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2 /* $Header: AFCPDRAB.pls 120.0.12010000.1 2009/06/19 16:16:28 ggupta noship $*/
3   str_error VARCHAR2(2000);
4   str_fix_info VARCHAR2(2000);
6   FUNCTION get_status(p_status_code VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
7   c_status fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
9     SELECT nvl(meaning,   'UNKNOWN')
10     INTO c_status
11     FROM fnd_lookups
12     WHERE lookup_type = 'CP_STATUS_CODE'
13      AND lookup_code = p_status_code;
14     RETURN RTRIM(c_status);
15   END get_status;
16   FUNCTION get_phase(p_phase_code VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
17   c_phase fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
18   BEGIN
19     SELECT nvl(meaning,   'UNKNOWN')
20     INTO c_phase
21     FROM fnd_lookups
22     WHERE lookup_type = 'CP_PHASE_CODE'
23      AND lookup_code = p_phase_code;
24     RETURN RTRIM(c_phase);
25   END get_phase;
26   PROCEDURE manager_check(req_id IN NUMBER,   cd_id IN NUMBER,   mgr_defined OUT nocopy boolean,   mgr_active OUT nocopy boolean,   mgr_workshift OUT nocopy boolean,   mgr_running OUT nocopy boolean,   run_alone OUT nocopy boolean) IS
27   CURSOR mgr_cursor(rid NUMBER) IS
28   SELECT running_processes,
29     max_processes,
30     decode(control_code,   'T',   'N',   -- Abort
31   'X',   'N',   -- Aborted
32   'D',   'N',   -- Deactivate
33   'E',   'N',   -- Deactivated
34   'Y') active
35   FROM fnd_concurrent_worker_requests
36   WHERE request_id = rid
37    AND NOT((queue_application_id = 0)
38    AND(concurrent_queue_id IN(1,   4)));
39   run_alone_flag VARCHAR2(1);
40   BEGIN
41     mgr_defined := FALSE;
42     mgr_active := FALSE;
43     mgr_workshift := FALSE;
44     mgr_running := FALSE;
45     FOR mgr_rec IN mgr_cursor(req_id)
46     LOOP
47       mgr_defined := TRUE;
49       IF(mgr_rec.active = 'Y') THEN
50         mgr_active := TRUE;
52         IF(mgr_rec.max_processes > 0) THEN
53           mgr_workshift := TRUE;
54         END IF;
56         IF(mgr_rec.running_processes > 0) THEN
57           mgr_running := TRUE;
58         END IF;
60       END IF;
62     END LOOP;
64     IF(cd_id IS NULL) THEN
65       run_alone_flag := 'N';
66     ELSE
67       SELECT runalone_flag
68       INTO run_alone_flag
69       FROM fnd_conflicts_domain d
70       WHERE d.cd_id = manager_check.cd_id;
71     END IF;
73     IF(run_alone_flag = 'Y') THEN
74       run_alone := TRUE;
75     ELSE
76       run_alone := FALSE;
77     END IF;
79   END manager_check;
81   PROCEDURE print_mgrs(p_req_id IN NUMBER,   inner_section IN OUT nocopy jtf_diag_section,   reportcontext IN jtf_diag_report_context) AS
82   note jtf_diag_note;
83   CURSOR c_mgrs(rid NUMBER) IS
84   SELECT user_concurrent_queue_name name,
85     fcwr.running_processes active,
86     decode(fcwr.control_code,   'A',   fl.meaning,   'D',   fl.meaning,   'E',   fl.meaning,   'N',   fl.meaning,   'R',   fl.meaning,   'T',
87 	fl.meaning,   'U',   fl.meaning,   'V',   fl.meaning,   'X',   fl.meaning,   NULL,   'Running',   '** Unknown Status **') status
88   FROM fnd_concurrent_queues_vl fcqv,
89     fnd_concurrent_worker_requests fcwr,
90     fnd_lookups fl
91   WHERE fcwr.request_id = rid
92    AND fcwr.concurrent_queue_id = fcqv.concurrent_queue_id
93    AND fcwr.concurrent_queue_id NOT IN(1,   4)
94    AND fl.lookup_code(+) = fcwr.control_code
95    AND fl.lookup_type(+) = 'CP_CONTROL_CODE';
97   BEGIN
98     FOR mgr_rec IN c_mgrs(p_req_id)
99     LOOP
100       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('- ' || mgr_rec.name || ' | Status: ' || mgr_rec.status || ' (' || mgr_rec.active || ' active processes)',   reportcontext);
101       inner_section.add_note(note);
102     END LOOP;
104   END print_mgrs;
106   PROCEDURE runtest(exec_obj IN OUT jtf_diag_execution_obj,   result OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
107   -- its a collection of inputs for a particular execution of the test
108   allinputs jtf_diag_inputtbl;
109   -- a report object provided by the framework to produce a well managed report
110   -- of the test execution
111   report jtf_diag_report_obj;
112   -- this context is needed for creation of different component in the report
113   reportcontext jtf_diag_report_context;
114   -- section component which will be a container of other component in the report
115   SECTION jtf_diag_section;
116   inner_section jtf_diag_section;
117   -- message of type info, warning, error can be put inside a report
118   message jtf_diag_message;
119   -- note component
120   note jtf_diag_note;
121   -- hide show component to be displayed in a report
122   hideshow jtf_diag_hide_show;
123   -- table component to be displayed in report
124   table1 jtf_diag_table;
125   -- footer in a report
126   footer jtf_diag_footer;
127   -- header to be displayed in  a report
128   header1 jtf_diag_header;
129   --form view component
130   form_view jtf_diag_form;
131   form_keys jtf_varchar2_table_4000;
132   form_values jtf_varchar2_table_4000;
133   str_query VARCHAR2(2000);
134   str VARCHAR2(2000);
135   -- CP Request Analyser
136   p_req_id NUMBER;
137   reqinfo fnd_concurrent_requests % rowtype;
138   proginfo fnd_concurrent_programs_vl % rowtype;
139   c_status fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
140   m_buf fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
144   tmp_id NUMBER(15);
141   conc_prog_name fnd_concurrent_programs.concurrent_program_name%TYPE;
142   exe_method_code fnd_concurrent_programs_vl.execution_method_code%TYPE;
143   conc_app_name fnd_application_vl.application_name%TYPE;
145   tmp_status fnd_concurrent_requests.status_code%TYPE;
146   tmp_date DATE;
147   conc_app_id fnd_concurrent_requests.program_application_id%TYPE;
148   conc_id fnd_concurrent_requests.concurrent_program_id%TYPE;
149   conc_cd_id fnd_concurrent_requests.cd_id%TYPE;
150   v_enabled_flag fnd_concurrent_programs.enabled_flag%TYPE;
151   conflict_domain fnd_conflicts_domain.user_cd_name%TYPE;
152   parent_id NUMBER(15);
153   resp_name VARCHAR2(100);
