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1 package body WF_EVENT_QH as
2 /* $Header: wfquhndb.pls 120.3.12020000.4 2013/04/09 17:08:19 skandepu ship $ */
3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 PROCEDURE dequeue(p_agent_guid in  raw,
5                   p_event      out nocopy wf_event_t,
6                   p_wait       in binary_integer default dbms_aq.no_wait)
7 is
8   x_queue_name          varchar2(80);
9   x_agent_name          varchar2(30);
10   x_dequeue_options     dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t;
11   x_message_properties  dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
12   x_msgid               RAW(16);
13   no_messages           exception;
14   pragma exception_init (no_messages, -25228);
15   --Define the snapshot too old error
16   snap_too_old exception;
17   pragma exception_init(snap_too_old, -1555);
18   l_corrId_list varchar2(4000) := null;
20 begin
21   select upper(queue_name), upper(name)
22   into   x_queue_name, x_agent_name
23   from   wf_agents
24   where  guid = p_agent_guid;
26   if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
27      wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure,
28                       'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.dequeue.Begin',
29                       'Dequeuing '||x_queue_name||' on '||x_agent_name);
30   end if;
32   -- Set correlation Id for dequeue if only available and not '%'
33   if (wf_event.g_correlation is not null  and wf_event.g_correlation <> '%') then
34      -- Seeded agent with this queue handler
35      if (x_agent_name like 'WF_%') then
36         if (wf_event.account_name is null) then
37            wf_event.SetAccountName;
38         end if;
39         x_dequeue_options.correlation := wf_event.account_name || ':' || wf_event.g_correlation;
40      else
41         x_dequeue_options.correlation := wf_event.g_correlation;
42      end if;
44   -- ER 16593551: If standard component is dequeuing the messages, set the dequeue condition
45   -- as a PLSQL function that evaluates the condition based on the message corrId and dedicated
46   -- components correlation Id list and returns 0 or 1
47   elsif (x_agent_name = 'WF_DEFERRED') then
49      if (wf_event.account_name is null) then
50            wf_event.SetAccountName;
51      end if;
53      -- Get the dedicated components correlation Id list
54      l_corrId_list := WF_CORE.getDedicatedComponentsCorrIds(x_agent_name, wf_event.account_name);
56      if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
57               wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement,
58                           'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.dequeue.corr',
59                           'The dedicated components correlation ids list is:' || l_corrId_list);
60      end if;
62      x_dequeue_options.correlation := null;
63      if(l_corrId_list is not null) then
64         -- Set the dequeue condition if the dedicated components correlation Id list is not null
65         x_dequeue_options.deq_condition := 'WF_CORE.matchCorrId(corrid, '''|| l_corrId_list ||''') = 1';
67      end if;
69   end if;
71   if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
72      if (wf_event.g_correlation is not null) then
73         wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure,
74                          'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.dequeue.corrid',
75                          'Dequeuing with Correlation:'|| x_dequeue_options.correlation);
76      else
77         wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure,
78                          'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.dequeue.corrid',
79                          'Dequeuing with dequeue condition:'||x_dequeue_options.deq_condition);
80      end if;
81   end if;
83   if ((WF_EVENT.g_queueType is NULL) or
84       (WF_EVENT.g_queueType <> 'EXCEPTION_QUEUE')) then
85          x_dequeue_options.consumer_name := x_agent_name;
86   end if;
88   -- This functionality is dependent on 9i, so it cannot be uncommented in this
89   -- file until 9i is the minimum rdbms on both e-business suite and iAS.
90   --
91   --  if (WF_EVENT.g_deq_condition is not NULL) then
92   --   x_dequeue_options.deq_condition := WF_EVENT.g_deq_condition;
93   --
94   --  end if;
95   --
97   x_dequeue_options.wait          := p_wait;
98   x_dequeue_options.navigation    := wf_event.getQueueNavigation;
101   BEGIN
102     DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE(queue_name         => x_queue_name,
103                     dequeue_options    => x_dequeue_options,
104                     message_properties => x_message_properties, /* OUT */
105                     payload            => p_event,              /* OUT */
106                     msgid              => x_msgid);             /* OUT */
108 --    wf_event.navigation := dbms_aq.next_message;
110     when no_messages then
111       if (wf_log_pkg.level_event >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
112          wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_event,
113                           'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.dequeue.queue_empty',
114                           'No more messages in dequeue.');
115       end if;
117       -- reset navigation
118       wf_event.resetNavigationParams;
119       p_event := NULL;
120       return;
121     --Capture the snapshot too old error
122     when snap_too_old then
123         -- reset navigation
124         wf_event.resetNavigationParams;
125         x_dequeue_options.navigation := wf_event.getQueueNavigation;
126         DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE(queue_name         => x_queue_name,
127                         dequeue_options    => x_dequeue_options,
128                         message_properties => x_message_properties, /* OUT */
129                         payload            => p_event,              /* OUT */
130                         msgid              => x_msgid);             /* OUT */
133     when others then
134         raise;
135   END;
137   -- Set the Receive Date
138   p_event.SetReceiveDate(sysdate);
139   if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
140      wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure,
141                       'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.dequeue.End',
142                       'Finished');
143   end if;
144 exception
145   when others then
146     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Event_QH', 'Dequeue', x_queue_name,
