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Line 183: from pa_billing_extensions be, pa_billing_assignments bea -- , Commented for bug 3643409

179: bea.billing_extension_id be_id, bea.top_task_id task_id,
180: decode(be.amount_reqd_flag, 'Y', nvl(bea.amount, 0), 0) amt,
181: decode(be.percentage_reqd_flag, 'Y', nvl(bea.percentage, 0), 0)
182: percent
183: from pa_billing_extensions be, pa_billing_assignments bea -- , Commented for bug 3643409
184: -- pa_projects p Commented for bug 3643409
185: where -- p.project_id = x_project_id Commented for bug 3643409
186: -- and Commented for bug 3643409
187: to_date(x_rev_or_bill_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') between be.start_date_active and nvl(be.end_date_active,to_date(x_rev_or_bill_date,'YYYY/MM/DD')) --Added the condition for bug 8206153, added nvl for bug 8228460