154   rclass_name fnd_concurrent_request_class.request_class_name%TYPE;
155   exe_file_name fnd_executables.execution_file_name%TYPE;
156   c_user fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
157   last_user fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
158   fcd_phase VARCHAR2(48);
159   fcd_status VARCHAR2(48);
160   traid fnd_concurrent_requests.program_application_id%TYPE;
161   trcpid fnd_concurrent_requests.concurrent_program_id%TYPE;
162   icount NUMBER;
163   ireqid fnd_concurrent_requests.request_id%TYPE;
164   pcode fnd_concurrent_requests.phase_code%TYPE;
165   scode fnd_concurrent_requests.status_code%TYPE;
166   live_child boolean;
167   mgr_defined boolean;
168   mgr_active boolean;
172   reqlimit boolean := FALSE;
169   mgr_workshift boolean;
170   mgr_running boolean;
171   run_alone boolean;
173   mgrname fnd_concurrent_queues_vl.user_concurrent_queue_name%TYPE;
174   filename VARCHAR2(255);
175   qcf fnd_concurrent_programs.queue_control_flag%TYPE;
176   req_notfound
180   CURSOR c_wait IS
181   SELECT request_id,
182     phase_code,
183     status_code
184   FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
185   WHERE parent_request_id = p_req_id;
186   CURSOR c_inc IS
187   SELECT to_run_application_id,
188     to_run_concurrent_program_id
189   FROM fnd_concurrent_program_serial
190   WHERE running_application_id = conc_app_id
191    AND running_concurrent_program_id = conc_id;
192   CURSOR c_ireqs IS
193   SELECT request_id,
194     phase_code,
195     status_code
196   FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
197   WHERE phase_code = 'R'
198    AND program_application_id = traid
199    AND concurrent_program_id = trcpid
200    AND cd_id = conc_cd_id;
201   CURSOR c_userreqs(uid NUMBER,   s DATE) IS
202   SELECT request_id,
203     to_char(requested_start_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS') start_date,
204     phase_code,
205     status_code
206   FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
207   WHERE phase_code IN('R',   'P')
208    AND requested_by = uid
209    AND requested_start_date < s
210    AND hold_flag = 'N';
211   BEGIN
212     -- report obj
213     report := exec_obj.get_report;
214     -- To get the report context to create other components for the report
215     reportcontext := report.get_report_context;
216     -- Creating a header of the report
217     header1 := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_header('CP Diagnostic Request Analyzer',   reportcontext);
218     -- Adding the header to the report
219     report.add_header(header1);
221     SECTION := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_section('Analyzing request ' || p_req_id || ':',   reportcontext);
223     -- Taking request id from the user
224     allinputs := exec_obj.inputset;
225     p_req_id := to_number(jtf_diagnostic_adaptutil.getinputvalue('RequestId',   allinputs));
227     BEGIN
228       SELECT *
229       INTO reqinfo
230       FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
231       WHERE request_id = p_req_id;
234     WHEN no_data_found THEN
235       result := 'false';
236       -- Creating a message component and adding it to a section
237       str_error := 'Request ' || p_req_id || ' not found.';
238       str_fix_info := 'Please Enter the valid Request Id';
239       message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error,   'error',   reportcontext);
240       SECTION.add_message(message);
241       GOTO endoffile;
242     END;
244     SELECT fvl.*
245     INTO proginfo
246     FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fvl,
247       fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
248     WHERE fcr.request_id = p_req_id
249      AND fcr.concurrent_program_id = fvl.concurrent_program_id
250      AND fcr.program_application_id = fvl.application_id;
252     SELECT nvl(application_name,   '-- UNKNOWN APPLICATION --')
253     INTO conc_app_name
254     FROM fnd_application_vl fvl,
255       fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
256     WHERE fcr.request_id = p_req_id
257      AND fcr.program_application_id = fvl.application_id;
259     SELECT nvl(meaning,   'UNKNOWN')
263      AND lookup_code = proginfo.execution_method_code;
260     INTO m_buf
261     FROM fnd_lookups
262     WHERE lookup_type = 'CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE'
265     SELECT nvl(execution_file_name,   'NONE')
266     INTO exe_file_name
267     FROM fnd_executables
268     WHERE application_id = proginfo.executable_application_id
269      AND executable_id = proginfo.executable_id;
271     form_keys := jtf_varchar2_table_4000('Program',   'Application',   'Executable type',   'Executable file name or procedure',
272 	'Run alone flag',   'SRS flag',   'NLS compliant',   'Output file type');
273     form_values := jtf_varchar2_table_4000(proginfo.user_concurrent_program_name || '  (' || proginfo.concurrent_program_name || ')',   conc_app_name,
274 	m_buf || '  (' || proginfo.execution_method_code || ')',   exe_file_name,   proginfo.run_alone_flag,   proginfo.srs_flag,   proginfo.nls_compliant,   proginfo.output_file_type);
276     IF proginfo.concurrent_class_id IS NOT NULL THEN
277       SELECT request_class_name
278       INTO rclass_name
279       FROM fnd_concurrent_request_class
280       WHERE application_id = proginfo.class_application_id
281        AND request_class_id = proginfo.concurrent_class_id;
282       form_keys.extend;
283       form_keys(form_keys.COUNT) := 'Request type';
284       form_values.extend;
285       form_values(form_values.COUNT) := rclass_name;
286     END IF;
288     IF proginfo.execution_options IS NOT NULL THEN
289       form_keys.extend;
290       form_keys(form_keys.COUNT) := 'Execution options';
291       form_values.extend;
292       form_values(form_values.COUNT) := proginfo.execution_options;
293     END IF;
295     form_view := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_form('Program information',   form_keys,   form_values,   reportcontext);
296     SECTION.add_form(form_view);
298     IF proginfo.enable_trace = 'Y' THEN
