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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 184

            SELECT  NVL(SUM(QUANTITY),0)
               FROM  oe_lot_serial_numbers
               WHERE (line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
                     OR line_set_id IN
                      (SELECT line_set_id
                         FROM oe_order_lines_all
                         WHERE line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
                         AND header_id = p_oe_order_header_id))
                  AND lot_number = v_lot_no;
Line: 199

            SELECT primary_quantity , primary_unit_of_measure
               FROM rcv_transactions
               WHERE transaction_id = l_parent_trx_id ;
Line: 254

             SELECT   count(LOT_NUMBER)
                INTO  l_count_lots
                WHERE PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ID =p_rti_id
                AND   PRODUCT_CODE = 'RCV' ;
Line: 263

                UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   SET secondary_quantity  = l_lot_secondary_quantity
                   WHERE  rowid = p_mtlt_rowid ;
Line: 302

             INTO l_enforce_rma_lot_value
             FROM rcv_parameters
             WHERE organization_id=p_to_organization_id;
Line: 330

                /* for ROI , 'U' and 'W'  are same as we shall not insert any
                  error in po_interface_errors for 'W' (as we do not ask any question from the user) */

                /*check whether lot is specified in the RMA for that Receipt Line.. */

                IF g_debug = 1 THEN
                   print_debug('Before calling INV_ROI_INTEGRATION_GRP.Inv_Rma_lot_info_exists:' || l_progress, 1);
Line: 382

                       SELECT unit_of_measure
                       INTO l_rma_unit_of_measure
                       FROM oe_order_lines_all ,mtl_units_of_measure
                       WHERE header_id = p_oe_order_header_id
                       AND line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
                       AND uom_code = order_quantity_uom;
Line: 389

                       SELECT PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE
                       INTO l_pri_unit_of_measure
                       FROM mtl_system_items_b
                       WHERE INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_item_id
                       AND organization_id = p_to_organization_id;
Line: 607

       SELECT transaction_type, destination_type_code, auto_transact_code, parent_transaction_id
       INTO l_transaction_type, l_destination_type_code, l_auto_transact_code, l_parent_transaction_id
       FROM rcv_transactions_interface
       WHERE interface_transaction_id = p_rti_id;
Line: 615

       SELECT transaction_type, destination_type_code
       INTO l_parent_transaction_type, l_parent_destination_type_code
       FROM rcv_transactions WHERE transaction_id = l_parent_transaction_id;
Line: 801

                INTO l_parent_trx_id
                WHERE INTERFACE_TRANSACTION_ID = p_rti_id;
Line: 965

                /*update the out variable*/
                x_lot_secondary_quantity :=l_lot_secondary_quantity ;
Line: 970

                UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   SET secondary_quantity  = l_lot_secondary_quantity
                   WHERE  rowid = p_mtlt_rowid ;
Line: 974

                   print_debug('updated MTLT with the defaulted secondary quantity: ' || l_progress, 9);
Line: 977

               /* No need to update MTLI as rows are deleted from there after moving them to MTLT */

                l_progress := '017' ;
Line: 985

                      print_debug('UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp with not null lot secondary quantity failed for an existing lot' || l_progress, 1);
Line: 1071

             /*update the out variable*/
             x_lot_secondary_quantity :=l_lot_secondary_quantity ;
Line: 1076

                UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   SET secondary_quantity  = l_lot_secondary_quantity
                   WHERE  rowid = p_mtlt_rowid ;
Line: 1081

                   print_debug('updated MTLT with the defaulted secondary quantity: ' || l_progress, 9);
Line: 1084

               /* No need to update MTLI as rows are deleted from there after moving them to MTLT */

                l_progress := '017' ;
Line: 1092

                      print_debug('UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp with not null lot secondary quantity failed for an existing lot' || l_progress, 1);
Line: 1106

          /*update the out variable*/
          x_lot_secondary_quantity :=l_lot_secondary_quantity ;
Line: 1111

             UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                SET secondary_quantity  = l_lot_secondary_quantity
                WHERE  rowid = p_mtlt_rowid ;
Line: 1116

                print_debug('updated MTLT with NULL secondary quantity: ' || l_progress, 9);
Line: 1123

                   print_debug('UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp with null lot secondary quantity failed for an existing lot' || l_progress, 1);
Line: 1167

