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2 /* $Header: POXP3PSB.pls 120.9.12020000.3 2013/02/10 12:21:44 vegajula ship $ */
4   PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                          VARCHAR2,
5                        X_Line_Location_Id               NUMBER,
6                        X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
7                        X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
8                        X_Po_Header_Id                   NUMBER,
9                        X_Po_Line_Id                     NUMBER,
10                        X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
11                        X_Quantity                       NUMBER,
12                        X_Quantity_Received              NUMBER,
13                        X_Quantity_Accepted              NUMBER,
14                        X_Quantity_Rejected              NUMBER,
15                        X_Quantity_Billed                NUMBER,
16                        X_Quantity_Cancelled             NUMBER,
17                        X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code          VARCHAR2,
18                        X_Po_Release_Id                  NUMBER,
19                        X_Ship_To_Location_Id            NUMBER,
20                        X_Ship_Via_Lookup_Code           VARCHAR2,
21                        X_Need_By_Date                   DATE,
22                        X_Promised_Date                  DATE,
23                        X_Last_Accept_Date               DATE,
24                        X_Price_Override                 NUMBER,
25                        X_Encumbered_Flag                VARCHAR2,
26                        X_Encumbered_Date                DATE,
27                        X_Fob_Lookup_Code                VARCHAR2,
28                        X_Freight_Terms_Lookup_Code      VARCHAR2,
29                        X_Taxable_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
30                        X_Tax_Code_Id                    NUMBER,
31            X_Tax_User_Override_Flag   VARCHAR2,
32            X_Calculate_Tax_Flag   VARCHAR2,
33                        X_From_Header_Id                 NUMBER,
34                        X_From_Line_Id                   NUMBER,
35                        X_From_Line_Location_Id          NUMBER,
36                        X_Start_Date                     DATE,
37                        X_End_Date                       DATE,
38                        X_Lead_Time                      NUMBER,
39                        X_Lead_Time_Unit                 VARCHAR2,
40                        X_Price_Discount                 NUMBER,
41                        X_Terms_Id                       NUMBER,
42                        X_Approved_Flag                  VARCHAR2,
43                        X_Approved_Date                  DATE,
44                        X_Closed_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
45                        X_Cancel_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
46                        X_Cancelled_By                   NUMBER,
47                        X_Cancel_Date                    DATE,
48                        X_Cancel_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
49                        X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code        VARCHAR2,
50                        X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
51                        X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
52                        X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
53                        X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
54                        X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
55                        X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
56                        X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
57                        X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
58                        X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
59                        X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
60                        X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
61                        X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
62                        X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
63                        X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
64                        X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
65                        X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
66                        X_Inspection_Required_Flag       VARCHAR2,
67                        X_Receipt_Required_Flag          VARCHAR2,
68                        X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance              NUMBER,
69                        X_Qty_Rcv_Exception_Code         VARCHAR2,
70                        X_Enforce_Ship_To_Location       VARCHAR2,
71                        X_Allow_Substitute_Receipts      VARCHAR2,
72                        X_Days_Early_Receipt_Allowed     NUMBER,
73                        X_Days_Late_Receipt_Allowed      NUMBER,
74                        X_Receipt_Days_Exception_Code    VARCHAR2,
75                        X_Invoice_Close_Tolerance        NUMBER,
76                        X_Receive_Close_Tolerance        NUMBER,
77                        X_Ship_To_Organization_Id        NUMBER,
78                        X_Shipment_Num                   NUMBER,
79                        X_Source_Shipment_Id             NUMBER,
80                        X_Shipment_Type                  VARCHAR2,
81                        X_Closed_Code                    VARCHAR2,
82                        X_Ussgl_Transaction_Code         VARCHAR2,
83                        X_Government_Context             VARCHAR2,
84                        X_Receiving_Routing_Id           NUMBER,
85                        X_Accrue_On_Receipt_Flag         VARCHAR2,
86                        X_Closed_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
87                        X_Closed_Date                    DATE,
88                        X_Closed_By                      NUMBER,
89                        X_Global_Attribute_Category          VARCHAR2,
90                        X_Global_Attribute1                  VARCHAR2,
91                        X_Global_Attribute2                  VARCHAR2,
92                        X_Global_Attribute3                  VARCHAR2,
93                        X_Global_Attribute4                  VARCHAR2,
94                        X_Global_Attribute5                  VARCHAR2,
95                        X_Global_Attribute6                  VARCHAR2,
96                        X_Global_Attribute7                  VARCHAR2,
97                        X_Global_Attribute8                  VARCHAR2,
98                        X_Global_Attribute9                  VARCHAR2,
99                        X_Global_Attribute10                 VARCHAR2,
100                        X_Global_Attribute11                 VARCHAR2,
101                        X_Global_Attribute12                 VARCHAR2,
102                        X_Global_Attribute13                 VARCHAR2,
103                        X_Global_Attribute14                 VARCHAR2,
104                        X_Global_Attribute15                 VARCHAR2,
105                        X_Global_Attribute16                 VARCHAR2,
106                        X_Global_Attribute17                 VARCHAR2,
107                        X_Global_Attribute18                 VARCHAR2,
108                        X_Global_Attribute19                 VARCHAR2,
109                        X_Global_Attribute20                 VARCHAR2,
110            X_Country_of_Origin_Code       VARCHAR2,
111            X_Invoice_Match_Option       VARCHAR2,  --bgu, Dec. 7, 98
112            --togeorge 10/03/2000
113            --added note to receiver
114            X_note_to_receiver       VARCHAR2,
115 -- Mahesh Chandak(GML) Add 7 process related fields.
