe.plip_id,
1776                epe.oiplip_id,
1777                epe.ptip_id,
1778                epe.pl_typ_id,
1779                epe.cmbn_plip_id,
1780                epe.cmbn_ptip_id,
1781                epe.cmbn_ptip_opt_id,
1782                epe.business_group_id,
1783                epe.dflt_flag,
1784                epe.ctfn_rqd_flag,
1785                enb.enrt_bnft_id,
1786                epe.per_in_ler_id,
1787                epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
1788                epe.enrt_cvg_strt_dt,
1789                epe.enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd,
1790                epe.enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl,
1791                epe.yr_perd_id,
1792                pel.enrt_perd_strt_dt,
1793                pel.enrt_perd_id,
1794                pel.lee_rsn_id,
1795                pel.acty_ref_perd_cd,
1796                pil.ler_id,
1797                pil.person_id
1798       FROM     ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
1799                ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel,
1800                ben_enrt_bnft enb,
1801                ben_per_in_ler pil
1802       WHERE    epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id (+)
1803       AND      epe.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
1804       AND      epe.per_in_ler_id = pel.per_in_ler_id
1805       AND      epe.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id = pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id
1806    --   AND      pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
1807    -- added for unrestricted enhancement
1808       and      pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
1809       AND      pil.person_id = p_person_id
1810   -- Override Enrollment Changes
1811       AND      nvl(epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,-1) = nvl(p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,-1);
1812   -- Override Enrollment Changes
1813     --
1814     CURSOR c_abr_oiplip(
1815       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1816       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1817                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1818       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1819       WHERE    abr.oiplip_id = l_oiplip_id
1820       AND      abr.rt_usg_cd <> 'FLXCR'
1821       AND      abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1822       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1823                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1824       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1825     CURSOR c_abr_oipl(
1826       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1827       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1828                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1829       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1830       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1831       AND      abr.oipl_id = l_oipl_id
1832       AND      abr.rt_usg_cd <> 'FLXCR'
1833       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1834                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1835       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1836     --START ENH
1837     CURSOR c_abr_opt(
1838       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1839       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1840                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1841       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1842       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1843       AND      abr.opt_id = l_opt_id
1844       AND      abr.rt_usg_cd <> 'FLXCR'
1845       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1846                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1847       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1848     --END ENH
1849     CURSOR c_abr_plip(
1850       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1851       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1852                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1853       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1854       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1855       AND      abr.plip_id = l_plip_id
1856       AND      abr.rt_usg_cd <> 'FLXCR'
1857       AND      abr.cmbn_plip_id IS NULL
1858       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1859                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1860       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1861     CURSOR c_abr_pl(
1862       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1863       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1864                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1865       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1866       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1867       AND      abr.pl_id = l_pl_id
1868       AND      abr.rt_usg_cd <> 'FLXCR'
1869       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1870                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1871       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1872     CURSOR c_abr_pgm(