                /*update the out variable*/
                x_lot_secondary_quantity :=l_lot_secondary_quantity ;
Line: 1172

                UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   SET secondary_quantity  = l_lot_secondary_quantity
                   WHERE  rowid = p_mtlt_rowid ;
Line: 1176

                   print_debug('updated MTLT with the defaulted secondary quantity: ' || l_progress, 9);
Line: 1179

               /* No need to update MTLI as rows are deleted from there after moving them to MTLT */

                l_progress := '017' ;
Line: 1187

                      print_debug('UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp with not null lot secondary quantity failed for an
existing lot' || l_progress, 1);
Line: 1272

             /*update the out variable*/
             x_lot_secondary_quantity :=l_lot_secondary_quantity ;
Line: 1277

                UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   SET secondary_quantity  = l_lot_secondary_quantity
                   WHERE  rowid = p_mtlt_rowid ;
Line: 1282

                   print_debug('updated MTLT with the defaulted secondary quantity: ' || l_progress, 9);
Line: 1285

              /* No need to update MTLI as rows are deleted from there after moving them to MTLT */

                WHEN OTHERS THEN
                   IF g_debug = 1 THEN
                      print_debug('UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp with not null lot secondary quantity failed for a new lot'|| l_progress, 4);
Line: 1304

          /*update the out variable*/
          x_lot_secondary_quantity := l_lot_secondary_quantity ;
Line: 1309

             UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                SET secondary_quantity  = l_lot_secondary_quantity
                WHERE  rowid = p_mtlt_rowid ;
Line: 1314

                print_debug('updated MTLT with NULL secondary quantity: ' || l_progress, 9);
Line: 1319

                print_debug('update table with NULL secondary quantity:' || l_progress, 1);
Line: 1325

                   print_debug('UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp with null lot secondary quantity failed for a new lot'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1451

  #    Create the new lot and then update MTLT with the new lot attributes.
  #    Create lot specific conversions for :
  #    Primary UOM and Secondary UOM
  #   http://files.oraclecorp.com/content/AllPublic/Workspaces/
  #   Inventory%20Convergence-Public/Design/Oracle%20Purchasing/TDD/PO_ROI_TDD.zip
  # 10-AUG-2004  Punit Kumar 	Created
  # 01-SEP-2004  Punit Kumar  Changed the way l_lot_rec was getting populated

                         x_return_status         	   			 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                   ,
                         x_msg_count             	  			    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                     ,
                         x_msg_data             	    			 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                   ,
                         p_api_version	 		                   IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 1.0                ,
                         p_init_msg_lst	 		                IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE       ,
                         p_source_document_code                 IN  VARCHAR2                          ,
                         p_item_id                              IN  NUMBER                            ,
                         p_from_organization_id                 IN  NUMBER                            ,
                         p_to_organization_id                   IN  NUMBER                            ,
                         p_lot_number                           IN  VARCHAR2                          ,
                         p_lot_quantity			                IN  NUMBER                            ,
                         p_lot_secondary_quantity	             IN  NUMBER                            ,
                         p_line_secondary_quantity              IN  NUMBER                            ,
                         p_primary_unit_of_measure              IN  VARCHAR2                          ,
                         p_secondary_unit_of_measure            IN  VARCHAR2                          ,
                         p_uom_code                             IN  VARCHAR2                          ,
                         p_secondary_uom_code                   IN  VARCHAR2                          ,
                         p_reason_id                            IN  NUMBER                            ,
                         P_MLN_REC                              IN  mtl_lot_numbers%ROWTYPE           ,
                         p_mtlt_rowid				                IN  ROWID

     /* copy all values from mtl_lot_numbers for inter org transfer */
     CURSOR C_MLN (l_lot_number           VARCHAR2,
                   l_item_id              NUMBER,
                   l_from_organization_id NUMBER
                   ) IS
        SELECT *
           FROM mtl_lot_numbers
           WHERE lot_number = l_lot_number
           AND inventory_item_id=l_item_id
           AND organization_id = l_from_organization_id;
Line: 1511

     l_qty_update_tbl         MTL_LOT_UOM_CONV_PUB.quantity_update_rec_type         ;
Line: 1562