116 -- start of Bug# 1548597
117                        X_Secondary_Unit_Of_Measure        VARCHAR2,
118                        X_Secondary_Quantity               NUMBER,
119                        X_Preferred_Grade                  VARCHAR2,
120                        X_Secondary_Quantity_Received      NUMBER,
121                        X_Secondary_Quantity_Accepted      NUMBER,
122                        X_Secondary_Quantity_Rejected      NUMBER,
123                        X_Secondary_Quantity_Cancelled     NUMBER,
124 -- end of Bug# 1548597
125                        X_Consigned_Flag                   VARCHAR2,  /* CONSIGNED FPI */
126                        X_amount                           NUMBER,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
127                        p_transaction_flow_header_id       NUMBER,
128                        p_manual_price_change_flag       VARCHAR2 default null  --< Manual Price Override FPJ >
129  ) IS
130  l_tax_attribute_update_code PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.tax_attribute_update_code%type;--<eTax Integration R12>
131  BEGIN
133      --<eTax Integration  R12 Start>
134     IF X_Shipment_Type in ('STANDARD', 'PLANNED', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED') AND
135        PO_TAX_INTERFACE_PVT.any_tax_attributes_updated(
136           p_doc_type       => 'PO',
137           p_doc_level      => 'SHIPMENT',
138           p_doc_level_id   => X_Line_Location_Id,
139           p_qty            => X_Quantity,
140           p_price_override => X_Price_Override, --Bug 5647417
141           p_amt            => X_amount,
142           p_ship_to_org    => X_Ship_To_Organization_Id,
143           p_ship_to_loc    => X_Ship_To_Location_Id,
144           p_need_by_date   => X_Need_By_Date
145     ) THEN
146         l_tax_attribute_update_code := 'UPDATE';
147     END IF;
148     --<eTax Integration  R12 End>
152    SET
153      line_location_id                  =     X_Line_Location_Id,
154      last_update_date                  =     X_Last_Update_Date,
155      last_updated_by                   =     X_Last_Updated_By,
156      po_header_id                      =     X_Po_Header_Id,
157      po_line_id                        =     X_Po_Line_Id,
158      last_update_login                 =     X_Last_Update_Login,
159      quantity                          =     X_Quantity,
160      quantity_received                 =     X_Quantity_Received,
161      quantity_accepted                 =     X_Quantity_Accepted,
162      quantity_rejected                 =     X_Quantity_Rejected,
163      quantity_billed                   =     X_Quantity_Billed,
164      quantity_cancelled                =     X_Quantity_Cancelled,
165      unit_meas_lookup_code             =     X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code,
166      po_release_id                     =     X_Po_Release_Id,
167      ship_to_location_id               =     X_Ship_To_Location_Id,
168      ship_via_lookup_code              =     X_Ship_Via_Lookup_Code,
169      need_by_date                      =     X_Need_By_Date,
170      promised_date                     =     X_Promised_Date,
171      last_accept_date                  =     X_Last_Accept_Date,
172      price_override                    =     X_Price_Override,
173      encumbered_flag                   =     X_Encumbered_Flag,
174      encumbered_date                   =     X_Encumbered_Date,
175      fob_lookup_code                   =     X_Fob_Lookup_Code,
176      freight_terms_lookup_code         =     X_Freight_Terms_Lookup_Code,
177      from_header_id                    =     X_From_Header_Id,
178      from_line_id                      =     X_From_Line_Id,
179      from_line_location_id             =     X_From_Line_Location_Id,
180      start_date                        =     X_Start_Date,
181      end_date                          =     X_End_Date,
182      lead_time                         =     X_Lead_Time,
183      lead_time_unit                    =     X_Lead_Time_Unit,
184      price_discount                    =     X_Price_Discount,
185      terms_id                          =     X_Terms_Id,
186      approved_flag                     =     X_Approved_Flag,
187      approved_date                     =     X_Approved_Date,
188      closed_flag                       =     X_Closed_Flag,
189      cancel_flag                       =     X_Cancel_Flag,
190      cancelled_by                      =     X_Cancelled_By,
191      cancel_date                       =     X_Cancel_Date,
192      cancel_reason                     =     X_Cancel_Reason,
