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Line 348: -- hri_org_param_list

344: --
345: -- This call to GetNextOrgParamID gets the next org param id from the
346: -- sequence hri_org_params_s to be used as a primary key for the master
347: -- table hri_org_params and part of primary key for the detail table
348: -- hri_org_param_list
349: --
350: --------------------------------------------------------------------
351: --
352: l_org_param_id := GetNextOrgParamID;

Line 434: -- hri_org_Param_list table.

430: --
431: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
432: --
433: -- Insert the organization_id_group and organization_id_child into the
434: -- hri_org_Param_list table.
435: --
436: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
437: --

Line 443: insert into hri_org_param_list

439: /* bug 1723733 */
440: /* added exception handler to write exception to conc. log file */
442: begin
443: insert into hri_org_param_list
444: ( org_param_id
445: , organization_id_group
446: , organization_id_child )
447: values

Line 456: 'HrBisOrgParams - Failed on insert into hri_org_param_list table: ');

452: when others then
453: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,
454: '----------------------------------------------------------- ');
455: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,
456: 'HrBisOrgParams - Failed on insert into hri_org_param_list table: ');
457: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,sqlerrm||' '||sqlcode);
458: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'org_param_id = ' || l_org_param_id);
459: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'organization_id_group = ' ||
460: r_child.organization_id_group);

Line 481: -- procedure is to populate the hri_org_params and hri_org_param_list tables

477: --
478: -- This procedure is the main entry point to this package. This procedure
479: -- will need to be called by the concurrent manager on a regular basis or
480: -- every time the organisation hierarchy is changed. The purpose of this
481: -- procedure is to populate the hri_org_params and hri_org_param_list tables
482: -- which are used in many HRMS BIS reports to select organisation
483: -- hierarchies.
484: --
485: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 542: -- delete from hri_org_param_list;

538: -- Bug 3658446 used truncate in place of delete
539: --
540: IF fnd_installation.get_app_info('HRI',l_dummy1, l_dummy2, l_schema) THEN
541: --
542: -- delete from hri_org_param_list;
543: l_sql_stmt := 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || l_schema || '.HRI_ORG_PARAM_LIST';
544: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE(l_sql_stmt);
545: --
546: -- delete from hri_org_params;

Line 543: l_sql_stmt := 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || l_schema || '.HRI_ORG_PARAM_LIST';

539: --
540: IF fnd_installation.get_app_info('HRI',l_dummy1, l_dummy2, l_schema) THEN
541: --
542: -- delete from hri_org_param_list;
543: l_sql_stmt := 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || l_schema || '.HRI_ORG_PARAM_LIST';
544: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE(l_sql_stmt);
545: --
546: -- delete from hri_org_params;
547: l_sql_stmt := 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || l_schema || '.HRI_ORG_PARAMS';

Line 572: -- hri_org_param_list

568: (r_hierarchies.ver_id, r_hierarchies.top_org_id)
569: loop
570: --
571: -- The following calls to LoadOrgHierarchy are to populate the tables:
572: -- hri_org_param_list
573: -- hri_org_params
574: -- For each row returned by the c_elements cursor a call is made to the
575: -- LoadOrgHierarchy procedure for each different type of organization
576: -- process (SINR, ISNR, SIRO, ISRO).

Line 608: -- hri_org_param_list:

604: -- +-------------+-------------------------+---------------+---------+
605: -- |33 (for e.g.)|3(for e.g.) | A | SINR |
606: -- +-------------+-------------------------+---------------+---------+
607: --
608: -- hri_org_param_list:
609: -- +-------------+---------------------+---------------------+
611: -- +-------------+---------------------+---------------------+
612: -- | 33 | A | A |

Line 638: -- hri_org_param_list:

634: -- +-------------+-------------------------+---------------+---------+
635: -- |34 (for e.g.)|3(for e.g.) | A | ISNR |
636: -- +-------------+-------------------------+---------------+---------+
637: --
638: -- hri_org_param_list:
639: -- +-------------+---------------------+---------------------+
641: -- +-------------+---------------------+---------------------+
642: -- | 34 | A | A |

Line 677: -- hri_org_param_list:

673: -- +-------------+-------------------------+---------------+---------+
674: -- |35 (for e.g.)|3(for e.g.) | A | ISNR |
675: -- +-------------+-------------------------+---------------+---------+
676: --
677: -- hri_org_param_list:
678: -- +-------------+---------------------+---------------------+
680: -- +-------------+---------------------+---------------------+
681: -- | 35 | A | A |

Line 720: -- hri_org_param_list:

716: -- +-------------+-------------------------+---------------+---------+
717: -- |35 (for e.g.)|3(for e.g.) | A | ISNR |
718: -- +-------------+-------------------------+---------------+---------+
719: --
720: -- hri_org_param_list:
721: -- +-------------+---------------------+---------------------+
723: -- +-------------+---------------------+---------------------+
724: -- | 35 | A | A |

Line 787: delete from hri_org_param_list;

783: --
784: errbuf := sqlerrm;
785: retcode := sqlcode;
786: --
787: delete from hri_org_param_list;
788: --
789: delete from hri_org_params;
790: --
791: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,sqlerrm||' '||sqlcode);

Line 807: from hri_org_param_list opl

803: , cp_organization_id_group Number
804: , cp_organization_id_child Number )
805: is
806: select 1
807: from hri_org_param_list opl
808: where opl.org_param_id = cp_org_param_id
809: and opl.organization_id_group = cp_organization_id_group
810: and opl.organization_id_child = cp_organization_id_child;