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1 PACKAGE BODY gme_close_step_pvt AS
2 /* $Header: GMEVCLSB.pls 120.3 2006/05/15 05:30:31 svgonugu noship $ */
3    g_debug   VARCHAR2 (5) := fnd_profile.VALUE ('AFLOG_LEVEL');
5    /*======================================================================================
6    Procedure
7      close_step
8    Description
9      This particular procedure call close the batch steps.
10    Parameters
11      p_api_version         For version specific processing - Default 1
12      p_validation_level    Errors to skip before returning - Default 100
13      p_init_msg_list    Signals wether the message stack should be initialised
14      p_commit        Indicator to commit the changes made
15      p_batch_step_rec       The batch step row to identify the step.
16      x_message_count    The number of messages in the message stack
17      x_message_list     message stack where the api writes its messages
18      x_return_status    outcome of the API call
19                S - Success
20                E - Error
21                U - Unexpected error
22    ======================================================================================*/
23    PROCEDURE close_step (
24       p_batch_step_rec   IN              gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
25      ,p_delete_pending   IN              VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
26      ,x_batch_step_rec   OUT NOCOPY      gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE
27      ,x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
28    IS
29       /* Miscellaneous */
30       l_batch_header             gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
31       l_in_batch_header          gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE;
32       l_return_status            VARCHAR2 (1);
33       preceding_step_closed      VARCHAR2 (1)                          := 'Y';
34       l_pend_exists              BOOLEAN;
35       l_mat_row_count            NUMBER;
36       l_rsc_row_count            NUMBER;
37       l_phantom_ids              gme_common_pvt.number_tab;
38       l_material_ids             gme_common_pvt.number_tab;
39       l_tran_row                 gme_inventory_txns_gtmp%ROWTYPE;
40       l_default_row              gme_inventory_txns_gtmp%ROWTYPE;
41       /* Exception definations */
42       batch_step_fetch_error     EXCEPTION;
43       invalid_step_status        EXCEPTION;
44       close_phant_error          EXCEPTION;
45       invalid_batch_status       EXCEPTION;
46       batch_header_fetch_error   EXCEPTION;
47       step_status_closed         EXCEPTION;
48       dep_step_closed_error      EXCEPTION;
49       batch_step_upd_err         EXCEPTION;
50       gme_invalid_date_range     EXCEPTION;
51       invalid_batch_type         EXCEPTION;
52       pend_trans_err             EXCEPTION;
53       fetch_trans_err            EXCEPTION;
54       trans_delete_err           EXCEPTION;
55       trans_update_err           EXCEPTION;
57       /* This cursor fetches all the steps on which the given step
58          is dependent  */
59       CURSOR cur_dep_steps
60       IS
61          SELECT d.dep_step_id, s.step_status
62            FROM gme_batch_step_dependencies d, gme_batch_steps s
63           WHERE d.batchstep_id = p_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id
64             AND s.batchstep_id = d.dep_step_id;
66       CURSOR cur_material_ids (v_batchstep_id IN NUMBER)
67       IS
68          SELECT m.material_detail_id
69            FROM gme_material_details m, gme_batch_step_items i
70           WHERE m.material_detail_id = i.material_detail_id
71             AND i.batchstep_id = v_batchstep_id;
73       l_dep_steps_rec            cur_dep_steps%ROWTYPE;
74       --Bug#5109119
75       error_close_period         EXCEPTION;
76    BEGIN
77       /* Set the return status to success initially */
78       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
80       /* Initialize output batch step */
81       IF NOT (gme_batch_steps_dbl.fetch_row (p_batch_step_rec
82                                             ,x_batch_step_rec) ) THEN
83          RAISE batch_step_fetch_error;
84       END IF;
86       l_batch_header.batch_id := x_batch_step_rec.batch_id;
88       /* Initialize local batch header */
89       IF NOT (gme_batch_header_dbl.fetch_row (l_batch_header, l_batch_header) ) THEN
90          RAISE batch_header_fetch_error;
91       END IF;
93       IF (NVL (g_debug, -1) = gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
94          gme_debug.put_line (   'Closing step '
95                              || l_batch_header.batch_no
96                              || '/'
97                              || x_batch_step_rec.batchstep_no
98                              || ' at '
99                              || TO_CHAR (p_batch_step_rec.step_close_date
100                                         ,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
101       END IF;
103       /* Check that its a batch and not FPO */
104       IF l_batch_header.batch_type = 10 THEN
105          RAISE invalid_batch_type;
106       END IF;
108       /* Batch must be at least wip to close a batch step */
109       IF l_batch_header.batch_status = 1 THEN
110          RAISE invalid_batch_status;
111       END IF;
113       /* Return if step status is already closed */
114       /* This is not failure but the status will be return with success */
115       IF x_batch_step_rec.step_status = 4 THEN
116          RAISE step_status_closed;
117       /*   Current step status must be certified to close step */
118       ELSIF x_batch_step_rec.step_status <> 3 THEN
119          RAISE invalid_step_status;
120       END IF;
122       IF l_batch_header.batch_status = 4 THEN
123          x_batch_step_rec.step_status := 4;
124       ELSE
125          -- coded add for closing the dependent steps only if ASQC is on
126          /* Bharati Satpute Bug2395188, Added check for the enforce step dependency*/
127          IF    l_batch_header.automatic_step_calculation = 1
128             OR l_batch_header.enforce_step_dependency = 1 THEN
129             OPEN cur_dep_steps;
131             FETCH cur_dep_steps
132              INTO l_dep_steps_rec;