              INTO l_grade_controlled_flag
              FROM mtl_system_items_b
              WHERE INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_item_id
              AND  ORGANIZATION_ID = p_to_organization_id;
Line: 1577

                 print_debug('inv_new_lot::SELECT GRADE_CONTROL_FLAG has failed with a Unexpected exception'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1625

              select msi.lot_control_code
                into l_from_lot_ctrl
                from mtl_system_items msi
               where msi.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                 and msi.organization_id = p_from_organization_id;
Line: 1702

           l_lot_rec.last_update_date :=SYSDATE;
Line: 1753

        print_debug('l_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE:'|| l_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE||':'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1754

        print_debug('l_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY:'|| l_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY||':'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1757

        print_debug('l_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN:'||l_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ||':'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1763

        print_debug('l_lot_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE:'|| l_lot_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE ||':'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1825

        print_debug('x_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE:'|| x_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE||':'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1826

        print_debug('x_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY:'|| x_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY||':'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1829

        print_debug('x_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN:'||x_lot_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ||':'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1835

        print_debug('x_lot_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE:'|| x_lot_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE ||':'|| l_progress, 1);
Line: 1896

    UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
       lot_expiration_date          = x_lot_rec.expiration_date               ,
       attribute_category           = x_lot_rec.attribute_category            ,
       lot_attribute_category       = x_lot_rec.lot_attribute_category        ,
       grade_code                   = x_lot_rec.grade_code                    ,
       origination_date             = x_lot_rec.origination_date              ,
       date_code                    = x_lot_rec.date_code                     ,
       status_id                    = x_lot_rec.status_id                     ,
       change_date                  = x_lot_rec.change_date                   ,
       age                          = x_lot_rec.age                           ,
       retest_date                  = x_lot_rec.retest_date                   ,
       maturity_date                = x_lot_rec.maturity_date                 ,
       item_size                    = x_lot_rec.item_size                     ,
       color                        = x_lot_rec.color                         ,
       volume                       = x_lot_rec.volume                        ,
       volume_uom                   = x_lot_rec.volume_uom                    ,
       place_of_origin              = x_lot_rec.place_of_origin               ,
       best_by_date                 = x_lot_rec.best_by_date                  ,
       LENGTH                       = x_lot_rec.LENGTH                        ,
       length_uom                   = x_lot_rec.length_uom                    ,
       recycled_content             = x_lot_rec.recycled_content              ,
       thickness                    = x_lot_rec.thickness                     ,
       thickness_uom                = x_lot_rec.thickness_uom                 ,
       width                        = x_lot_rec.width                         ,
       width_uom                    = x_lot_rec.width_uom                     ,
       territory_code               = x_lot_rec.territory_code                ,
       supplier_lot_number          = x_lot_rec.supplier_lot_number           ,
       vendor_name                  = x_lot_rec.vendor_name                   ,
       creation_date                = SYSDATE                                 ,
       created_by                   = x_lot_rec.created_by                    ,
       last_update_date             = SYSDATE                                 ,
       last_updated_by              = x_lot_rec.last_updated_by               ,
       parent_lot_number            = x_lot_rec.parent_lot_number             ,
       origination_type             = x_lot_rec.origination_type              ,
       expiration_action_code       = x_lot_rec.expiration_action_code        ,
       expiration_action_date       = x_lot_rec.expiration_action_date        ,
       hold_date                    = x_lot_rec.hold_date                     ,
       DESCRIPTION                  = x_lot_rec.DESCRIPTION                   ,
       CURL_WRINKLE_FOLD            = x_lot_rec.CURL_WRINKLE_FOLD             ,
       VENDOR_ID                    = x_lot_rec.VENDOR_ID

       WHERE ROWID = p_mtlt_rowid ;
Line: 1966

          print_debug('Update MTLT with the out record type parameter x_lot_rec:' || l_progress, 1);
Line: 2007

               INTO l_permission_value
               FROM mtl_parameters
               WHERE Organization_id = p_to_organization_id;
Line: 2039