1873       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1874       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1875                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1876       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1877       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1878       AND      abr.pgm_id = l_pgm_id
1879       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1880                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1881       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1882     CURSOR c_abr_ptip(
1883       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1884       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1885                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1886       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1887       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1888       AND      abr.ptip_id = l_ptip_id
1889       AND      abr.cmbn_ptip_id IS NULL
1890       AND      abr.cmbn_ptip_opt_id IS NULL
1891       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1892                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1893       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1894     CURSOR c_abr_cmbn_ptip(
1895       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1896       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1897                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1898       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1899       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1900       AND      abr.cmbn_ptip_id = l_cmbn_ptip_id
1901       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1902                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1903       AND      abr.cmbn_ptip_opt_id IS NULL
1904       AND      abr.ptip_id IS NULL
1905       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1906     CURSOR c_abr_flx_plip(
1907       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1908       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1909                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1910       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1911       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1912       AND      abr.plip_id = l_plip_id
1913       AND      abr.rt_usg_cd = 'FLXCR'
1914       AND      abr.cmbn_plip_id IS NULL
1915       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1916                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1917       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1918     CURSOR c_abr_cmbn_plip(
1919       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1920       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1921                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1922       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1923       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1924       AND      abr.cmbn_plip_id = l_cmbn_plip_id
1925       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1926                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1927       AND      abr.plip_id IS NULL
1928       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1929     CURSOR c_abr_flx_oiplip(
1930       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1931       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1932                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1933       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1934       WHERE    abr.oiplip_id = l_oiplip_id
1935       AND      abr.rt_usg_cd = 'FLXCR'
1936       AND      abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1937       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1938                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1939       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1940     CURSOR c_abr_cmbn_ptip_opt(
1941       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1942       SELECT   abr.acty_base_rt_id,
1943                abr.asn_on_enrt_flag
1944       FROM     ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
1945       WHERE    abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
1946       AND      abr.cmbn_ptip_opt_id = l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id
1947       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN abr.effective_start_date
1948                    AND abr.effective_end_date
1949       AND      abr.ptip_id IS NULL
1950       AND      abr.cmbn_ptip_id IS NULL
1951       ORDER BY abr_seq_num;
1952     CURSOR c_current_plnippepelig(
1953       c_person_id      NUMBER,
1954       c_pl_id          NUMBER,
1955       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1956       SELECT   ep.prtn_strt_dt,
1957                ep.prtn_ovridn_flag,
1958                ep.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt,
1959                ep.rt_age_val,
1960                ep.rt_los_val,
1961                ep.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
1962                ep.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val
1963       FROM     ben_elig_per_f ep, ben_per_in_ler pil
1964       WHERE    ep.person_id = c_person_id
1965       AND      ep.pgm_id IS NULL
1966       AND      ep.pl_id = c_pl_id
1967       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN ep.effective_start_date
1968                    AND ep.effective_end_date
1969       AND      pil.per_in_ler_id (+) = ep.per_in_ler_id
1970       AND      (
1971                     pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd NOT IN ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
