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Line 6: p_out_container OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_containers_tbl ,

2: /* $Header: wshopsmbes.pls 120.2 2011/02/16 18:49:34 skaradib noship $ */
3: PROCEDURE get_asn_data ( p_delivery_id IN NUMBER ,
4: p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER ,
5: p_out_delivery OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_delivery_tbl ,
6: p_out_container OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_containers_tbl ,
7: p_out_items OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_items_tbl ,
8: p_out_itemdetails OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_itemdetails_tbl ,
9: p_out_itemgenealogy OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_itemgenealogy_tbl,
10: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,

Line 17: -- p_out_container - It is wsh_opsm_asn_containers_tbl Type

13: --
14: -- Procedure: get_asn_data
15: -- Parameters: p_delivery_id - DELIVERY_ID
16: -- p_out_delivery- It is wsh_opsm_asn_delivery_tbl Type
17: -- p_out_container - It is wsh_opsm_asn_containers_tbl Type
18: -- p_out_items-It is wsh_opsm_asn_items_tbl Type
19: -- p_out_itemdetails - It is wsh_opsm_asn_itemdetails_tbl Type
20: -- p_out_itemgenealogy - It is wsh_opsm_asn_itemgenealogy_tbl Type
21: -- x_return_status-return status of the API

Line 35: p_out_container OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_containers_tbl ,

31: --
32: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33: PROCEDURE get_asn_data ( p_delivery_id IN NUMBER ,
34: p_out_delivery OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_delivery_tbl ,
35: p_out_container OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_containers_tbl ,
36: p_out_items OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_items_tbl ,
37: p_out_itemdetails OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_itemdetails_tbl ,
38: p_out_itemgenealogy OUT NOCOPY wsh_opsm_asn_itemgenealogy_tbl,
39: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,