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Line 138: from pa_implementations imp,hr_organization_information hr

136: ,'BURDENING',to_number(org_information2))
137: into x_org_version_id
138: from pa_implementations imp,hr_organization_information hr
139: where imp.business_group_id = hr.organization_id
140: and hr.org_information_context = 'Project Burdening Hierarchy';
141: RETURN (x_org_version_id);
142: EXCEPTION when no_data_found then

Line 174: ,hr_organization_information c

170: else
171: select distinct organization_id_parent into x_start_org_id
172: from per_org_structure_elements a
173: ,pa_implementations b
174: ,hr_organization_information c
175: where organization_id_parent not in
176: ( select d.ORGANIZATION_ID_CHILD from per_org_structure_elements d
177: where d.org_structure_version_id = to_number(c.org_information2)
178: )

Line 304: from hr_organization_information info

300: ,'PROJECTS'
301: from per_org_structure_elements se
302: where org_structure_version_id = x_new_proj_org_version_id
303: AND EXISTS (select 'X'
304: from hr_organization_information info
305: where info.organization_id = se.organization_id_child
306: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
307: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
308: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 320: from hr_organization_information info

316: ,x_org_id
317: ,'PROJECTS'
318: from sys.duaL /* Exists clause added for bug#2591146 */
319: where EXISTS (select 'X'
320: from hr_organization_information info
321: where info.organization_id = x_new_proj_start_org_id
322: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
323: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
324: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 372: from hr_organization_information

368: exit when l_child_org_id_var.count = 0;--8915976
369: /*bug6444664
370: begin
371: select 'YES' into proj_org_true
372: from hr_organization_information
373: where organization_id = l_child_org_id
376: and ORG_INFORMATION2 = 'Y';

Line 422: from hr_organization_information

418: and parent_organization_id = l_parent_org_id
419: and child_organization_id = l_child_org_id_var(i)
420: and org_hierarchy_version_id = x_new_proj_org_version_id)
421: AND EXISTS (select 'X'
422: from hr_organization_information
423: where organization_id = l_child_org_id_var(i)
424: and org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
425: and org_information_context = 'CLASS'
426: and org_information2 = 'Y');

Line 454: from hr_organization_information info

451: from per_org_structure_elements se
452: where org_structure_version_id = x_new_exp_org_version_id
453: AND EXISTS (select 'X'
454: from hr_organization_information info
455: where info.organization_id = se.organization_id_child
456: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
457: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
458: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 470: from hr_organization_information info

466: ,x_org_id
468: from sys.duaL /* Exists clause added for bug#2591146 */
469: where EXISTS (select 'X'
470: from hr_organization_information info
471: where info.organization_id = x_new_exp_start_org_id
472: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
473: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
474: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 519: from hr_organization_information

515: exit when l_child_org_id_var.count = 0;--8915976
516: /*
517: begin
518: select 'YES' into exp_org_true
519: from hr_organization_information
520: where organization_id = l_child_org_id
523: and ORG_INFORMATION2 = 'Y';

Line 569: from hr_organization_information

565: and parent_organization_id = l_parent_org_id
566: and child_organization_id = l_child_org_id_var(i)
567: and org_hierarchy_version_id = x_new_exp_org_version_id)
568: AND EXISTS (select 'X'
569: from hr_organization_information
570: where organization_id = l_child_org_id_var(i)
571: and org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
572: and org_information_context = 'CLASS'
573: and org_information2 = 'Y');

Line 1021: from hr_organization_information info

1017: imp_rec.org_id,
1018: 'PROJECTS'
1019: from sys.dual
1020: where exists (select 'x'
1021: from hr_organization_information info
1022: where info.organization_id = x_organization_id_child
1023: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
1024: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1025: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 1042: from hr_organization_information info

1038: where organization_id = x_organization_id_child
1039: and org_id = imp_rec.org_id --MOAC Changes: Bug 4363092: Removed nvl usage with org_id
1040: and pa_org_use_type = 'PROJECTS'
1041: and exists (select 'x' -- EXISTS condition added for bug 2890516
1042: from hr_organization_information info
1043: where info.organization_id = x_organization_id_child
1044: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
1045: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1046: and info.org_information2 = 'Y');

Line 1061: from hr_organization_information info

1057: exit when get_all_orgs%notfound; */
1059: begin
1060: select 'Y' into l_proj_org_true
1061: from hr_organization_information info
1062: where info.organization_id = x_organization_id_child
1063: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
1064: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1065: and info.org_information2 = 'Y';

Line 1167: from hr_organization_information info

1163: imp_rec.org_id,
1165: from sys.dual
1166: where exists (select 'x'
1167: from hr_organization_information info
1168: where info.organization_id = x_organization_id_child
1169: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
1170: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1171: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 1188: from hr_organization_information info

1184: where organization_id =x_organization_id_child
1185: and org_id = imp_rec.org_id --MOAC Changes: Bug 4363092: Removed nvl usage with org_id
1186: and pa_org_use_type = 'EXPENDITURES'
1187: and exists (select 'x' -- EXISTS condition added for bug 2890516
1188: from hr_organization_information info
1189: where info.organization_id = x_organization_id_child
1190: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
1191: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1192: and info.org_information2 = 'Y');