1972                  OR pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd IS NULL);
1973     CURSOR c_current_plnipepoelig(
1974       c_person_id      NUMBER,
1975       c_pl_id          NUMBER,
1976       c_opt_id         NUMBER,
1977       c_effective_date DATE) IS
1978       SELECT   epo.prtn_strt_dt,
1979                epo.prtn_ovridn_flag,
1980                epo.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt,
1981                epo.rt_age_val,
1982                epo.rt_los_val,
1983                epo.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
1984                epo.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val
1985       FROM     ben_elig_per_f ep, ben_elig_per_opt_f epo, ben_per_in_ler pil
1986       WHERE    ep.person_id = c_person_id
1987       AND      ep.pgm_id IS NULL
1988       AND      ep.pl_id = c_pl_id
1989       AND      epo.opt_id = c_opt_id
1990       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN ep.effective_start_date
1991                    AND ep.effective_end_date
1992       AND      ep.elig_per_id = epo.elig_per_id
1993       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN epo.effective_start_date
1994                    AND epo.effective_end_date
1995       AND      pil.per_in_ler_id (+) = ep.per_in_ler_id
1996       AND      (
1997                     pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd NOT IN ('VOIDD', 'BCKDT')
1998                  OR pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd IS NULL);
1999     --
2000     CURSOR c_opt(
2001       c_effective_date DATE,
2002       c_oipl_id        NUMBER) IS
2003       SELECT   oipl.opt_id
2004       FROM     ben_oipl_f oipl
2005       WHERE    oipl.oipl_id = c_oipl_id
2006       AND      c_effective_date BETWEEN oipl.effective_start_date
2007                    AND oipl.effective_end_date;
2008     --
2009     l_effective_date         DATE;
2010     --
2011     l_acty_base_rt_id_table  ben_determine_rates.g_acty_base_rt_id_table;
2012     l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table ben_determine_rates.g_asn_on_enrt_flag_table;
2013     --
2014     l_asg_benass_row    per_all_assignments_f%ROWTYPE;
2015   --
2016   -----Bug 8394662
2017   cursor c_get_rate(p_pgm_id number,
2018                     p_pl_id number,
2019 		    p_opt_id number,
2020 		    p_business_group_id number) is
2021   SELECT *
2022   FROM ben_acty_base_rt_f abr
2023  WHERE abr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
2024    AND Nvl(abr.context_pgm_id,-1) = Nvl(p_pgm_id,-1)
2025    AND Nvl(abr.context_pl_id,-1) = Nvl(p_pl_id,-1)
2026    AND Nvl(abr.context_opt_id,-1) = Nvl(p_opt_id,-1);
2028   l_get_rate  c_get_rate%rowtype;
2029   -------Bug 8394662
2030   BEGIN
2031     g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
2032     if g_debug then
2033       hr_utility.set_location('Entering ' || l_package, 10);
2034     end if;
2035     IF (p_effective_date IS NULL) THEN
2036       if g_debug then
2037         hr_utility.set_location('BEN_91552_BENRATES_INPT_EFFDT', 10);
2038       end if;
2039       fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_91552_BENRATES_INPT_EFFDT');
2040       fnd_message.set_token('PACKAGE', l_package);
2041       fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_ID', p_person_id);
2042       fnd_message.set_token('LF_EVT_OCRD_DT', p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt);
2043       fnd_message.raise_error;
2044     END IF;
2045     --
2046     l_effective_date  := NVL(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, p_effective_date);
2047     --
2048     -- Get person info
2049     --
2050     ben_person_object.get_object(
2051       p_person_id => p_person_id,
2052       p_rec       => l_per_row);
2053     --
2054     ben_person_object.get_object(
2055       p_person_id => p_person_id,
2056       p_rec       => l_asg_row);
2057     --
2058     IF l_asg_row.assignment_status_type_id IS NOT NULL THEN
2059       --
2060       ben_person_object.get_object(
2061         p_assignment_status_type_id => l_asg_row.assignment_status_type_id,
2062         p_rec                       => l_ast_row);
2063     --
2064     END IF;
2065     --
2066     ben_person_object.get_object(
2067       p_person_id => p_person_id,
2068       p_rec       => l_adr_row);
2069     --
2070     -- added a parameter per_in_ler_id for unrestricted enhancement
2071     --
2072     -- Bug 2200139 Override Enrollment changes if the p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2073     -- is not null let us call only the record not the table from
2074     -- the cache.
2075     if p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is null then
2076       --
2077       ben_epe_cache.get_perpilepe_list
2078         (p_person_id => p_person_id
2079          ,p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id
2080         --
2081         ,p_inst_set  => l_currepe_set
2082         );
2083     else
2084       -- Override Case
2085       ben_epe_cache.epe_getepedets
2086         (p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id  => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2087         ,p_per_in_ler_id           => p_per_in_ler_id
2088         ,p_inst_row                => l_currepe_row
2089         );
2090       -- hr_utility.set_location('EPE '||l_currepe_row.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,45);
2091       -- hr_utility.set_location(' comp_lvl_cd '||l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd ,45);