                SELECT distinct(uom_class)
                   INTO l_primary_uom_class
                   FROM MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE
                   WHERE unit_of_measure = P_PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE;
Line: 2044

                SELECT distinct(uom_class)
                   INTO l_secondary_uom_class
                   FROM MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE
                   WHERE unit_of_measure = p_secondary_unit_of_measure;
Line: 2052

                SELECT secondary_default_ind
                   INTO l_secondary_default_ind
                   FROM mtl_system_items_b
                   WHERE inventory_item_id =p_item_id
                   AND organization_id =p_to_organization_id;
Line: 2093

                   p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_updated_by          := fnd_global.user_id                ;
Line: 2094

                   p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_update_date         := SYSDATE                           ;
Line: 2095

                   p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_update_login        := fnd_global.login_id               ;
Line: 2099

                   p_lot_uom_conv_rec.program_update_date      := NULL                              ;
Line: 2147

                      print_debug('p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_updated_by:'||p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_updated_by, 1);
Line: 2148

                      print_debug('p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_update_date:'||p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_update_date, 1);
Line: 2149

                      print_debug('p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_update_login:'||p_lot_uom_conv_rec.last_update_login, 1);
Line: 2153

                      print_debug('p_lot_uom_conv_rec.program_update_date:'||p_lot_uom_conv_rec.program_update_date, 1);
Line: 2164

                                                                  p_action_type            =>'I' /*Database action type ('I' for insert or 'U' for update)*/  ,
                                                                  p_update_type_indicator	 =>5                                                                ,
                                                                  p_reason_id              =>p_reason_id                                                      ,
                                                                  p_batch_id               =>NULL /*(Since we are not updating batch quantities)*/            ,
                                                                  p_process_data           =>'Y', -- Bug 4019726 FND_API.G_TRUE                                                   ,
                                                                  p_lot_uom_conv_rec       =>p_lot_uom_conv_rec                                               ,
                                                                  p_qty_update_tbl         =>l_qty_update_tbl                                                 ,
                                                                  x_return_status          =>l_return_status                                                  ,
                                                                  x_msg_count              =>l_msg_count                                                      ,
                                                                  x_msg_data             	 =>l_msg_data                                                       ,
                                                                  x_sequence               =>l_sequence
Line: 2177

                   /*  p_update_type_indicator  Indicates if there is a quantity change associated with the lot uom conversion change and if so,
                   what kind of change
                   (0 for Update On-Hand Balances,
                   1 for Recalculate Batch Primary Quantity,
                   2  for Recalculate Batch Secondary Quantity,
                   3 for Recalculate On-Hand Primary Quantity,
                   4 for Recalculate On-Hand Secondary Quantity,
                   5 for No Quantity Updates)

                l_progress := '035';
Line: 2347

  #         Sum it up and update the Source Doc primary quantity with this.
  #     2) For lot controlled and dual uom controlled items ,loop through each
  #        record in MTLT and sum the lot_secondary_quantity and update the
  #        secondary receipt line quantity with this.
  #   http://files.oraclecorp.com/content/AllPublic/Workspaces/
  #   Inventory%20Convergence-Public/Design/Oracle%20Purchasing/TDD/PO_ROI_TDD.zip
  # 13-SEP-2004  Punit Kumar 	Created

  PROCEDURE INV_Synch_Quantities(
                                         x_return_status      		      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2              ,
                                         x_msg_data           		      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2              ,
                                         x_msg_count          		      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                ,
                                         x_sum_sourcedoc_quantity	      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                ,
                                         x_sum_rti_secondary_quantity   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                ,
                                         p_api_version	 		         IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 1.0           ,
                                         p_init_msg_lst	 		         IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE  ,
                                         p_inventory_item_id    		   IN  NUMBER                       ,
                                         p_to_organization_id		      IN  NUMBER                       ,
                                         p_lot_number  			         IN  VARCHAR2                     ,
                                         p_transaction_unit_of_measure	IN  VARCHAR2                     ,
                                         p_sourcedoc_unit_of_meaure     IN  VARCHAR2                     ,
                                         p_lot_quantity   			      IN  NUMBER                       ,
                                         p_line_secondary_quantity      IN  NUMBER                       ,
                                         p_secondary_unit_of_measure    IN  VARCHAR2                     ,
                                         p_lot_secondary_quantity       IN  NUMBER


