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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

    select user_id
      from fnd_user
     where user_name = p_user_name;
Line: 128

    select entity_type, entity_key_value, flavor, change_date
           , to_char(change_date, fnd_oid_util.G_YYYYMMDDHH24MISS) change_date_in_char
      from wf_entity_changes
     where entity_id is null
       and change_date <= sysdate
     order by change_date
       for update of entity_id;
Line: 163

  select wf_entity_changes_s.nextval
    into p_entity_changes_rec.entity_id
    from dual;
Line: 167

  update wf_entity_changes
     set entity_id = p_entity_changes_rec.entity_id
   where current of cur_entity_changes;
Line: 214

    select attribute_name
           , attribute_value
           , decode(attribute_value, '*NULL*', 1, 2) attr_mod_op
      from wf_attribute_cache
     where entity_type = p_entity_type
       and entity_key_value = p_entity_key_value
       and attribute_name <> fnd_oid_util.G_CACHE_CHANGED;
Line: 222

   select user_guid
    from fnd_user
   where user_name = p_entity_key_value;
Line: 894

  elsif (p_entity_changes_rec.entity_type = wf_oid.SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE)
    p_event := ldap_event(
        event_type  => wf_oid.SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE
      , event_id    => to_char(p_entity_changes_rec.entity_id)
      , event_src   => fnd_oid_util.G_EBIZ
      , event_time  => p_entity_changes_rec.change_date_in_char
      , object_name => null
      , object_type => p_entity_changes_rec.flavor
      , object_guid => p_ldap_key.orclGUID
      , object_dn   => null
      , profile_id  => fnd_oid_util.G_NOT_FOR_IMPORT
      , attr_list   => null);