2092       --
2093       -- l_currepe_set(1) := l_currepe_row ;
2094       --
2095     end if;
2096     --
2097     -- Clear epe context row
2098     --
2099     ben_epe_cache.init_context_pileperow;
2100     --
2101 /*
2102     ben_distribute_rates.clear_down_cache;
2103     --
2104 */
2105     -- Bug 2200139 Override Enrollment changes
2106     if p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id is not null then
2107       --
2108       l_currepe_set(1) := l_currepe_row ;
2109       --
2110     end if;
2111     -- Bug 2200139 Override Enrollment changes
2112     if l_currepe_set.count > 0 then
2113       --
2114       for epe_elenum in l_currepe_set.first..l_currepe_set.last loop
2115         --
2116         if g_debug then
2117           hr_utility.set_location('St EPE loop ' || l_package, 10);
2118         end if;
2119         --
2120         l_currepe_row := l_currepe_set(epe_elenum);
2121         --
2122         -- Bug 1895846
2123         --
2124       if nvl(l_currepe_row.in_pndg_wkflow_flag,'N') = 'N' then
2125         --
2126         l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id              := l_currepe_row.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id;
2127         --
2128         l_pgm_id                              := l_currepe_row.pgm_id;
2129         l_ptip_id                             := l_currepe_row.ptip_id;
2130         l_plip_id                             := l_currepe_row.plip_id;
2131         l_pl_id                               := l_currepe_row.pl_id;
2132         l_oipl_id                             := l_currepe_row.oipl_id;
2133         l_oiplip_id                           := l_currepe_row.oiplip_id;
2134         l_lwr_lvl_rt_exist                    := TRUE;
2135         -- start with it 'on' for all comp-lvl-cds
2136         l_cmbn_plip_id                        := l_currepe_row.cmbn_plip_id;
2137         l_cmbn_ptip_id                        := l_currepe_row.cmbn_ptip_id;
2138         l_cmbn_ptip_opt_id                    := l_currepe_row.cmbn_ptip_opt_id;
2139         --
2140         -- Get opt id for the oipl
2141         --
2142         IF l_currepe_row.oipl_id IS NOT NULL THEN
2143           --
2144           OPEN c_opt(
2145             c_effective_date => l_effective_date,
2146             c_oipl_id        => l_currepe_row.oipl_id);
2147           FETCH c_opt INTO l_currepe_row.opt_id;
2148           CLOSE c_opt;
2149         --
2150         END IF;
2151         --
2152         -- Get eligibility prtn start date for the comp object
2153         --
2154         -- Check for oipl eligibility for plan in and not in a program
2155         --
2156         -- Note: split into multiple cursors for performance reasons rather
2157         --       than a union statement
2158         --
2159         IF l_currepe_row.opt_id IS NOT NULL THEN
2160           --START ENH
2161           l_opt_id := l_currepe_row.opt_id;
2162           --END ENH
2163           --
2164           IF l_currepe_row.pgm_id IS NOT NULL THEN
2165             --
2166             -- Get the cached elig per opt info
2167             --
2168             if g_debug then
2169               hr_utility.set_location('PILEPO cache ' || l_package, 10);
2170             end if;
2171             ben_pep_cache.get_pilepo_dets(
2172               p_person_id         => p_person_id,
2173               p_business_group_id => l_currepe_row.business_group_id,
2174               p_effective_date    => p_effective_date,
2175               p_pgm_id            => l_currepe_row.pgm_id,
2176               p_pl_id             => l_currepe_row.pl_id,
2177               p_opt_id            => l_currepe_row.opt_id,
2178               p_inst_row          => l_epo_row);
2179             if g_debug then
2180               hr_utility.set_location('Dn PILEPO cache ' || l_package, 10);
2181             end if;
2182             --
2183             l_currepe_row.prtn_strt_dt          := l_epo_row.prtn_strt_dt;
2184             l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_flag      := l_epo_row.prtn_ovridn_flag;
2185             l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt   := l_epo_row.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt;
2186             l_currepe_row.rt_age_val            := l_epo_row.rt_age_val;
2187             l_currepe_row.rt_los_val            := l_epo_row.rt_los_val;
2188             l_currepe_row.rt_hrs_wkd_val        := l_epo_row.rt_hrs_wkd_val;
2189             l_currepe_row.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val := l_epo_row.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val;
2191           --
2192           ELSE
2193             --
2194             OPEN c_current_plnipepoelig(
2195               c_person_id      => p_person_id,
2196               c_pl_id          => l_currepe_row.pl_id,
2197               c_opt_id         => l_currepe_row.opt_id,
2198               c_effective_date => l_effective_date);
2199             FETCH c_current_plnipepoelig INTO l_currepe_row.prtn_strt_dt,
2200                                               l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_flag,
2201                                               l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt,
2202                                               l_currepe_row.rt_age_val,
2203                                               l_currepe_row.rt_los_val,
2204                                               l_currepe_row.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