299       inner_section := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_section('Note:',   reportcontext);
300       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('SQL Trace has been enabled for this program.',   reportcontext);
301       inner_section.add_note(note);
302       SECTION.add_section(inner_section);
303     END IF;
305     -- Submission information
306     BEGIN
307       SELECT user_name
308       INTO c_user
309       FROM fnd_user
310       WHERE user_id = reqinfo.requested_by;
313     WHEN no_data_found THEN
314       c_user := '-- UNKNOWN USER --';
315     END;
317     BEGIN
318       SELECT user_name
319       INTO last_user
320       FROM fnd_user
321       WHERE user_id = reqinfo.last_updated_by;
324     WHEN no_data_found THEN
325       last_user := '-- UNKNOWN USER --';
326     END;
328     SELECT responsibility_name
329     INTO resp_name
330     FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
331     WHERE responsibility_id = reqinfo.responsibility_id
332      AND application_id = reqinfo.responsibility_application_id;
334     form_keys := jtf_varchar2_table_4000('It was submitted by user',   'Using responsibility',   'It was submitted on',   'It was requested to start on',   'Parent request id',   'Language',   'Territory',   'Priority',   'Arguments');
338     SECTION.add_form(form_view);
335     form_values := jtf_varchar2_table_4000(c_user,   resp_name,   to_char(reqinfo.request_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),   to_char(reqinfo.requested_start_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),
336 	reqinfo.parent_request_id,   reqinfo.nls_language,   reqinfo.nls_territory,   to_char(reqinfo.priority),   '(' || reqinfo.number_of_arguments || '): ' || reqinfo.argument_text);
337     form_view := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_form('Submission information',   form_keys,   form_values,   reportcontext);
340     c_status := get_status(reqinfo.status_code);
342     inner_section := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_section('Analysis',   reportcontext);
344     IF reqinfo.phase_code = 'C' THEN
345       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Request ' || p_req_id || ' has completed with status "' || c_status || '".',   reportcontext);
346       inner_section.add_note(note);
347       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It began running on: ' || nvl(to_char(reqinfo.actual_start_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),   '-- NO START DATE --'),   reportcontext);
348       inner_section.add_note(note);
349       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It completed on: ' || nvl(to_char(reqinfo.actual_completion_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),   '-- NO COMPLETION DATE --'),   reportcontext);
350       inner_section.add_note(note);
352       BEGIN
353         SELECT user_concurrent_queue_name
354         INTO mgrname
355         FROM fnd_concurrent_queues_vl
356         WHERE concurrent_queue_id = reqinfo.controlling_manager;
357         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It was run by manager: ' || mgrname,   reportcontext);
358         inner_section.add_note(note);
360       EXCEPTION
361       WHEN no_data_found THEN
362         SELECT queue_control_flag
363         INTO qcf
364         FROM fnd_concurrent_programs
365         WHERE concurrent_program_id = reqinfo.concurrent_program_id
366          AND application_id = reqinfo.program_application_id;
368         IF qcf = 'Y' THEN
369           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is a queue control request, it was run by the ICM',   reportcontext);
370         ELSE
371           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It was run by an unknown manager.',   reportcontext);
372         END IF;
374         inner_section.add_note(note);
375       END;
377       SELECT nvl(reqinfo.logfile_name,   '-- No logfile --')
378       INTO filename
379       FROM dual;
380       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Logfile: ' || filename,   reportcontext);
381       inner_section.add_note(note);
382       SELECT nvl(reqinfo.outfile_name,   '-- No output file --')
383       INTO filename
384       FROM dual;
385       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Output file: ' || filename,   reportcontext);
386       inner_section.add_note(note);
387       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It produced completion message: ' || nvl(reqinfo.completion_text,   '-- NO COMPLETION MESSAGE --'),   reportcontext);
388       inner_section.add_note(note);
389       ELSIF reqinfo.phase_code = 'R' THEN
390         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Request ' || p_req_id || ' is currently running with status "' || c_status || '".',   reportcontext);
391         inner_section.add_note(note);
392         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It began running on: ' || nvl(to_char(reqinfo.actual_start_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),   '-- NO START DATE --'),   reportcontext);
393         inner_section.add_note(note);
394         BEGIN
395           SELECT user_concurrent_queue_name
396           INTO mgrname
397           FROM fnd_concurrent_queues_vl
398           WHERE concurrent_queue_id = reqinfo.controlling_manager;
399           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It is being run by manager: ' || mgrname,   reportcontext);
400           inner_section.add_note(note);
402         EXCEPTION
403         WHEN no_data_found THEN
404           NULL;
405         END;
407         SELECT nvl(reqinfo.logfile_name,   '-- No logfile --')
408         INTO filename
409         FROM dual;
410         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Logfile: ' || filename,   reportcontext);
411         inner_section.add_note(note);
412         SELECT nvl(reqinfo.outfile_name,   '-- No output file --')
413         INTO filename
414         FROM dual;
415         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Output file: ' || filename,   reportcontext);
