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Line 128: where b.price_plan_id= qpr_sr_util.g_datamart_tmpl_id

124: a.scope_value scope_value, b.level_ppa_code level_ppa_code,
125: b.level_seq_num level_seq_no, c.hierarchy_ppa_code hierarchy_code,
126: c.dim_code dim_code
127: from qpr_scopes a, qpr_hier_levels b, qpr_hierarchies_v c
128: where b.price_plan_id= qpr_sr_util.g_datamart_tmpl_id
129: and b.hierarchy_level_id=a.level_id
130: and b.hierarchy_id = c.hierarchy_id
131: and a.scope_id= p_scope_id
132: and c.dim_code in ('ORG', 'PRD', 'CUS', 'GEO', 'REP', 'CHN', 'PSG')

Line 440: l_curr_conv := qpr_sr_util.ods_curr_conversion(l_aw_curr,

436: ---- Cost ---
437: if(p_t_line_det(i).GET_COST_FLAG = 'Y')
438: and nvl(fnd_profile.value('QPR_ALLOC_MDL_HIST_COST'), 'N') = 'Y' then
439: if l_aw_curr <> p_t_line_det(i).DEAL_CURRENCY then
440: l_curr_conv := qpr_sr_util.ods_curr_conversion(l_aw_curr,
441: p_t_line_det(i).DEAL_CURRENCY,
442: null,
443: p_t_line_det(i).DEAL_CREATION_DATE,
444: p_instance_id);

Line 623: l_dblink := qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(instance_id);

619: quote_origin := p_quote_origin;
620: quote_header_id := p_quote_header_id;
621: end if;
623: l_dblink := qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(instance_id);
625: if quote_origin = 660 then
626: l_api_call_st := ' begin OE_DEALS_UTIL.update_OM_with_deal'||
627: l_dblink || '(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5); end;';

Line 674: qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(instance_id)||

670: execute immediate l_api_call_st using l_remote_usr_id,
671: l_resp_id, l_appl_id;
672: end if;
673: l_api_call_st := 'begin aso_deal_pub.update_quote_from_deal'||
674: qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(instance_id)||
675: '(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6); end;';
676: execute immediate l_api_call_st using
677: in quote_header_id, in l_resource_id, in callback_status,
678: out l_ret,out l_mesg_count, out l_mesg;

Line 799: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(

795: -- and nvl(req.request_status, 'ACTIVE') = 'ACTIVE';
797: if l_source_id = 697 then
798: l_api_call_st:='select resource_id from jtf_rs_resource_extns';
799: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(
800: l_instance_id);
801: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || ' where category = ''EMPLOYEE'' and user_name = ''' || p_fnd_user || ''' and rownum < 2';
803: begin

Line 807: ||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(l_instance_id)

803: begin
804: execute immediate l_api_call_st into l_resource_id;
806: l_api_call_st := 'begin :1 := aso_deal_pub.get_deal_access'
807: ||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(l_instance_id)
808: ||'(:2, :3); end;';
809: execute immediate l_api_call_st
810: using out l_ret, in l_resource_id, in l_source_header_id;
811: exception

Line 875: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(

871: and nvl(req.request_status, 'ACTIVE') <> 'CANCELLED';
872: l_ret1 := 'Y';
873: if l_source_id = 697 then
874: l_api_call_st:='select resource_id from jtf_rs_resource_extns';
875: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(
876: l_instance_id);
877: l_api_call_st := l_api_call_st || ' where category = ''EMPLOYEE'' and user_name = ''' ||
878: l_fnd_user || ''' and rownum < 2';

Line 889: ||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(l_instance_id)

885: end;
886: if l_resource_id is not null then
887: begin
888: l_api_call_st := 'begin :1 := aso_deal_pub.get_deal_enable_buttons'
889: ||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(l_instance_id)
890: ||'(:2, :3); end;';
891: execute immediate l_api_call_st
892: using out l_ret1, in l_resource_id, in l_source_header_id;
893: exception