2205                                               l_currepe_row.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val;
2206             if g_debug then
2207               hr_utility.set_location('plan,opt,rt'||l_currepe_row.pl_id||l_currepe_row.opt_id||l_currepe_row.rt_los_val, 111);
2208             end if;
2210             CLOSE c_current_plnipepoelig;
2211           --
2212           END IF;
2213         --
2214         ELSE
2215           --
2216           IF l_currepe_row.pgm_id IS NOT NULL THEN
2217             --
2218             -- Get the cached elig per info
2219             --
2220             if g_debug then
2221               hr_utility.set_location('PILPEP cache ' || l_package, 10);
2222             end if;
2223             ben_pep_cache.get_pilpep_dets(
2224               p_person_id         => p_person_id,
2225               p_business_group_id => l_currepe_row.business_group_id,
2226               p_effective_date    => p_effective_date,
2227               p_pgm_id            => l_currepe_row.pgm_id,
2228               p_pl_id             => l_currepe_row.pl_id,
2229               p_inst_row          => l_pep_row);
2230             if g_debug then
2231               hr_utility.set_location('Dn PILPEP cache ' || l_package, 10);
2232             end if;
2233             --
2234             l_currepe_row.prtn_strt_dt          := l_pep_row.prtn_strt_dt;
2235             l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_flag      := l_pep_row.prtn_ovridn_flag;
2236             l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt   := l_pep_row.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt;
2237             l_currepe_row.rt_age_val            := l_pep_row.rt_age_val;
2238             l_currepe_row.rt_los_val            := l_pep_row.rt_los_val;
2239             l_currepe_row.rt_hrs_wkd_val        := l_pep_row.rt_hrs_wkd_val;
2240             l_currepe_row.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val := l_pep_row.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val;
2241           --
2242           ELSE
2243             --
2244             OPEN c_current_plnippepelig(
2245               c_person_id      => p_person_id,
2246               c_pl_id          => l_currepe_row.pl_id,
2247               c_effective_date => l_effective_date);
2248             FETCH c_current_plnippepelig INTO l_currepe_row.prtn_strt_dt,
2249                                               l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_flag,
2250                                               l_currepe_row.prtn_ovridn_thru_dt,
2251                                               l_currepe_row.rt_age_val,
2252                                               l_currepe_row.rt_los_val,
2253                                               l_currepe_row.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
2254                                               l_currepe_row.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val;
2256             CLOSE c_current_plnippepelig;
2257           --
2258           END IF;
2259         --
2260         END IF;
2261         --
2262         g_rec.person_id                       := l_currepe_row.person_id;
2263         g_rec.pgm_id                          := l_currepe_row.pgm_id;
2264         g_rec.pl_id                           := l_currepe_row.pl_id;
2265         g_rec.oipl_id                         := l_currepe_row.oipl_id;
2266         -- reset the collection tables
2267         l_acty_base_rt_id_table.DELETE;
2268         l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.DELETE;
2269         --
2270         -- Set the electable choice context variable
2271         --
2272         ben_epe_cache.g_currepe_row := l_currepe_row;
2274         if l_currepe_row.fonm_cvg_strt_dt is not null then
2275            ben_manage_life_events.fonm := 'Y';
2276            -- assign the FONM CVG date before calling  rate calcaultion
2277            if ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt is null or
2278               ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt <> l_currepe_row.fonm_cvg_strt_dt then
2279                ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt := l_currepe_row.fonm_cvg_strt_dt ;
2280            end if ;
2282            hr_utility.set_location ('fonm cvg '||ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt ,10);
2283         else
2284            ben_manage_life_events.fonm := 'N';
2285            ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_rt_strt_dt := null;
2286            ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt := null;
2287         end if;
2289         hr_utility.set_location ('fonm ?'||ben_manage_life_events.fonm,10);
2291         if ben_manage_life_events.fonm = 'Y' then
2292            hr_utility.set_location ('BDD_RACD '||l_package,10);
2293            hr_utility.set_location ('inside .. '||l_package,10);
2294 	   ---Get the Corresponding Rate ID,Bug 8394662
2295            open c_get_rate(l_currepe_row.pgm_id,l_currepe_row.pl_id,l_currepe_row.opt_id,l_currepe_row.business_group_id);
2296 	   fetch c_get_rate into l_get_rate;
2297 	   close c_get_rate;
2298            ben_determine_date.rate_and_coverage_dates
2299           (p_cache_mode             => TRUE
2300           ,p_par_ptip_id            => l_currepe_row.ptip_id
2301           ,p_par_plip_id            => l_currepe_row.plip_id
2302           ,p_person_id              => l_currepe_row.person_id
2303           ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_currepe_row.per_in_ler_id