416         inner_section.add_note(note);
418         IF reqinfo.os_process_id IS NOT NULL THEN
419           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('OS process id: ' || reqinfo.os_process_id,   reportcontext);
420           inner_section.add_note(note);
421         END IF;
423         IF reqinfo.status_code = 'Z' THEN
425           -- Waiting request, See what it is waiting on
426           FOR child IN c_wait
427           LOOP
429             note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It is waiting on request ' || child.request_id || ' phase = ' || get_phase(child.phase_code) || ' status = ' || get_status(child.status_code),   reportcontext);
430             inner_section.add_note(note);
431           END LOOP;
433           ELSIF reqinfo.status_code = 'W' THEN
435             -- Paused, check and see if it is a request set, and if its children are running
436             SELECT nvl(concurrent_program_name,   'UNKNOWN')
437             INTO conc_prog_name
438             FROM fnd_concurrent_programs
439             WHERE concurrent_program_id = reqinfo.concurrent_program_id;
441             note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('A Running/Paused request is waiting on one or more child requests to complete.',   reportcontext);
442             inner_section.add_note(note);
444             IF conc_prog_name = 'FNDRSSTG' THEN
445               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This program appears to be a Request Set Stage.',   reportcontext);
446               inner_section.add_note(note);
447             END IF;
449             IF instr(conc_prog_name,   'RSSUB') > 0 THEN
450               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This program appears to be a Request Set parent program.',   reportcontext);
451               inner_section.add_note(note);
452             END IF;
454             live_child := FALSE;
455             FOR child IN c_wait
456             LOOP
458               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It has a child request: ' || child.request_id || ' (phase = ' || get_phase(child.phase_code) || ' - status = ' || get_status(child.status_code) || ')',   reportcontext);
459               inner_section.add_note(note);
461               IF child.phase_code <> 'C' THEN
462                 live_child := TRUE;
463               END IF;
465             END LOOP;
467             IF live_child = FALSE THEN
468               str_error := 'This request has no child requests that are still running.';
472               result := 'false';
469               str_fix_info := 'You need to wake this request up manually.';
470               message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error || str_fix_info,   'error',   reportcontext);
471               SECTION.add_message(message);
473               GOTO endoffile;
474             END IF;
476           END IF;
478           -- Pending Requests
479           -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
480           ELSIF reqinfo.phase_code = 'P' THEN
482             note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Request ' || p_req_id || ' is in phase "Pending" with status "' || c_status || '".',   reportcontext);
483             inner_section.add_note(note);
484             note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('                           (phase_code = P)   (status_code = ' || reqinfo.status_code || ')',   reportcontext);
485             inner_section.add_note(note);
487             -- could be a queue control request
488             SELECT queue_control_flag
489             INTO qcf
490             FROM fnd_concurrent_programs
491             WHERE concurrent_program_id = reqinfo.concurrent_program_id
492              AND application_id = reqinfo.program_application_id;
494             IF qcf = 'Y' THEN
495               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is a queue control request',   reportcontext);
496               inner_section.add_note(note);
497               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It will be run by the ICM on its next sleep cycle',   reportcontext);
498               inner_section.add_note(note);
499               GOTO diagnose;
500             END IF;
502             -- why is it pending?
504             -- could be scheduled
506             IF reqinfo.requested_start_date > sysdate OR reqinfo.status_code = 'P' THEN
507               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This is a scheduled request.',   reportcontext);
508               inner_section.add_note(note);
509               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It is currently scheduled to start running on ' || to_char(reqinfo.requested_start_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),   reportcontext);
510               inner_section.add_note(note);
511               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This should show on the form as Pending/Scheduled',   reportcontext);
512               inner_section.add_note(note);
513               GOTO diagnose;
514             END IF;
516             -- could be on hold
518             IF reqinfo.hold_flag = 'Y' THEN
519               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is currently on hold. It will not run until the hold is released.',   reportcontext);
520               inner_section.add_note(note);
521               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It was placed on hold by: ' || last_user || ' on ' || to_char(reqinfo.last_update_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),   reportcontext);
522               inner_section.add_note(note);
523               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This should show on the form as Inactive/On Hold',   reportcontext);
524               inner_section.add_note(note);
525               GOTO diagnose;
526             END IF;
528             -- could be disabled
530             IF proginfo.enabled_flag = 'N' THEN
531               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is currently disabled.',   reportcontext);
