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Line 12623: * this can be defined at the project level. PA_COST_DIST_OVERRIDES stores configurations defined

12619: print_msg('RevOvrCur['||l_revenue_override_currency||']gRaBlCurCode['||g_ra_bl_txn_currency_code||']TxnCur['||l_txn_currency_code||']');
12620: */
12622: /* Bug fix: 3861970 For people resource class, the organization override must be considered
12623: * this can be defined at the project level. PA_COST_DIST_OVERRIDES stores configurations defined
12624: * at the project level that redirect specific costs and revenue to another organization. You can define a
12625: * cost distribution override to redirect the costs and revenues generated by a specific employee or by all
12626: * employees assigned to a specified organization. You can optionally redirect only certain costs and
12627: * revenues by specifying an expenditure category.

Line 12637: pa_cost.Override_exp_organization

12633: * If z.resource_class_code = 'PEOPLE' Then
12634: */
12635: IF l_override_organization_id is NULL Then
12636: l_stage := 699.1;
12637: pa_cost.Override_exp_organization
12638: (P_item_date => z.start_date
12639: ,P_person_id => z.person_id
12640: ,P_project_id => p_project_id
12641: ,P_incurred_by_organz_id => z.organization_id

Line 12648: --print_msg(l_stage||'Return status of pa_cost.Override_exp_organization retSts['||l_return_status||']');

12644: ,X_return_status => l_return_status
12645: ,X_msg_count => x_msg_count
12646: ,X_msg_data => x_msg_data
12647: );
12648: --print_msg(l_stage||'Return status of pa_cost.Override_exp_organization retSts['||l_return_status||']');
12649: End If;
12650: /* End of bug fix: 4232181 End If; */
12651: /* End of bug fix: 3861970 */