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Line 282: CURSOR C1 is Select FA_ASSET_HIERARCHY_S.nextval from sys.dual;

278: is
279: cursor C is select ROWID from FA_ASSET_HIERARCHY
280: where asset_hierarchy_id = X_asset_hierarchy_id ;
282: CURSOR C1 is Select FA_ASSET_HIERARCHY_S.nextval from sys.dual;
283: l_name FA_ASSET_HIERARCHY.name%TYPE;
284: begin
285: if X_asset_hierarchy_id is null then
286: open C1;

Line 380: Cursor C is select FA_HIERARCHY_DIST_SET_S.nextval from dual;

376: ,x_err_code in out nocopy varchar2
377: ,x_err_stage in out nocopy varchar2
378: ,x_err_stack in out nocopy varchar2, p_log_level_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
379: is
380: Cursor C is select FA_HIERARCHY_DIST_SET_S.nextval from dual;
381: Cursor C_CofA_id is select accounting_flex_structure
382: from fa_book_controls
383: where book_type_code = x_book_type_code;
384: l_CofA_id number;

Line 486: select 1 into dummy from dual

482: return boolean
483: is
484: dummy number;
485: begin
486: select 1 into dummy from dual
487: where exists(select 1 from fa_categories
488: where category_id = x_catg_id
489: and category_type = 'NON-LEASE');
490: return(TRUE);

Line 1810: from dual

1806: is
1807: dummy number;
1808: Begin
1809: select 1 into dummy
1810: from dual
1811: where exists (Select 1 from fa_asset_hierarchy
1812: where parent_hierarchy_id = x_asset_hierarchy_id
1813: and nvl(asset_id,0) <> 0);
1814: return (TRUE);

Line 1825: select 1 into dummy from dual

1821: return BOOLEAN
1822: is
1823: dummy number;
1824: begin
1825: select 1 into dummy from dual
1826: where exists(select 1 from fa_asset_hierarchy
1827: where parent_hierarchy_id = x_asset_hierarchy_id);
1828: return(TRUE);
1829: Exception

Line 1839: select 1 into dummy from dual

1835: Function is_assets_attached_node(x_node_id in number, p_log_level_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return boolean
1836: is
1837: dummy number;
1838: Begin
1839: select 1 into dummy from dual
1840: where exists ( select asset_hierarchy_id
1841: from fa_asset_hierarchy
1842: where nvl(asset_id,0) <> 0
1843: start with asset_hierarchy_id = x_node_id