134             WHILE cur_dep_steps%FOUND LOOP
135                IF l_dep_steps_rec.step_status <> 4 THEN
136                   CLOSE cur_dep_steps;
138                   RAISE dep_step_closed_error;
139                END IF;
141                /* Bug 2395188 with hanging of close step API fixed */
142                FETCH cur_dep_steps
143                 INTO l_dep_steps_rec;
144             END LOOP;
146             CLOSE cur_dep_steps;
147          END IF;
149          /*  Update the Batch Step Status to Close */
150          x_batch_step_rec.step_status := 4;
151       END IF;
153       /* If a valid step_close_date is supplied by user, use it */
154       IF p_batch_step_rec.step_close_date IS NOT NULL THEN
155          /* Validate Date  */
156          IF p_batch_step_rec.step_close_date >=
157                                            p_batch_step_rec.actual_cmplt_date THEN
158             x_batch_step_rec.step_close_date :=
159                                              p_batch_step_rec.step_close_date;
160          ELSE
161             gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_INVALID_DATE_RANGE'
162                                        ,'DATE1'
163                                        ,'Close Date'
164                                        ,'DATE2'
165                                        ,'Completion Date');
166             RAISE gme_invalid_date_range;
167          END IF;                                 /* >= step completion date */
168 	 x_batch_step_rec.step_close_date := p_batch_step_rec.step_close_date;
169       ELSE
170          x_batch_step_rec.step_close_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
171       END IF;                                /* step close date is not null */
173       --Bug#5109119 check for close period
174       IF NOT gme_common_pvt.check_close_period(p_org_id     => l_batch_header.organization_id
175                                               ,p_trans_date => x_batch_step_rec.step_close_date) THEN
176         RAISE error_close_period;
177       END IF;
179       /* Update the batch step to the database */
181       IF NOT (gme_batch_steps_dbl.update_row (x_batch_step_rec) ) THEN
182          RAISE batch_step_upd_err;
183       END IF;
185       x_batch_step_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
186       x_batch_step_rec.last_updated_by := gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident;
187       x_batch_step_rec.last_update_login := gme_common_pvt.g_login_id;
189       /* For any ingredient lines attached with the step we have to */
190       /* close any phantom batches associated with it               */
191       /* We need to do this only if close step is
192          called standalone. If this procedure is called from
193          close batch, then all the phantom batches are already closed */
194       IF l_batch_header.batch_status <> 4 THEN
195          gme_phantom_pvt.fetch_step_phantoms
196                             (p_batch_id                    => x_batch_step_rec.batch_id
197                             ,p_batchstep_id                => x_batch_step_rec.batchstep_id
198                             ,p_all_release_type_assoc      => 0
199                             ,x_phantom_ids                 => l_phantom_ids
200                             ,x_return_status               => l_return_status);
202          IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
203             RAISE close_phant_error;
204          END IF;
206          FOR i IN 1 .. l_phantom_ids.COUNT LOOP
207             l_batch_header.batch_id := l_phantom_ids (i);
208             l_batch_header.batch_close_date :=
209                                              x_batch_step_rec.step_close_date;
210             l_in_batch_header := l_batch_header;
211             gme_close_batch_pvt.close_batch
212                                     (p_batch_header_rec      => l_in_batch_header
213                                     ,x_batch_header_rec      => l_batch_header
214                                     ,x_return_status         => l_return_status);
216             IF l_return_status <> x_return_status THEN
217                RAISE close_phant_error;
218             END IF;
219          END LOOP;
220       END IF;                           /* l_batch_header.batch_status <> 4 */
222       WHEN batch_step_fetch_error OR batch_header_fetch_error OR error_close_period THEN
223          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
224       WHEN invalid_batch_status THEN
225          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
226          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_INV_BATCH_CLOSE_STEP');
227       WHEN invalid_batch_type THEN
228          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
229          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('INVALID_BATCH_TYPE_CLS_STEP');
230       WHEN step_status_closed THEN
231          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
232          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_CLOSE_STEP_STATUS');
233       WHEN invalid_step_status THEN
234          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
235          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_INV_STAT_STEP_CLS');
236       WHEN dep_step_closed_error THEN
237          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
238          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_DEP_STEP_N_CLS');
239       WHEN batch_step_upd_err THEN
240          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_STEP_UPD_ERROR');
241       WHEN gme_invalid_date_range THEN
242          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
243       WHEN close_phant_error OR trans_update_err OR trans_delete_err OR fetch_trans_err THEN
244          x_return_status := l_return_status;
245       WHEN pend_trans_err THEN
246          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
247          gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_PENDING_TRANS_ERROR');
249          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
250          fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg ('GME_API_CLOSE_STEP', 'CLOSE_STEP');
251    END close_step;
252 END gme_close_step_pvt;