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Line 11860: --SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_new_txn_temp_id FROM DUAL;

11856: EXIT WHEN task_list%NOTFOUND;
11857: END IF;
11859: l_parent_task_count := l_parent_task_count + 1;
11860: --SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_new_txn_temp_id FROM DUAL;
11862: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11863: print_debug('Creating a Parent Line with the values...', 4);
11864: print_debug(' --> Txn Header ID => ' || l_transaction_header_id, 4);

Line 11945: , mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL --Bug 5535030

11941: )
11942: VALUES (
11943: l_transaction_header_id
11944: --, l_new_txn_temp_id
11945: , mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL --Bug 5535030
11946: , 'N'
11947: , 2
11948: , l_last_update_date
11949: , l_last_updated_by

Line 11980: , mtl_material_transactions_s.CURRVAL

11976: , l_cartonization_id
11977: , l_operation_plan_id
11978: , l_wms_task_status
11979: -- , l_new_txn_temp_id -- have the same as patchset J
11980: , mtl_material_transactions_s.CURRVAL
11981: -- Bug 4584538
11982: , l_primary_uom_code
11983: , l_sec_uom_code
11984: , l_lot_control_code

Line 12666: -- SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_new_txn_temp_id FROM DUAL;

12662: END IF;
12663: end if;
12665: l_parent_task_count := l_parent_task_count + 1;
12666: -- SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_new_txn_temp_id FROM DUAL;
12668: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12669: print_debug('Creating a Parent Line with the values...', 4);
12670: print_debug(' --> Txn Header ID => ' || l_transaction_header_id, 4);

Line 12735: , mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL --Bug 5535030

12731: )
12732: VALUES (
12733: l_transaction_header_id
12734: --, l_new_txn_temp_id
12735: , mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL --Bug 5535030
12736: , 'N'
12737: , 2
12738: , l_last_update_date
12739: , l_last_updated_by

Line 12764: , mtl_material_transactions_s.CURRVAL

12760: , l_container_item_id
12761: , l_operation_plan_id
12762: , l_wms_task_status
12763: --, l_new_txn_temp_id
12764: , mtl_material_transactions_s.CURRVAL
12765: , l_primary_uom_code
12766: , l_sec_uom_code
12767: , l_lot_control_code
12768: , l_serial_control_code

Line 13590: SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL

13586: end if;
13587: l_progress := '130';
13589: -- generate new transaction_temp_id primary key
13590: SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
13591: INTO l_new_temp_id
13592: FROM DUAL;
13594: l_progress := '140';

Line 13706: SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL

13702: where transaction_temp_id = l_child_rec.transaction_temp_id;
13704: -- split the child task
13705: -- generate new transaction_temp_id primary key
13706: SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
13707: INTO l_new_child_temp_id
13708: FROM DUAL;
13710: l_progress := '140.1';