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Line 72: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

68: , Nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
69: , 0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
70: , pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
71: FROM
72: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
73: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
74: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
75: -- po_headers ph,
76: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,

Line 137: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

133: , v_organization_id NUMBER)
134: IS
136: FROM
137: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
138: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
139: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
140: -- po_headers ph,
141: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,

Line 215: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

211: , Nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
212: , 0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
213: , pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
214: FROM
215: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
216: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
217: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
218: -- po_headers ph,
219: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,

Line 285: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

281: , v_organization_id NUMBER)
282: IS
284: FROM
285: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
286: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
287: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
288: -- po_headers ph,
289: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,

Line 367: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

363: , Nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
364: , 0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
365: , pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
366: FROM
367: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
368: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
369: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
370: -- po_headers ph,
371: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,

Line 432: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

428: , v_organization_id NUMBER)
429: IS
431: FROM
432: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
433: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
434: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
435: -- po_headers ph,
436: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,

Line 510: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

506: , Nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
507: , 0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
508: , pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
509: FROM
510: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
511: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
512: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
513: -- po_headers ph,
514: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,

Line 580: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

576: , v_organization_id NUMBER)
577: IS
579: FROM
580: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
581: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
582: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
583: -- po_headers ph,
584: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,

Line 662: from po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

658: , pll.ship_to_location_id
659: , nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
660: , 0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
661: , pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
662: from po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
663: po_lines_trx_v pl -- CLM project, bug 9403291
664: -- For Bug 7440217
665: , mtl_parameters mp,
666: rcv_parameters rp

Line 736: from po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

732: , v_organization_id NUMBER)
734: IS
736: from po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
737: po_lines_trx_v pl -- CLM project, bug 9403291
738: -- For Bug 7440217
739: , mtl_parameters mp,
740: rcv_parameters rp

Line 819: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

815: ,nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
816: ,0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
817: ,pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
818: from po_distributions_trx_v pod, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
819: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
820: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
821: po_headers_trx_v ph -- CLM project, bug 9403291
822: where ph.po_header_id = header_id
823: and pod.po_header_id = header_id

Line 874: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

870: , v_task_id NUMBER
871: , v_organization_id NUMBER) is
872: select count(*)
873: from po_distributions_trx_v pod, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
874: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
875: po_lines_trx_v pl -- CLM project, bug 9403291
876: where pll.po_header_id = header_id
877: AND pod.po_line_id = Nvl(v_po_line_id, pod.po_line_id)
878: AND pod.line_location_id = Nvl(v_po_line_location_id, pod.line_location_id)

Line 947: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

943: ,nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
944: ,rs.rcv_transaction_id
945: ,rs.item_revision
946: from po_distributions_trx_v pod, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
947: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
948: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
949: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
950: -- po_headers ph,
951: rcv_supply rs,

Line 1047: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

1043: ,v_parent_txn_id_to_match NUMBER
1044: , v_organization_id NUMBER) IS
1045: SELECT count(*)
1046: FROM po_distributions_trx_v pod, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1047: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1048: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1049: -- Bug 3444226 The Join with po_headers is unnecessary
1050: -- po_headers ph,
1051: rcv_supply rs,

Line 1158: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

1154: ,nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
1155: ,rs.rcv_transaction_id
1156: ,rs.item_revision
1157: from po_distributions_trx_v pod, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1158: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1159: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1160: rcv_supply rs,
1161: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
1162: rcv_transactions rt

Line 1245: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291

1241: ,v_parent_txn_id_to_match NUMBER
1242: , v_organization_id NUMBER) IS
1243: SELECT count(*)
1244: FROM po_distributions_trx_v pod, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1245: po_line_locations_trx_v pll, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1246: po_lines_trx_v pl, -- CLM project, bug 9403291
1247: rcv_supply rs,
1248: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
1249: rcv_transactions rt

Line 1335: x_qty_rcv_exception_code po_line_locations.qty_rcv_exception_code%type;

1331: x_first_trans boolean := TRUE;
1332: x_sysdate DATE := sysdate;
1333: current_n binary_integer := 0;
1334: insert_into_table boolean := FALSE;
1335: x_qty_rcv_exception_code po_line_locations.qty_rcv_exception_code%type;
1336: tax_amount_factor number;
1337: lastrecord boolean := FALSE;
1338: -- Bug# 5739706
1339: l_date_reject boolean := FALSE;

Line 2259: from po_line_locations_all

2255: IF x_qty_rcv_exception_code IN ('REJECT','WARNING') then
2256: BEGIN
2257: select quantity, nvl(qty_rcv_tolerance,0)
2258: into l_poll_qty, l_poll_tolerance_pct
2259: from po_line_locations_all
2260: where line_location_id = temp_cascaded_table(current_n).po_line_location_id ;
2262: when others then
2263: NULL;