Line 1204: from hr_organization_information info

1200: exit when get_all_orgs%notfound; */
1202: begin
1203: select 'Y' into l_exp_org_true
1204: from hr_organization_information info
1205: where info.organization_id = x_organization_id_child
1206: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
1207: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1208: and info.org_information2 = 'Y';

Line 1421: -----maintain_org_info_hist_bri created on HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION

1418: End;
1421: -----maintain_org_info_hist_bri created on HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION
1422: ----- For update and insert in PA_ALL_ORGANIZATIO against BUG NO 1357522
1423: procedure maintain_org_info_hist_bri
1424: (x_organization_id in number ,
1425: x_org_information1 in varchar2,

Line 1773: from hr_organization_information info

1769: SELECT se.organization_id_child organization_id
1770: FROM per_org_structure_elements se
1771: WHERE org_structure_version_id = x_new_org_version_id
1772: AND EXISTS (select 'X'
1773: from hr_organization_information info
1774: where info.organization_id = se.organization_id_child
1775: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
1776: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1777: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 1786: from hr_organization_information info

1782: AND org_structure_version_id = x_new_org_version_id
1783: UNION
1784: SELECT x_new_start_org_id FROM Sys.dual -- Added exists clause for Bug# 1650520
1785: WHERE EXISTS (select 'X'
1786: from hr_organization_information info
1787: where info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
1788: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1789: and info.org_information2 = 'Y'
1790: and info.organization_id = x_new_start_org_id);

Line 1798: from hr_organization_information info

1794: SELECT se.organization_id_child organization_id
1795: FROM per_org_structure_elements se
1796: WHERE org_structure_version_id = x_new_org_version_id
1797: AND EXISTS (select 'X'
1798: from hr_organization_information info
1799: where info.organization_id = se.organization_id_child
1800: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
1801: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1802: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 1811: from hr_organization_information info

1807: AND org_structure_version_id = x_new_org_version_id
1808: UNION
1809: SELECT x_new_start_org_id FROM Sys.dual
1810: where EXISTS (select 'X' /* Made changes for BUG 1180635*/
1811: from hr_organization_information info
1812: where info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
1813: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
1814: and info.org_information2 = 'Y'
1815: and info.organization_id = x_new_start_org_id);

Line 3711: FROM hr_organization_information

3707: */
3708: /*
3709: BEGIN
3710: SELECT 'YES' INTO class_org_true
3711: FROM hr_organization_information
3712: WHERE organization_id = l_child_org_id
3714: AND ORG_INFORMATION1 = decode(p_org_use_type, 'PROJECTS', 'PA_PROJECT_ORG',

Line 3761: FROM hr_organization_information

3757: and child_organization_id = l_child_org_id2_var(i)
3758: and org_hierarchy_version_id = p_version_id)
3759: and exists
3760: (SELECT 'YES'
3761: FROM hr_organization_information
3762: WHERE organization_id = l_child_org_id2_var(i)
3765: l_child_org_id2_var.DELETE;


3819: from dual)
3820: where org_structure_version_id = p_version_id
3821: CONNECT BY PRIOR child_outer = parent_outer
3822: START WITH org_structure_version_id = p_version_id) per_org
3824: where organization_id = per_org.child
3825: and org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
3826: and org_information_context = 'CLASS'
3827: and org_information2 = 'Y'

Line 3859: from hr_organization_information info

3855: SELECT se.organization_id_child organization_id
3856: FROM per_org_structure_elements se
3857: WHERE org_structure_version_id = x_org_version_id
3858: AND EXISTS (select 'X'
3859: from hr_organization_information info
3860: where info.organization_id = se.organization_id_child
3861: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
3862: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
3863: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 3872: from hr_organization_information info

3868: AND org_structure_version_id = x_org_version_id
3869: UNION
3870: SELECT v_start_org_id FROM Sys.dual -- Added exists clause for Bug# 1650520
3871: WHERE EXISTS (select 'X'
3872: from hr_organization_information info
3873: where info.org_information1 = 'PA_PROJECT_ORG'
3874: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
3875: and info.org_information2 = 'Y'
3876: and info.organization_id = v_start_org_id);

Line 3883: from hr_organization_information info

3879: SELECT se.organization_id_child organization_id
3880: FROM per_org_structure_elements se
3881: WHERE org_structure_version_id = x_org_version_id
3882: AND EXISTS (select 'X'
3883: from hr_organization_information info
3884: where info.organization_id = se.organization_id_child
3885: and info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
3886: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
3887: and info.org_information2 = 'Y')

Line 3896: from hr_organization_information info

3892: AND org_structure_version_id = x_org_version_id
3893: UNION
3894: SELECT v_start_org_id FROM Sys.dual
3895: where EXISTS (select 'X' /* Made changes for BUG 1180635*/
3896: from hr_organization_information info
3897: where info.org_information1 = 'PA_EXPENDITURE_ORG'
3898: and info.org_information_context||'' = 'CLASS'
3899: and info.org_information2 = 'Y'
3900: and info.organization_id = v_start_org_id);