532               inner_section.add_note(note);
533               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('The concurrent_program ' || proginfo.user_concurrent_program_name || ' needs to be enabled for this request to run.',   reportcontext);
534               inner_section.add_note(note);
535               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This should show on the form as Inactive/Disabled',   reportcontext);
536               inner_section.add_note(note);
537               GOTO diagnose;
538             END IF;
540             -- check queue_method_code
541             -- unconstrained requests
543             IF reqinfo.queue_method_code = 'I' THEN
544               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is an unconstrained request. (queue_method_code = I)',   reportcontext);
545               inner_section.add_note(note);
547               IF reqinfo.status_code = 'I' THEN
548                 note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It is in a "Pending/Normal" status, ready to be run by the next available manager.',   reportcontext);
549                 inner_section.add_note(note);
550                 ELSIF reqinfo.status_code = 'Q' THEN
551                   note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It has a status of "Standby" even though it is unconstrained. It will not be run by any manager.',   reportcontext);
552                   inner_section.add_note(note);
553                   ELSIF reqinfo.status_code IN('A',   'Z') THEN
554                     note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It is in a "Waiting" status. This usually indicates a child request waiting for the parent to release it.',   reportcontext);
555                     inner_section.add_note(note);
556                     SELECT nvl(parent_request_id,   -1)
557                     INTO parent_id
558                     FROM fnd_conc_req_summary_v
559                     WHERE request_id = p_req_id;
561                     IF parent_id = -1 THEN
562                       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('** Unable to find a parent request for this request',   reportcontext);
563                       inner_section.add_note(note);
564                     ELSE
565                       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It''s parent request id is: ' || to_char(parent_id),   reportcontext);
566                       inner_section.add_note(note);
567                     END IF;
569                   ELSE
570                     str_error := 'Unexpected status of ' || reqinfo.status_code || ' occurred';
571                     str_fix_info := ' Please contact System Administrator';
572                     message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error || str_fix_info,   'error',   reportcontext);
573                     SECTION.add_message(message);
574                     result := 'false';
575                     GOTO endoffile;
576                   END IF;
578                   -- constrained requests
579                   ELSIF reqinfo.queue_method_code = 'B' THEN
580                     note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is a constrained request. (queue_method_code = B)',   reportcontext);
581                     inner_section.add_note(note);
583                     IF reqinfo.status_code = 'I' THEN
584                       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('The Conflict Resolution manager has released this request, and it is in a "Pending/Normal" status.',   reportcontext);
585                       inner_section.add_note(note);
586                       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It is ready to be run by the next available manager.',   reportcontext);
587                       inner_section.add_note(note);
588                       ELSIF reqinfo.status_code = 'Q' THEN
589                         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It is in a "Pending/Standby" status. The Conflict Resolution manager will need to release it before it can be run.',   reportcontext);
590                         inner_section.add_note(note);
591                         ELSIF reqinfo.status_code IN('A',   'Z') THEN
592                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It is in a "Waiting" status. This usually indicates a child request waiting for the parent to release it.',   reportcontext);
593                           inner_section.add_note(note);
594                           SELECT nvl(parent_request_id,   -1)
595                           INTO parent_id
596                           FROM fnd_conc_req_summary_v
597                           WHERE request_id = p_req_id;
599                           IF parent_id = -1 THEN
600                             note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('** Unable to find a parent request for this request',   reportcontext);
601                             inner_section.add_note(note);
602                           ELSE
603                             note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It''s parent request id is: ' || to_char(parent_id),   reportcontext);
604                             inner_section.add_note(note);
605                           END IF;
607                         ELSE
608                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Hmmm. A status of ' || reqinfo.status_code || '. I was not really expecting to see this status.',   reportcontext);
609                           inner_section.add_note(note);
610                         END IF;
612                         -- incompatible programs
613                         SELECT program_application_id,
614                           concurrent_program_id,
615                           cd_id
616                         INTO conc_app_id,
617                           conc_id,
618                           conc_cd_id
619                         FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
620                         WHERE request_id = p_req_id;