193      firm_status_lookup_code           =     X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code,
194      attribute_category                =     X_Attribute_Category,
195      attribute1                        =     X_Attribute1,
196      attribute2                        =     X_Attribute2,
197      attribute3                        =     X_Attribute3,
198      attribute4                        =     X_Attribute4,
199      attribute5                        =     X_Attribute5,
200      attribute6                        =     X_Attribute6,
201      attribute7                        =     X_Attribute7,
202      attribute8                        =     X_Attribute8,
203      attribute9                        =     X_Attribute9,
204      attribute10                       =     X_Attribute10,
205      attribute11                       =     X_Attribute11,
206      attribute12                       =     X_Attribute12,
207      attribute13                       =     X_Attribute13,
208      attribute14                       =     X_Attribute14,
209      attribute15                       =     X_Attribute15,
210      inspection_required_flag          =     X_Inspection_Required_Flag,
211      receipt_required_flag             =     X_Receipt_Required_Flag,
212      qty_rcv_tolerance                 =     X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance,
213      qty_rcv_exception_code            =     X_Qty_Rcv_Exception_Code,
214      enforce_ship_to_location_code     =     X_Enforce_Ship_To_Location,
215      allow_substitute_receipts_flag    =     X_Allow_Substitute_Receipts,
216      days_early_receipt_allowed        =     X_Days_Early_Receipt_Allowed,
217      days_late_receipt_allowed         =     X_Days_Late_Receipt_Allowed,
218      receipt_days_exception_code       =     X_Receipt_Days_Exception_Code,
219      invoice_close_tolerance           =     X_Invoice_Close_Tolerance,
220      receive_close_tolerance           =     X_Receive_Close_Tolerance,
221      ship_to_organization_id           =     X_Ship_To_Organization_Id,
222      shipment_num                      =     X_Shipment_Num,
223      source_shipment_id                =     X_Source_Shipment_Id,
224      shipment_type                     =     X_Shipment_Type,
225      closed_code                       =     X_Closed_Code,
226      government_context                =     X_Government_Context,
227      receiving_routing_id              =     X_Receiving_Routing_Id,
228      accrue_on_receipt_flag            =     X_Accrue_On_Receipt_Flag,
229      closed_reason                     =     X_Closed_Reason,
230      closed_date                       =     X_Closed_Date,
231      closed_by                         =     X_Closed_By,
232      global_attribute_category         =     X_Global_Attribute_Category,
233      global_attribute1                 =     X_Global_Attribute1,
234      global_attribute2                 =     X_Global_Attribute2,
235      global_attribute3                 =     X_Global_Attribute3,
236      global_attribute4                 =     X_Global_Attribute4,
237      global_attribute5                 =     X_Global_Attribute5,
238      global_attribute6                 =     X_Global_Attribute6,
239      global_attribute7                 =     X_Global_Attribute7,
240      global_attribute8                 =     X_Global_Attribute8,
241      global_attribute9                 =     X_Global_Attribute9,
242      global_attribute10                =     X_Global_Attribute10,
243      global_attribute11                =     X_Global_Attribute11,
244      global_attribute12                =     X_Global_Attribute12,
245      global_attribute13                =     X_Global_Attribute13,
246      global_attribute14                =     X_Global_Attribute14,
247      global_attribute15                =     X_Global_Attribute15,
248      global_attribute16                =     X_Global_Attribute16,
249      global_attribute17                =     X_Global_Attribute17,
250      global_attribute18                =     X_Global_Attribute18,
251      global_attribute19                =     X_Global_Attribute19,
252      global_attribute20                =     X_Global_Attribute20,
253      country_of_origin_code            =     X_Country_of_Origin_Code,
254      match_option                      =     X_Invoice_Match_Option,  --bgu, Dec. 7, 98
255      --togeorge 10/03/2000
256      --added note to receiver
257      note_to_receiver          =     X_note_to_receiver,
258 -- Mahesh Bug# 1548597 added process fields in the update clause. 15-feb-2001
259 -- start of 1548597