2304           ,p_pgm_id                 => l_currepe_row.pgm_id
2305           ,p_pl_id                  => l_currepe_row.pl_id
2306           ,p_oipl_id                => l_currepe_row.oipl_id
2307           ,p_enrt_perd_id           => l_currepe_row.enrt_perd_id
2308           ,p_lee_rsn_id             => l_currepe_row.lee_rsn_id
2309           ,p_which_dates_cd         => 'R'
2310           ,p_date_mandatory_flag    => 'Y'
2311           ,p_compute_dates_flag     => 'Y'
2312           ,p_business_group_id      => l_currepe_row.business_group_id
2313           ,p_acty_base_rt_id        => l_get_rate.acty_base_rt_id ---null --99999 sent as formula context---------Bug 8394662
2314           ,p_effective_date         => l_effective_date
2315           ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         => greatest
2316                           (nvl(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,l_currepe_row.prtn_strt_dt)
2317                           ,nvl(l_currepe_row.prtn_strt_dt,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt))
2318           ,p_rt_strt_dt             => l_rt_strt_dt
2319           ,p_rt_strt_dt_cd          => l_rt_strt_dt_cd
2320           ,p_rt_strt_dt_rl          => l_rt_strt_dt_rl
2321           ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt       => l_dummy_date
2322           ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_cd    => l_dummy_char
2323           ,p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl    => l_dummy_num
2324           ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt        => l_dummy_date
2325           ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_cd     => l_dummy_char
2326           ,p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl     => l_dummy_num
2327           ,p_rt_end_dt              => l_dummy_date
2328           ,p_rt_end_dt_cd           => l_dummy_char
2329           ,p_rt_end_dt_rl           => l_dummy_num
2330           );
2331           hr_utility.set_location ('Dn BDD_RACD '||l_package,10);
2332           --
2333           -- If previous rate start date and current date is different then
2334           -- clear the caches.
2335           --
2336           if nvl(ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_rt_strt_dt, hr_api.g_sot) <>
2337              l_rt_strt_dt
2338           then
2339             --
2340             ben_use_cvg_rt_date.fonm_clear_down_cache;
2341             ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_rt_strt_dt := l_rt_strt_dt;
2342             ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt := l_currepe_row.fonm_cvg_strt_dt;
2343             --
2344             -- Get person info
2345             --
2346             ben_person_object.get_object(
2347               p_person_id => p_person_id,
2348               p_rec       => l_per_row);
2349             --
2350             ben_person_object.get_object(
2351               p_person_id => p_person_id,
2352               p_rec       => l_asg_row);
2353             --
2354             IF l_asg_row.assignment_status_type_id IS NOT NULL THEN
2355               --
2356               ben_person_object.get_object(
2357                 p_assignment_status_type_id => l_asg_row.assignment_status_type_id,
2358                 p_rec                       => l_ast_row);
2359             --
2360             END IF;
2361             --
2362             ben_person_object.get_object(
2363               p_person_id => p_person_id,
2364               p_rec       => l_adr_row);
2365           end if;
2366           --
2367           ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_rt_strt_dt := l_rt_strt_dt;
2368           ben_manage_life_events.g_fonm_cvg_strt_dt := l_currepe_row.fonm_cvg_strt_dt;
2369           l_effective_date := l_rt_strt_dt;
2371         end if;
2373         --
2374         -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
2375         -- note
2376         -- ----
2377         -- the use of the cursor loops has replaced the bulk fetch operation
2378         -- because of a ora-3113 error
2379         -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
2380         IF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd = 'OIPL' THEN
2381           FOR c1 IN c_abr_oiplip(l_effective_date) LOOP
2382             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2383                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2384             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2385                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2386           END LOOP;
2387           IF l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT = 0 THEN
2388             FOR c1 IN c_abr_oipl(l_effective_date) LOOP
2389               l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2390                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2391               l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2392                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2393             END LOOP;
2394           END IF;
2395           --START ENH
2396           IF l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT = 0 THEN
2397             FOR c1 IN c_abr_opt(l_effective_date) LOOP
2398               l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2399                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2400               l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2401                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2402             END LOOP;
