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1 package pay_user_check AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: pyusrchk.pkh 115.0 99/07/17 06:46:05 porting ship $ */
3 --
4 /*
5  Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1993,1994,1995.  All rights reserved
7 /*
9  Name         : pay_user_check
10  Description  : Process for allowing the user to carry out any
11                 additional checks on the uploaded element entries.
12  Author       : S.Toor
13  Date Created : 27-Apr-95
14  $Version$
16  Change List
17  -----------
18  Date        Name            Vers     Bug No   Description
19  +-----------+---------------+--------+--------+-----------------------+
20   27-Apr-1995 S.Toor          1.0               First Created.
21   10-Jul-1997 mfender         110.1             corrected error check
22                                                 condition
23  +-----------+---------------+--------+--------+-----------------------+
24 */
25 --
26  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
27  -- NAME                                                              --
28  -- pay_user_check.validate_header                                        --
29  --                                                                   --
30  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
31  -- Given a batch id it will carry out any additional user defined    --
32  -- checks on the batch header.  Depending upon the outcome of the    --
33  -- checks an appropriate status and if necessary a message will be   --
34  -- returned for the batch header.                                    --
35  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
36 --
37 procedure validate_header
38 (
39 p_batch_id	in	number,
40 p_status	in out	varchar2,
41 p_message	out	varchar2
42 );
43 --
44  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
45  -- NAME                                                              --
46  -- pay_user_check.check_control                                          --
47  --                                                                   --
48  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
49  -- Given a batch id it will carry out any user defined control checks--
50  -- on the batch. Depending upon the outcome of the checks an         --
51  -- appropriate status and if necessary a message will be returned for--
52  -- each type of control check carried out on the batch.              --
53  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
54 --
55 procedure check_control
56 (
57 p_batch_id		in	number,
58 p_control_type		in	varchar2,
59 p_control_total		in	varchar2,
60 p_status		in out	varchar2,
61 p_message		out	varchar2
62 );
63 --
64  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
65  -- NAME                                                              --
66  -- pay_user_check.validate_line                                          --
67  --                                                                   --
68  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
69  -- Given a batch line id it will carry out any additional            --
70  -- user defined checks for each line associated with the batch.      --
71  -- Depending upon the outcome of the checks an appropriate status    --
72  -- and if necessary a message will be returned for each batch line.  --
73  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
74 --
75 procedure validate_line
76 (
77 p_batch_line_id	in	number,
78 p_status	in out	varchar2,
79 p_message	out	varchar2
80 );
81 --
82 end pay_user_check;