260      secondary_unit_of_measure         =     X_Secondary_Unit_Of_Measure,
261      secondary_quantity                =     X_Secondary_Quantity,
262      preferred_grade                   =     X_preferred_grade,
263      secondary_quantity_received       =     X_Secondary_Quantity_Received,
264      secondary_quantity_accepted       =     X_Secondary_Quantity_Accepted,
265      secondary_quantity_rejected       =     X_Secondary_Quantity_Rejected,
266      secondary_quantity_cancelled      =     X_Secondary_Quantity_Cancelled,
268 -- end of 1548597
269      consigned_flag                    =     X_Consigned_Flag,  /* CONSIGNED FPI */
270      amount                            =     X_amount,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
271      transaction_flow_header_id        =     p_transaction_flow_header_id,  --< Shared Proc FPJ >
272      manual_price_change_flag          =     p_manual_price_change_flag,  --< Manual Price Override FPJ >
273      tax_attribute_update_code         =     NVL(tax_attribute_update_code, --<eTax Integration R12>
274                                                  l_tax_attribute_update_code)
275   WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
277     if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
278       Raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
279     end if;
281   END Update_Row;
283   PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2) IS
284       --<R12 eTax Integration Start>
285       l_transaction_line_rec_type ZX_API_PUB.transaction_line_rec_type;
286       l_return_status     VARCHAR2(1);
287       l_msg_count         NUMBER;
288       l_msg_data          VARCHAR2(2000);
289       l_po_header_id      PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.po_header_id%TYPE;
290       l_po_release_id     PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.po_release_id%TYPE;
291       l_line_location_id  PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.line_location_id%TYPE;
292       l_shipment_type     PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.shipment_type%TYPE;
293       l_org_id            PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.org_id%type;
294       --<R12 eTax Integration End>
296   BEGIN
298     WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
299     --<R12 eTax Integration>
300     RETURNING shipment_type, po_header_id, po_release_id, line_location_id,org_id
301     INTO l_shipment_type, l_po_header_id, l_po_release_id, l_line_location_id,l_org_id;
304     if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
305       Raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
306     end if;
308     --<R12 eTax Integration Start>
309     IF l_shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED','BLANKET','SCHEDULED') THEN
311         l_transaction_line_rec_type.internal_organization_id := l_org_id;
312         l_transaction_line_rec_type.application_id           := PO_CONSTANTS_SV.APPLICATION_ID;
313        /* Bug 14004400: Applicaton id being passed to EB Tax was responsibility id rather than 201 which
314                is pased when the tax lines are created. Same should be passed when they are deleted.  */
315         l_transaction_line_rec_type.entity_code              := PO_CONSTANTS_SV.PO_ENTITY_CODE ;
316         l_transaction_line_rec_type.event_class_code         := PO_CONSTANTS_SV.PO_EVENT_CLASS_CODE;
317         l_transaction_line_rec_type.event_type_code          := PO_CONSTANTS_SV.PO_ADJUSTED;
318         l_transaction_line_rec_type.trx_id                   := NVL(l_po_release_id, l_po_header_id);
319         l_transaction_line_rec_type.trx_level_type           := 'SHIPMENT';
320         l_transaction_line_rec_type.trx_line_id              := l_line_location_id;
322         -- Call eTax API to delete corresponding tax lines and distributions
323         ZX_API_PUB.del_tax_line_and_distributions(
324             p_api_version             =>  1.0,
325             p_init_msg_list           =>  FND_API.G_TRUE,
326             p_commit                  =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
327             p_validation_level        =>  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
328             x_return_status           =>  l_return_status,
329             x_msg_count               =>  l_msg_count,
330             x_msg_data                =>  l_msg_data,
331             p_transaction_line_rec    =>  l_transaction_line_rec_type
332         );
333         IF l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
335         END IF;
336     END IF;
337     --<R12 eTax Integration End>
339   END Delete_Row;