622                         icount := 0;
623                         FOR progs IN c_inc
624                         LOOP
626                           traid := progs.to_run_application_id;
627                           trcpid := progs.to_run_concurrent_program_id;
629                           OPEN c_ireqs;
630                           LOOP
632                             FETCH c_ireqs
633                             INTO ireqid,
634                               pcode,
635                               scode;
636                             EXIT
637                           WHEN c_ireqs % NOTFOUND;
639                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Request ' || p_req_id || ' is waiting, or will have to wait, on an incompatible request: ' || ireqid,   reportcontext);
640                           inner_section.add_note(note);
641                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('which has phase = ' || pcode || ' and status = ' || scode,   reportcontext);
642                           inner_section.add_note(note);
643                           icount := icount + 1;
645                         END LOOP;
647                         CLOSE c_ireqs;
649                       END LOOP;
651                       IF icount = 0 THEN
652                         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('No running incompatible requests were found for request ' || p_req_id,   reportcontext);
653                         inner_section.add_note(note);
654                       END IF;
656                       -- could be a runalone itself
658                       IF proginfo.run_alone_flag = 'Y' THEN
659                         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is constrained because it is a runalone request.',   reportcontext);
660                         inner_section.add_note(note);
661                       END IF;
663                       -- single threaded
665                       IF reqinfo.single_thread_flag = 'Y' THEN
666                         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is constrained because the profile option Concurrent: Sequential Requests is set.',   reportcontext);
667                         inner_section.add_note(note);
668                         reqlimit := TRUE;
669                       END IF;
671                       -- request limit
673                       IF reqinfo.request_limit = 'Y' THEN
674                         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is constrained because the profile option Concurrent: Active Request Limit is set.',   reportcontext);
675                         inner_section.add_note(note);
676                         reqlimit := TRUE;
677                       END IF;
679                       IF reqlimit = TRUE THEN
680                         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request may have to wait on these requests:',   reportcontext);
681                         inner_section.add_note(note);
682                         FOR progs IN c_userreqs(reqinfo.requested_by,   reqinfo.requested_start_date)
683                         LOOP
684                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Request id: ' || progs.request_id || ' Requested start date: ' || progs.start_date,   reportcontext);
685                           inner_section.add_note(note);
686                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('     Phase: ' || get_phase(progs.phase_code) || '   Status: ' || get_status(progs.status_code),   reportcontext);
687                           inner_section.add_note(note);
688                         END LOOP;
689                       END IF;
691                       -- error, invalid queue_method_code
692                     ELSE
693                       str_error := 'This request has an invalid queue_method_code of ' || reqinfo.queue_method_code || ' This request will not be run.';
694                       str_fix_info := 'You may need to apply patch 739644';
695                       message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error,   'error',   reportcontext);
696                       inner_section.add_message(message);
700                       SECTION.add_section(inner_section);
697                       message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_fix_info,   'info',   reportcontext);
698                       inner_section.add_message(message);
699                       result := 'false';
701                       GOTO endoffile;
702                     END IF;
704                     note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Checking managers available to run this request...',   reportcontext);
705                     inner_section.add_note(note);
707                     -- check the managers
708                     manager_check(p_req_id,   reqinfo.cd_id,   mgr_defined,   mgr_active,   mgr_workshift,   mgr_running,   run_alone);
710                     -- could be a runalone ahead of it
712                     IF run_alone = TRUE THEN
713                       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('There is a runalone request running ahead of this request',   reportcontext);
714                       inner_section.add_note(note);
715                       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This should show on the form as Inactive/No Manager',   reportcontext);
716                       inner_section.add_note(note);
718                       SELECT user_cd_name
719                       INTO conflict_domain
720                       FROM fnd_conflicts_domain
721                       WHERE cd_id = reqinfo.cd_id;
723                       note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Conflict domain = ' || conflict_domain,   reportcontext);
724                       inner_section.add_note(note);
725                       -- see what is running
726                       BEGIN
727                         SELECT request_id,
728                           status_code,
729                           actual_start_date