2403           END IF;
2404           --END ENH
2405         ELSIF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd IN ('PLAN', 'PLANFC', 'PLANIMP') THEN
2406           FOR c1 IN c_abr_plip(l_effective_date) LOOP
2407             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2408                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2409             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2410                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2411           END LOOP;
2412           IF l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT = 0 THEN
2413             FOR c1 IN c_abr_pl(l_effective_date) LOOP
2414               l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2415                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2416               l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2417                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2418             END LOOP;
2419           END IF;
2420         ELSIF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd = 'PGM' THEN
2421           FOR c1 IN c_abr_pgm(l_effective_date) LOOP
2422             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2423                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2424             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2425                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2426           END LOOP;
2427         ELSIF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd = 'PTIP' THEN
2428           FOR c1 IN c_abr_ptip(l_effective_date) LOOP
2429             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2430                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2431             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2432                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2433           END LOOP;
2434         ELSIF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd = 'CPTIP' THEN
2435           FOR c1 IN c_abr_cmbn_ptip(l_effective_date) LOOP
2436             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2437                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2438             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2439                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2440           END LOOP;
2441         ELSIF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd = 'PLIP' THEN
2442           FOR c1 IN c_abr_flx_plip(l_effective_date) LOOP
2443             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2444                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2445             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2446                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2447           END LOOP;
2448         ELSIF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd = 'CPLIP' THEN
2449           FOR c1 IN c_abr_cmbn_plip(l_effective_date) LOOP
2450             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2451                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2452             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2453                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2454           END LOOP;
2455         ELSIF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd = 'OIPLIP' THEN
2456           FOR c1 IN c_abr_flx_oiplip(l_effective_date) LOOP
2457             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2458                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2459             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2460                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2461           END LOOP;
2462         ELSIF l_currepe_row.comp_lvl_cd = 'CPTIPOPT' THEN
2463           FOR c1 IN c_abr_cmbn_ptip_opt(l_effective_date) LOOP
2464             l_acty_base_rt_id_table(l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT + 1)     :=
2465                                                               c1.acty_base_rt_id;
2466             l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table(l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT + 1)   :=
2467                                                              c1.asn_on_enrt_flag;
2468           END LOOP;
2469         ELSE
2470           if g_debug then
2471             hr_utility.set_location('BEN_91553_BENRATES_UNKN_COMP ', 10);
2472           end if;
2473           fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_91553_BENRATES_UNKN_COMP');
2474           fnd_message.set_token('PACKAGE', l_package);
2475           fnd_message.set_token('PERSON_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.person_id));
2476           fnd_message.set_token(
2477             'ELIG_PER_ELCTBL_CHC_ID',
2478             TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id));
2479           fnd_message.set_token('PGM_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.pgm_id));
2480           fnd_message.set_token('PL_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.pl_id));
2481           fnd_message.set_token('OIPL_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.oipl_id));
2482           fnd_message.set_token('PLIP_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.plip_id));
2483           fnd_message.set_token('PTIP_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.ptip_id));