     /*local variables declaration*/
     l_api_name                     VARCHAR2(30) := 'INV_Synch_Quantities';
Line: 2424

      SELECT distinct(uom_class)
         INTO l_recv_uom_class
         WHERE  UNIT_OF_MEASURE = p_transaction_unit_of_measure;
Line: 2429

      SELECT distinct(uom_class)
         INTO l_sourcedoc_uom_class
         WHERE  UNIT_OF_MEASURE = p_sourcedoc_unit_of_meaure;
Line: 2499

         /*Logic is to get the sum of above quantity here in this procedure and update RTI
           at the the end of validate_lot_serial_info  (where the loop for all MTLT lots ends).*/

         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
            print_debug('x_sum_sourcedoc_quantity :' ||x_sum_sourcedoc_quantity , 1);
Line: 2524

            /*Here also logic is to get the sum of above quantity here in this procedure and update
              RTI at the the end of validate_lot_serial_info  (where the loop for all MTLT lots ends).*/

            IF g_debug = 1 THEN
               print_debug('x_sum_rti_secondary_quantity :' ||x_sum_rti_secondary_quantity , 1);
Line: 2611

         SELECT count (*)
            FROM 	oe_lot_serial_numbers
            WHERE	(line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
            OR line_set_id IN
               (SELECT line_set_id
                   FROM oe_order_lines_all
                   WHERE line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
                   AND header_id = p_oe_order_header_id)) ;
Line: 2748

         SELECT SUM(mtln.primary_quantity)
         FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt ,
              mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln
         WHERE mmt.trx_source_line_id IN
           (SELECT line_id
               FROM oe_order_lines_all
               WHERE line_set_id = l_line_set_id)
         AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 12
         AND mmt.transaction_action_id in (1,27)
         AND mmt.transaction_type_id in (15,36,37)
         AND mmt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
         AND mmt.organization_id = p_to_organization_id
         AND nvl(mtln.lot_number,-1) = nvl(p_lot_number,-1) --bug8786451,lot number missing when fetch the received qty
         AND mtln.TRANSACTION_ID = mmt.transaction_id;
Line: 2766

         SELECT SUM(mtln.primary_quantity)
            FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt ,
                 mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln
            WHERE mmt.trx_source_line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
            AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 12
            and mmt.transaction_action_id in (1,27)
            and mmt.transaction_type_id in (15,36,37)
            and mmt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
            and mmt.organization_id = p_to_organization_id
            and nvl(mtln.lot_number,-1) = nvl(p_lot_number,-1) --bug8786451,lot number missing when fetch the received qty
            and mtln.TRANSACTION_ID = mmt.transaction_id;
Line: 2786

         SELECT SUM(transaction_quantity)
            FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
            WHERE product_code = 'RCV'
               AND product_transaction_id = p_rti_id
               AND lot_number= p_lot_number;
Line: 2794

            FROM  oe_lot_serial_numbers
            WHERE (line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
                  OR line_set_id IN
                  (SELECT line_set_id
                     FROM oe_order_lines_all
                     WHERE line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
                     AND header_id = p_oe_order_header_id))
               AND lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 2880

       SELECT line_set_id
          INTO l_line_set_id
          FROM oe_order_lines_all
          WHERE line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
          AND header_id = p_oe_order_header_id;
Line: 2899

    SELECT unit_of_measure
       INTO l_rma_lot_unit_of_measure
       FROM oe_order_lines_all ,mtl_units_of_measure
       WHERE header_id = p_oe_order_header_id
       AND line_id = p_oe_order_line_id
       AND uom_code = order_quantity_uom;
Line: 2964

          INTO l_lot_recv_unit_of_measure
          FROM mtl_system_items_b
          WHERE INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_item_id
          AND organization_id = p_to_organization_id;
Line: 3277

    SELECT  lot_control_code,
       FROM  mtl_system_items
       WHERE  inventory_item_id =  p_inventory_item_id
       AND  organization_id   =  p_organization_id;