730                         INTO tmp_id,
731                           tmp_status,
732                           tmp_date
733                         FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
734                           fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
735                         WHERE fcp.run_alone_flag = 'Y'
736                          AND fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
737                          AND fcr.phase_code = 'R'
738                          AND fcr.cd_id = reqinfo.cd_id;
740                         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This request is waiting for request ' || tmp_id || ', which is running with status ' || get_status(tmp_status),   reportcontext);
741                         inner_section.add_note(note);
742                         note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('It has been running since: ' || nvl(to_char(tmp_date,   'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),   '-- NO START DATE --'),   reportcontext);
743                         inner_section.add_note(note);
745                       EXCEPTION
749                         message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error || str_fix_info,   'error',   reportcontext);
746                       WHEN no_data_found THEN
747                         str_error := 'The runalone flag is set for conflict domain ' || conflict_domain || ' but there is no runalone request running. ';
748                         str_fix_info := 'Please contact System Administrator';
750                         SECTION.add_message(message);
751                         result := 'false';
752                         GOTO endoffile;
753                       END;
755                       ELSIF mgr_defined = FALSE THEN
756                         str_error := 'There is no manager defined that can run this request. This should show on the form as Inactive/No Manager. ';
757                         str_fix_info := 'Check the specialization rules for each manager to make sure they are defined correctly.';
758                         message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error || str_fix_info,   'error',   reportcontext);
759                         SECTION.add_message(message);
760                         result := 'false';
761                         GOTO endoffile;
762                         ELSIF mgr_active = FALSE THEN
763                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('There are one or more managers defined that can run this request, but none of them are currently active',   reportcontext);
764                           inner_section.add_note(note);
765                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This should show on the form as Inactive/No Manager',   reportcontext);
766                           inner_section.add_note(note);
767                           -- print out which managers can run it and their status
768                           note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('These managers are defined to run this request:',   reportcontext);
769                           inner_section.add_note(note);
770                           print_mgrs(p_req_id,   inner_section,   reportcontext);
772                           str_error := 'Inactive/No Manager. ';
773                           str_fix_info := 'Please contact the System Administrator.';
774                           message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error || str_fix_info,   'error',   reportcontext);
775                           SECTION.add_message(message);
776                           result := 'false';
777                           GOTO endoffile;
779                           ELSIF mgr_workshift = FALSE THEN
780                             note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('Right now, there is no manager running in an active workshift that can run this request',   reportcontext);
781                             inner_section.add_note(note);
782                             note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This should show on the form as Inactive/No Manager',   reportcontext);
783                             inner_section.add_note(note);
784                             -- display details about the workshifts
785                             ELSIF mgr_running = FALSE THEN
786                               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('There is one or more managers available to run this request, but none of them are running',   reportcontext);
787                               inner_section.add_note(note);
788                               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('This should show on the form as Inactive/No Manager',   reportcontext);
789                               inner_section.add_note(note);
790                               -- print out which managers can run it and their status
791                               print_mgrs(p_req_id,   inner_section,   reportcontext);
793                               str_error := 'Inactive/No Manager. ';
794                               str_fix_info := 'Please contact the System Administrator.';
795                               message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error || str_fix_info,   'error',   reportcontext);
796                               SECTION.add_message(message);
797                               result := 'false';
798                               GOTO endoffile;
800                             ELSE
801                               -- print out the managers available to run it
802                               note := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_note('These managers are available to run this request:',   reportcontext);
803                               inner_section.add_note(note);
804                               print_mgrs(p_req_id,   inner_section,   reportcontext);
806                             END IF;
808                             -- invalid phase code
