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Line 663: -- Standard Start of API savepoint

659: --Added for storing local variables to pass to Table Handler- Prakash 26-Dec-2001
660: l_row_id VARCHAR2(30);
661: --End of addition: Prakash 26-dec-2001
662: BEGIN
663: -- Standard Start of API savepoint
664: SAVEPOINT create_revision;
665: -- Check if API is called in debug mode. If yes, enable debug.
667: AHL_DEBUG_PUB.enable_debug;

Line 677: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.

673: AHL_DEBUG_PUB.debug( 'enter ahl_di_doc_revision_pvt.Create Revision','+REV+');
675: END IF;
676: END IF;
677: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
678: IF FND_API.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list)
679: THEN
680: FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
681: END IF;

Line 721: -- Standard call to get message count and if count is get message info.

717: p_issue_number => p_x_revision_tbl(i).issue_number,
718: p_delete_flag => p_x_revision_tbl(i).delete_flag
719: );
720: END LOOP;
721: -- Standard call to get message count and if count is get message info.
722: l_msg_count := FND_MSG_PUB.count_msg;
725: IF l_msg_count > 0 THEN

Line 938: -- Standard check of p_commit.

934: END IF;
935: END IF;
936: END LOOP;
937: END IF;
938: -- Standard check of p_commit.
940: COMMIT;
941: END IF;
942: -- Debug info

Line 1102: -- Standard Start of API savepoint

1099: l_revision_info get_doc_revisions_b_rec_info%ROWTYPE;
1100: --
1101: BEGIN
1102: -- Standard Start of API savepoint
1103: SAVEPOINT modify_revision;
1104: -- Check if API is called in debug mode. If yes, enable debug.
1106: AHL_DEBUG_PUB.enable_debug;

Line 1116: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.

1112: AHL_DEBUG_PUB.debug( 'enter ahl_di_doc_revision_pvt.Modify Revision','+REV+');
1114: END IF;
1115: END IF;
1116: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
1117: IF FND_API.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list)
1118: THEN
1119: FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
1120: END IF;

Line 1161: -- Standard call to get message count

1157: p_delete_flag => p_x_revision_tbl(i).delete_flag
1158: );
1159: END LOOP;
1160: --End of Validations
1161: -- Standard call to get message count
1162: l_msg_count := FND_MSG_PUB.count_msg;
1163: IF l_msg_count > 0 THEN
1164: X_msg_count := l_msg_count;
1165: X_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;

Line 1408: -- Standard check of p_commit.

1404: );
1405: END IF;
1406: END LOOP;
1407: END IF;
1408: -- Standard check of p_commit.
1409: IF FND_API.TO_BOOLEAN(p_commit) THEN
1410: COMMIT;
1411: END IF;
1412: -- Debug info

Line 1514: -- Standard Start of API savepoint

1510: l_object_version_number NUMBER;
1511: l_effective_date DATE;
1512: l_obsolete_date DATE;
1513: BEGIN
1514: -- Standard Start of API savepoint
1515: SAVEPOINT delete_revision;
1516: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
1517: IF FND_API.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list)
1518: THEN

Line 1516: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.

1512: l_obsolete_date DATE;
1513: BEGIN
1514: -- Standard Start of API savepoint
1515: SAVEPOINT delete_revision;
1516: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
1517: IF FND_API.to_boolean(p_init_msg_list)
1518: THEN
1519: FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
1520: END IF;

Line 1570: -- Standard check of p_commit.

1566: SET OBSOLETE_DATE = p_x_revision_tbl(i).obsolete_date
1567: WHERE ROWID = l_rowid;
1568: END LOOP;
1569: END IF;
1570: -- Standard check of p_commit.
1571: IF FND_API.TO_BOOLEAN(p_commit) THEN
1572: COMMIT;
1573: END IF;