147                      'SQL err is '||substr(sqlerrm,1,200));
148     raise;
149 end dequeue;
150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 PROCEDURE enqueue(p_event              in wf_event_t,
152                   p_out_agent_override in wf_agent_t default null)
153 is
154   x_out_agent_name      varchar2(30);
155   x_out_system_name     varchar2(30);
156   x_to_agent_name       varchar2(30);
157   x_to_system_name      varchar2(30);
158   x_out_queue           varchar2(80);
159   x_to_queue		varchar2(80);
160   x_enqueue_options     dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t;
161   x_message_properties  dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
162   x_msgid               RAW(16);
163   x_name                varchar2(30);
164   x_address             varchar2(1024);
165   x_protocol            varchar2(30);
166   x_protocol_num        number := 0;
167   delay			number := 0;
169   l_q_correlation_id   varchar2(240);
171   --Bug 2676549
172   --Cursor to select the to_agents for the recipient list
173 CURSOR   recipients(agent_name varchar2,system_name varchar2) is
174   select agt2.name ,agt2.address, agt2.protocol, agt2.queue_name
175   from   wf_agent_groups agp ,
176          wf_agents agt1 ,
177          wf_agents agt2 ,
178          wf_systems sys
179   where  agt1.name      =  agent_name
180   and    agp.group_guid =  agt1.guid
181   and    agt1.type      = 'GROUP'
182   and    agt1.status    = 'ENABLED'
183   and    agt2.guid      =  agp.member_guid
184   and    sys.name       =  system_name
185   and    sys.guid       =  agt2.system_guid;
187   i      number  := 1;
188   x_type  varchar2(8);
189 begin
190   -- Determine the out queue --
191   if (p_out_agent_override is not null) then
192     x_out_agent_name := p_out_agent_override.GetName();
193     x_out_system_name := p_out_agent_override.GetSystem();
194   else
195     x_out_agent_name := p_event.From_Agent.Name;
196     x_out_system_name := p_event.From_Agent.System;
197   end if;
199   -- Get Out Agent details --
200   select agt.queue_name into x_out_queue
201   from   wf_agents  agt,
202          wf_systems sys
203   where  agt.name = x_out_agent_name
204   and    sys.name = x_out_system_name
205   and    sys.guid = agt.system_guid;
207   -- Determine the to queue (if set) --
208   -- If there is a to queue, need to set recipient list address --
209   if (p_event.To_Agent is not null) AND
210   (x_out_agent_name <> 'WF_DEFERRED') then
211         WF_EVENT.Set_Recipient_List(p_event,
212                                     x_out_agent_name ,
213                                     x_out_system_name,
214                                     x_message_properties);
215   end if;
217   /*
218   ** Set the Priority
219   */
220   x_message_properties.priority := p_event.Priority;
222   /*
223   ** Set the Delay if required, also used for Deferred Agent
224   */
225   if (p_event.Send_Date > sysdate) then
226     if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
227        wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement,
228                         'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.enqueue.delay',
229                         'Delay Detected');
230     end if;
232     delay := (p_event.Send_Date - sysdate) *24*60*60;
234     if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
235        wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement,
236                         'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.enqueue.delay_time',
237                         'Delay ='||to_char(delay));
238     end if;
240     if delay > 1 then
241     -- message_properties.delay is BINARY_INTEGER, so check if delay is
242     -- too big, and set the max delay to be (2**31)-1.
243       if (delay >= power(2,31)) then
244         x_message_properties.delay := power(2,31)-1;
245       else
246         x_message_properties.delay := delay;
247       end if;
248     end if;
249   end if;
251   /*
252   ** if we are enqueuing for an internal agent, must set the account name
253   ** into the correlation id
254   */
255   if (x_out_agent_name like 'WF_%'
256       or x_to_agent_name like 'WF_%') then
257     if wf_event.account_name is null then
258       wf_event.SetAccountName;
259     end if;
260     x_message_properties.correlation := wf_event.account_name;
261   end if;
262   if (x_out_agent_name = 'WF_DEFERRED'
263       or x_to_agent_name = 'WF_DEFERRED') then
264     --Bug 2505492
265     --Append the event name to the correlation id for DEFERRED/ERROR agent.
266     --We have a separate queue handler for WF_ERROR
267     l_q_correlation_id := p_event.event_name;
268   else
269     --Bug 3992967
270     --For application agents (agents other than DEFERRED or ERROR),
271     --correlation id should be extracted from Q_CORRELATION_ID
272     l_q_correlation_id := p_event.getValueForParameter('Q_CORRELATION_ID');
274   end if;
276   IF (l_q_correlation_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
277      -- If account name is set, append account name in front of correlation id.
278      if (x_message_properties.correlation is not null) then
279         x_message_properties.correlation := x_message_properties.correlation ||
280                                             ':' || l_q_correlation_id;
281      else
282         x_message_properties.correlation := l_q_correlation_id;
283      end if;
284    END IF;
285   if (wf_log_pkg.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
286      wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_statement,
287                       'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.enqueue.dbms_aq',
288                       'calling dbms_aq.enqueue');
289   end if;
292    queue_name          => x_out_queue,
293    enqueue_options     => x_enqueue_options,
294    message_properties  => x_message_properties,
295    payload             => p_event,
296    msgid               => x_msgid);             /* OUT*/
298   --<rwunderl:2699059> Storing the msgid.
299   WF_EVENT.g_msgid := x_msgid;
301   if (wf_log_pkg.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
302      wf_log_pkg.string(wf_log_pkg.level_procedure,
303                       'wf.plsql.WF_EVENT_QH.enqueue.End',
304                       'finished calling dbms_aq.enqueue');
305   end if;
307 exception
308   when others then
309     Wf_Core.Context('Wf_Event_QH', 'Enqueue', x_out_queue,
310                      'SQL err is '||substr(sqlerrm,1,200));
311     raise;
312 end enqueue;
313 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 end WF_EVENT_QH;