809                           ELSE
810                             str_error := 'Request ' || p_req_id || ' has an invalid phase_code of "' || reqinfo.phase_code || '" ';
811                             str_fix_info := '';
812                             message := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_message(str_error || str_fix_info,   'error',   reportcontext);
813                             SECTION.add_message(message);
814                             result := 'false';
815                             GOTO endoffile;
817                           END IF;
819                           << diagnose >> SECTION.add_section(inner_section);
820                           -- Setting the out parameter 'result' to true to indicate the test is successfull
821                           result := 'true';
823                           << endoffile >> ---------------XYZ-----------------------
824                           -- Adding the section to the report after constructing it completely.
825                           report.add_section(SECTION);
827                           -- Creating a custom footer for the report
828                           str := 'Oracle corporation.';
829                           footer := jtf_diag_report_factory.create_footer(str,   reportcontext);
830                           -- Adding the footer to the report
831                           report.add_footer(footer);
833                         EXCEPTION
834                         WHEN others THEN
835                           str_error := 'Error number ' || SQLCODE || ' has occurred.' || ' Cause: ' || sqlerrm;
836                           str_fix_info := 'Please contact system Administrator';
837                           result := 'false';
838                         END runtest;
839                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840                         -- procedure to set the description for the test.Framework will supply this information to the ui
841                         -- before executing the test
842                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
843                         PROCEDURE gettestdesc(str OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
844                         BEGIN
845                           str := 'Analyze a concurrent request';
846                         END gettestdesc;
847                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
848                         -- procedure to set the name of the test
849                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
850                         PROCEDURE gettestname(str OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
851                         BEGIN
852                           str := 'Concurrent Request Analyzer';
853                         END gettestname;
854                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
855                         -- procedure to provide/populate  the default parameters for the test case.
856                         -- The input name used must comply with the  XML id specification--namely it must begin with a [a-z][A-z]
857                         -- and after that can contain as many of [a-z][A-Z][0-9][._-:] as desired.
858                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
859                         PROCEDURE getdefaulttestparams(defaultinputvalues OUT nocopy jtf_diag_test_inputs) IS
860                         tempinput jtf_diag_test_inputs;
861                         BEGIN
862                           tempinput := jtf_diagnostic_adaptutil.initialiseinput;
863                           tempinput := jtf_diagnostic_adaptutil.addinput(tempinput,   'RequestId',   NULL,   'FALSE',   NULL,   'This is a Number input',   'FALSE',   'FALSE',   'TRUE');
864                           defaultinputvalues := tempinput;
866                         EXCEPTION
867                         WHEN others THEN
868                           defaultinputvalues := jtf_diagnostic_adaptutil.initialiseinput;
869                         END getdefaulttestparams;
870                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
871                         -- Procedure to report the framwork about the error has occured while running the test
872                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
873                         PROCEDURE geterror(str OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
874                         BEGIN
875                           str := str_error;
876                         END geterror;
877                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
878                         -- Procedure to report the framwork about the fix information if the test has failed
879                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
880                         PROCEDURE getfixinfo(str OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
881                         BEGIN
882                           str := str_fix_info;
883                         END getfixinfo;
884                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
885                         -- Procedure to report the framwork about the warning if any has occured while running the test
886                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
887                         PROCEDURE iswarning(str OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
888                         BEGIN
889                           str := 'false';
890                         END iswarning;
891                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
892                         -- Procedure to report the framwork about the sever error cases if any occured while running the test
893                         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
897                         END isfatal;
894                         PROCEDURE isfatal(str OUT nocopy VARCHAR2) IS
895                         BEGIN
896                           str := 'false';
898 END fnd_diag_request_analyzer;