2484           fnd_message.set_token('OIPLIP_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.oiplip_id));
2485           fnd_message.set_token('CMBN_PLIP_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.cmbn_plip_id));
2486           fnd_message.set_token('CMBN_PTIP_ID', TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.cmbn_ptip_id));
2487           fnd_message.set_token(
2488             'CMBN_PTIP_OPT_ID',
2489             TO_CHAR(l_currepe_row.cmbn_ptip_opt_id));
2490           fnd_message.raise_error;
2491         END IF;
2492         if g_debug then
2493           hr_utility.set_location('Call ben_rates ' || l_package, 10);
2494         end if;
2495         -- call ben_rates providing at least 1 row exists
2496         IF    l_acty_base_rt_id_table.COUNT > 0
2497            OR l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table.COUNT > 0 THEN
2498           --
2499           ben_rates(
2500             p_currepe_row            => l_currepe_row,
2501             p_per_row                => l_per_row,
2502             p_asg_row                => l_asg_row,
2503             p_ast_row                => l_ast_row,
2504             p_adr_row                => l_adr_row,
2505             p_person_id              => l_currepe_row.person_id,
2506             p_pgm_id                 => l_currepe_row.pgm_id,
2507             p_pl_id                  => l_currepe_row.pl_id,
2508             p_oipl_id                => l_currepe_row.oipl_id,
2509             p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
2510             p_enrt_bnft_id           => l_currepe_row.enrt_bnft_id,
2511             p_acty_base_rt_id_table  => l_acty_base_rt_id_table,
2512             p_asn_on_enrt_flag_table => l_asn_on_enrt_flag_table,
2513             p_effective_date         => p_effective_date,
2514             p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt         => p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
2515             p_perform_rounding_flg   => TRUE,
2516             p_business_group_id      => l_currepe_row.business_group_id,
2517             p_dflt_flag              => l_currepe_row.dflt_flag,
2518             p_ctfn_rqd_flag          => l_currepe_row.ctfn_rqd_flag,
2519             p_mode                   => p_mode);
2520           --
2521         ELSE
2522           --
2523           -- GLOBALCWB : even if group plan rates are not defined still need to
2524           -- write the data into person groups table.
2525           --
2526           if nvl(p_mode, 'X') = 'W' then
2527              --
2528              --BUG 5148387 Need to get Benefit Assignment is this is null
2529              IF l_asg_row.assignment_id IS NULL THEN
2530                ben_person_object.get_benass_object(
2531                  p_person_id        => p_person_id,
2532                  p_rec              => l_asg_benass_row
2533                 );
2534              END IF;
2535              --
2536              ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec
2537                  := ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_groups_rec_temp;
2538              ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec
2539                  := ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cwb_person_rates_rec_temp;
2540              ben_manage_cwb_life_events.populate_cwb_rates(
2541                  --
2542                  -- Columns needed for ben_cwb_person_rates
2543                  --
2544                  p_person_id        => p_person_id
2545                 ,p_pl_id            => l_currepe_row.pl_id
2546                 ,p_oipl_id          => l_currepe_row.oipl_id
2547                 ,p_opt_id           => l_currepe_row.opt_id
2548                 ,p_assignment_id    => NVL(l_asg_row.assignment_id,l_asg_benass_row.assignment_id)
2549                 ,p_elig_flag        => null -- 9999 it should come from g_curr_epe_rec
2550                 ,p_inelig_rsn_cd    => null -- 9999 it should come from g_curr_epe_rec          --
2551                 -- Columns needed by BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS
2552                 --
2553                 ,p_due_dt           => null
2554                 ,p_access_cd        => null -- passed inside the poppulate_cwb_rates
2555                 ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
2556                 -- ,p_no_person_rates  => 'Y' -- Only create the group rates.
2557              );
2558              --
2559           end if;
2560           --
2561         END IF;
2562        --
2563        ELSE -- This is for suspended pen or pending workflow epe records
2564         --
2565         if g_debug then
2566           hr_utility.set_location( ' l_currepe_row.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id'||l_currepe_row.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id , 15);
2567           hr_utility.set_location( 'Suspended pen or in_pndg_wkflow_flag is Y ' ,15);
2568           hr_utility.set_location('Leaving ' || l_package, 10);
2569         end if;
2570         --
2571         null ;
2572         --
2573        END IF;
2574        --
2575       END LOOP;
2576       if g_debug then
2577         hr_utility.set_location('Leaving ' || l_package, 10);
2578       end if;
2579       --
2580     end if;
2581     --
2582     -- Clear epe context row
2583     --
2584     ben_epe_cache.init_context_pileperow;
2585     --
2586 /*
2587     ben_distribute_rates.clear_down_cache;
2588     --
2589 */
2590   END main;
2591 --
2592 END ben_determine_rates;