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Line 1744: from pay_contributing_payments

1740: and nvl(ppp.effective_date, pa2.effective_date)
1741: <= pa1.effective_date
1742: and not exists (
1743: select null
1744: from pay_contributing_payments
1745: where contributing_pre_payment_id =
1746: ppp.pre_payment_id
1747: )
1748: )

Line 1810: from pay_contributing_payments

1806: and nvl(ppp.effective_date, pa2.effective_date)
1807: <= pa1.effective_date
1808: and not exists (
1809: select null
1810: from pay_contributing_payments
1811: where contributing_pre_payment_id =
1812: ppp.pre_payment_id
1813: )
1814: )

Line 1922: pay_contributing_payments pcp

1918: pay_population_ranges pop,
1919: hr_organization_units hou,
1920: pay_pre_payments ppp,
1921: pay_org_payment_methods_f opm,
1922: pay_contributing_payments pcp
1923: where pa1.payroll_action_id = pactid
1924: and pa2.consolidation_set_id +0 = pa1.consolidation_set_id
1925: and pa2.effective_date between
1926: pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date

Line 1968: -- pay_contributing_payments

1964: --
1965: pay_proc_logging.PY_ENTRY('hr_nonrun_asact.procorgpyt');
1966: --
1967: -- Check if need to run this cursor - by looking for rows in
1968: -- pay_contributing_payments
1969: --
1970: if (g_contrib_payments_exist is null) then
1971: begin
1972: select 1

Line 1979: pay_contributing_payments pcp

1975: where pa1.payroll_action_id = pactid
1976: and exists
1977: (select 1
1978: from pay_payroll_actions pa2,
1979: pay_contributing_payments pcp
1980: where pa2.payroll_action_id = pcp.payroll_action_id
1981: and pa2.action_type = 'PRU'
1982: and pa2.business_group_id = pa1.business_group_id);